Late Tang

Chapter 169

On the first night of February 15 in Xiantong, it was dark and moonless.

It was nearly half past Xu time, but the world was quieter under the night sky.The 200 pirates in Zhendonghai and the 2000 people of Li Jing have already boarded [-] boats, the sails have been raised, and the [-] men and horses have a full meal. Everything is ready, only the east wind is needed.

Li Jing stood on the deck of Whitebeard's ship, looking up at the dark night sky, maintaining this posture for a long time.The four masters of Zhendonghai were also like Li Jing, looking up at the starry sky.

There was no rain, not even a little wind.If today is not the first day of junior high school, Li Jing is sure that it must be a beautiful night full of stars and boundless moonlight.

After rubbing his sore neck, Li Jing waved to Yuan Hong and asked with a gloomy face, "Are you really sure that it will rain tonight, and it will be a heavy rain?"

Yuan Hong was the onmyoji recruited by Li Jing when he recruited craftsmen from the refugees, and he was specially used to watch the weather for the fleet at sea.According to himself, he has learned the true biography of his old Taoist master, but he also said that he was kicked out of the fleet because of two consecutive inaccurate forecasts.However, after Li Jing accepted him, he specially asked him to bring a few people to observe the sky and forecast the weather. As a result, he basically got eight or nine out of ten times. This guy's forecast was still very accurate.This time out to sea, Li Jing specially brought him along.

Three days ago, Li Wei took two scouts to sneak into Cat Island at night. After a night of scouting, he came back to report that the layout of the island has been figured out. If it is a rainy night raid, it is not impossible to take Cat Island.After receiving this confirmation, Li Jing and the others immediately began to prepare for the raid on Cat Island.

After everything is ready, the only thing missing is a rainy night.Li Jing went to Yuan Hong, and Yuan Hong told him very clearly that in three days, there would be a heavy rainstorm.Looking at his swearing appearance, Li Jing felt that these guys lived too comfortably and ate too well on Salmon Island recently, so they became a little exaggerated.That is, the weather forecasts of later generations often make mistakes in forecasting the weather three days later. Yuan Hong didn't bring any tools, so he could get a forecast of heavy rain in three days' time just by looking at the sky with his naked eyes?

But even though he was skeptical, everything was ready after all, so Li Jing had no choice but to wait in doubt.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.The weather in these three days is getting better every day. It was still cloudy three days ago, but these three days are full of sunshine every day. It is so clear that there is not even a wind, and there is not even a cloud in the sky.

Now, the soldiers and horses are ready, and the warships are ready.

But the heavy rain that should have appeared did not appear!

Yuan Hong was stared at by Li Jing, and sweat broke out on his forehead.He raised his eyes and looked at the sky again, then counted back and forth with his fingers in his sleeves, finally nodded with certainty, and said to Li Jing: "According to the formula and experience passed on to me by my master, it will indeed rain today. That's right, and it will be a rare torrential rain."

"But why can't I see the slightest sign that it's going to rain this day?" Yellow Beard frowned, but all the pirates who died at sea basically knew the sky-gazing technique, but he really didn't Seeing the slightest sign of rain tonight.

Yuan Hong carefully explained: "Today's celestial phenomenon is a kind of abnormal phenomenon that is rarely seen in ordinary times. The calmer it is now, the calmer it is before the storm, and the storm will be more violent."

While speaking, Li Jing's cloak suddenly bulged and rattled.

"It's windy!" Someone yelled loudly in the distance, and the impatient pirates who were already sitting in the middle of the cabin rushed onto the deck one after another, yelling at the night sky.

Li Jing, Baibeard and the others couldn't help but look at each other, finally showing long-lost joy in their eyes.

"Heighten anchor, set sail!" Whitebeard didn't wear his gorgeous silver armor today, but changed into a set of jet-black leather armor.The sword in his hand was also replaced by a horizontal knife and a black round shield.

Huge sails rose to the tall masts and billowed in the howling wind.

Yuan Hong raised his head, his eyes were slightly closed, and his nose kept sucking in the air.With an increasingly excited expression on his face, he said loudly: "I smell the dampness in the air, this is the prelude to the rainstorm! The heavy rain is coming soon, hurry up and set off!"

The captains on the ship loudly yelled at the pirates to steer the ship to set sail, the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and even the people who were blowing could not stand on the bow of the ship.But the stronger the wind blows, the more excited the four masters of Zhendonghai become.They don't need to support the boat at all, and they can be firmly adsorbed on the deck like iron magnets.

With the sea breeze blowing, the four white beard brothers even took off the wine bags around their waists and gulped down the Wuliangye brought by Li Jing. In such a scene, he could only stand firmly by holding onto the cable on the boat tightly. Amazed.Fortunately, he had seen the drinking capacity of these people a long time ago, so Li Jing didn't have to worry that they would be too drunk to command when the battle started.

The sea wind roared, and the warships launched together.

The fleet traveled more than half the distance, and when it was less than five miles away from Cat Island, the strong wind finally brought heavy rain.At the beginning, it was just scattered like beans on the bow of the boat and everyone's face with the wind. Gradually, the rain became denser and thicker, and it hurt people's bodies until finally it was like a pouring rain. down.

The pirates on the deck fled into the cabin one after another, but Li Jing and Whitebeard laughed wildly in the rainstorm.With such a torrential rain, the defenses on Cat Island will inevitably weaken, and their vigilance will definitely be minimized.Such a rainy night is a great time to really attack.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the raindrops splashed high on the deck.The whole world seems to have collapsed for nine days like the Milky Way, and water is everywhere.The visible range is extremely low, and even the other ships in the fleet can't see clearly.

Fortunately, Zhendonghai and the others have sailed across the sea for decades, and the famous pirate family is also there. They have seen even the worst weather. Although the torrential rain is heavy, they also have a set of methods for sailing in the rain, keeping the entire fleet at the same level. Together, keep going.

Just when Li Jing felt that he was going to be dizzy from the wind and waves, Huang Huzi walked up to him and shouted loudly into his ear: "We have arrived, Cat Island is just ahead of us. A hundred paces away. Now, we need to send an assault team ashore to clear a safe area for other brothers to come ashore."

Li Jing nodded fiercely, the rain had already soaked him, but Li Jing didn't care anymore, tonight will be fighting in the rainstorm, this rain can only be regarded as a warm-up. "Okay, I'll take the scout team up with you first!"

On the 100 large ships, small boats were put down one by one, floating up and down on the sea surface, as if they would be swept away by the storm at any time.Li Jing left the [-] troops under Wang Zhong's command of Xiao's family, and he took Li Wei, Wang Shi, Liu Shouqian and Zhang Chengzong with a hundred scouts, and joined the hundred pirates selected by Huang Beard. Ten small boats braved the torrential rain and wind, and rowed vigorously towards the coast in the rain and fog.

With a distance of more than a hundred steps, Li Jing felt that they had rowed at sea for half a century.When the small boat in front stopped suddenly, Li Jing realized that he had reached the shore.The small boat slammed into the shore of the island with inertia, and the people on the boat suddenly fell into a ball.

The rainstorm was pouring, and the landing point chosen by Li Jing and others was the north bank selected on the map Li Wei brought back three days ago. uneven.But because of this, the north shore is also the weakest defense on the whole island.

Li Jing carried a shield in one hand, and a knife in the other, and went ashore. Yellow Beard had already landed first, and his men were fanning out in all directions skillfully.This kind of formation can be solved immediately once encountering enemy patrols and guards. If encountering enemy ambushes, the scattered skirmishing lines can also minimize losses.

The 100-man scouts were temporarily divided by Li Jing into a three-man squadron, a nine-man squadron, a 50-man brigade, and a [-]-man duo. The organizational units were divided into the smallest ones, counted down level by level, and each number was reported. There were quite a few of them. All back together.

"Zijun, immediately follow me to disperse [-] steps around, and kill all the guards and others on the island you meet!" Li Jing said loudly to Li Wei with his horizontal knife out of its sheath.

"Let's go!" Li Jing waved his hand, and in the darkness, a faint light at the castle in the center of the precarious island was the target, guiding everyone to move forward in the dark.

Yellow Beard is in charge of guarding the shore, protecting White Beard's fleet from landing quickly.

Things went better than expected. Due to the sudden storm, the guards patrolling the island took shelter in several forts.Li Jing and others searched the range of [-] paces, but they didn't come across a single person.

Whitebeard moved faster, maybe because of the 20 years of hatred in his heart, tonight finally came to a solution, only 800 of the follow-up 200 people stayed in the fleet and were responsible for blocking the entire island, not letting a single island The Venerable Master fled.

Whitebeard soon joined Li Jing, the white-haired and white-bearded old pirate who was nearly sixty, held Li Jing's hand and shouted loudly in his ear: "If I die in battle, please help me finish this Revenge. As long as you can help us break Cat Island and flatten that fortress, all my brothers in Donghai will follow you with blood oath." His voice is full of sincerity and expectation.

Li Jing's face was full of rain, and he said with a wry smile: "If you are all dead, why do you care about what's behind you?"

"I just know that even if I enter hell, I will still watch everything here, and watch you. Only when I get my revenge, can I rest in peace."

"I believe you will be able to take revenge with your own hands!" Li Jing stretched out his hand and shook the white beard heavily, "Everyone will die one day, but I believe that it will never be today, nor will it be here. Master, let's do it!"

(To be continued)

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