my head

Chapter 107 Capture of Warsaw

ps: Monthly ticket, smash my brother, my head of state, let us go through wind and rain together, walk hand in hand, and witness glory and loss together.

In our heroic, honorable, and meaningless SS, there will be no weak people. Maybe today you feel a little fear of the strength of the enemy, but don't be afraid, because there are comrades who stand on the same front as you, They will use their lives to protect your safety. If you are a man with backbone, you should turn your fear into strength and let your passion resound through the sky! ! !

Today we are not fighting alone, we have air support, powerful air support, they will send to hell those who dare to peek at our defensive rings, we are not fighting alone, the great Führer is waiting for us to win The news is that we are not fighting alone, and our relatives are looking forward to our triumphant figure.

All for Germany, my brothers, hold the steel guns in your hands, let us bravely face the stormy battle, and sing our oath loudly together, attack!attack! !Attack again! ! ! "

Zhang Jun’s voice spread from hundreds of tweeters in all directions, and all SS soldiers could clearly hear Zhang Jun’s passionate pre-war mobilization speech. Straight into the sky, they roared the SS oath and began the first attack:

"Whether our people or soldiers, whether they are in the cold trenches or in the scorching barrage, they will never feel alone and helpless when they hear the song of Holst Wessel, Even when one day we can't lift that side we pulled from nothing

Banner, the younger generation will be full of longing for today - will be held firmly in their hands!

---- "You have honored your life as a brave and loyal SS soldier."

----"Every comrade-in-arms is my brother, regardless of origin or status. I will show the firmness and unity of a family that will always be together."

---- "Respect the troops, respect my commander. Discipline and friendship are strength. Courage and loyalty are virtues."

---- "Glory in swearing allegiance to the great leader."

---- "My dress. There is no defect; My words and deeds. Although humble and dignified; My living room will always be clean and tidy."

----“As an SS soldier, I have to undergo rigorous training; maintain my weapon as if it is my most precious possession; always keep my body in top condition.”

---- "The task given to you is like a death order, I must complete it at all costs."

---- "War without emotions and desires. Respect the defeated enemy. Never give up regardless of injury or death. Never surrender under any circumstances."

----"The will of the head of state is above all else, and the orders of the head of state are above all truth and law. They must be obeyed unconditionally." I would rather turn into a pile of skeletons and fight to the end! ? This is our immortal spirit! Enough to make the enemy kneel at our feet and cry,? We have no retreat? Only attack!attack!Attacking! . . ? With us? The great Führer is praying for us? Onward! ? go ahead! ? Bayonets tore through this ugly world! ? The day the storm stops? That's when we win! ! ?? The air is full of tension.The war is coming, ? Tears run down the mother's face, the motherland is behind, ? The enemy's footsteps are heard in the distance, the earth is trembling, ? Knocked down by the cold wind, ? Lightning tore through the heavy black curtain in the distance, look.It was the [-]st Panzer Corps of the SS that was advancing. "


Rommel took the lead in launching the attack, and the attack position of the "Skeleton Division" was due north of Warsaw. The attack position of the "Imperial Division" is due south of Warsaw, and the attack position of the "Viking Division" is due east of Warsaw. Rommel's arrangement is to attack in a pincer shape on both sides, and buy bottoms in the middle. As long as the three armies join forces, the eastern half of Warsaw will be divided into two parts. Two little fast.

Now Hausser and Ike were satisfied, and finally got the offensive task, and hurried back to their own troops to organize the attack. The only thing that happened was that Rommel's own tank assault division sent a message asking for instructions. The general meaning is that General Vincent wanted to personally command Wittmann's tank assault group. Rommel really couldn't make up his mind to change the general, so he quickly sent a report to Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun thought briefly and agreed to Vincent. The general's request, because Zhang Jun will be of great use in Italy in the future, and it is also important to train a general who can fight now.

Vincent obtained the command of the "Viking Division" tank assault group as he wished, and at the same time, the rest of the "Viking Division" will center on Vincent's tank assault group to launch tactical arrangements, that is to say, the "Viking Division" All the firepower and troops will cooperate with the tank assault group commanded by General Vincent. They are the attacking hammers of the entire "Viking Division".


Vincent was still very handsome, with brown hair. Because of long-term exposure to the sun, his fair skin turned into a wheat color, but it could even reveal the mighty masculinity of a soldier.

"Boom thump... thump thump..."

Immediately, the tank roared and flew towards their respective targets. The armor and direct-firing artillery behind the tank also followed closely behind the tank. Wherever the tank and armor went, the sky was covered with dust.

Vincent's tactical arrangement is like this, 150 tanks, (No. 3344 tank died) was divided into five groups by Vincent, each with 30 tanks, from five adjacent intersections east of Warsaw Assault, the advantage of this is to maximize the deployment of the largest force on the front line. The disadvantage is that the attack surface is much larger. At the same time, will the attack be blocked and the follow-up will be weak? You must know that all the attacks of the "Viking Division" must be completed independently .It is impossible for Zhang Jun to give them support one by one.Zhang Jun is now a tank division plus an infantry division to deal with [-] Polish troops.It's fine if they don't transfer their troops, how can they have the strength to support them.

Like Zhang Jun, Rommel will never interfere with the tactical arrangements of the frontline commanders. Since Vincent is the frontline commander, what Rommel has to do is to fully support Vincent's tactical arrangement to succeed .

The attack on Warsaw did not even have aircraft bombing, and Hartmann's aviation division had a heavy task. The strength of one aviation division had to annihilate a Polish infantry division in the air and delay and stop 3 divisions.It can be said that the pilots of Hartmann's aviation division will be on the ground except for refueling and reloading, and will fly in the sky for the rest of the time.Hartman is an airplane and it is impossible to send it.

As soon as Vincent's tank set off, the cannons of the "Viking Division" began to roar. Their direct target was the section of the city that Vincent was about to attack. Shells from various 150mm, 105mm, and 75mm cannons slammed into the ground. Warsaw city.


The east of Warsaw city was filled with gunpowder and smoke instantly, countless buildings collapsed in the explosion, the artillery fire was unprecedentedly violent, and countless building materials were carried into the air by the explosion.Then they floated down one after another, but they haven't landed yet.Soon it was brought higher by the next explosion.


The copycat Type 99 tank slowly drove to the edge of Warsaw city. At about 500 meters, Vincent used a walkie-talkie to inform the artillery to stop shooting. You must know that Warsaw city was a large city in Europe at that time, with a population of more than 150 million , the city covers an area of ​​more than 100 square kilometers, and it takes 3000 tons of shells to blow up the city of Warsaw into ruins, so Vincent did not let the "Viking Division" continue to waste shells. You must know that all the supplies of the SS are now Those 5 trucks, each with 1.5 tons, can also carry [-] tons of materials. It can be said that each of these strategic materials is a matter of life and death.

"Slow attack, speed 20 per hour, all supporting soldiers get off the vehicle, and the armored vehicle support distance is 300 meters."

After Vincent gave the order in high spirits, he retracted his body into the fake Type 99 tank and closed the window on the top of the tank. Vincent led the third team, and Wittmann led the fifth team.


The copycat Type 99 roared lowly, and its huge body slowly rolled over the streets of Warsaw. Vincent's copycat Type 99 was in the first battle position, because he is now the boss. If Zhang Jun knew it, he would never Allowed.

The cottage Type 99 slowly drove into the streets of Warsaw. The streets were covered with all kinds of broken bricks and fragmented door frames or furniture. In addition to a red cloth sleeve on the arm, there is also an old-fashioned rifle with a few grenades on the waist. This is all the armed forces of those militiamen.

Vincent continued to slow down the speed of the vehicle, basically maintaining the speed that the infantry could keep up with, about 5 kilometers per hour. Of course, the tank could not be so slow. Vincent told the tank to advance a distance of 30 to 300 meters, and then stop Not moving, while guarding and waiting for the infantry behind, and the armored vehicles are supporting 42 meters away, they can only use mg[-] machine guns to shoot at the enemies high on both sides of the street.

After advancing for about 300 meters, Vincent did not meet a single enemy. It was the first time that Vincent commanded a street battle like the Tank Division University. He did not dare to be careless. He ordered some of the 500 soldiers following the tank to divide into four groups, each with [-] soldiers. People, one group is responsible for attacking the left side of the street, the second group is responsible for attacking the right side of the street, the third group follows the tanks, and the fourth group is a reserve force, where there is danger, go to support there.

The first and second groups brought a large number of "iron fists", grenades and flamethrowers. The main attack task of these two groups was to clear the Polish army on both sides of the street.

"Da da... da da..."

Suddenly, 200 meters to the right, a Czech light machine gun suddenly appeared, firing rhythmically. An SS soldier was headshot because he raised his head too high. Half of his head was cut off by the Czech light machine gun. This is not bad. The other SS soldiers raised their weapons and fired.Others are hiding behind the windowsill, how can they shoot the enemy.

The Polish soldier quickly fired all the bullets in the machine gun, and was picking up the Czech light machine gun and was about to run away.

"Boom..." (to be continued...)

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