Late Tang

Chapter 172

The horn sounded again, honking blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, low but long, like a gust of wind from the sea, chilling people.Li Wei immediately responded with an iron whistle, beep beep beep beep beep beep!The sound of the whistle was sharp and piercing, and everyone's blood boiled with the sound of the whistle, and their hearts beat violently.Li Wei was full of tension and selflessness at this time, and the enemy's horn had already sounded, which meant that the guards of the castle had heard the previous alarm.In a short while, the hundreds of guards in the castle will rush over.

But at this time, the heavy gate at that time could only move up little by little, which made him impatient.If they can't open the iron gate, they can't open the city gate manually.Then the large troops outside the city cannot enter the city, and the troops outside the city cannot be allowed to enter the city. At this time, none of the reconnaissance teams entering the city can escape.

Li Wei swung his horizontal knife and issued an order, and the voices of dozens of scouts immediately responded in unison.Li Wei threw down the crossbow that had been shot in the air, raised his knife and held the shield and rushed forward, and then the crossbowmen behind him also dropped the crossbow and charged forward one after another, joining in the short combat.While running, Li Wei roared and shouted: "Remember, guard the city gate!" At first Li Wei rushed to the front, but after a while, the seven NO.

Directly ahead, half of the twenty guards guarding the city gate had fallen from the crossbow arrows.At this time, the remaining ten or so guards were very experienced, holding shields in one hand and guns in the other, forming a small square formation of spears, with ten shields covering each other.They seem to be a hedgehog with spiky spines all over its body, hiding behind a solid tortoise shell.

Facing the tortoise and hedgehog formation, Li Wei and the others resolutely charged directly.

Time waits for no one, they have to get rid of the guards in the city gate before the other guards of the castle arrive, and at the same time stick to the city gate.Facing these long spears, Li Wei ran to speed up, and then leaped high. With the shield in his hand, he slammed the spears with his left hand, and swung a spear with his right hand. With a huge impact, his foot stomped heavily on the guard's shield, and the whole person was squeezed into the small formation of the guard.

Once squeezed into the spear formation, the guards' spears became the biggest obstacle.Li Jing blocked with a shield in one hand, and slashed left and right with a horizontal knife in the other hand, what killed was blood.Taking advantage of this opportunity, the scouts behind also rushed in through the gap.Under Li Wei and his group's crazy and fierce attack, the little hedgehog and tortoise formation immediately burst and collapsed.One after another, the spearman guards were hacked to death and fell to the ground. Finally, there was no longer a standing guard in the city gate.

Before he could catch his breath for a moment, the horn sounded again inside the castle, and the sound of shouting orders and footsteps were rushing towards the city gate.Li Wei quickly led the scouts back to form three human walls at the entrance of the city gate.Panting heavily, everyone quickly reloaded the crossbow that had just been retrieved.

From a distance, Li Wei had already seen a group of castle guards running towards this side.He turned his head frequently, the iron door had only just been pulled up a foot above the ground, and it would take at least half an hour to pull up the entire door.

"Don't waste arrows, wait until they get close before shooting, the first row will raise their shields!" Li Wei wiped the mixture of blood and rain on his face, and shouted calmly.

Near, near.The guards of the castle ran closer and closer, and the people in the front had already stopped walking, lined up and opened their bows and arrows.With a roar, a rain of arrows suddenly came.Fortunately, during the heavy rain at this time, the power of the bow and arrow in the rain was greatly reduced, even less than half of the normal power, only [-]% of the power at most.The shield wall formed by the scouts in the first row blocked all the arrow rain, and none of the soldiers holding crossbows behind them were injured.

Seeing that the effect was not good, the castle guards began to move forward dozens of steps. As soon as they stopped, Li Wei immediately swung his sword and shouted: "Launch!"

Sixty crossbows were fired at the same time this time, and a row of crossbow nails shot into the enemy's formation, killing the guards by surprise, and immediately more than a dozen people were shot and fell to the ground.Li Wei didn't give these leading troops a chance to clean up and start over again, and directly charged with his sword.The eighty scouts pounced on like a pack of wolves, not giving the opponent the slightest chance to evade.A few stupid guards saw Li Wei rushing to the front, so they thought there was an advantage to take advantage of, and rushed to Li Wei, but Li Wei raised his knife and cut off the head of the person who rushed to the front.The other one rushed up, and Li Wei objected and slashed into the opponent's chest fiercely with a knife. The horizontal knife slashed through the armor and muscles, and finally directly slashed deeply into the internal organs of the man, killing him instantly.The horizontal knife was stuck in the breastbone and could not be pulled out for a while.

Li Wei gave up the horizontal knife, swung the round shield with his left hand, and charged straight, the sharp cone in the center of the shield pierced the other person's temple directly.The man immediately slipped and fell into the rainwater. Li Wei turned around and pulled out the horizontal knife from the corpse in front of him. He slapped the shield fiercely with the knife, and roared to the sky, letting out an incomparably terrifying roar. .

A javelin was shot at Li Wei, and it hit the shield with a bang, and Li Wei chased after him with a knife.The opponent ran away with the shield, Li Wei chased him all the way, slashing on the shield one after another with the horizontal knife, sending sawdust flying across.In the end, when the man was blocking and retreating, his foot slipped and fell in the rain, and Li Wei took the opportunity to chop off his head.

After beheading this person, Li Wei got a rare short respite. He looked around, only to suddenly realize that he had unknowingly entered the center of the enemy's formation. In the melee, entangled in the bloody battle in the rain.

A scout ran towards him, and finally fell to the ground, a piercing spear stuck in his back.The man is hopeless, and that brother just came to save him.When Li Wei went to avenge that brother with a knife, the other party fought with a knife.That life's hulking back, tall and burly, with a height of more than seven feet, came straight with a huge two-handed sword in his hand.

"Go to hell!" He screamed, the sword sank vigorously, and Li Wei circled around him, looking for opportunities, and kept slashing at his shoulders and thighs with his sword, but this person was wearing a double-layered layer of clothing in a very abnormal way. The battle armor, when Li Wei's sword slashed on it, there was only a piercing sound, but it couldn't break through the defense.The strong man raised his sword with both hands, and slashed at Li Wei fiercely. Li Wei couldn't dodge it, so he raised his shield to block it.

With a loud bang, Li Wei's entire arm and jaw went numb.The shield cracked with a crash, and the fragments flew.

"Die!" The man roared loudly, and slashed at Li Wei's head with another sword.Li Wei's shield was broken, so he had to hold the knife in both hands to meet him. There was a sound of gold and iron. Wei was in a daze and fell to the ground.

The man laughed wildly and raised his big sword with both hands again, intending to strike at Li Wei.

At this moment, behind the battlefield on a rainy night, there was a loud shout! "Revenge for the old master!"

"Fight for Zhendonghai!" The voice became louder and louder, "Kill!"

In this wave, several warriors rushed forward, the strong man's sword was still held high, the first one had already fired three arrows in quick succession, the arrows passed through the rain and fog, and shot at the strong man's face on the wrists and soles of the feet.

The strong man let out a scream of pain, the sword fell off his hand, and he fell to the ground.At this time, two more people caught up one after another, one with a bronze mace and the other with a steel whip. The two whip mirrors mercilessly smashed on the head of the surviving strong man. Immediately, the big man's brains burst, and he was so dead that he couldn't die anymore. .

Li Wei shook his dizzy head and struggled to get up, only then did he realize that the three people standing in front of him who had just rescued him were Li Jing, Liu Shouqian and Zhang Chengzong.

"General, is the city gate open?"

"It's already opened, Zijun, thanks to you, you made a great contribution this time." Li Jing laughed and helped the cousin up.

Li Wei stood up dizzily, and picked up the horizontal knife with a big gap.With a slight movement of the hand, bursts of severe pain rushed from the elbow to the brain.The battle seems to have advanced to the depths of the fortress, and there are no living people left in his position except for a large number of corpses.He saw Whitebeard leading a large number of pirates pouring out of the city gate and galloping forward.A large number of pirates are forcing the guards in the castle to keep retreating towards the center of the castle. The two armies are fighting to the death in the streets and alleys. The pirates' skirmishing line has encountered another wall made of oval iron nail shields.I saw countless arrows flying back and forth in the air, and people on both sides of the shield wall fell to the ground from time to time.But overall, the guards on the island relied on a tight shield formation, which reduced many casualties.And the scattered soldiers of the pirates also reduced the damage caused by bows and arrows.

However, although the guards on the island are still holding on, by this time, everyone knows that the guards on Cat Island are finished, and they are just slowing down the time of death.

"General, I think we are about to win." He said to Li Jing with a smile.

The castle has been opened, the gate of the tortoise shell fortress where the guards rested has been breached, and the other walls, no matter how strong they are, have lost their effect.The victory is already within grasp, and the most important thing is that there is still a matter of time.

"How about the casualties of the brothers in Scouting Capital?" Li Wei asked with a heavy heart after spitting out the muddy water from his mouth.

Li Jing comforted him and said: "Don't worry, the city gate was opened in time. Many brothers were injured, but not many were killed. Most of them were flesh injuries plus loss of strength and exposure to the cold. They will be fine after a few days of rest and recovery. "

Just as they finished speaking, Zhendonghai's horn sounded again, and Whitebeard threw all the reserves into the battle at once.The pirates came out in full force, swarming up, advancing along the streets and alleys, cleaning.

The black skull flag fluttered in the wind and rain, and the guards on the island were completely defeated, just like the exquisite porcelain hit by a hammer.Seeing all this, Li Jing knew that Maodao was about to face a massacre, but he was powerless and unwilling to take care of it.He did not participate in the final massacre and purge, but took the servants of the Xiao family to start looking for the subordinates of the reconnaissance team.

Many people were found among the dead. Zhao Jiang, the deputy head of the first team of the reconnaissance capital, was lying in a pool of blood, and his left hand was completely gone below the elbow.There were five or six comrades lying around, and they had been holding on to the gallows without retreating a step, covering the brothers before the gallows with enough time to open the jack.

Duan Shan, the leader of the second team, and Ding Ren, the deputy of the team, fell on the side of the horse path of the city wall with their bodies full of arrows. Li Jing thought that they were both killed in battle.When he approached, Duan Shan suddenly opened his eyes and said weakly: "They killed Lao Ding!" Ding Ren was shot with more than 20 arrows all over his body, one of which hit the left eye socket, penetrating deep into the skull.

Li Jing helped Duan Shan up with his own hands. Duan Shan's arrows were no less than Ding Ren's, but his luck seemed to be good, the arrows all shot on his shoulders and legs.Duan Shan didn't seem to care about the arrows on his body at all, and he pulled them out one by one directly.

"Fortunately, I'm a big man. I usually feel that the leather armor on my body is too light to wear, so I specially got a pair of steel wire inner armor to wear on my body. It cost me a hundred pennies to find the old Wangtou for this armor. I invited more than a dozen drinks. At that time, I felt distressed for a long time, but I didn't expect that this armor is really fucking strong. This time it was all because of it that I picked my life. ***Fengjiagou, a hundred-gun armor, I I plan to keep it as a family heirloom in the future, but now that it’s done, I’ve made so many holes, I’ll have to invite Old Wangtou to drink to mend it when I go back.”

Li Jing and Li Wei worked together to help Duan Shan pull out the arrow that he couldn't reach.Some of the arrows shot very deep, piercing through the two layers of armor and piercing into the flesh. When they were pulled out, he screamed in pain.

"You should be satisfied. If you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed. Why do you still care about those extraneous things?" Li Jing scolded a few words with a smile, but he still cherished such a brave subordinate. "When I go back, I'll ask the Ordnance Workshop to make two new sets of armor for you, one outside and one inside. They will definitely be better than your current one. Then you can wear them for a lifetime and leave them for your children and grandchildren." Sun is a family heirloom."

When a few people were drawing their arrows downstairs at the city gate, the fifth concubine of the first team of the reconnaissance capital came over with dozens of brothers gathered, and directly brought a cloth bag that was still dripping blood.

"What is that?" Li Wei asked on behalf of Li Jing.

The fifth concubine grinned, "Ear!"

The fifth concubine had just gathered up his brothers, and by the way, he and his men cut off the left ears of the castle guards who died in battle beside them. "A total of 54 ears, all of which are left ears. This is the record of our first team!"

Li Jing stopped the reckless fifth concubine from pouring out the bag of ears in public for everyone to check, to prove that it was all 54 left ears.

"This reconnaissance has made great achievements. Everyone will be rewarded after returning. You will never be treated badly. You don't need to wear these ears. Throw them into the ditch below the city. Hurry up and search for other brothers. Immediately give first aid and bandages, and the dead must also find their bodies and bring them back. Everyone hurry up, we have to evacuate before dawn."

(To be continued)

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