Late Tang

Chapter 319 The book is aggressive, and rest, every hill and valley are also romantic

"The prince is back!"

In front of the gate of the Li Mansion in Shamen Town, the plaque on the gate of the Li Mansion has just been replaced with a plaque of the Marquis Mansion.The three gold-plated characters of the Junhou Mansion were bestowed by the emperor himself, and the best craftsmen were invited to make a plaque.

In front of the mansion, Li's mother Han Shi, Li Jing's wife Gui Niang, second room Wan'er, third room Wanjun, and fourth and fifth rooms' Pei Chenxi and Pei Chenlan all dressed up and stood in front of the door waiting for Li Jing. , the old army servants and maids and women in the mansion also stood in rows.

Li Jing turned over and got off the horse, Li's mother had already thrown herself on Li Jing and cried excitedly, it was tears of joy.This time Li Jing was granted the titles of General and Marquis, and was promoted to the rank of third rank.As Li Jing's mother and wife and concubine, they are also sealed by imperial orders.

Li's mother, Han's family, was granted the title of the fifth-rank county monarch, and Li Jing's wife, Wang Guiniang, was granted the title of the sixth-rank imperial order, and she was later honored as the county lady.In addition, Li Jing's four concubines, Wan'er, Wang Wanjun, Pei Chenxi, and Pei Chenlan, were also awarded titles. According to the system, Li Jing is now the third rank, and he has six concubines, all of whom are regarded as the seventh rank.Wan'er and Wang Wanjun all have the rank of seventh rank.Although she is still a concubine, her status is different.

In addition, the emperor also posthumously presented Li Jing's father, Li Gang, as the minister of the Ministry of Inspection and Industry, and Li Jing's eldest brother, Li Yan, and second brother, Li Yu, both posthumously presented them as Xuande Lang, the seventh rank.

This is truly the most glorious day for Li Jing.Li Jing cried all over, the old lady especially cried loudly, Li Jing stood in the ancestral hall, enshrined the imperial decree in the ancestral hall, and burnt incense in front of Father Li's tablet.Even the four concubines Wan'er, Wang Wanjun, Pei Chenxi and Pei Chenlan had no chance to enter the ancestral hall.Even Wang Guiniang, the official wife, only entered the ancestral hall once after marrying Li Jing, and when worshiping the ancestors every year.Mother Li treated Wan'er pretty well, after all, she was raised since she was a child.But for the three Wang Wanjuns that Li Jing married back without her consent, they have always been disliked.

After Li Jing brought them back, the three offered tea to Han, but Han didn't pick it up.Although the Han family can be regarded as coming from a rich family, they are very dissatisfied with the concubines of the three sons of Wang Wanjun.

Marry a wife and a virtuous man, take concubines and sex!

But these three concubines are too beautiful, and the father of these three people was Li Jing's opponent before, he was a concubine who came back from the war.Therefore, Han family refused to let them stay in Li's residence after only seeing them once.Li Jing also didn't want the house to be restless, so he arranged the three of them in the backyard of the town general's mansion.Today is a big day, and these three people have also been sealed, so they also have their share in front of the ancestral hall.

Of course, apart from this, the Han family was willing to let them enter the ancestral hall, and there was another more important reason because these three women were actually pregnant.Wang Guiniang and Wan'er have been married for more than half a year, and there has been no movement so far.And these three concubines have just followed Li Jing, and this has to be said to be a trick of good fortune.Especially Li Jing had already told Mother Li about Zhang Yingying.This incident made Li's mother both happy and worried.Of course, the happy one is that the Li family has a queen, but the worry is that the main wife has been silent, and there are three concubines and one outer room, but there is one.From then on, Wang Guiniang's position in the family became awkward. Although Li Jing was not a person with bad character, the old lady Wang Wanjun knew that she was not a good person after only seeing her once.

It is said that a mother is more valuable than a child, even if Li Jing is not partial, he can't compete with that charming son.

After the ancestral hall reported to the ancestors, Mother Li immediately called Guiniang and Wan'er into the upper bedroom. "Gui Niang, is there any movement in your stomach?"

Gui Niang shook her head, Mother Li looked at Wan'er again, and Wan'er shook her head helplessly.

Mother Li sighed: "Why is this so strange? You have been married for more than half a year. It's not that San'er doesn't love you, but why is there nothing happening? Look at the three little ones, just after they came over, You already have a body. You have been married for more than half a year, and now you not only have three little ones, but also have a body, if they give birth to a boy in the future, you will have to suffer."

When Wang Guiniang used to be a girl, she had a hot temper that dared to love and hate, but after marriage, Li Jing's status continued to rise, and she changed her temper instead.Hearing the words at this time, he said helplessly: "It's all because of the unfilial daughter-in-law!"

"I can't blame you for this, but you have to think of a way. Look at the three little ones, who don't dress up to look beautiful. You are a big woman, and the conditions at home are good now, so you should buy more clothes. Get more jewelry, you are not considered a husband and wife, and you need to find ways to please your husband. Now that Saburo is back, I will let him stay in your yard at night these days, and those foxes are already healthy anyway. Mother Gui, as long as you give birth to a child, it will be our family's direct grandson, even if they are born early, it will only be a concubine."

Wang Guiniang nodded shyly. Li Jing brought back a few little ones, and she couldn't help it. Now seeing that those little ones were pregnant, she couldn't sleep all night.

The Shamen Town General's Mansion has now been changed to the Anton Governor's Mansion.The Andong Protectorate was originally one of the six main protectorates in the Tang Dynasty. It was originally an institution established by the Tang Dynasty and the Silla coalition forces to manage the former land of Goguryeo after the destruction of Goguryeo.After the Luo-Tang War, the Protectorate of Andong moved from Pyongyang to Liaodong, and became a military and political institution in the Tang Dynasty to manage Liaodong, Goguryeo, Balhae and other places.

Later, due to the interference of Tubo and Silla, in the third year of Shangyuan (676), the Tang Dynasty moved the Andong Dufu government to the old city of Liaodong (now Liaoyang).In the second year of Yifeng (677), it was moved to Xincheng (now Fushun Gaoershan).In the first year of Long Live Wu Zetian Tongtian (696), the Khitan people in western Liaoning rebelled against the Tang Dynasty, and the land transportation between the Tang Dynasty and the Protectorate of Andong was once interrupted.In the second year of Kaiyuan (714) of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, the government office of Andong Duhufu moved to Pingzhou (now Lulong, Hebei).In the second year of Tianbao (742), he moved to the Gujun City in western Liaoning (now Yixian, Liaoning).Affected by the Anshi Rebellion, in the second year of Tang Suzong's Shangyuan (761), the Andong Protectorate was abolished.

From Pyongyang to Liaoyang to Xincheng, then to Pingzhou, and then to Yingzhou, it was moved again and again, and finally abolished.

Right now, the emperor ordered the rebuilding of the Andong Protectorate, but in fact Li Jing, the new Andong Protector, could only manage Qingni City and Beisha City.Therefore, for the time being, Li Jing placed the seat of the Duhu Mansion in Shamen Town.

This time Li Jing was awarded the title of the emperor, and Li Jing naturally would not forget that his brothers all followed the establishment of the Zhendong Army and resigned the officers and soldiers from their official positions.These confessions were all brought by the eunuch Wang Tong, and they were all empty confessions.In addition to those military positions, Wang Tong also brought many vacancies of honored officers and scattered officials to come forward, and basically all the officers have been promoted.

As for ordinary soldiers, Li Jing also ordered all soldiers in the Zhendong Army to be promoted to one level.

In addition, Li Jing also asked Zhang Hong to find the treasury, and gave each of the 5000 men and horses of the Zhendong Army a reward of ten guan. It cannot be forgotten either.

Especially for the Zhongxiang and Nutao camps that went to Qingzhou this time, each person was rewarded ten guan, and the battle and first-level merits were calculated separately.The whole army was full of joy.Even the Li family in Qingni City in Liaodong, and the Guo family in Beisha City were all happy, feeling that they were with the right people.Li Jing was appreciated by the emperor, promoted to rank, and the higher Li Jing's status, the higher their status.

Five days had passed since Li Jing proposed the terms of exchange to Song Wen. Calculating the time, if it was a quick trip back and forth, Song Wei should have received the letter from Song Wen, and the reply would have arrived in Dengzhou.

"Does the Marquis think Song Wei will agree to our proposal?" Lin Wei asked.Let Song Wen take Dengzhou's soldiers and horses to Zizhou to reinforce Song Wei, and spend 100 million yuan and [-] shimi as military rations in exchange for Dengzhou.

Li Liang smiled and said: "I heard that the fight in Zizhou is very lively now. Wang Jingwu looked at it, but suddenly he won two battles with the Pinglu Army. The various units of the Pinglu Army came in a hurry, but they didn't bring much. Food and grass, now we have been attacking Zizhou for a long time, and the food and grass are almost exhausted. All battalions are waiting for Song Wei to distribute food. I heard that Song Wei originally promised to give rewards to the soldiers who came here, but he did not fulfill it. Now there is a lot of trouble, black smoke Obstacles, if this continues, without Wang Jingwu fighting back, I guess the Pinglu army will have to go home on their own."

Although Song Wei is a veteran, since he took office for more than a year, he has been trying his best to fight against Wang Jingwu, and he has not come to control the army below, at most he has gathered some army leaders.Dengzhou has been in peace for a long time, except for the Qingzhou Yajun and the frontier army in Dengzhou, the other departments of the Pinglu Army really have no combat effectiveness.Most of the military leaders of the various ministries are eating empty salaries, but they use them to support private soldiers and servants, which leads to the low combat effectiveness of officials and health, and elite servants, but they refuse to take them out to fight.Moreover, it is impossible to unify for a while, so it is difficult for such an army to deal with Wang Jingwu for a while.

In fact, Li Jing had calculated these earlier. If you think about the results of the imperial court's troops dealing with Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao's grass army in history, you will know their combat effectiveness.

"If Song Wei is a smart person, he should understand that even if he starts to guard against us now, in the current situation, his best choice is to deal with Wang Jingwu wholeheartedly instead of coming to trouble us. If there is no emperor Song Wei may resist again before the decree comes, but now..." Li Zhen smiled: "I'm sure, whether Song Wei is willing or not, he can only agree to the request of the Marquis." Li Zhen gave up the post of cavalry cavalry in the Jinwu Guard and joined the army, and now he is the marching Sima of Li Jing's Zhendong Army, but he is a dignified third-rank post.

Li Liang didn't have much opinion on his elder brother Li Zhen coming from behind. He echoed Li Zhen's words and said, "I think Song Wei has no other choice. It's really hard to get Qi Ke back. However, even if Song Wei handed over Dengzhou, I don't think it will be so cheap, and there may be some conditions."

"It doesn't matter. What we want is Dengzhou. For the rest, it doesn't matter if we make some concessions." Li Jing waved his hand, and he decided to settle Dengzhou. As for the others, making some concessions to Song Wei can be regarded as a way to ease the tension between the two sides. Relationship.

(To be continued)

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