Late Tang

Chapter 995

What kind of person is Dong Chang?If you use a Three Kingdoms character to compare, it can be somewhat similar to Yuan Shu in the Three Kingdoms period. However, no matter Dong Chang's background or ability, he belonged to Yuan Shu, who is incompetent. The only thing they have in common is that they are only focused on dreaming of the emperor's dream, and they were burned out by the emperor's dream.

Although Dong Chang occupies the land of eight states in eastern Zhejiang, in fact, no matter whether he established Shijing Town in the early years, seized Hangzhou later, and later captured Eastern Zhejiang Town, none of these were obtained by his own ability.

After Dong Chang got the support of Qin Fan, Qin Fan provided a large amount of low-priced salt to Zhedong Town every year. At the beginning, Dong Chang also responded to Qin Fan’s proposal, canceled the salt monopoly, and lowered the price of salt so that the common people could also eat it. Cheap table salt.But not long after, Dong Chang regretted it again.He felt that although the salt Qin Fan gave him was very cheap, why did he sell it at a low price?If he sells according to the previous monopoly, the price of salt will be dozens or even hundreds of times of the current price, especially the quality of Qin Fan's salt is excellent, all of which are top-grade fine snow salt.This salt monopoly, he can completely monopolize it in the east of Zhejiang.As a result, Dong Chang quickly resumed the salt monopoly, and the price of salt returned to the high price of two hundred yuan for a bucket of salt, which was a hundred times higher than the price of two yuan for a bucket of salt in Qin Fan.

Moreover, Dong Chang paid tens of millions of dollars to Qin Fan every year. Although he himself was rich because of maritime trade, he refused to pay a penny.He apportioned all of this tribute on the heads of the people.Under the normal taxation, the people have increased various levies, and the taxation is several times the original.Only part of the money was used to pay tribute to Li Jing, and the other part was used to give to Zhou Bao in Chang'an, Chengdu and Runzhou, and most of the rest went into his purse.

Dong Chang's governance of eastern Zhejiang is also completely reckless.As long as there are people in the territory who break the law a little, Dong Chang will order his subordinates to punish him severely, with thousands of lashes.The common people committed minor crimes, punished their families and exterminated their clans at every turn, blood flowed on the execution ground, and the ground was reddened.In the case of civil disputes and lawsuits, if Dong Chang was sued, he would not read the case file or ask about the case at all. Introduce decapitation.

Even the election of his subordinate officials and generals, and even the method of throwing dice, let his subordinates throw dice, and the winner can be appointed as an official, just like Tian Lingzi's betting on Sanchuan Jiedushi.

He even built a ancestral temple for himself in eastern Zhejiang, which was the same size and shape as the Dayu Temple, and ordered that the people who were willing to pray for blessings and gods would not be allowed to go to the Dayu Temple, but all had to go to his ancestral hall.

Qian Liu was already dissatisfied that Dong Chang was so stupid and reckless, but he still occupied the affluent eastern Zhejiang area.He wanted to replace it several times, but Li Jing didn't want to see someone in the southeast region dominate.So just don't know, even if Dong Chang comes around, he will still continue his alliance and cooperation with Dong Chang.

When Qian Liu knew from the people around Dong Chang who had bought him that Dong Chang felt resentful towards Li Jing for not getting the king of Yue, and revealed that he wanted to become emperor, he immediately began to make arrangements.

Under Qian Liu's arrangement, more and more people were persuaded and agitated. These people crowded in front of Dong Chang's commander-in-chief's mansion and shouted loudly, begging Dong Chang to proclaim himself emperor.

Dong Chang was kept in the dark, he really thought that he won the hearts of the people, he was overjoyed in his heart, and said in front of the mansion: "The time has come, I should obey the heavens and obey the people!"

Officials from all over the country who won appointments by playing dice also offered various auspicious objects, and Dong Chang gave them a lot of rewards one by one.At the beginning, each person was rewarded with hundreds of strings, and later, people came to contribute every day, and the reward had to be reduced to a few hundred coins.

In the end, what Dong Chang made up his mind was actually the sarcasm sent by the old man in Shanyin, who wanted to ask the name of the emperor, saying that he was born from the sun.This action completely touched Dong Chang's heart. He felt that he had really won the hearts of the people and obeyed God's will. If he did not proclaim himself emperor, he would simply be sorry for his subjects.

After listening to the old man of Shanyin, Dong Chang finally acted.

He immediately ordered Zhu Siyuan, a sorcerer, to build an altar to offer sacrifices to the sky, saying that the talisman descended at night.Dong Chang declared to the outside world that the talisman said that the rabbit was on the golden bed, which meant that I, Dong Chang, belonged to the rabbit, and I should ascend the throne.

At this time, Qian Liu added another fire.He asked Dong Chang's staff Ni Deru, who had already been bought by him, to offer a speech to Dong Chang, saying that he had found the basis for Dong Chang to be the emperor.

"At the end of Xiantong, the "Secrets of Yuezhong" said: "There is a Luoping bird, the master is more disaster and blessing." During the neutralization, there really was a big bird appearing in Wu and Yue, with four eyes and three legs, and its cry was "Luoping The book of heaven, the common people worship it, and they can get rid of difficulties." After speaking, he took out a picture of the so-called "Luoping bird" from his arms.Dong Chang was even more happy to see him.

However, not all the officials in Zhedong Town were as dizzy as Dong Chang, and many officials felt bad.

Huang Jie, deputy envoy of Jiedu, heard that Dong Chang was going to be emperor, and hurried back to Zhizhou. He said to Dong Chang, "Although the royal family of the Tang Dynasty is in decline, the heavens and the people have not rejected him. Your Majesty started as a farmer, thanks to the court's generosity. Enze, who ranks as a general, ranks as the king of Longxi County, has reached the pinnacle of glory and wealth, why is he still planning to exterminate the nine clans!"

Dong Chang was furious when he heard the loyal words. He thought Huang Xie was trying to confuse the public because he didn't agree with him. He immediately beheaded him, but he didn't vent his anger after killing him. Among them, he scolded: "This idiot, I am the emperor, he could sit in the high position of the three princes, but now he wants to die first!" up.

Wu Liao, the governor of Yuezhou Kuaiji, also bluntly advised, "If the king is a prince, he can be passed down from generation to generation, but now he wants to be a false emperor, but he will only kill himself."

As a result, Dong Chang was furious and killed Wu Liao's family as well.

Dong Chang found Shanyin Ling and said to Zhang Xun: "You have the talent to govern, I know it very well. After I become emperor, I will order you to be in charge of Yushitai."

Zhang Xun said with a wry smile: "Your Majesty, you started from Shijing Town and built the foundation of Jiedushi in the east of Zhejiang Province. You have been prosperous and rich for several years. If your Majesty becomes emperor, I am afraid that the states may not agree with you. You are defending Yuezhou in vain. An empty city will only make the world ridicule."

Dong Chang endured this time, and instead of killing Zhang Xun immediately, he asked him to talk about their reasons.

"What does Your Majesty think of Qin Wang Li Jing?"

"The hero of the world!" Dong Chang replied without hesitation.

Zhang Xun smiled, "Then how does Your Majesty compare yourself to Li Jing?"

Now Dong Chang was speechless, if he said that he was better than Li Jing, he would obviously put money on his face.But if he said he was not as good as Li Jing, it would be an embarrassment to him.

Zhang Xun said with a sneer: "Qin Wang Li Jing is a hero in the world, the god of war in the universe, he is invincible and invincible. Now he is sitting on half of the country and governing more than [-] million people. There are thousands of generals and millions of armors. The land is vast, the army is fine, the food is sufficient, and the people are abundant. But even so, Li Jing has never openly turned against the Tang family until now, and has always been under the banner of respecting the Tang Dynasty. Look at what Qin Wang Li Jing did, and look at the king's urgency , Isn't this ignorant of one's abilities, what is it to make the world ridicule?"

Dong Chang admitted in his heart that what Zhang Xun said was right, but now he is obsessed with ghosts and wants to be the emperor.How can I listen to such harsh words, Dong Chang with a livid face waved his hand, "Li Jing dare not oppose Tang, it's just that he has no guts, it's not Li Jing, someone has the will of heaven and the people, I obey the will of heaven and the people, Enjoy the world." After speaking, he waved his hand and asked Zhang Xun to be pulled down and beheaded.

The first year of the real dragon, 884 AD.

Dong Chang proclaimed himself emperor in Yuezhou, the country name was Dayue Luoping, the Yuan Dynasty was changed to Shuntian, and the silver seal was cast four inches square. The inscription said: "The seal of Shuntian governing the country".The copper-lead stone seals, birds, beasts, turtles and snakes and other "auspicious things" presented by officials, gentry and people from all over the country were displayed in the court, and they were called "Tianrui".He inscribed the Yuezhou city tower as "the tower of heaven", and ordered all civil and military officials to call him "sage".

Dong Chang appointed Li Miao, the governor of Hangzhou, Jiang Gui, the governor of Wuzhou, Du Ying, deputy envoy of salt and iron in Zhejiang and Zhejiang provinces, and Li Yu, a doctor in Tuntian, as prime ministers. He also appointed Wu Yao and others as Hanlin scholars, and Li Changzhi and others as generals.Divide the army under his command into two armies, the middle army wears yellow and the outer army wears white, and the word "guiyi" is imprinted on the uniform.

Immediately afterwards, Dong Chang sent an imperial edict to Qian Liu, informing Qian Liu that he had become the emperor of Luoping Kingdom, and specially appointed Qian Liu as the commander of the two Zhejiang capitals.

In fact, Qian Liu has been watching the show in secret for a long time, and he has been waiting for this day to come.

When Dong Chang's envoy finally arrived with the oracle, Qian Liu toasted with his five tiger generals in the Governor's Mansion in Hangzhou.

Dong Chang proclaimed himself emperor arbitrarily, even Li Jing would never tolerate it anymore.Without Li Jing's support and protection, even God can't save Dong Chang now.It's not in vain for him to spend so much effort, Dong Chang actually went straight into it, what a stupid guy.Thinking of having sacrificed his life for this guy for many years, Qian Liu felt that it was not worth it.

Qian Liu immediately gathered civil and military discussions, and said loudly: "Dong Chang's rebellion, as a courtier of the Tang Dynasty, how can I just sit idly by?" Then he pretended to say: "But in the past, Dong Chang was kind to me, so I can't cut him down." , it is better to persuade him to go astray and return, if he does not follow suit, then attack him."

Qian Liu first wrote a letter, and asked Shen Pang, his aide, to bring the letter to Dong Chang. The letter said: "Instead of being the emperor with closed doors and being in trouble with the nine clans and the common people, how about opening the door and being a military envoy for life?" Wealth and wealth are evil! If you regret it now, it is still possible!"

Then he wrote a handwritten letter immediately, and asked the envoy to go to Yanjing to report to Li Jing.The letter stated that Dong Chang had all kinds of resentment towards Li Jing, tried to say all kinds of words of resentment, and said that Dong Chang had done many evil things under the name of Li Jing, which damaged the reputation of King Qin in eastern Zhejiang.Now that Dong Chang dared to proclaim himself emperor, Qian Liu, as King Qin's thirteen disciples and the governor of the Jiangnan province, was obliged to sweep away Dong Chang and other minors for King Qin. "

On the same day, as soon as Qian Liu sent the letter, without waiting for a reply from both parties, he beheaded Dong Chang's envoy, burned his sacred edict, and then led an army of [-] to attack Yuezhou! (To be continued.)

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