Mengshan Army

Chapter 25 Prisoners 2

After a long time, especially after starting to build the training ground in Duduzhai, Liang Huada found that these bandits were quite different from what he had imagined.

One is that the bandits have strict military orders and good discipline.I felt this feeling in Liang Huada's Demeng Mountain. There was no noise and commotion in the huge village. I couldn't see the bandits drinking and gambling. Instead, they practiced every day. But it is very unusual to be like this every day.

The second is that the bandits actually achieved unity between officers and soldiers.The leader of the bandits, the guy surnamed Long, often came to Dongzhai, and when he caught up, he would eat with the guards, nothing special.Liang Huada asked Du Sanli, don't you big bosses eat small stoves?Du Sanli's answer surprised him, Xiaozao has it, and only the sick and injured are allowed to eat it.Our Captain Long never went to Xiaozao, which is called the unity of officers and soldiers.Officers must first do what soldiers are required to do!

The third is that there are female soldiers among the bandits!He had already discovered that there was a woman in military uniform in the cottage. At first, Liang Huada thought it was the wife of the bandit leaders. When he saw some bandit soldiers joking with the women, he overturned his judgment and decided that it was a daughter bought or robbed.Once Tan Shitou was sent to a so-called medical clinic for diagnosis and treatment because he fell from the roof of the shed repair house of the former logistics team named Tan Shitou. He stayed there for a few days and told him about the women who acted as doctors. , and the bandits' respect for female soldiers, Liang Huada knew that these bandits had really managed not to harass women.Not only did Tan Shitou admire this, but even Liang Huada felt it was incredible.

The fourth is the management of their own group of prisoners of war.This process is from confrontation to reconciliation.After the initial confrontation, the bandits have looser and looser control over the captives, beatings and scolding have gradually disappeared, and they can also be rewarded with food and rest for completing tasks ahead of schedule.The prisoners confirmed that their food was exactly the same as that of the bandits, which surprised the prisoners deeply.

In the end, the extremely clever military training of the bandits shocked the captives.

The captives were not always held in Dongzhai, and soon they were used as coolies.First, the burnt Dongzhai was repaired for some bandits to live in and house more than a hundred captives. Later, they began to work everywhere. It is the shooting training ground in the north of Dongzhai.Liang Huada and his unfortunate subordinates were mentally prepared for the bandits to use them as coolies. After confirming that the bandits would not kill prisoners indiscriminately, they also accepted the fate of coolies. It's a surprise to eat a full stomach, what else can we expect?

Every day Liang Huada goes to Duduo village after breakfast and returns to Dongzhai after work in the afternoon. He must pass through Guangming Temple. He can always see the bandits wearing new army uniforms training in the square in front of the temple. Suddenly, Liang Huada seems to have returned to the small station for training. time.

Liang Huada was trained by German instructors. In his opinion, the troops he was once proud of might not be able to compare with these bandits in the first subject of formation.Not only did Liang Huada feel this way, but the dignified expressions of the captives as they walked past the temple reflected their inner shock.

Only those who have undergone rigorous queue training know the joys and sorrows.Soldiers are different from the obedience of civilians. The spirit of teamwork and sacrifice originated from boring queue training.

It's really hard to imagine that the bandits are still engaged in queue training.

After they repaired the training ground in Duduzhai and the shooting training ground on the north slope of Dongzhai, and carried out the training of crossing obstacles, attacking and defending between squads, and live ammunition shooting, he admired and feared the training methods shown by the bandits.

Liang Huada and his men would see the bandits training every day.Although Liang Huada was an engineer, he was a graduate of Yuan Shikai's new army school after all. The bandits' ingenious military training methods immediately attracted him.The drill in front of the Guangming Temple was the first step that surprised Liang Huada. He had never imagined that the gang of bandits could train to this level. The bandits standing in a phalanx wore military uniforms seized from Maoyang Town. The battle array and the deafening slogans are definitely not weaker than the small station elite soldiers trained by Mr. Yuan!Liang Huada was even more surprised by the weird training ground in the south of the Doudou village. He immediately saw the ingenuity of the training ground.Also surprised was a platoon leader named Shi Dashou who was also captured in Maoyang Town. He whispered to him that it was not wrong to lose to them. This training ground is better than those German instructors of Mr. Yuan.You can see how well they organize their attack with sheds as a unit. They work in groups of three, with a good division of labor. There are really capable people among the bandits.

After the completion of the shooting range in the north of Dongzhai, the bandits' live ammunition shooting shocked Liang Huada even more.

Now Liang Huada and several officers of the prisoner-of-war camp have gained some freedom. After asking for instructions from the guards, they can freely go to and from several projects in the cottage. Liang Huada, Shi Dashou and others were amazed by the fixed target and moving target shooting training and competition.

Now the two captured officers of the new army are stopping to watch a moving target design competition organized by the bandits. The target made of a wooden frame is a half-human breast target covered with white paper and several circles drawn on it. The soldiers behind the target wall raised their chest targets and ran irregularly, while on this side of the target wall, the shooters who played in turns had to shoot five bullets within the specified time in three positions: standing, lying, and kneeling.One shot in the standing position, two shots in the prone and kneeling positions.

There were five players on the stage. Liang Huada and Shi Dashou unexpectedly saw the big boss Long Qian leave the stage in person. He was the third one to appear on the stage. Under the watchful eyes of his subordinates, he shot five bullets neatly. Shi Dashou He noticed that Long Qian fired his gun extremely fast, as soon as the target on the other side was shot, the gun was fired on this side, and the speed of movement was also very fast, clean and neat, with a powerful beauty that he had never seen before.

The results were reported soon. Shi Dashou and Liang Huada knew the meaning of the so-called "ring" long ago in the fixed target shooting competition of the Mongolian bandits. More concise and practical.

As a result, Long Qian ranked first.

Hearing the cheers of the gangsters, Shi Dashou suddenly said, "It's not wrong to lose to them."

After participating in the competition, Long Qian saw Liang and Shi. He walked over and said with a smile, "How many shots will the platoon leader Shi shoot? Since he is the infantry platoon leader, he must have good marksmanship."

"Don't dare, your army's training methods are very admirable, Shi is willing to bow down and is convinced."

"Military training is a science, and science has its own laws. It's the worst mentality to be complacent and arrogant. A good way is to learn from each other and improve. Yuan Shikai's new army is indeed a powerful force. Seriously, Long I really want to share my military training experience with Master Yuan."

Liang Huada almost blurted out, "Why don't you abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side? If you surrender to the imperial court, I will be willing to introduce you."

As soon as this remark came out, the two guards who followed Long Qian glared at him immediately, and the gun in the hand of one of the guards immediately pointed at Liang Huada.

Long Qian laughed, waved to the guards, and sat on the ground casually, "I've been thinking about chatting with you for a long time, let's sit down and talk. Officer Liang is quick to talk. Since you have been officers in the New Army, you must have suffered a lot. Corresponding education, did Lord Yuan tell you why you became a soldier?"

"This..." Liang Huada couldn't think of a concise answer for a while, even though the instructors also talked about other things besides military education, the idea of ​​sealing his wife and yin son didn't seem to be what the thieves leader in front of him wanted.

"Sancai, tell him." Long Qian said to Li Sancai, the guard who pointed his gun at Liang Huada just now.

"Being a soldier is to defend the country."

"Defend the family and defend the country..." Liang Huada and Shi Dashou chewed on the meaning of the four words.

"There is an event class in the evening. You two can come to Guangming Temple to listen to it if you like." Long Qian stood up, "It's fine if you don't want to. You can't just serve as a soldier for food, and such an army will not have truly invincible combat power. "He dropped a sentence and left.

Liang Huada was dragged by Shi Dashou to "attend lectures" at Guangming Temple. Because he received Long Qian's order, Du Sanli, the prisoner-of-war camp officer, approved their going out at night, but still sent a soldier with a gun to follow them.This evening is Long Qian's lecture, focusing on Sino-Japanese relations after the Sino-Japanese War and Japan's policy towards China.This topic is quite big, but the content of Longqian's lecture is easy to understand, and there are not many Japanese names that are hard to remember. There are about five or sixty people listening to Longqian's class, all sitting on the ground in front of the main hall of Guangming Temple, surrounded by burning With more than a dozen torches made of turpentine, a large wooden board was erected on the platform in front of the main hall, on which a map of China and Japan was drawn with a brush.Long Qian did not talk much about the progress of the Sino-Japanese War, but focused on the situation after the war, especially the direction of the imperial court's policy changes caused by humiliation and defeat, military and political. Liang Huada and Shi Dashou are clear about some things, including their own The proud new army is also a product of the Jiawu period, but they have never heard such a concise and clear explanation. Long Qian said that the mysterious and unpredictable imperial government has become no mystery, and it is probably unavoidable. .Long Qian's lecture lasted for more than half an hour. His conclusion was that because of the geographical relationship, if Japan is not willing to guard the small island that is severely lacking in resources, it will inevitably develop to the mainland. Therefore, there must be conflicts between China and Japan. If China If China keeps making concessions, it will be a local conflict. If China does not make concessions, it will be a full-scale war between the two countries.This war is inevitable between the two countries and cannot be changed until one country falls.Therefore, Japan must be China's sworn enemy!Please keep this in mind.

Long Qian also said that since there are not only China and Japan on the earth, Japan's mainland policy will inevitably lead to conflicts with other countries. Because Japan's mainland policy is from North Korea to Northeast China, it will inevitably conflict with Russia.The next lecture will talk about the relationship between Russia, Japan and Northeast China.

Long Qian seemed to have seen Liang and Shi standing in the back row, and emphasized: As a soldier, one must understand the sacred mission of defending the country, and to fulfill this mission, one must understand the situation facing the country. It's far away, but sooner or later, the Mengshan Army will go to the national war, that is, to the battlefield of the national war.Resisting foreign aggression is the most fundamental duty of a soldier, and it is a shame for every soldier that the motherland is bullied by foreign countries.If you don't have the concept of nation and nation in your heart, and don't have the concept of a soldier's own job, then you are not a real soldier.

After the show ended, Shi Dashou asked Long Qian, when is the next lecture?Long Qian said the night after tomorrow.Shi Dashou said he would come to listen, Long Qian said with a smile, yes, you two are educated and knowledgeable, if you have different opinions on my class, you can bring it up for discussion at any time.

Shi Dashou said no, your training was very good, really good, I really didn't expect it.

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