Late Tang

Chapter 227 The last straw that broke the camel's back

On the high bastion on the pier, Li Jing was still beating the war drum with all his strength. When the beating reached a fever pitch, in the spring breeze of February, he had simply removed his battle robe and inner garment, and was naked. The upper body with muscles and hips stretched out, shirtless.

While beating the drum, Li Jing was watching the entire battlefield.

This battle was fought very well, it could even be said that it exceeded Li Jing's expectations, it was even better than what he had imagined.

A strong general has no weak soldiers. Although the soldiers are weaker, but this time they are fighting at home, and they are facing a group of defeated soldiers who are in a desperate situation without any worries.Lin Wei, the deputy general of the left wing, Zhang Chengzong, the commander of the rare soldiers, Li Yuan, the commander of the bow and crossbow, Qiu Shengong, the commander of the Modao, Cui Chengxiu, the commander of the dancers, and Li Shugen, the commander of the cavalry.These generals in the left wing can be described as a gathering of elites, gathering stars.The soldiers in the left wing are the elite among the elites in the entire Shamen Town at this time, and they are much stronger than the soldiers in the right wing who are also in the battle barracks.

Many people were watching the battle. At the beginning, Li Jing ordered the people not to approach the battlefield.But when Feng Zhang led the fleet to flee.Instead, Li Jing asked Zhang Hong to lift the ban, and let the people in the town come to watch the battle on Phoenix Mountain.In this battle, he not only wanted to train soldiers, but also to improve the confidence and sense of security of the soldiers and the people in Shamen Town.What could be better than letting them witness such a passionate and passionate battle, this is the battle of the Samana children, and it is a remarkable performance full of inspiring victories.

The crossbowmen fought well, although they lacked the support of those heavy crossbows on the pier, and there were only 200 crossbowmen, and even without using heavy crossbows, they still fought wonderfully, completely suppressing the opponent Archers, and controlled their attack rhythm, slowing down the enemy's charge speed.Although there is still some distance from perfection, Li Jing is very happy with their performance today.

Zhang Chengzong is worthy of being the hero of Hebei who once served as the leader of the Yichang Jiedu envoy Yabing. He commanded the army, and the shield formation and gun forest erected on the battlefield were like a rock.Perfectly stabilized the formation and resisted the enemy's impact.

Modaodu's performance was even more impressive. Lao Hei was indeed the person he fell in love with at the first sight. In a short period of time, he promoted Lao Hei from the commander of the garrison army to the head of today's Modaodu.He is eclectic and uses only his talents.Qiu Shengong also gave himself the best reward with the extraordinary performance of leading Modaodu today.

Who said there are no heroes in recklessness?

In fact, there are heroic sons and daughters everywhere in the Tang Dynasty, but they usually lack a chance to be on the stage.You give him an inch of the stage, and he can be a star.Zhu Wen, Li Keyong, Wang Jian, Xu Wen, all these heroes, none of them started from the humble beginnings.Compared with Gao Pian, who came from a wealthy family and royal family, although their backgrounds are far inferior, when troubled times come, they can all become heroes in troubled times.

Cui Chengxiu is also a talent. When he first saw this Dengzhou junior corps leader who offered to see him, he saw the fiery heart of fame in his eyes.That is a usable person, and when he personally witnessed this little man's immediate effort, and that he can write and count, not only has read military books, can arrange troops, and can write poems, at the moment So he used ten altars of Wuliangye to exchange him from the prison city envoy Han Zhong.Han Zhong didn't know who Cui Chengxiu was, and when he heard that he was just a small corporal leader, he immediately accepted the ten jars of Wuliangye unceremoniously, and sighed that he had made a profit.If Han Zhong saw Cui Chengxiu's brave performance with his own eyes today, I don't know if he would regret it so much that he couldn't sleep.

Looking down from a height, you can see farther and more clearly.

The battle situation on the entire battlefield is now very clear. Mo Dao's soldiers advanced like a wall, directly cutting the enemy's formation from it, splitting it in two.And the jumping soldiers were also divided into two, one team on the left and one on the left, and they were jumping and counterattacking. The soldiers strictly follow the three-person team that they learned during training, and the three-person team forms a squadron. It is like a pack of wolves attacking, three people have one target, chopping and blocking, three-person groups, trinity, offensive and defensive cooperation .Under this kind of tactics, their shortcomings of insufficient training are greatly covered up, and their attack power is enhanced.Especially after the enemy army was broken through the formation by Mo Daobing, it is difficult to have a strong man who can fight three against one only by fighting alone.Even if there are some brave officers occasionally, they will immediately call the other two in the same squadron.Three can't be beaten, nine can definitely do it, more ants kill elephants, the wolf pack tactic is always an excellent tactic.

Although Da Xie Bing was still resisting desperately, Li Jing had already seen that they could not hold on for long. It was only a matter of time before they collapsed. Maybe in the next moment, they would collapse in despair.The crossbowmen followed behind, firmly maintaining the distance between the two sides, and taking advantage of their long-range advantage, they were easily providing fire support.Where there is a need, their arrows will be shot there, and the enemy will never be given a chance to gather again.

The surprise soldiers were also advancing. They slowly advanced behind with their large shields in hand, and began to deploy a trapezoidal formation like a wedge to wedge into the enemy's formation. Using their super high defensive capabilities, they forcibly divided the enemy's formation.Once the infantry is divided and loses its superiority in numbers and the ability to form an formation, there are only two ways waiting for them: surrender or death in battle, and there will never be a third way.

"Zhang Chengzong's mind is very active, and his vision is very accurate. He fully seized the opportunity and wedged into the enemy's formation at this time to divide the enemy. This gave the jumping soldiers a chance to wipe out the enemy. Good job, it seems that he From now on, he will be able to become a single-handed general." Although Li Jing beat the drums for a long time, his whole body was sweating, but the situation on the battlefield made him laugh all over his face.

Zhang Hong said in a timely manner: "It's not because Zhang Jiangtou listened to the general and learned a lot. The four servants beside you, Zhang Chengzong, Liu Shouqian, Li Shugen and Wang Shi, are all grown-ups now." The leader of the generals alone. Although Zhang Chengzong and Li Shugen were the leaders of the Shence Army and the Yichang Army before, in the final analysis, it is the generals who know how to use them well."

He slapped Li Jing flatteringly, "The general may not know it yet. Many officers in the town are envious of General Zhang and they had the opportunity to follow the general. I have benefited a lot from being with the general and learned a lot. It is rumored in the town that listening to the general’s words is better than studying for ten years. Even Zhao Jiang’s current position as the head of the army is envied by many people and they say they are willing. Change it with him."

Li Jing laughed out loud. Although these words were flattering, they were not all lies.Although Li Jing had never seen him before, after all, later generations who graduated with a major in Chinese studies still had a lot of memories of fighting and marching in their minds.When Zhang Chengzong and the others followed him, he often instilled in them some of the essence of the art of war summed up by later generations.These few people are also smart people, and they often see through a little bit, and they have indeed improved a lot.

Maybe, it's time to start an officer training class.Li Jing thought to himself, there are more and more troops now, but there is a serious shortage of officers who can be dispatched.Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to immediately award Li Yuan and Cui Chengxiu, the newly joined officers, such high positions as the generals.Officers are the core of an army. If possible, Li Jing still hopes to be selected in the army, but the officers selected from below are still somewhat insufficient.It seems that it is indeed time to start training officers by yourself.

"Zhang Bingcao, prepare yourself. I plan to prepare a lecture hall and train a group of officers myself. You need to draw up a charter and prepare everything you need, such as college houses and other needs."

When Zhang Hong heard this, he also felt that this idea was good. The team got bigger, so they couldn't keep giving up the important positions of officers to outsiders.How to put it, one's own children are always more reliable, and those selected from the army must be more loyal.

"Okay, I'll do it when I get back." Zhang Hong nodded, glanced at the battlefield, and laughed loudly: "General, it seems that the battle is coming to an end. That Meng Yang is very arrogant, but his ability seems to be average. In the same confrontation between thousands of people, there is only one hour of perseverance."

Li Jing looked towards the battlefield. Sure enough, after the Mo Dao soldiers broke the formation, the jumping soldiers counterattacked, the surprise soldiers were divided, and the long-range strikes of the bow and crossbow soldiers finally failed.There is no formation at all, and they are fighting purely relying on that belief.

But they were about to be defeated, because they had been holding the formation on the two wings, and the cavalry as a reserve had two hundred cavalry and was finally about to be dispatched.In the previous battles, Lin Wei never thought of using this precious cavalry.Not only are they not used because they are precious, the bigger reason is that in the battle guidance of Shamen Town, Li Jing has made requirements on the use of cavalry. Under normal circumstances, cavalry is not the first in battle Their task is to hold the formation on both wings to deal with the enemy cavalry's sneak attack and harassment, and as a reserve force, they will support the battlefield at any time.In addition, they will be sent out after the other ministries have broken the formation, as the last straw that breaks the camel's back, giving the enemy the final blow, and then responsible for chasing and defeating the enemy.

Such a characterization makes the cavalry look a bit wasteful, but before the cavalry in Shamen Town can gather thousands of people and form an army alone, Li Jing will never take the cavalry out.Good steel must be used on the blade, and the cavalry is the sharpest piece on the blade.

The saber was as shiny as snow, and Li Shugen held the lance in his hand, pointed at the lance, and roared, "It's time for us to play, you bastards, the whole army will charge, and we will seal the victory!"

The two hundred cavalry began to accelerate, the ground shook slightly, the horseshoes were exposed, and the cavalry rushed forward.The sabers were shining coldly, and the red tassels on the cavalry's iron helmets were fluttering in the wind, and the uniform long red silk capes fluttered in the wind, like a sea of ​​blood.

Li Shugen and his cavalry seemed a little arrogant in the face of those Daxie soldiers who were already chaotic and had no formation and were about to collapse.They charged straight up with their sabers in their hands, didn't even take off their lances, didn't even take their bows, they didn't walk around and shoot carefully, and they didn't charge with long spears. Entering the enemy army, slashing left and right, just like the scarecrows and wooden stakes that move precisely in normal training, easily harvesting one head after another.

The appearance of the cavalry was the last straw that broke the camel's back. Daxie soldiers collapsed!Their defenses finally collapsed and they began to flee in all directions, but under the pursuit of the cavalry, they ran wildly at the not-so-large place on the pier, but eventually fell one by one on the side of Shining Light. under the saber.

In less than half an hour, two hundred cavalry swept across the entire battlefield like a whirlwind, shattering the enemy's last bit of resistance.

One after another, desperate soldiers discarded their weapons and knelt down in front of the powerful cavalry. It was over. A perfect drill or a perfect performance finally came to an end. There was a wave like a wave on Phoenix Mountain. Then there was a wave of cheers and shouts.Li Jing finally threw down the drumstick, and if it didn't end, he would be exhausted. Although his arms were sore, Li Jing felt like a spring breeze in his heart at this moment, cooler than eating ice cubes in June.

Victory, they finally won.Feng Zhang fled back to Daxie Village with the remaining warships. Although Meng Yang led thousands of soldiers to fight against the 6000 or [-] troops left behind, they were finally defeated.Moreover, this was a victory achieved in a relatively equal confrontation between the Zhanbing Battalion and them.

For Li Jing, this victory in the left wing of the Zhanbing Camp made him more excited and joyful than the victory he used to scare Feng Zhang away with the magic fire.This shows that under the same conditions, his Salmonella town soldiers are finally no longer recruits who have never seen blood. .

After getting off the bastion, Li Jing gave Lin Wei a big hug when he saw Lin Wei, and excitedly patted the brother who was a general and brother-in-law under the account, laughing and the first thing he did was to ask about Meng Yang's whereabouts.Li Jing admired the performance of Feng Zhang's general today. Although he was an enemy general, his desperate resistance caused him a lot of trouble.But his courage and loyalty impressed Li Jing deeply. He is an admirable general.

Speaking of Meng Yang, Lin Wei's face was a bit complicated: "This guy is very stubborn. In the end, his soldiers collapsed, but he still led a dozen of his servants to form a group back to back and refused to surrender. He fought to the end. Colonel Li Wei The lieutenant led the special forces team forward, and a dozen beat him before he was subdued, but this guy kept yelling for us to give him a good time, and he was still yelling, and General Li Wei took him back first. The barracks is over. If the general wants to persuade him to surrender, I think it will be very difficult."

"How will you know if you don't try it?" Li Jing chuckled, "Besides, I just admire him very much. It's okay if he really refuses to surrender. It's a pity, but there's no other way. Let's shut him down first. Let him calm down. I don't have time to see him now, and there are still many things waiting for us. This time, we can be regarded as stabbing half the sky. How to deal with the funeral is the key. , we are really going to collapse."

(To be continued)

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