Late Tang

Chapter 116 The New Subordinate Mo Dao General Qiu Shengong

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Whoa, whoa, whoa, what the hell is going on?The more Li Jing listened, the more confused he became, and the more he listened, the more depressed and angry he became.

How the hell does this kind of thing still exist in this world? How could this good guy like Lao Hei speak out full of tears?These experiences are too legendary, too tortuous, and too sad.How can a person be so unlucky?Once a dignified jumping soldier, Mo Dao Shou, and later a bloody warrior in southern Xinjiang, a brave general.How could such a person be reduced to a young man on the frontier, and he was dressed in such rags, and he had to come to this wharf to work as a coolie, and he still brought his parents and father with him? Mother, wife and children to do coolie together?

As Lao Hei's new boss, Li Jing felt very responsible.Although he had just met his subordinate, he still felt responsible.

"Old Hei, what's your name?"

"Qiu Shengong, just call me Lao Hei." Lao Hei seemed to have passed even the most difficult days these years, so he seemed relatively calm.

Li Jing pulled Lao He up and said loudly: "Chief Qiu, call you and your brothers and family members over immediately, and you don't need to unload the goods."

Old Hei's face changed slightly, and he let out an ah.His face was full of surprise and a hint of sadness.If it hadn't been a last resort, he wouldn't have offered half the price of others today.Since he was demoted to Samana garrison and became the team leader, the chief and deputy garrison leaders of this Samana garrison have been changed one after another, and the new garrison leader is also a guy who was demoted from Daxie Village just like him.But that guy is a civil servant, and he just doesn't care about anything after he comes down. He drinks all day long, from morning to night, and from nightfall to dawn. There are twelve months in a year, and there are 30 days in a month. I have never seen him leave the wine gourd.

The new deputy garrison master, Feng Ming, is simply the nephew of Feng Zhang, the military envoy of Daxie Village. All those who disagreed were kicked to his fellow.From then on, all the dirty work and hard work belonged to them.However, some errands that are filial to foreign waters, such as setting up sentries to inspect goods and collect taxes, have nothing to do with them since then.

Feng Ming and the other group had a good time, but Qiu Shengong and his group got worse and worse, and usually barely got enough to eat, but the family who accompanied them couldn't eat enough or wear warm clothes at all. .All rely on those women and children to wash clothes and do some chores to make a little money.Qiu Shengong and the others usually tried to find some way to make up for it after being on duty. They had been in arrears for food and salaries for a long time a year ago, but in the end they were in arrears again. .Two of Qiu Shengong's brothers went to find Feng Ming for a theory, but they were severely injured instead.Although Qiu Shengong arrived in time and beat up Feng Ming's gang, the money and food were still not received in the end. On the contrary, the two injured brothers urgently needed a sum of money for soup and medicine.

In order to cure those two brothers, Qiu Shengong and a group of brothers under him pawned all the valuable property of the family to barely save them.However, more than a dozen families and dozens of couples couldn't solve the problem. Just after the new year, Qiu Shengong simply stopped being on duty at the garrison, and went directly to the pier to get work every day.

Even if they are willing to work hard and ask for less money, there are not many jobs during the New Year's Eve. A dozen or so families are half-starved every day. Today, they managed to grab a job and still get a stone of rice for their wages. Such a good thing, how can it be gone now?Could it be because of the words I said just now?Could it be that this merchant is afraid of offending the Feng family?

"Don't, boss, please, our dozens of people haven't eaten today, so you can let us help you finish this job. Or, why don't we charge less wages, don't pay a stone It's enough rice, you can give me a hundred catties, will it work?" Hei Laoqiu's face suddenly wrinkled into old tree bark, his eyes were full of pleading, and there was a wave of anger and unyielding that he tried his best to suppress.

Seeing this man being forced to this point, Li Jing felt a sharp pain in his heart, and quickly stretched out his hand to help him up.Li Jing stretched out his hand to help him wipe the dust off the tattered robe. Qiu Shengong is a man, he has good skills all over, but he has been enduring humiliation, not because he is cowardly, but because of his greatness.If he is the kind of person who kills his opponent in a fit of anger and only cares about the pleasure of enmity, Li Jing may praise him, but he will not admire him.Because that would be a happy enmity, but what about his family, wife, children, and parents?

Now he has been bearing the burden of humiliation, because he knows the responsibility on his shoulders.The most admirable man is a man who is responsible and shoulders heavy responsibilities.

"Today I also called you old black, you misunderstood. Although your first half of life was full of misfortunes, there will be times when the clouds will open and you will see the bright moon. Today, let me tell you that you have finally made it to this day. I just listened to your words and saw your performance. Although I haven't been in contact with you for a long time, I can also see that you are a responsible and responsible tough man, a real man. I don't care what the reason is for you in the past. Relegation and relegation, but now that you have become my subordinate, Li Jing, then I will tell you that I am optimistic about you and will reuse you. Now, call you and your brothers and family members over, we Now go and have a good meal."

"You, you are the newly appointed general of Shamen Township?" Qiu Shengong was a little overwhelmed for a while, his face full of shock.He has been demoted again and again in these years, but the real reason is that the team member who was injured in the competition was a direct descendant of the Wang family.The Wang family is not an ordinary Wang family, it is the Wang family, the fourth largest noble family in Qingzhou who has always controlled the Ya army.At the beginning, the Wang family demoted him to the southern border, but after several years of bloody battles, not only did he not die, but he made many military exploits and was promoted to the top general.Once back in Qingzhou, the Wang family still couldn't let him go, and drove him to Dengzhou, where he was demoted again and again until now.

Once upon a time, he had the idea of ​​killing people in a fit of anger, but the world is so big, he has parents, wife and children, all the people, young and old, where can he go?

"General, my nephew who once slandered Wang Jingwu Yajiang of Qingzhou in a martial arts competition, he still refuses to let me go." For some reason, Lao Hei suddenly said this painful thing that has been engraved in his heart. At that moment, he I just feel that the young new boss in front of him has such a friendly smile and friendly eyes, from which he can see the trust between his comrades on the southern border battlefield.He suddenly felt that if he didn't say this, he would be sorry for his trust.

Li Jing was slightly taken aback, thinking that there was a reason for Lao Hei's countless inexplicable demotions.No wonder he was demoted when he was in Qingzhou, and he was still demoted when he arrived in Daxie Village. It turned out that everything was the fault of the Wang family.And the Feng family has always been close to the Wang family, so it's not surprising that Lao Hei was named Zhang Zhang and Ming Zheng.

Qiu Shengong saw Li Jing stunned, but his heart trembled.Could it be?

Seeing that Lao Hei's face was getting gloomy, Li Jing patted him heavily on the shoulder, and said with a big smile, "What are you thinking? How? Now that you have become my subordinate, no matter who wants to embarrass you in the future, he must first ask me whether Li Jing agrees. Then I might as well tell you that others are afraid of him, Wang Jingwu, but in my eyes, our Samana The town is under the control of Song Jieshuai, the envoy of Ziqingping Lu Jiedu. Hurry up and call your people, and throw the goods here first, anyway, they won’t grow wings and fly away for a while. After a while, I have to Listen to you and tell me about this Shamen town."

Tears welled up in Qiu Shengong's eyes when he was moved by Li Jing's words. No matter how hard he had suffered, no matter how many sins he had suffered, but he had always gritted his teeth and persevered. Wept bitterly like a little girl.The crying caused all the men and women who moved the goods to rush over at once, thinking that some accident had happened.

Seeing this, Qiu Shengong wanted to hold back his tears, but even though the crying stopped, the tears couldn't be stopped no matter what.While wiping his eyes desperately with his sleeves in hand, he waved to them and said, "It's okay, it's okay, we finally got a good guy. We'll have something to eat in the future, so we don't have to be so angry. Everyone, come and see the general, he It is Li Jing, the new general on our island!'

A group of men, women and children all knelt down in front of Li Jing, which made Li Jing's heart fluctuate.

At that moment, led by Qiu Shengong, the five of Li Jing were surrounded by dozens of people and walked straight into the largest restaurant on the pier.With a wave of his hand, Li Jing directly booked this restaurant that hadn't opened yet.

"Guys, cook and serve right away. For a table of eight, all the meat and vegetables will be served."

"General, you don't need to be so wasteful, just get some pancakes and a bowl of soup." Old Hei said to Li Jing worriedly seeing Liu Shouqian's way of ordering food without taking money as money at all.Li Jing smiled: "Old Hei, don't worry about this. Although I still have some debts outside, I can treat you to a good meal, but it is nothing at all. Just eat, eat After drinking it well, I have to take you around the island first."

Qiu Shengong felt relieved at this moment, but in a blink of an eye he said worriedly: "How come there are only a few generals here? Didn't I hear that after the Shamen Shu was promoted to Zhongzhen, the number of soldiers increased to [-]? I also heard that the new The new town general will recruit more troops. Could it be that the general has not recruited troops? If so, then he knows a lot of trustworthy people in the vicinity, so maybe he can find a way to recruit a group first. Not much, it’s better than going it alone.”

He has a deep understanding of the power of the Feng family's uncle and nephew in Daxie Village, and he is afraid that Li Jing will come rashly and be tricked by Feng Zhang.Although he has just met this new boss, Lao Hei has already identified this young boss in his heart, and he has put his wealth and life in his heart.

"Hahaha!" Li Jing laughed loudly, "Of course it's impossible to do it alone. To tell you the truth, this general came back with a huge ship and thousands of troops."

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