Late Tang

Chapter 645 Anti-General 1 Army

(Thanks to Dang Han, Phoenix Tea, sailorren monthly ticket support! Thank you!)

Yuzhou Island, also known as Tianheng Island, is located in the East China Sea of ​​Haizhou, hundreds of miles away. Tang stopped Donghai County on Yuzhou Island.It belongs to one of the four counties of Haizhou in the Taining Army. The town of Qingdao Port at the southern tip of Xialaizhou is five hundred miles away from Yuzhou Island, and it can be reached by express boat in a day and night.

The location of Yuzhou Island is also very important, especially for Zhen [***].Landing to the west of Yuzhou Island is Haizhou, and not far to the west is Yizhou. There is an important passage leading to Ziqing Town from the Huaisi area, the Yishu River Valley passage.Since ancient times, it has been the most convenient and fast channel from Huaisi to Ziqing.

Not far from the coast to the south is the mouth of the Huaihe River.

To the southwest is the intersection of the Yishu River Valley Passage and Sishui, the city of Xiapi, the important town of the probation army.To the west of Xiapi is Pengcheng, Xuzhou, an important town in Huaibei, and to the south is Linhuai, Sizhou, an important town on the Huaihe River.

Li Jing is well aware of the strategic significance of occupying Donghai County if Zhen[***] occupies this big island.Suppressing [***] is almost equivalent to monitoring the Taining Army and the Probation Army.It is said that it has landed in Haizhou at any time, cut off the main road of Yishu, and at the time of Guanjian, it can even go straight to Xiapi, Sizhou, and has the ability to attack Pengcheng in Xuzhou in the west and Linhuai in Sizhou in the south.

Moreover, stationing on Yuzhou Island can also protect the coastal maritime trade routes.

What moved Li Jing the most was that Yizhen [***] possessed a powerful naval force. If Zhen[***] was stationed on Yuzhou Island, even if the Taining army wanted to harm the troops stationed on the island, they would not Unable to cross the sea to make an enemy of Zhen[***].This is completely a wonderful strategic zone where you can attack and retreat.

As long as he owns Yuzhou Island, Li Jing has almost put a sharp sword on the back of the Taining Army and the Probation Army. Once they want to make any changes to Zhen [***].Li Jing can end them at any time and make them suffer in the back.

Zhen [***] had of course noticed Yu Zhou's such an important position in the past.But as Yuzhou Island is a county in Haizhou, the Taining Army will naturally not easily hand over this important place to Li Jing.But it's different now, with Wang Wanjun's reminder, Li Jing immediately realized that Gao Pian's transfer order actually gave Li Jing the best reason.

Li Jing organized an army to go south from the sea, arrived at Yuzhou Island, and asked to go ashore for supplies.With Li Jing's current status and reputation, coupled with Gao Pian's transfer order, does the Taining Army still dare to stop him?In particular, there was a small mutiny in the Taining Army just now. Taining Army General Qi Kerang secretly ordered his soldiers to mutiny and raise wages. As a result, Taining Army Commander Yang Zhizhi, that is, Wang Xianzhi, attacked Jiangling. When he was in the city, the former Jingnan Jiedu envoy, who was sitting on a large army but still lost the important city of Jiangling, fled to Dongdu in a fright.After Qi Kerang asked the court to ask himself to stay, the court has not yet made a conclusion on this matter.

At this juncture, Li Jing believed that Zeke would not dare to do anything to Zhen [***] after letting this mutiny come to power.

There is no need to do anything about Zhen [***], as long as a heavy army is stationed on the island in the name of building a supply point, then in fact this will become Li Jing's actual control area.

Thinking of the effect of controlling this important big island, Li Jing almost couldn't help but want to hug Wang Wanjun and kiss him hard.

However, in Wang Wanjun's strategy, the one that attracted Li Jing's heart the most was not the Yuzhou Island plan, but the Hu Douzhou plan.

Hudouzhou, later Nantong, Jiangsu, is a sandbar formed by the alluvial sediment of the Yangtze River Estuary. Because there are many peas or broad beans growing on the island, it is called Hudouzhou.

The area of ​​Hudouzhou is larger than Yuzhou Island, 35 miles from east to west, and [-] miles from north to south, which is larger than ordinary counties.There are no counties and townships on this island, only some refugees and hermits who fish and boil salt here.

But the location of this island is even more important. It is only 340 miles from Hudouzhou to Yangzhou, the seat of Huainan Town.It is only five hundred miles to reach Runzhou, the seat of the Haidu envoy in Zhenxi Town.

As long as Li Jing sends a heavy army to the south in the name of Gao Pian's transfer order, and then occupies this large island with a radius of a hundred miles, stationing heavy troops on it, with the guard of the Zhen[***] navy fleet, even if he is watching Gao Pian There is no need to worry too much under the eyes of the two famous generals, Zhou Bao and Zhou Bao.

Although far away from Dengzhou, Li Jing doesn't have to worry about supplies and other issues.There are already a large number of merchant ships in Dengzhou, and it is enough to replenish directly with merchant ships.

Li Jing can imagine that there is such a large army stationed at the mouth of the Yangtze River, stationed behind Gao Pian, and he can imagine Gao Pian's feelings.In this way, Li Jing can not only threaten Gao Pian at any time, but also protect his interests in the trade route at the mouth of the Yangtze River and the southeast coast, counting islands with one stone.

Li Jing shook his head and said to Wang Wanjun with a light smile, "How did you think of this?"

"Actually, it's not the concubine's plan." Wang Wanjun saw that although Li Jing had glared at her a few times before, he became more and more happy after reading the booklet, and even couldn't help clapping his hands on the table in the middle of the table, showing joy , I know that Li Jing is really happy about this plan.I felt a little worried in my heart, but I wasn't overly complacent at this time, on the contrary, I was a little more cautious.

Li Jing looked at her, then looked down at Zhezi, "Let me guess, could it be that Meghan and Julie were also involved in this matter?"

Wang Wanjun nodded. Although she is smart, she is only a woman after all.The reason she got close to Meghan and Meghan was originally to win them over.She saw that although the two of them were not very popular with the old lady, but they were Li Jing's concubines, but they were still able to command the fleet as generals, so she knew that they were very fond of Li Jing.Anyway, the two are Hu girls, so I am not afraid that they will win favor.Therefore, they got close to each other, and after a period of time, they sometimes talked about military affairs.In fact, the main ideas of this strategy are all from the hands of Meghan and Jolie, and Wang Wanjun just summed it up in the end.

Hearing this result, Li Jing just smiled lightly.He doesn't like women participating in military and political affairs, that's because each of his women has a family with a high status behind them.Such as Wang Pu, such as Pei You, such as Zhang Rui, such as Xiao Shi, etc., are afraid that the internal family members and foreign ministers will finally unite and affect the decision-making.

"This jade pendant is for you." Li Jing took off a piece of jade pendant and gave it to Wang Wanjun, and then said solemnly: "In the future, if you have some opinions on military and political affairs, you can write a booklet and hand it to me, but things will always happen. There are boundaries, and I don't want you to be confused.?"

Li Jing can take a step back and ask Wang Wanjun to write some opinion notes and provide some reference opinions, but he doesn't want her to further participate in more affairs.

After talking to Wang Wanjun a few more words, Li Jing took her booklet and went out, took the guards and went directly to the Jietang.

The meeting of the Sirius Festival Hall was originally a military meeting, but now it has become a meeting of senior officials of the town [***].The civil and military officials of the sixteen states, the military leaders of each army, the principals of the martial arts hall, the principals of the military academy, and the chief officers of the staff department, Xiaoqi department, and propaganda department were all present.

A meeting with such a large number of senior officials would have been an extremely important meeting.

Even when Li Jing's adopted brothers Wang Zhong and Lin Wu talked secretly, they thought that this time Li Jing might want to give Tian Lingzi and Gao Pian a good look.They were even ready to raise the flag to rebel. For the two of them, no matter what decision Li Jing made, they would unconditionally support it.

But after talking with Gai Yu and Li Zhen, and unexpectedly getting Wang Wanjun's notes, this meeting is actually not very meaningful anymore.

All in all, Li Jing already has an idea in his heart, and now, he just announced his decision.

Li Jing first summoned the tax collector sent by Lu Xie and the city ship envoy sent by Tian Lingzi to the court, and then directly announced his decision to them.First of all, regarding the court's taxation plan, Li Jing's reply was to stop paying 100 million yuan a month to the emperor with immediate effect.However, at the same time, 200 million guan of the two taxes will be handed over to the court every year, plus 200 million guan of salt, iron and tea tax.This year, during the eleventh and fourteenth months of **, 100 million guan will be handed in every month.

As for the tax collection by the Shibo envoy, Li Jing flatly refused.Zhen [***] fought for the court in Liaodong and Liaoxi, and recovered the land of Andong, without asking the court for a penny.According to the usual practice, the military borders of feudal towns have food, and as long as they go out of the border, the imperial court has to be responsible for the supply of food and salaries.However, Zhen [***] has fought for several years, and the imperial court has never provided troops, whether in Liaodong or Daibei.Therefore, the tax money collected by Dengzhou Maritime Trade was kept by the town [***] as military expenses.

The envoy brought by Lu and the eunuch sent by Tian Lingzi wanted to say something, but Li Jing waved his hand directly, and immediately several guards in golden armor walked into the festival hall with swords and guns in their hands, and dragged them down.

Seeing this, the high-pitched envoy trembled with his legs.

But to his surprise, Li Jing didn't reprimand him, and didn't even reject Gao Pian's transfer order.

Instead, he said a lot of words, saying that everyone is responsible for suppressing bandits, and that the town [***] is duty-bound, and then said that the town [***] will transfer troops to the south soon.

Not to mention Gao Pian's emissary was shocked by Li Jing's words, even many civil and military officials in the hall were very surprised.

They couldn't figure out why Li Jing accepted this transfer order. Li Jing was the king of Andong County, no matter his title or official rank, he was all above Gao Pian.Zhen [***] fought for the country in Liaodong, why did he accept Gao Pian's transfer order?

Li Jing didn't explain to the generals, before the official meeting, he only came and talked about his new plan with Li Zhen, Li Liang, Gai Yu, Jing Xiang, Guo Cheng'an, Lin Wei and others.Even the teachers Cui Yunqing and Li Jing never told him.

Li Jing directly announced that he would transfer 2000 people from the First Fleet of the Water Army and 2000 people from the Second Fleet of the Water Army.In addition, 8000 people were transferred from the Yanyun Army, 5000 were selected from the Front Army, and 2 people from the Zhenyuan Army, the Weiwu Army, the Xiongwu Army, and the Jingsai Army from the newly attached Jitan Prefecture, for a total of 7000 troops.The southeast camp was formed, with Pei You as the commander of the camp, Megan and Zhu Li as the commanders of the water army, Liu Xun as the vanguard of the camp, Guo Zhenshan and the commander of the Hebei Fourth Army as the commander of the horse infantry.Wang Pu is the Sima of the camp and marching, Wang Zhen is the Marquis of Duyu, and Megan is also the teaching envoy of the marching.

Li Jing dispatched six armies and two navy fleets to the south at a time. It seemed that Li Jing really wanted to follow Gao Pian's order to attack Huangchao.

But after this series of appointments, Gao Pian's emissary was inexplicably frightened.

Before coming, no one from Gao Pian to Zhang Lin, Liang Yan, Lu Yongzhi, Zhang Shenjian and other Huainan generals, even the envoy himself, thought that Li Jing would accept this obviously insulting transfer order.

But the more impossible things happen, the more they happen.

Li Jing not only accepted the transfer order, but also didn't send a few people to dismiss him casually.Instead, a large army was actually sent, with six armies plus two naval fleets, 7000 people.The Fourth Army in Hebei may not have much reputation and combat effectiveness, but the Yanyun Army and the Selected Front Army, although these two armies are not trump cards in the town [***], they are also first-class troops.Guo Zhenshan and Liu Xun are Li Jing's generals.Especially Pei You, when Li Jing sent south to pacify Wang Ying, it was he who led the town [***].

When things go wrong, they are demons!

Just above the Heavenly Wolf Festival Hall, Gao Pian's envoy frowned and began to worry.

Everyone thought that Li Jing would not send troops, but now, Li Jing sent troops, and sent a real army.

The meeting at the Sirius Festival Hall lasted less than an hour, and it was over.

Li Jing's personal guard, Zhao Jiang, pulled his neck and shouted loudly: "Stand up!"

All the civil and military personnel in the festival hall got up together, stood upright, and then saluted Li Jing with his right hand and left chest hammer.

Li Jing also bowed seriously.

"The meeting is over!" Zhao Jiang shouted again!

Zhen [***] Wen Wu started to get up and leave the table, only Gao Pian's envoy was still standing on the festival hall, a little at a loss! (To be continued.)

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