Mengshan Army

Chapter 16 Counterattack 1

Surprisingly avoiding the main force of the West Road official army, Long Qian led the team to jump out of the encirclement from the cliff to the west of Duuduling, bypassed Zhangjiazhai at night, and continued westward.The team no longer wondered about the direction, including Ning Shijun who thought he knew the best soldiers, and now he understood the meaning of the more dangerous but the safer.

He ran for thirty miles non-stop all the way, and arrived in a forest in the north of Maoyang Town at dawn.Long Qian released the guard post, and then ordered the exhausted troops to rest on the spot.

Early spring mornings are still cold.Long Qian didn't allow the soldiers to start a fire, and there was no water, so he barely swallowed some of the dry food he brought, because Maoyang Town was in front of him, and this big town didn't dare to think about it when the Shanzhai was in its heyday, and there was always a defense camp here Hundreds of people, not so easy to mess with.

When the officers and soldiers come from the west, they must pass through Maoyang Town.This common sense is understood by most people who stand out from the encirclement.But they didn't understand why Long Qian brought them here, it looked like they were going to fight the town!

No one disturbed Long Qian, who was squatting by the edge of the forest and quietly staring at the town, the team quietly hid in the sparse woods, waiting for further orders from Long Qian.

"Captain, shall we go into town and fuck him?" Lu Shan finally couldn't bear it, and asked in a low voice.

"It's hard to say whether to fight or not. The people you lead the two tigers are responsible for guarding the sentry, and the other brothers retreat a little, rest first and then talk. The team leaders take care of their own people, and don't run around. Whoever dares to run out of the woods will never Kill it mercilessly." Long Qian gave the order.

"Understood." Lu Shan went to deliver Long Qian's order.

Long Qian stared at the town two miles away. Although the weather was still cold, the ground was already hot, and most of the light snow that fell last night had melted.Looking over from the edge of the forest, a winding path leads to the town. Judging from the road conditions, few people come to this forest.And the town was also silent in a peaceful environment, not a single person could be seen.

Coming to Maoyang Town was not planned.It seemed that turning to the south was the right choice, but Long Qian subconsciously suspected that Cao Kun had also set up an ambush in the south.That's right, for such a large operation, it is very possible for Cao Kun to use the local green battalion or patrol battalion to assist in the attack.Therefore, Long Qian stubbornly headed towards the path of Cao Kun's main force, based on such a judgment: the main force of the official army is now in Mengshan, and his rear must be empty, even if he keeps people, he will not be vigilant.So, running wildly all the way, he ran to Maoyang Town!

Long Qian knew that the current situation was not safe, and he was actually taking a great risk.Once Cao Kun found that he was in the air, he would most likely send an army to turn around and return. It is impossible for Maoyang Town to have no garrison troops. With two flanking attacks, he, who has more than a hundred people, would survive.

If you want to lead this team down, you must fight a battle!Because my ammunition is running out.The intense blocking battle yesterday afternoon consumed more than half of the small amount of ammunition, and the seizures on the battlefield could not keep up with the consumption, and the seizures in the blocking battle were even less... There is another option, that is to take the opportunity to escape, relying on With his own ability, the chance of escaping is very high... However, he is also reluctant to part with the brothers from Team Eight who already trust him and regard him as their backbone.Most of them are murdered; most of them are heinous villains and bandits in the eyes of the common people, without basic morality and conscience; One day, I don't think about the future at all...but I still love them, and I intend to take them to taste another life they don't know.

It was just a bag of cigarettes, Long Qian made a decision, he asked Jiang Yun who had been lying behind him to call the team leaders.

"Maoyang Town is Cao Kun's advance base. It is estimated that there are a lot of good things hoarded. We are short of everything now. Why don't we get him?" With the five team leaders around him, Long Qian expressed his thoughts, "Shooting Maoyang Town will mobilize the main force of the army to hunt down and kill the brigade, which is the best help for Master Sun. Second, we are in urgent need of weapons and food, and we can only ask Cao Kun for it right now."

How bold.The team leaders didn't say a word, especially Ye Yanbing and Feng Lun, who just felt lucky that they had successfully climbed out of the mountain, but they were surprised by Long Qian's proposal, and they couldn't conceal their surprise in their exchanged eyes.

"Whether you can fight or not, you have to go in and have a look first. Let's rest first, and Jiang Yun and I will go in with makeup and do some reconnaissance. If possible, we will fuck him." Long Qian looked at the direction of Maoyang Town, resolute Determined, "After I leave, the troops will be under the command of Wang Mingyuan, and you must follow his orders."

"How can you do it!" Wang Mingyuan smiled, "Without that thing, people would recognize it at a glance." He tugged at his braid.

"Damn it!" Long Qian had never had a braid since he went up the mountain. Although the imperial ban had been lifted at this time, it still looked strange without the Qing Dynasty symbol that was ridiculed by foreigners as a pig's tail.The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom War has ended for nearly 40 years. The reason why the long hair was called long hair was because the hair was not shaved and the braids were left.

The Mengshan bandits were all desperate to go up the mountain and fall into the grass, and they didn't care about keeping their hair or not.Long Qian didn't take it too seriously when he shaved his head like a monk all the time on the mountain.But at this time, the make-up scouting, it really can't do without the pig's tail.

"I'll go, I'll take Jiang Yun there." Wang Mingyuan volunteered.

Long Qian thought about it for a while, and felt that Wang Mingyuan was steady and careful, while Jiang Yun was extremely clever. Both of them were locals, and their accents would not attract attention. The situation of the garrison, do you know what to do? What capacity are you going to go with?"

Wang Mingyuan scratched his head, in what capacity?He didn't think about it.Jiang Yun had an idea, "I have a distant relative who is in the tofu business in Maoyang Town. We haven't seen each other for many years. We will go in the name of visiting relatives. You may not know that February [-]th is Maoyang Township. On the day of going to the market, it is most common to hang out with relatives. Brother Mingyuan will be my uncle, how about it? As for the secrets of reconnaissance, Captain, you taught me a lot, and I remember them all.” Jiang Yun smiled, eager to try. .

"Going to the market? Why is it so quiet now?" Long Qian asked in surprise.

"It's still early in the morning, and it will be lively later." Jiang Yun replied.

"That's fine." Long Qian smiled, "But you can't go empty-handed. It's not appropriate to go with relatives, empty-handed."

"Let's go to the town to buy some things. If anyone asks, just ask my cousin to borrow money to get married." Jiang Yun's mind turned quickly.

With a few taels of silver, Wang Mingyuan and Jiang Yun found someone to change into suitable clothes, dressed up as two authentic farmers, and headed towards Maoyang Town.

After the two of Wang Jiang left, Long Qian checked the sentry post and found no loopholes.Except for the sentry, the rest of the people slept in the woods. The exhausted team really needed to rest. Many people leaned against the big tree and snored sweetly.

What Long Qian was most worried about was that the team would disperse after they got out of the mountain, so he gave Lu Shan the strictest order just now, that anyone who dares to escape will be killed!It seemed that the situation was very good now, and this situation also dispelled his fleeting thought of leaving.

Long Qian also lay on the ground, thinking about something in his mind, but soon became confused.When he was woken up by Cheng Erhu, Long Qian thought something had happened, and learned that everything was normal, no one had been to the woods, some people had already woken up and were eating dry food, and more people were still asleep.After asking again, I realized that I had slept for nearly an hour and a half, and it was almost noon now.

Cheng Erhu was afraid that something would happen to Wang Mingyuan and Jiang Yun. Long Qian was the backbone of this honest and stammering man, "Captain, he, they won't, won't something happen?"

"Probably not, don't worry. If something happens, there will be movement in the town." Long Qian stared in the direction of the town, "Jiang Yun has relatives in the town, and it is likely that he was left behind for dinner."

Long Qian was not sure either.Based on his trust in Wang and Jiang, and his underestimation of the anti-espionage level of the officers and soldiers at this time, Long Qian judged that everything was normal, so he did not order the transfer and waited patiently.

"Captain, let's eat something." Gu Xiaolin took a pancake and a bowl of water.

The pancakes were made by Lao Song and the others before the retreat. They lacked oil and poor craftsmanship. They were dry and hard to swallow. Fortunately, there was half a bowl of water. "Where did you get the water?"

"The snow in the shade over there hasn't melted..."

"Ask everyone, are you full?" Long Qian chewed on the pancakes and gave Gu Xiaolin an order vaguely.

"Captain Long, do you want to send someone in to have a look?" Ye Yanbing said in a low voice.

Long Qian knew that he was worried about his own safety. If Wang Mingyuan and Jiang Yun were caught, they would probably confess to the team's hiding place, "No, you have to trust your comrades. Since you sent them out, you have to trust them. Wait a little longer Time, they won't come, let's go!"

Fortunately, half an hour later, Wang Mingyuan and Jiang Yun finally came back, "Captain, there are a lot of soldiers and horses in the town, but they are not on guard, so you can fuck him!" Jiang Yun and Wang Mingyuan walked around from the east Yes, this satisfied Long Qian.

"Tell me, what's the situation?" Long Qian saw that they had already eaten.

"Most of the officers and soldiers in the town are soldiers, there are more than a hundred people. In addition, there are some soldiers, who seem to be the group that fought with us at Zhangjiazhai at night. There are only a few dozen people. Gathered in the courtyard of the town hall to drink. The gate of the village is not strictly guarded, and the guards at the gate are laughing and laughing, not nervous at all." The articulate Jiang Yun reported.

"How do you know the exact number?" Long Qian asked.

"It was obtained from my relatives. He opened a restaurant, and the officers and soldiers asked him to deliver wine and food to the town hall, so I know their number."

"Oh, your relatives didn't doubt your identities, did they?" Long Qian asked.

"I don't think so." It was Wang Mingyuan who spoke this time. "His cousin is very warm to us. His shop is not far from the town hall. Now is the time when it's busy, so we can mix in a group of people first. At his cousin's house, he suddenly rushed into the town hall after dark."

"Were you not interrogated when you entered the town? How many guards are there?" Long Qian pondered.

"We took a detour through the south gate. There were three guard posts at the gate. The interrogation was easy, and it was easy. I said to see relatives, and after checking my belongings, I let them go."

"There are four gates in the town, right?" Long Qian of Maoyang Town came by, and there should be four gates.

"Yes, there are four gates. But many parts of the wall have been abandoned, so it's easy to get in," Jiang Yun added.

"Then did you go out of the town the same way? Did the guards change their guards?"

"It's the same way. The guards are not the group of people from the previous afternoon."

"You can't implicate your relatives," Long Qian pondered, "but it's a good idea to cooperate with the inside and the outside." Looking at the sun above his head, "the officers and soldiers are more vigilant after dark than during the day, so we have to do it during the day!" Already thinking about it, "Well, let's mix in a group of people first," several team leaders had already gathered around, "Let me tell you about my plan, listen carefully﹍﹍"

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