Late Tang

Chapter 265 The Golden Scales Are In The Pool

Wang Jingwen is very depressed now, very depressed, and has an urge to hit the wall in his heart.

When Feng Zhang's uncle and nephew died in battle, and Daxie Village was occupied by Li Jing, he who always said the word "calm" tore apart the words he was writing, and even the beloved inkstone He dropped both the paperweight and the Qilin jade paperweight.

The last time Feng Zhang failed to attack Shamen Town, Song Wei and Wang Jingwu asked Cui Yunqing to mediate, but he did not support Feng Zhang.Except that because Feng Zhang was dizzy at the meeting, he repeatedly made mistakes and sent many handles to Li Jing, Cui Yunqing and others, he had nothing to say.The biggest reason is actually that he wants to take that opportunity to teach him a good lesson about Feng Zhang who is becoming more and more domineering and arrogant, and is far from Wang's control.

This was originally a trick to get Feng Zhang to pay for the pain, and then when he was helpless, he would go up to comfort him with sweet dates, so that Feng Zhang's loyalty could be regained.He used to play this trick very well, so he got the title of the first military adviser of the Wang family, otherwise, Wang Jingwu would not have let him travel all the way to Dengzhou to be a long history.The purpose is because the situation in Dengzhou is gradually getting out of the control of the Wang family.

After that meeting, Wang Jingwen deliberately shirked his physical discomfort several times and did not see Feng Zhang who came to see him.The original intention was to let him dry first, and then talk.But who would have thought that the unfavorable moves in the past have missed this time, and they have been completely played off.

That Feng Zhang didn't know if it was because of the pain of being beaten by Li Jing that he lost his face and even lost his sanity.He actually thought that if the Wang family wanted to add insult to injury, they would stretch out their feet and step on him.In the end, in a panic, he ran to collude with Du Lizhen to attack Li Jing again.

Originally, this was actually not a stupid move, it should be said that it was a counter move in the chaos.In fact, as long as Feng Zhang can defeat the town of Salmonella this time, capture the island of Salmonella, or kill Li Jing, then this move is actually a coup for turning the tables.This is also the reason why he deliberately delayed Feng Zhang a lot of time after he heard the news, mainly because he wanted to buy him some time so that he and Du Lizhen could kill Li Jing.

As long as Li Jing can be killed, it doesn't really matter even if Song Xi's reinforcements arrive.

It's a pity that the nearly [-] coalition troops can't beat Li Jing's thousands of people.What surprised him even more was that Feng Zhang found Duli Town as a coalition force, and Li Jing actually found Qingnipu as an ally.Really, deplorable and hateful.

It's good now, Feng Zhang took his uncle's and nephew's life into account, and even ruined Duli.What's more terrible is that the situation of the whole Dengzhou has changed drastically, and their Wang family's power in Dengzhou is completely against the trend.

"Fengzhang, this idiot, it doesn't count that he is seeking his own death, he has to pull us together. Idiot!" Wang Jingwen cursed a few times, his beard trembling.After scolding, he could only sigh and resign himself to his fate. Feng Zhang was extremely cunning when dealing with his own people in the past.It would be impossible to suppress Wang Jin's Dengzhou Navy, and he even had to embezzle a large amount of income from the Dengzhou Port every year to fill his own treasury.But now a pair of Li Jing, who hadn't grown all their hair, were defeated one after another. In the end, they failed to hold on for a year, and were defeated and died one after another.

In this space, is Feng Zhang old and incompetent, or is it because Li Jing is too evil?

After Wang Jingwen got angry and scolded, he had no choice but to send another set of paper, ink, brush and inkstone, and immediately wrote a letter to Wang Jingwu in Qingzhou, and sent it to Qingzhou quickly, and the brother of the family owner made the decision.

In Qingzhou, Wang Jingwu received this letter very quickly. After reading it, he actually replaced many commanders. Ziqing Town has changed many commanders, but he has always controlled the generals of the Qingzhou Yajun. Can't help frowning.

Wang Jingwu is Qingzhou Yajiang, Yajiang is just a customary name, in fact, his official official position is Ziqing Town Pinglu Army Jiedu Mansion Yamen all know soldiers and horse envoys, there are Yaqian soldiers and horse envoys, yamen soldiers and horse envoys, and Yamen envoys The soldiers and horses of the backyard, the soldiers and horses of the front yard, and the soldiers and horses of the backyard, etc., the president leads the soldiers and horses of Yacheng, which is also Qingzhou, and the Pinglu army stationed in Qingzhou is also called Yajun. belongs to him.Among the [-] troops on the surface of the entire Pinglu Army, among the six types of troops, including personal soldiers, Yajun, Zhizhou soldiers, county and town troops, border town troops, and united soldiers, he mastered the most elite Ya Jun .

In the past, he relied on this dental army to become the actual head of Ziqing Town.The original Jiedu envoys were unable to compete with him for power, and they were just in front of an idle Jiedu envoy who was emptied.The former Yu Yu originally wanted to compete with him, but the entire Yu family was demoted later, and Yu Yu became the Sima of Dengzhou, so he survived that crisis safely.But who would have thought that after the wolves had gone, the tigers would come again, and just as Yu Yu, who had a four-knit degree, left, Song Wei came again.

Song Wei was born in the Song family, a famous family in Guanzhong. Although the Song family is not as good as the top gentry families like the five surnames and seven high schools, they are still first-class high schools.Song Wei served as a general in the Forbidden Army in his early years. In the ninth year of Xiantong, he led his troops to put down the Pang Xun Rebellion, and made great contributions to the unification of the northern capital.For ten years, he went to the southwest to participate in the war against Nanzhao, until this year he was transferred to be the commander of Ziqing Festival.This is a veteran with both family background, qualifications and prestige, and he is aggressive when he comes.

In particular, he was backed by Zhang Wanrong, the military supervisor of the Supervisory Academy, and he also had the full support of the Cui family. Even the big clans in Qingzhou like the Han family began to fall for them.Starting from the periphery, they bought and recruited many generals of Zhizhou soldiers and county soldiers. Now in Qingzhou, there are [-] supervising army personal guards, three army Jieshuai personal soldiers, and [-] Dengzhou united soldiers. No less than his dental soldiers, the only thing slightly worse is that the soldiers and horses are not as good as the dental soldiers.

But now Dengzhou has missed one after another. First, Dengzhou Port, the source of most of the money and food for the Ya army, inserted Song Wei's pawn Li Jing.But now this little chess piece not only defeated Feng Zhang, but also not long after the last mediation, Feng Zhang has already lost his life in his hands, and lost the entire Daxie village.

"Patriarch, Daxie Village has always been in control of Dengzhou Port, and most of our dental soldiers' supply comes from Dengzhou Port. Now that Feng Zhang is dead, Daxie Village has fallen into the hands of Li Jing, and it will be troublesome in the future."

Wang Jingwu knew what trouble the counselor was talking about. Although Wang Jingwu was a general, in fact, nearly ten thousand teeth soldiers were controlled by many military leaders. What he could really fully control was only the soldiers and horses in the Yamen. The rear of the yamen, the front yard, and the back yard are not completely under his control.Their relationship is actually more of a coalition of interests in an alliance, advancing and retreating together, and holding together to deal with those foreign commanders.There are many branch state soldiers, county town soldiers, and border town soldiers with many leaders, all of whom are related in this way.

Every year everyone has to share a lot of money and food from Wang Jingwu, which is why they have been willing to follow him to advance and retreat.As for Wang Wujing's money, in addition to a part of the supply from the Wang family itself and the many families who followed him, a large part of it came from Dengzhou Port.This is not only due to the tax and customs fees of Dengzhou Port, but the most important thing is that they engage in smuggling business. Only with the perfect cover of Daxie Village can they have such huge profits.

Now that Daxie village has fallen into Li Jing's hands, not only will they lose their share in taxes, fees and tariffs, but even if they do smuggling business, it may not be so easy to do.Without money, how to maintain tens of thousands of dental soldiers and many private soldiers in the hands of everyone.Without money, those military leaders and generals, who would continue to follow him so determinedly.

"It's better to send a group of people to assassinate Li Jing. This guy is a big trouble. I didn't notice him before, but I didn't expect that a small chess piece can climb the huge waves. Let him go on like this, our ship It's going to be unstable," said the counselor Li Zhou.

"Inappropriate." Wang Jingwu was able to hold the position of a steady tooth general, and even emptied it several times, saying that it fully showed that this was not an ordinary martial artist.

"I heard that this Li Jing was originally a warrior. His ancestor, Shangyuan, was also a junior high school in our Pinglu Army. He moved to Dengzhou only because his ancestor died in the battle when the imperial court attacked Ziqing Town. His father was just a junior high school student. He was an official, and later died in the rebellion of Qiu Fu in western Zhejiang, and his two brothers also died one after another. Li Jing had studied and obtained the status of tribute to the township. Joined the army and won the appreciation of Cui Yunqing and Yu Yu for killing bandits, and since then it has been smooth sailing, the sky has risen, and he has achieved the position of general in a short period of time."

Li Zhou sighed: "I didn't expect the Patriarch to know this kid so well."

"Know what you know and what you know, and you can fight forever. If we don't even know this, how can we deal with the enemy?" Wang Jingwu sighed: "This kid is a good character. If I met him first, maybe he is now One of my generals is gone. It's a pity, it's a pity."

"Yes, it's a pity that such a person is our enemy." Li Zhou couldn't help but sigh.

"Then let's turn him from an enemy into a friend. Li Jing is just a young man. He must have his own desires. Beauty, money, or power? Seeing how aggressive he is, he has fought against Feng Zhang several times. This kid You can tell at a glance that he is not willing to be ordinary. Money and beauty will certainly be difficult to win him over, but we can promise him power. Li Zhou, please write me a letter to Li Jing. As long as Li Jing is willing to be our friend, If we continue to maintain the money that Fengzhang gave us before, then I will not ask him to turn against his teacher. As long as he maintains a neutral attitude in our struggle with Song Wei and the others, then I am not only willing to support him in controlling Daxie Village , and is also willing to protect him as the military envoy of Daxie Village. If he can fully support me in defeating Song Wei, then if I become the commander of Ziqing Festival, he, Li Jing, will be the new military envoy of everyone in the Yamen!"

Li Zhou hesitated and said, "I'm afraid the possibility of him accepting the solicitation is very small."

"Try it. If you don't try it, how will you know if it will work. In addition, you might as well 'accidentally' disclose the contents of the letter, so that Song Wei, Cui Yunqing and people in Dengzhou can also know."

"Patriarch means alienation?" Li Zhou was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood.

"Well, even if the separation is unsuccessful, at least it can provoke Li Jing's fame and power. Maybe Song Wei may have distrust of Li Jing because of this. Let's try, but we can't give up hope. It's all on him. How are you preparing for the thing I asked you to prepare for?"

"It's almost time."

"Okay, let's speed up a little more." Wang Jingwu said.

(To be continued)

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