Late Tang

Chapter 343

As night fell and a day of intense training ended, the logistics soldiers in charge of cooking carried buckets of rice to the cafeteria. The staple food was rice and steamed buns, and the dishes they ate were fish and pickles. Don’t even think about fresh vegetables. Yes, it has been drought for so long, not to mention vegetables, even wild vegetables can not be found.However, right now all the divisions are gathering for training, and the daily training volume is very large. The military envoy Li Jungong is also very considerate of the soldiers, and specially ordered that, in addition to eating enough food every day, each camp also has its own pork and pickled pickles.In addition, some canned vegetables made earlier, as well as some canned meat and poultry are specially served every day.

After eating, the teams lined up for washing, and after a half-hour break, they had to go to class for an hour and a half.Not only do you have to learn the most basic battlefield first aid and battlefield reconnaissance, but you also have to learn some weapon maintenance and repair, and simple equipment making.In addition, you have to learn to recognize characters, count, draw maps, and even in evening classes, you will be taught to recognize herbs, plowing fields, hunting, etc., and even learn simple conversations in several languages.

The soldiers recruited by Zhendong Army, although when they were later recruited, most of them were from good families.The so-called sons of a good family are decent families, officials or peasants, businessmen and those who have low jobs are not considered good families.Moreover, these children from good families are mostly self-cultivated farmers or small landlords whose family conditions are not bad.Such children are physically stronger and have better qualities.

Poor and rich in martial arts, these people's family background is slightly better, and they have practiced more fists, feet and sticks.But even so, there are still very few who can read.Even if it is a landlord's house, there are not many people who really study.Only the children of officials or big landlords can basically learn to read and write. For ordinary families, it is a heavy burden for their children to study.

In the beginning, classes were held at night, which was to teach battlefield first aid and battlefield reconnaissance techniques.Later, Li Jing simply asked the instructors and soldiers to practice calligraphy, and then slowly added arithmetic and pictures.Later, some technical knowledge such as building weapons, farming, and hunting was added.One is to prevent these soldiers from having nothing to do at night and save them from making troubles, and the other is to think about the soldiers.Those who are knowledgeable will be able to adapt better when they are promoted to official positions in the future.Now there is a rule for the soldiers of the Zhendong Army to be promoted. In addition to meeting the requirements for years and military merits, they must also know how many words.The higher the level, the more words you need to know.A low-ranking soldier who is promoted to a third-class soldier must know at least one hundred characters.And every time you go up one level, you must know one hundred more characters, and you must know at least one thousand characters to be promoted to the first-level sergeant major.

In doing so, there is another consideration, and Li Jing hopes to use the melting pot of the army to improve the soldiers below.In the future, we will not only serve as soldiers to fight wars, but also mount horses to fight wars and dismount to manage the people.And in case of injury and disability, you can also use the culture and knowledge you learned in the military to find a better way out.Rather than simply being assigned to work as a guard or doorman.

However, not many soldiers can truly understand Li Jing's painstaking efforts.

For many soldiers, he would rather run for twenty miles in the morning with two big sandbags on his legs, than sit under the lamp at night after a tired day of training, listening to those gentlemen buzzing like mosquitoes lecture.


Finally back home, Wang Dong fell down on the bed without even taking off his armor.Although there are only classes in the evening, there are regulations in the camp, and they must wear armor and shirts and carry weapons in class.This kind of regulation makes it feel like suffering in class, but it is even more painful to wear this thick armor.

"Husband, I've already fetched water for you. Let's take a bath first." Wang Dong's wife, Liu Shi, has a big belly and is six months pregnant. Now the workshop has given her half a year of maternity leave. The first three months and the postpartum three months.Now she stays at home and doesn't even have to do housework.

Wang Dong has now been promoted to the deputy tenth general of the Flying Bear Camp in the front chamber. Although the whole family moved to Dengzhou from Shamen Town with Wang Dong, Wang Dong also bought Dong Sanjin in Dengzhou City with the money he saved. Big house.A family of parents, brothers and sisters also brought them to Dengzhou City, and the two younger brothers were sent to school.Even the three younger sisters, Wang Dong ignored his parents' objection and sent them to a girls' school.The girls who go to school there are basically girls from the Zhendong Army, and there are many official daughters from Dengzhou. The 15-year-old brother was arranged by him to enter the army, and the two older sisters entered the workshop.

In addition, Wang Dong took out the savings left over from buying a house, and opened a department store for his father in the city. The goods he sold were all defective products that came directly from the workshops run by the Zhendong Army.Although defective products have some flaws, they are cheap, open and fair, and not shoddy.For example, lighters, as well as shoes and clothes in the workshop, the business is booming, and now three refugees are hired to work, making it easier.

Mrs. Liu was also a fleeing famine years ago. Her parents and others starved to death, and she was the only one left.But after marrying Wang Dong, she is filial to her parents-in-law, diligent in doing things, virtuous and gentle, and good at housework.Not only Wang Dong loves her, but Wang Dong's parents, brothers and sisters also treat her very well.Now that she is pregnant with the eldest grandson of the Wang family, she naturally likes it even more.

"Miss, let's hire two younger girls. One will serve you, and the other will serve in front of your parents. You see, you have such a big belly, and you prepare bath water for me every day. You have to rest and have a baby. Our first son, the eldest grandson of the Wang family."

"Husband goes to study every day. I don't care what I do. We are not rich ladies. Who is the daughter of a farmer's family who is still working until the day before giving birth, so she is not so delicate." Liu said with a smile.Although she is only a farmer's woman, her husband is now a deputy ten general, a dignified official of the seventh rank.There are 1000 people in a battalion, except for the ten generals, the deputy ten generals are senior officials of the first battalion.

Now her husband goes to study and class every night, Liu feels happy.In the eyes of the villagers, those who can read and write are all extraordinary people.Looking at the ten descendants who went out together in Wang Li Village, only the current county prince is a scholar and a village tribute. Now he has become a military envoy, a governor, a county prince, and a general.It's that Wang Shi, who has a brighter mind than her husband, and has been with the Duke for a longer time. He has learned a lot of words, learned a lot, and obtained many true biography of the Duke. Now he has become a tenth general of the battalion. up.

Wang Dong squeezed his brain, and said: "I'm really not a material for reading. Every time I sit in that class and look at the book, I feel dizzy and dizzy. When I hear the teacher giving a lecture on it, I feel dizzy. Buzzing sound. As soon as I pick up the pen, my hand trembles." For some reason, Wang Dong always has a natural sense of repulsion to read and write.It is always unaccustomed to hold a pen with a hand accustomed to holding a three-edged lance.

Mrs. Liu comforted from the side: "Husband, don't worry, just calm down and take your time. Husband can dance with a long spear, so can't you hold a pen and write a few words?" She opened the bookcase that Wang Dong brought back. , took out a book from it, and took out a pen and ink. "Husband, I will accompany you to read and write, and it happens that our son will also learn together. In the future, when our son is born, he may already be able to read and write."

"In today's assessment, I can only recognize more than 100 characters, which is not as good as the brothers below. There are quite a few brothers who can recognize hundreds of characters." Wang Dong sighed. "My lady doesn't know yet, our Mr. Xiao is about to join our Flying Bear camp."

"Is Mr. Xiao going to Feixiong Camp to teach?" Liu asked.

"I'm going to be an official." Wang Dong looked a little listless, and sighed again, "A notice has been issued from above. The county magistrate ordered that all the gentlemen who teach in the army and a group of newly arrived scholars Transferred to each battalion. It is said that they will be the instructors. Like Yuhou, the instructors will be set up from the first level of the team. We, Mr. Xiao, will be the instructors of the Feixiong Camp when we enter the Feixiong Camp. The position level is only below the ten generals of the battalion, and above Yuhou, the capital of the camp. Now in the Feixiong camp, the first in command is the tenth general of the battalion, the second in command is the instructor, the third in command is Du Yuhou, and the fourth in command is the deputy ten general. The fifth leader is the battalion commander, and the sixth leader is the coach."

Although Mrs. Liu is a family of women and Taoists, she is also a little surprised. The newly established teachings are all scribes and scholars, but they are only ranked under the ten generals of the battalion, and they are the second in command of the whole battalion. The ten generals, the battalion Sima and the coach envoy were all ranked behind.

"The head of the family, Mr. Xiao, I heard you said that he is a well-learned man and a Jinshi. But he is a literati, why did he enter the barracks and be the second in command, this literati leads the army, isn't he an outsider and an expert?"

Wang Dong smacked his lips, "That's right. The county government has set up instructors. Although they are the second in command in the army, they don't lead the army."

"Ah, not to lead the army?" Liu followed Wang Dong and knew some of the military system of the Zhendong Army.The chief officers of the first battalion, the tenth general of the battalion is the top leader, in charge of the whole battalion.As for Du Yuhou, he was in charge of military discipline, investigating spies, etc. In addition, Du Yuhou also led troops.The deputy ten generals are the deputies of the ten generals, assisting the ten generals in commanding the troops, the battalion commander is in charge of logistics, food, military merit records, etc., and the coach is responsible for training soldiers and horses.Although the rankings are different, each has its own division of labor.

"Then what do they care about?" Liu asked in surprise.

"I can't say the specifics. How should I put it? According to the words of the military envoy, it is responsible for ideological work."

"What is ideological work?"

Wang Dong thought for a while, gathered the words conveyed above, and finally said: "In general, the tenth general of the battalion is in charge of fighting, and the instructor is in charge of all the affairs of the whole battalion except for not commanding the battle. For example, the assessment and promotion of the soldiers below, punishment and demotion, etc. I feel that the instructor actually means to supervise the army."

Mrs. Liu was very convincing, and immediately heard the real intention of the instructor from these words, to use civilian officials to supervise the army, and let them monitor the generals with the position of second in command.In order to ensure the control of the top to the bottom, and prevent uncontrolled situations from happening.Especially according to what my husband said, this instructor is not only at the battalion level, but also from the Xiang to the battalion level, and even at the capital and team levels below. The chief instructor, this chief instructor is not concurrently held by the county prince, but promoted by the former soldier Cao Shen and Du Zhongwu.

"Mr. Xiao was originally my husband's husband, and now he is my husband's superior. In the future, I should listen to Mr. Xiao's words more. Mr. Xiao is a literati. If there is any inconvenience in entering the military camp, my husband can help me more." " Liu's idea is very simple, since he can become the battalion instructor, he must be Li Jing's trusted confidant.Such a person, of course, cannot be offended.

Wang Dong nodded, adding an instructor, and suddenly positioning him as the second in command, this matter did not have much impact on him.Firstly, the instructor was obviously here for the tenth general of the battalion, which meant to monitor the chief officer, and secondly, he was originally only the third in command, but now he is downgraded to the fourth, so there is not much difference.The above arrangements must have the above considerations, all he has to do is to abide by them.

However, although Mr. Xiao came from the Xiao family in Lanling, a wealthy scholar family, he is still a Jinshi.It's just that I heard that I didn't become an official because I felt that the world was full of filthy officials, and I only lived in seclusion at home.It is said that he was able to come to teach the soldiers before, and it is said that he came out of the mountain only at the request of the old lady of the Xiao family and Sima Xiao Dingbang of Dengzhou.Now that he has suddenly become the instructor of the Feixiong Camp, the relationship between the Xiao family and the envoy has obviously become closer.However, it is estimated that Qiu Shengong, the ten general of Feixiong Camp, may not be so calm now.Thinking of this, Wang Dong couldn't help chuckling.

(To be continued)

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