Late Tang

Chapter 141 Turn the tide!

Seeing that a fierce battle was about to begin, according to the current situation, the pirates were so fierce, and with their powerful crossbows to help them out, Li Jing probably couldn't resist for long.While waving his sword to block the flying arrows, Li Jing frequently looked to the west outside the city, looking forward to the arrival of Lin Wei and other reinforcements.If Lin Wei didn't arrive, he really didn't want to recruit Liu Shouqian and Wang Chengzong right now.Telling them to come out now will not have the desired effect at all, so it is better to continue to grit your teeth and hold on for a while.

"Steady the formation!" The formation in the middle is okay, it's all soldiers, and there are more than 100 square iron shields of strange soldiers blocking it. No matter how powerful the crossbow arrows of the pirates are, they can't break through the large square shields that are as tall as half a person.But the situation of the two wings is not optimistic. The two wings are originally composed of logistics soldiers.But now dozens of steps away, being crushed by the pirate's crossbow arrows, soldiers fell one after another, but they were powerless to fight back.Moreover, they have to stick to Li Jing's orders and stay where they are, which is a great test for these people.

Especially when the logistics soldiers were next to a group of teenagers and old people who had just been issued weapons, the result was even worse.Facing the companions who suddenly fell beside them, those teenagers couldn't stand it anymore.A few timid ones even cried out in fear, some leaned over to vomit, and some turned their heads back. The scene was so chaotic that the logistics soldiers also began to shake their hearts.

"Whoever dares to take half a step back will be killed!" Li Xigou, the head of the gendarmerie who supervised the battle, with a dark face, raised a horizontal knife and kicked down four or five teenagers trying to escape in a row, with blue veins on his face and anger roared.If Li Jing hadn't told him about the responsibilities of the gendarmerie several times, he would have wanted to rush to the front with a knife and fight the pirates, instead of staying behind to deal with these cowards.

Li Jing was also anxious, if this went on, he would collapse without hitting his own people.

Something has to be done to boost morale, otherwise we won't be able to wait for Lin Wei to come back.Li Jing stepped forward with his sword and shouted: "Spearman, raise your spear!"

All the spearmen responded loudly, "Kill!"

"Spearmen, advance!"

"Kill, kill, kill!" There was no hesitation, no confusion, no fear, the action engraved in the spearman's heart, he did it like a conditioned reflex.Forward, bayonet!

Hundreds of neat and loud roars sounded, and the morale that had been sluggish and panicked was immediately lifted.

"Go forward, kill!" Li Jing took the lead and rushed forward with a spear first. Passive defense was not enough, so he had to fight back to boost morale.The spearmen rushed forward, but this time, what they encountered was not the situation just now.This time the pirates got through the passage, and the remaining 700 pirates rushed forward, completely outnumbering the town soldiers.Moreover, they are experienced in combat, and at this time they also formed battle groups one by one to charge forward. "Throw the gun!" Seeing that the two armies were about to collide, a loud roar came from the Pirate Formation.Then all the pirates who were charging suddenly paused, and the next moment, those pirates took off a javelin from their backs, raised their arms vigorously, and hundreds of javelins roared towards them.

Li Jing was shocked, never thought that the pirate would have such a hand. "Raise the shield!"

One or two hundred shields were hurriedly raised in the array, but in the face of the roaring cloud of javelins, the effect was not much.The advancing spearmen kept screaming. One after another, the spearmen were pierced by three-foot-long javelins, and some were even directly nailed to the ground. They were still alive and screaming again and again.Li Jing's heart was bleeding, but he could only bite the bullet and continue to shout and charge forward. If he retreated at this time, it would be a real defeat and it would be irreparable.

The two armies finally approached, spears, horizontal knives, battle axes, clubs, all kinds of weapons were intertwined together.The phalanx of the spearmen also showed their lack of training. The formation was quickly approached by the pirates holding shields and forming small battle groups, and was forced into a melee.

As soon as the battle started, the situation was completely against the town soldiers.The shortcomings of the lack of training and poor equipment of the soldiers of Salmonella all showed up.Especially for those logistics soldiers whose training time is too short, they can only use the phalanx of spears. Once this tactic is broken, they will be completely out of order when they fall into the melee. fall down.

Lost, lost, Li Jing pierced through two pirates with a spear and strung them together, then drew out his long sword and chopped off the head of a pirate who came up.In a hurry, he looked around, and found that his formation was completely broken, and now it was being divided by pirates.He could see that it wouldn't be long before the poorly trained spearmen would be defeated first, and then his surprise soldiers and sword and shield soldiers would be unable to support them alone.

What about Lin Wei, why hasn't he shown up yet?

Can't wait any longer, Li Jing realized that the spearmen on the left had been completely knocked down, and knew that he couldn't wait any longer.The only one who can save the situation right now is Lin Wei, but he is still missing.Only Liu Shouqian and the others were used in advance, and now he doesn't care about the plan of encirclement on three sides. All Li Jing can think about is to rescue them first and not to be defeated.

Li Jing yelled to the two servants who were following him: "Quickly release the rocket and send a signal!"

Three rockets suddenly shot into the dark sky, so eye-catching.This was a special signal agreed with Liu Shouqian and the others. If Li Jing couldn't resist and fired three rockets into the air, Liu Shouqian must immediately lead four hundred auxiliary soldiers and two teams of servants to fight out.

Liu Shouqian and Zhang Chengzong had already seen the situation on the battlefield, but without Li Jing's order, no matter how anxious they were, they did not dare to commit suicide.Seeing that the waiting flowers were about to bloom, the signal finally appeared, Liu Shouqian jumped up abruptly, swiped the bronze mace in his hand, and shouted: "Kill!"

The five hundred men who were ambushing on the pirate's right wing immediately jumped up one after another, rushing towards the pirate like fierce tigers and wolves.

"Smash those crossbows first!" Zhang Chengzong had long seen the power of these crossbows, so he reminded loudly at this time. 500 people fought out, and more than 100 of them were the elite Li Jing's second team.The pirates are trying their best to kill Li Jing, only Zheng Balang has more than a hundred people left outside the city, and dozens of pirates operating the Fuyuan crossbow.They didn't expect that at this time Li Jing actually arranged for a soldier to lurk beside them all the time.

"Block them!" Zheng Balang yelled, that one eye was even more ferocious.Just a few hundred miscellaneous soldiers, do you really think that you can save the destruction of Shamen Town?

Just at this time, there was only a rumbling sound, and the ground shook slightly. Zheng Balang suddenly thought of something, and his face was full of disbelief.He hurriedly turned his head and looked westward, only to see a group of people galloping towards him in the darkness.

This is actually a cavalry!

Zheng Balang suddenly felt that his head was not enough. When did Shamen Island even have a fucking cavalry? What are you kidding?

And if there is such a cavalry on Salmon Island, why didn't they appear all the time, but only appeared at this time.Also, why did they come from the west, which is Shimen Wharf.No, they are coming from the west, what about your own fleet?

Zheng Balang's face changed suddenly, at this moment, the cavalry had already approached quickly, and from a distance he saw the first knight holding a horse spear more than ten feet away, galloping towards him.

"Shoot the crossbow arrows at the cavalry immediately!" Zheng Balang was no longer in the mood to think about how these cavalry came, all he could think about was his fleet.

"Kill!" There was another burst of shouts to kill, behind the galloping cavalry, countless figures were moving, and Zheng Balang could tell at a glance that there were more than five hundred people.

What's going on, how could this happen.When he saw these soldiers and horses, he already understood that the hundreds of crew members and eighteen ships he left at the dock must be finished.Li Jing is so ruthless, he actually knew that he was going to attack Shamen town, not only set a trap in the castle, but also sent a soldier to ambush at the pier early.As soon as he went ashore and left, he counter-attacked his fleet.Then, now they're back again.

I was fooled, I was fooled, this is a fucking trap, a huge trap.Li Jing had long planned to eat him in one bite, but he was so careless.If Wang Fu and the [-] guards of the Wang family had not died in the city, Zheng Balang would think that this was a trap dug by Wang Jin and Li Jing.

Not reconciled, give him half an hour, no, only a quarter of an hour, he can completely defeat Li Jing and take the castle.At that time, even if the ambushes outside came to kill him, he could easily defeat them again.

"Blow the horn, retreat, assemble!" Zheng Balang rubbed the one-eyed eye, and gave the order with difficulty.

"Master, give us another half an hour, and promise to take down the castle and capture Li Jing alive. If we retreat now, all previous efforts will be wasted." A pirate leader said unwillingly.

"Do you think we're all going to die here?" Zheng Balang was thinking about his fleet now, and now he was no longer thinking about whether to take the castle, but how they had to leave Salmonella Island.Once the fleet is really lost, it will be difficult for them to leave.

"Woo, woo!" The horn for the pirates to retreat finally sounded.

Looking at the pirate who turned around and left, Li Jing, who was covered in blood, felt a burst of strength and almost couldn't stand still.The two personal soldiers supported Li Jing, and they didn't care to wipe off the blood on their faces. They shouted excitedly: "Vice General Lin and General Lin Wu are back, and the pirates are back!"

Li Jing murmured: "The reinforcements have finally arrived, and the pirates have retreated." After reading a few words, his face regained its brilliance. He said: "This is an opportunity to wipe out all the pirates, we can't let them run away. Pass my order, all those who can still move, take up weapons, come with me, and kill all the pirates!"

"Kill all the thieves!" The remnants of the remaining soldiers in the city roared in unison, quickly gathered towards Li Jing, and then chased after the retreating pirates all the way.

(To be continued)

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