Late Tang

Chapter 230 The Tranquility Before the Storm

In the morning, when the rooster crows, Li Jing rises with him.Remembering what the old lady said last night, I worked hard at night, plowed my field seriously, worked hard, watered carefully, and sowed the two fields together.Such hard work made both Guiniang and Wan'er pleasantly surprised.When he woke up in the morning, he became more and more gentle. One of the two women helped comb his hair, and the other fetched water to wipe his face. They took him out of the house in a gentle and considerate manner.

Before going out to greet the old lady, Li's mother smiled, and she could see the movement in the main room last night, as if she knew everything about it.Before leaving, he personally stuffed Li Jing with a dozen boiled eggs, saying that he would make up for it.

As soon as he went out, Li Jing shared the eggs with Zhao Jiang's guards. There were more than a dozen eggs, and he couldn't eat them all by himself.Unexpectedly, this small move moved Zhao Jiang and other guards.On the way back to Zhenjiangfu, busy people can be seen everywhere in the city.Although the new city has only been built about half a meter, most of the well-planned building areas in the city have been completed one after another.

The inpatient area is divided into nine squares, and a well-shaped four streets divide the entire residential area into nine blocks.There are square walls and square doors between the squares. The houses in the entire residential area are divided into three types. One is the single-family type with blue bricks and green tiles. This is the best house, and it is also high-end. There is only one square for the residences of military officers and bureaucrats.The rest are gray and white seagrass houses built with bricks and seagrass roofs. This kind of house has two squares, and it is also a single-family building, which can be regarded as a medium-sized house.The remaining houses in the six squares are built with rapidly formed adobe bricks for walls and thatched roofs.The foundations of the walls of these adobe brick houses are built with stones mixed with loess for about one foot, and the upper part is all adobe bricks, and the roof is made of wood and covered with thatch.None of these houses had a separate yard. They were one in a hundred square meters, one next to the other, and the rows were extremely neat.

The houses have already been built. There are 250 high-end houses in one square, and 510 houses in two mid-range houses. There are 110 houses in total.Ordinary ones have six squares, with six hundred houses in each square, a total of 4000 houses.In total, there are a total of 2 houses.According to the original plan, there would be more than [-] households and a population of nearly [-] in each building.

On Fang Street, Zhang Hong happened to be talking to a few people with a book that never left his body. Li Jing stepped forward and asked, "How is the residential area? I think the houses are ready, what?" When can the house be issued officially?" As the days get warmer and the rain increases, living in a shack is really not an option.

Zhang Hong frowned and said: "The new house was completed faster than expected. As long as it is aired and ventilated, it can basically be distributed. But now there is a big problem. We have repaired as much as possible when we planned it." The house has been repaired according to 2 people. But now, it is not enough. We have too many people, and I am worried about how to divide it. Now everyone is holding the accumulated work points in their hands, and they are all waiting. Come buy a house, we don’t have enough houses.”

By this time in February, there are already many people in the town of Salmonella.Before Li Jing came to the island, the permanent population of Shamen Township reached 3 at most.After Li Jing came to the island, the number of people recruited quickly exceeded the 2 mark.Almost all the young and strong among these people have joined the army, all their family members have entered the workshop, and all the children have entered the school.The fortification of the city is constantly recruiting people. Because of the good treatment, high wages, and meat every meal, there are a lot of people who come. Now that the construction site is entering its peak period, the number of foreign workers in the city has exceeded [-].Many of these people now have their eyes on Shamen Town, and they have been taking the initiative to receive work points, waiting to save money to buy a house and move to Shamen Town.

In addition to these, there is a large population on the island.

Whitebeard took more than 500 of his brothers to move to Shamen Town, and their families basically took them in, adding up to thousands of people.

In addition, the last time Li Jing fought in Liaohai, he exchanged prisoners of war and pirates from Qingnipu for 8000 prisoners of war, 2000 male slaves and [-] female servants. In addition, the people on Wuhu Island were all moved to Salmonella Island by him. Another [-] people.In addition to those Daxie soldiers who followed Wu Qian and Zhang Lie to surrender, nearly [-] people followed to Shamen Town.

But this time in the first battle, Feng Zhang was defeated and fled, besides the more than [-] soldiers who died in the battle, [-] soldiers were captured.

"Now the population of the entire Salmonella Island has exceeded [-]. There are really too many people."

Li Jing couldn't help being surprised, "10 people, isn't that many?"

"Why not? There used to be 3 permanent residents on the island. Now that we have built the city and attracted 5 foreigners to live on the island, even if all these [-] people are removed. Our family has recruited two batches from Qingning Township successively. Wan, if you add the slaves exchanged from Qingnipu, the people who moved from Wuhu Island, and the prisoners of war from Fengzhang, the total is already [-]. Salmon Island is not big, and it is really overcrowded now. We can’t live in our residential area, even if we set up a shed outside the city, it would almost fill up the entire island.”

"How are these people arranged now?" The last time Li Jing brought more than [-] people back from Liaohai, he was busy dealing with Feng Zhang's counterattack, and handed over all these people to Zhang Hong, only now remembering to ask about the arrangement.

"How else can we arrange it? A temporary large camp was set up around the foot of Phoenix Mountain. I don't dare to use those people now. The male slaves and maidservants exchanged in Qingnipu have been arranged to work in various workshops. Those prisoners of war They are still a little rebellious, and they are still locked up in the camp and sent to guard them. I want to lock them up first, to suppress their wildness. They are all prisoners of war in Liaodong, and few of them are honest. Wuhu Island moved The more than 8000 people who came formed a battalion alone, and they were only sent to work on the construction site for the time being. As for Wu Qian, Zhang Lie and their subordinates, I don’t know how to deal with them, so I temporarily assigned them to the one in Bai’s house. In the wooden fence, let them watch first. The more than 5 captives in this battle, including Meng Yang, are all detained in the barracks. How to arrange it depends on your arrangement, General.' Population It is also a resource, but now the small town of Shamen suddenly has a population of [-], which is a bit of pressure. The arrangement is not good, not only does it not play its due role, but it consumes food for nothing every day.

"Well, the new house will still be handed out after it's built. But don't send it all at once. Let's follow the original plan. The house is calculated by work points. At present, our work points are worth ten cents, and one hundred work points. The price is [-]. Then our house, the ordinary adobe brick thatched house, is priced at [-], but only work points are charged, that is, [-] work points per thatched house. And there is a proviso that the buyer can only be Only the first and second batch of people who came to the island, that is, our soldiers and their families, are eligible to buy houses."

"Those who meet the conditions for buying a house and have enough work points can buy a house. Remember, there are restrictions on houses. Each family can only buy one house and cannot buy more. If the conditions are suitable but the money is insufficient, the house will not be purchased for the time being. For those who do not meet the conditions, we can open the house purchase again in the second phase. In addition, all the soldiers who have made meritorious service, excellent house buyers, and orphans who died in war also have priority conditions.”

A house of [-] yuan is not expensive. Based on the minimum salary of [-] yuan a day in the current workshop in Shamen Town, if a family has two laborers, [-] yuan a month, the gross income in a year Almost fifty.In addition, there are overtime pay, rewards and subsidies, etc. After three years, you can save money to buy a house.If there are children in the army, it can be faster.

"What about those who can't meet the other conditions?"

"Let's do this step by step. Don't sell all the houses at once. We don't want to make money from the houses. This is a benefit to the people of Shamen Town. We must not only satisfy the people, but also make them feel Our favor. As for others who cannot meet the conditions, we can let them work hard. If there are those who are willing to build their own houses, we can first set aside a few pieces of land outside the city, plan them in a unified way, and let them build houses on them. We don’t restrict them. As for mid-to-high-end houses, it’s not just about having money, you have to have credit to live in them.”

"Understood, I feel more at ease when I say this." Zhang Hong let out a long sigh of relief.

"However, there are still too many people on our island. I'm not saying there are too many people, but our island is too small." Zhang Hong said again.

Li Jing nodded, "I know this naturally, and I will solve this problem immediately."

Back at the town general's mansion, Li Jing immediately summoned Li Wei.

"Zijun, after the battle the day before yesterday, how did the parties in Dengzhou react?" Li Jing asked directly. After the battle the day before yesterday, after Feng Zhang was defeated and returned to Daxie Island, Li Jing didn't do anything. Instead, the soldiers and civilians had a day off. .In fact, he was still worried about the reactions of all parties in Dengzhou when he did this. What he was most afraid of was that Wang Jin and others would designate him as a rebel.He didn't take any other actions after defeating Feng Zhang, and he wanted to show all parties that he was really just forced to fight back, not a rebellion.

"When Fengzhang came to attack the day before yesterday, the Dengzhou Navy's soldiers and horses gathered in the water camp, but they did not send out. In addition, in Dengzhou, several military camps such as Dengzhou Zhizhou Bing, Longshan Camp, and Dongmou Shouzhuo also gathered soldiers and horses. Although there was no action in the end, the atmosphere in Terengganu was very tense. It was not until yesterday that the battalions returned to normal."

"Assassin Song Wenwen and Chief Shi Wang Jingwen and the others?"

"I didn't find any movement, it was very peaceful."

Li Jing frowned. At the beginning, the assembled reaction of the navy and the battalions showed that the impact of this battle was still huge, and it almost affected the entire Dengzhou army.However, Song Wenwen and Wang Jingwen, the leaders of the two factions in Dengzhou, did not move, which shows that they are still watching and suppressing this matter.This is a good thing. His public opinion propaganda has played a role. Of course, the biggest role is because Song Wen still regards him as his own, otherwise the battalions would not gather.Objectively speaking, the movement of the battalions in Dengzhou to obey the military order of Jieshuai to assemble soldiers and horses was the real reason for suppressing Wang Jin.

However, both Wang Jin and Song Wen haven't spoken out about this matter yet, but it's arousing people's imagination.The calmness of Dengzhou today may be the unusual tranquility before the storm.

(To be continued)

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