Late Tang

Chapter 934 Dawn of Victory

During Laba, Li Jing was reading a newspaper article sent from the Central Plains in front of the stove in the fortress of Deli Town, Bohai Tieli Mansion.

The ink characters printed on the yellowed paper are very dazzling.

"Taiwei Zhongshu ordered Tongping Zhangshi to rule the world's soldiers and horses. Hedong Jiedu envoy Taiyuan Yin Beidu stayed behind. .Killing thieves is nothing more than a sword. If you enter the battle and take the lead, you can be called a great talent. Since he closed the Jing Palace, he has made great contributions on both sides. If he defeats the enemy, Li Keyong will be the leader..."

Li Jing snorted coldly and threw the newspaper on the table.

The article posted on it was copied by the newspaper after Yang Fuguang's success in suppressing Huang Chao's rebellion and regaining Chang'an.Above, Yang Fuguang praised Li Keyong as the number one hero in regaining Chang'an this time, and said many credits of his own brothers, and then praised the joint commanders of the towns.

Li Jing didn't like this article, but some of the things mentioned above were facts.

Huang Chao, the private salt dealer who had completely shaken the foundation of Tang Dynasty, finally died.Under the siege of 40 allied forces in more than [-] towns, he was finally defeated and fired. The city of Chang'an, especially the three inner palace cities, was almost completely destroyed by ashes. The dynasty was destroyed together.

And the Yang Fuguang brothers now also have a very high prestige among the towns in the world by virtue of their meritorious service in recovering the two capitals.Li Ke used this Shatuo Hulu because he participated in the battles to recover Luoyang and Chang'an twice, especially the battle of Chang'an.He took the post of commander-in-chief of the capital.And in the number of battles.He led the Hedong Army to the front line in person. After the war, he was publicly promoted as the first achievement in destroying the bandits.

Today, Zheng Tian has no official position and is recuperating with Zheng Ningji, the son of the governor.

Wang Duo, the old Prime Minister, was more humiliatingly dismissed by Yang Fugong on the eve of the recovery of Chang'an, and now he is appointed as the Jiedu envoy of Yicheng, but Kang Chenghui was originally the commander-in-chief of Yicheng Town.Now it has been directly incorporated into Qin Fan's Shandong Province, and Wang Duo has gone to the wild like Zheng Tian in disguise.

Zheng Congxuan is not much better, the Yang Fugong brothers are now very prestigious, Zheng Congxuan refuses to be with them, how can he secure such a position in Dongdu.As soon as Chang'an was regained, Yang Fuguang had already visited Dongdu in person and officially announced that Zheng Congyu would be invited to Chang'an to take up the post of Grand Master.

There are two Yang brothers, and Yang Fugong sits in Chang'an.Yang Fuguang sits in Luoyang.Yang Fuguang adopted Bazhen Jieshuai as his adopted son, and Yang Fugong is now desperately adopting his adopted son.In a short period of time, more than 200 adopted sons were accepted, and almost all of these adopted sons were generals of the Shence Army. He sent these generals to various towns to serve as commanders of the army, and even recruited many small feudal towns. For the righteous son.

From Guanzhong to Henan, from Hedong to Shannan and then to Jingnan, the Yang brothers are now very powerful and powerful, and more than [-] feudal towns in the Central Plains have bowed to their brothers.Although Tian Lingzi is still holding the emperor in Xichuan, in fact, Tian Lingzi and the emperor's order can't really leave Sanchuan.Brother Yang Fugong has now become the representative of the Datang Center.

Tian Lingzi from Sanchuan, the Yang brothers from the Central Plains, and Li Jing who actually ruled the East together, the Tang Dynasty has now been divided into three major forces.

However, although Li Jing's main force is outside, the other two forces are still afraid to take the initiative to trouble Li Jing.Tian Lingzi was far away in Sanchuan, and he couldn't get along with Li Jing, so it was naturally impossible to trouble Li Jing again.Besides, now he wished to reconnect with Li Jing so that he could deal with the two dead eunuchs, the Yang brothers.

As for the Yang Fuguang brothers, they have no intention of being openly hostile to Li Jing now.Although they have won the two capitals, they still need to digest and consolidate the results, stabilize their brothers' control over the towns, and make their alliance bigger and stronger.Their most urgent problem is to either invade Xichuan, destroy Tian Lingzi, and take back the emperor.Or, set up an emperor by yourself.An eunuch without the emperor in hand is like a widow sleeping with no one above, so she is always unreliable.Even if there is an emperor in hand, it is just their puppet. It is impossible for the emperor to take power, but it is necessary.The eunuchs themselves can hold power, exercise power, abolish the emperor, and support a new emperor, but they cannot be the emperor themselves.

The Yang brothers are still hesitating about whether to take back the emperor or establish a new emperor, so naturally they don't have time to trouble Li Jing right now.On the contrary, they are still very afraid that Li Jing will come to trouble them.Therefore, in the name of the Son of Heaven, Yang Fugong has just included all the actual maps controlled by Li Jing into the land of the Qin Fan, which is regarded as officially acknowledging Li Jing's actual control over the Qin Fan.Although, Li Jing didn't need the emperor's approval, let alone the two eunuchs in the name of the emperor.

However, Li Jing really doesn't have the time to take care of the affairs of the Central Plains now.

Since April, Li Jing has been fighting in the Bohai Sea.

Li Jing finally chose the proposal proposed by the Mohe people Jika. Before the glaciers thawed, he marched all the way north. Under the leadership of the Mohe people, he did not encounter any decent resistance along the way.After taking Meizhou, with the efforts of the defender of Meizhou, his brother, the defender of Yizhou, finally saw the situation clearly. He was also shocked by the 40 Qin army and the name Li Jing, and finally surrendered to Li Jing.The Qin army successfully occupied Yizhou and seized a lot of food and materials hoarded there.

Then, just like dominoes, with the surrender of Hua, Jian, Mei and Yizhou guards, in the northeast of the Bohai Sea, more places, more guards were empty, and more old and weak tribal soldiers chose to surrender. Qin Jun.The tribal allied forces thought that the rear had been captured by them for several years, and that the occupation of the rear of the Bohai Sea had been firmly established. Therefore, not only were there very few defensive troops in the rear, but almost all of them were old people and children.There were not a few elite troops at all, and the result was that they surrendered one after another. In the shortest possible time, Li Jing took down Suibin Mansion, Tingli Mansion, Anbian Mansion, Anyuan Mansion, Dongping Mansion, etc. Occasionally, there were a few sporadic small-scale resistances in the middle, but without Qin Jun's action, those tribes surrendered and the troops had already quelled those resistances for him.

When the Qin army's elite forward appeared at the rear of the important town of Tie Lifu Deli Town, the elite tribal army in the city didn't even know the news of the Qin army's arrival.When they saw the left-behind old commanders and ten thousand commanders from the various mansions, such as Heli the Iron Hand, arrived.There are also some inexplicable.

Then Tie Shou and others said that it was when the Marshal of the Right Route Army came.They didn't even suspect it.He opened the gates of the fortress and let them in.

The northern fortress Derry Town, which has been operated by the people of Bohai for more than 200 years, has always been regarded as the northern forward base to deal with the Heishui Mohe, and it is also regarded as a strong pass that can firmly block the invasion of the Heishui Department at critical times.In the first fortress in the north of the Bohai Sea here, a large amount of supplies have been accumulated. In the past few years, the coalition forces have been confiscating food, grass and equipment from all over the country along the black and difficult waters, and then transporting them to the front line.

There have also been [-] elite tribal soldiers stationed here.The coalition commander once claimed that the fortress of Derry would never fall.

But in fact, this fortress did not stop the enemy from breaking through for even a moment.

They were attacked by the coalition forces themselves. They personally let the coalition troops who had already surrendered to Qin enter the city, and then they were captured. The vanguard Yang Shihou led the army to watch outside, watching quietly, and did not dispatch at all.Wait until the sound of killing in the city subsides.When it finally stops, after the sun rises the next day.The forwards of the Qin army who lined up neatly appeared under the city with the black flying eagle flag.

Although there were [-] elites in the city, Lao He and the others had more people, and they also entered the city with the thunder and thunderbolt issued by the Qin army, and there was even a tribal artillery trained by the Qin army on the road, as well as hundreds of guns. Thunder cannon.

The [-] tribal elites were almost killed by the Iron Hands, even though they were both tribal troops.However, most of the surrendered troops such as Old Heli were members of the Blackwater Tribal Alliance, while the defenders here were members of the Shiwei Alliance. They didn't have any burden on their hearts to kill them.Moreover, Qin Jun had promised in advance that every time he killed a defender, he would get five golden dragons, and the more he killed, the more rewards he would get.Under such encouragement, even a group of old men and youths are still extremely powerful in combat, not to mention sneak attacks with mental calculations or unintentional, and they are also equipped with many Qin army weapons?

Hurley and other descendants also suffered a lot of casualties, but they didn't care about it themselves, let alone Yang Shihou.As soon as he entered the city, he cashed in the rewards. Boxes of Panlong gold coins, Sirius silver coins, and Feihu copper coins were brought up. He didn't issue paper money, and those tribesmen believed in real money.

With real money in hand, the tribal soldiers were even more convinced and happy.In the beginning, there may have been elements of being forced to surrender, but now, they feel that it is obviously more cost-effective to follow the Qin army.At least, in the coalition army, the higher ups never paid any rations, and everything was robbed by themselves.Unlike now, after they surrendered to the Qin Dynasty, they had already been paid once on the way, once a month, all of which were real gold and silver.Moreover, the Qin army also made an agreement with them. Every time they fight, they will be rewarded for the heads of the enemy soldiers they cut off, and they will also be rewarded for the captured enemy troops. Although the captured trophies have to be turned in, they can also get part tips.Even if they contacted and persuaded the coalition forces to surrender, they would also be rewarded.

Driven by these real money, they led the Qin army to the rear of Derry Town as quickly as possible, and helped the Qin army take down the small half of the Bohai Sea territory east of the Huhan River.

Subsequently, Li Jing led the main force and finally rushed to Delhi before the rivers in the Bohai Sea thawed.When the spring news began, the Qin army had already begun to march south and west along the Nanshui and Huhan Rivers.

Up to now, the Bohai Sea has entered winter again, and when the Nanshui and Huhan Rivers are frozen again, the Qin army has completely occupied Yingzhou and Bozhou to the north of Shangjing, and Gaozhou to the north of Momofu.At the same time, the [-] soldiers and [-] civilians who were ordered to be urgently recruited from the eight provinces of Rehe, Shanxi, Hebei, Beiping, Liaoxi, Liaodong, Andong, and Shandong in April have also arrived at the designated Da'an City smoothly. .

The Qin Army finally completed the four-sided encirclement of the Bohai Allied Forces. Throughout the summer and autumn, the Qin Army and the Bohai people fought nine battles on several battlefields, but each time the Allied Forces finally retreated badly. .When they finally found that the Qin army had blocked their retreat, they tried to open up the retreat several times.But at that time, it was summer, and the originally flat and hard land of the Bohai Sea turned into a marshland divided by rivers and interlaced with water, full of water, swamps, and dense forests everywhere, and it was difficult for large troops to Action, let alone a large-scale battle in such a place.

The Qin army occupies a good terrain, always relying on mountain passes and river banks. The Qin army even transferred the navy into the vast and difficult water, and used the fleet to supply and patrol.In total, the Qin army's four armies of Shangjing, Delhi, Da'an, and Fuyu consisted of 35 troops, 20 sailors, 40 Bohai navy, more than 30 tribal soldiers, 10 Qin army civilians, and 10 Bohai civilians. Under the conditions of strength, favorable terrain and favorable weather conditions, for a whole summer and autumn, the Qin army used more than [-] troops from the Qin army, Bohai navy, and tribes to surrender troops, and firmly trapped the east and west coalition forces in the Bohai Sea. In half a year, nearly [-] coalition forces were wiped out, and more than [-] coalition forces were captured and surrendered.

The total number of coalition forces of 60 has been reduced by one-third in half a year.

On the surface, the casualties of the Allied Forces were no less than those of the Allied Forces, but in fact, the Bohai Navy accounted for half of the more than 20 casualties paid by the Allied Forces. The casualties were only more than 40, accounting for one of 40 soldiers of the Qin Army. This number is really not worth mentioning for the huge number of [-] Qin Army and [-] Qin Army civilians, and it is completely within the controllable range within.

The tribal coalition forces still have at least 40 people, of which there are 25 fighters capable of fighting, and at least more than [-] elite tribal fighters.However, after half a year of interruption of rear contact, their supplies began to be somewhat insufficient.In fact, the Qin army itself is also short of supplies. In the past half a year, the Qin army has been relying on the rear for supplies, while also relying on fishing and hunting. Butchered for meat.

For Li Jing, every day they continue to surround the coalition forces, they themselves have to pay a huge price.

Now, winter is coming again, and the rivers and swamps have become smooth roads. There are still three or four months before the thaw, and it is even more difficult for the Qin army to supply supplies.And more importantly, in such a season, it is a good time for the coalition forces to break through. The huge encirclement of the Qin army in the vast Bohai Sea has become a sieve, with holes everywhere.

The real test is coming, whether it is for the allied forces or the coalition forces, life and death are in this battle! . )

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