Mengshan Army

Chapter 19

There was nothing to say all night, and the Mengshan bandits guarded the captives and rested all night in the cold night of early spring.

The thieves' team was obviously better at sleeping in the open than the officers and soldiers. When Long Qian inspected in the middle of the night, he found that most of his soldiers were curled up in the lee and fell asleep, but the prisoners were basically not asleep.

"Mr. Long, right?"

The Jinmen accent made Long Qian immediately recognize that it was Captain Liang who spoke.

"What's the matter?" Long Qian took a few steps closer.

"Mr. Long, are you really a fool?"

Long Qian laughed silently, this kind of trick can only deceive people with low IQ, "Then what does Mr. Liang think?"

"People are swordsmen, what can I think? I'm just worried about the safety of Paoze, and hope that Mr. Long won't renege on his promise and become fat."

"It's a good sentence! I, Long Qian, think that the first person to say this sentence is an idiot! Since you have become a fish, you must have the consciousness of being a fish. You really shouldn't complain. If you want to complain, you should ask what to do. It becomes fish meat. Do you think I'm right, Captain Liang?"

"I didn't expect there to be someone like Mr. Long among the bandits. What do you mean by idiot?"

"Oh, it means a fool. And a very stupid kind of fool."

"Mr. Long, have you ever thought that Mr. Yuan will never swallow this breath! More than half of my supply team have come from childhood! Little Mengshan, can withstand the rage of Mr. Yuan?"

"Is this a threat?" Long Qian knelt down in front of Liang Huada, and saw that the captives' hands were tied with thin ropes and connected to each other, "To be honest, I really want to meet your Lord Yuan. I don't know if there is any." This opportunity. As for what you said, I don't think about it at all. I will be the fish on your Lord Yuan's desk in the future, and I must have the consciousness of a fish."

"Captain, why are you talking nonsense with him!" Cheng Erhu leaned over, "What kind of Mr. Yuan and Bian are you using to scare us, be careful that I will kill you with one shot."

"Two tigers, don't be wild. Remember, you can't really conquer people by force. Of course, these so-called elites who have received strict training in Tianjin look down on us bandits. Captain Liang is playing tricks for us and captured Not convinced. As long as they don't run away or make trouble, don't beat or scold them." After speaking, Long Qian got up and left.

Liang Huada was really upset about the day's affairs.He never thought that it would be in the hands of a group of bandits. He didn't believe what they said it came from Baodu Gu. He probably slipped through the net of Meng bandits.Because Liang Huada recognized that the grenade held by the bandit leader was a standard weapon of the new army.Then he guessed that it must have been taken from Li Fu during the night raid in Zhangjiazhai. What the hell is going on?Li Fu deserved his death, but he also put his own bright future in it.

Liang Huada could have stayed with Wang Shizhen, who had been in charge of the New Army's engineers and supplies, but he knew that it would be difficult for the New Army to be promoted if he did not have experience in serving at the grassroots level, so he politely declined Mr. Wang's attention, but he did not expect to be at the foot of Mount Meng. capsized.

But it was this hundred and ten, no, actually a dozen or so desperadoes, who captured his own supply team and half of Li Fu's troops!Whether the bandits were lucky or he was careless, the shame and anger in Liang Huada's heart was still lingering. He had been trained in the New Army for more than three years. What did he learn?

At the beginning, I followed Lord Cao Kun to Caozhou, and was ordered to "by the way" wipe out the Mengshan bandits.He didn't take it seriously at all.Firstly, there is no need for heavy soldiers to go to the front line to fight a war. Secondly, the elite trained by Mr. Yuan with the help of German instructors dare not say that they are invincible in the world, at least in the country. Why not come to Shandong to wipe out a group of bandits? Like playing?Who knew that he would fall on the bandits who slipped through the net?

Liang Huada believed that Long Qian's troops must be the fish that slipped through Mengshan's net. He thought that the future of the new army would come to an abrupt end with his capture. What a disaster, Liang Huada was extremely disappointed, and even felt that life would be worse than death!But when he recalled that he was blocked in the room by that big man surnamed Long holding a grenade in his hand, Li Fu died tragically on the spot after struggling for a while, and extreme fear once again occupied his heart.He had no doubt that the big man would have fired a grenade and killed everyone if the situation was unfavorable.The bandits were bandits after all, just a group of desperadoes, but the initial anger was replaced by frustration at this moment. He admitted that in terms of scheming, the bandits were definitely above him, and in terms of courage, he was far behind.After several conversations with the bandit leader surnamed Long, I felt that he was by no means an illiterate reckless person.Thinking of this, Liang Huada felt even more frustrated.


After dawn, Long Qian did not see the appearance of the Pingyi Village. The village was hidden in a cloud of morning mist, and more than a mile away, Long Qian only saw the red spire of a building, which should be a church.

Now, Long Qian and the others are located in the northeast of Pingyi Village. An official road winding from northwest to southeast is just a few dozen steps outside the forest where they live.It is said to be an official road, but it is just a dirt road with pits and holes that is difficult for two large vehicles to walk side by side. The snow that fell the night before has all melted, exposing the black road.Looking out along the main road, there are large tracts of woods, most of which are unowned.

"The environment is really good." Long Qian muttered.

"Captain, what did you say?" Feng Guozhu asked.

"It's nothing. Guozhu, remember you said that your family belongs to this generation, over there, have you ever been in?"

"I've been in it. It's bigger than Maoyang Town, and the road is similar..." Feng Guozhu thought, Captain Long is going to defeat Pingyi Village, this time he should go out on his own, after all, he is from this area.His hometown is in a small village in Zhainan, Pingyi, but he doesn't miss home very much. His parents are dead, his sister is already married, and he doesn't want to see a brother who treats him very badly...

"When you went there, was there a defense camp inside?"

"No, only Xiangyong. At that time, there was a lot of trouble in Mengshanzhai. Pingyi formed Xiangyong and bought foreign guns."

"Oh, is that a church?" Long Qian asked, pointing to the red spire.

"Yes, there is a Catholic church in it."

"Are there many religious people in the town?"

"I'm not too sure about this." Feng Guozhu asked, "Captain, why don't I go in and have a look?"

"No, it's meaningless to fight it. You all have to remember that there must be a purpose in the battle, not just to fight when you see the enemy. The supplies captured in Maoyang Town are enough for us to be busy for a while. Taking Pingyi will not make us much stronger. Attract the attention of the government. What we have to do is to let the people in Pingyi Village know that we have come and gone," Long Qian looked at the backbone around him, "We can only take further action when Jiang Yun and the others come back."

Everyone knows that the next move that Long Qian said is to go back to Mount Meng.Almost everyone disagreed with this decision.

"Have you heard of Yihequan?" Long Qian asked Feng Guozhu, looking at the steeple of the church.

"I've heard of it. When I went up the mountain, it didn't become popular yet. But there was a boxing arena in Pingyi, and there were quite a lot of young people who entered the arena to practice boxing. I don't know what happened afterwards."

"The riots over there are fierce, and the government doesn't dare to take care of them." It was Wang Mingyuan who interrupted.

"Really? You were very noisy before you went up the mountain? Then, is there anyone in your family who is religious?"

"I have a relative, and the whole family has joined the religion. They came to persuade my parents, but my parents didn't believe it, saying that foreign devils are born to harm people, how can anyone help?" Wang Mingyuan grinned.

"Not all foreign devils are harmful, they are not necessarily worse than the government..." Long Qian muttered, and then ordered, "We can't stop here, let everyone eat something, feed the horses, and get ready to go."

He didn't say where he was going.

Just as Long Qian was swallowing dry food with cold water, gunshots came from the town!Long Qian dropped the bowl and stood up abruptly, "Ye Yanbing!"


"Your team is in charge of guarding, watching supplies and prisoners. The rest, assemble."

About eighty Mengshan bandits lined up in a mess.

Long Qian observed the movement in the town, and concluded that the gunshots were caused by someone notifying himself to the armed forces in the town. With so many captive supplies, it would be impossible to run away. The best defense is to fight back. In an instant, he made a He made a decision, "Lu Shan, Guozhu, you two count the way. Commander Lu Shan, you have seen the forest, and ambushed there. If the officers and soldiers come out, put them closer and beat them hard. Don't regret the bullets. Ming Yuan , Feng Lun, you two and I will go around to the south and take the back road of Gouyue."

Long Qian's judgment was wrong. When he entered the town from the south gate with about 40 people, he found that there was no defense camp at all. Before that, he judged that it was a defense camp rather than a regular army, because Cao Kun's left-behind troops were all in Maoyang It is impossible for him to divide the small number of troops into two places.

Only now have I discovered that there are no formal official armed forces but the residents of the town are attacking the church!

"It's the Boxers!" Long Qian shouted, "Don't shoot. They are ordinary farmers."

Heaved a sigh of relief, the most worrying thing did not happen, Long Qian led the team and rushed towards the church under the surprised eyes of the residents, "Go home. We are good guys from Baodugu, we just robbed yesterday Mao Yangzhen, I don't want to embarrass you, go home!" Long Qian fired a gun into the sky.

Residents standing on the street watching the excitement were startled by the rushing team, and only when they heard gunshots did they realize that it was robbers who had entered the village.With a cry, they all ran back home in a panic.

Turning across a street, I saw the church shrouded in smoke and flames. Flames came out of a window, and gunshots still rang out from time to time.

"What should I do?" Wang Mingyuan asked Long Qian.

Long Qian had a thought, "Since we've come in, we can't break the rule of thieves not empty-handed. There are good things in the church, disperse them, kill them in, but don't kill foreigners, not even one! Catch them alive! I'm useful." .” Long Qian quickly made a decision.

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