my head

Chapter 110 Shocking Battle

Shooting down two German planes in a row, the Polish army below cheered, and the German air force has not achieved any results so far. Soon the German air force also realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately adjusted the bombing target, changing from bombing Polish tanks Various anti-aircraft firepower and artillery for bombing Poland.

These German planes also started a new round of bombing with the idea of ​​throwing bombs down since they came here. Not to mention, the effect came out immediately. A ju87 dived under the rain of bullets, "boom" With one sound, the anti-aircraft artillery and the shooter were all turned into scum. The ju87 specialized in bombing stationary targets, and the effect was excellent. The horizontal bomber was dedicated to engaging the transport vehicles and infantry of the Polish army.

In this way, the infantry behind the Polish army was completely out of touch with the tanks in front, and countless artillery pieces were destroyed. There were very few artillery pieces that could escape the bombing. It was really difficult to hide cannons on the Polish plains. Under the bombing of the German Air Force, the infantry division suffered at least [-]% casualties. Basically, it can be said that it did not suffer heavy losses. Of course, the Polish infantry division with a small loss of personnel still had the power to fight, but they lost a huge amount. Part of the artillery, only light weapons, if the Polish army and the Polish tanks act together, there is still a lot to do.

Finally, the German air force began to return, and the Polish tanks rushed up to meet the German rigorous conical tank assault group;

"Twelve o'clock, aim, put... touch... boom"

The commander of the No. 2345 tank commanded his knockoff Type 99 tank, and the first shot accurately hit a Polish tank galloping forward, turning the Polish tank into a burning torch.At this time, the distance between the two armies was 1800 meters.The range of Polish tanks is not enough.You can only be beaten but not fight back.

"Stop moving forward, get ready"

Bittrich ordered his tanks to stop so that it would be easier to target and hit the galloping Polish tanks.


The Mercedes-Benz thin-skinned Polish tanks were not afraid of the size of the SS tanks. They charged and fired at the same time. Most of the shells hit the open space, and only a few hit the fake Type 99 tanks. If the external armor is destroyed, don't even think about the fake Type 99 hull and turret armor.Only a small crater was left.

It can be said that the Polish tanks pose no threat to the counterfeit Type 99 tanks.

"Reporting to the commander, judging from the artillery shells fired by the Polish army just now, the maximum diameter of the Polish tank guns is 80 mm, and the penetration depth is less than [-] mm. The damage assessment of our tanks is as follows. The front of the hull cannot be penetrated, and the crotch of the hull cannot be penetrated. , the front of the turret cannot be penetrated, the side of the hull and the side of the turret cannot be penetrated, and the rear of the tank may be penetrated.”

"Understood. Continue to observe."

"All aiming... release... bang bang... bang..."

The booming explosion sounded continuously, and the tanks of the Polish army were violently exploding.All kinds of steel plate parts of tanks flew across, and Bittrich fired a volley of one hundred counterfeit Type 99 tanks, killing more than 30 Polish tanks. The thin-skinned tank immediately turned into scum and flew around.

"Reverse at full speed... 9 seconds, 8, 7, 3... 2, 1, [-], stop... aim... release... touch...boom...boom..."

Bittrich also has his own tricks, you may penetrate the chrysanthemum of my tank, I will face you specifically, you are fast, I am not slow, I will fight while retreating, you run the tank in front of me, I will be the last Knock it out for you first, so that you can always keep the distance from the Polish tanks.


This time, nearly forty Polish thin-skinned tanks were smashed into parts. The fake 99-type 120 smoothbore guns of the SS army were too powerful. When a shell went down, it penetrated directly and then exploded. Even if the ammunition did not detonate, Bo The turrets of the army's thin-skinned tanks will also be lifted directly into the sky, not to mention causing the ammunition to explode. The tank that exploded will return to its natural material state with a "boom", and there may be several tanks. The wheels will still stay in the explosion, and then roll around, telling their tragic fate, not to mention the people in the tank, they will be wiped out in ashes.


There are about [-] remaining Polish tanks on the opposite side. Seeing the comrades who died tragically, they were still fighting side by side, and disappeared in an instant. This aroused their passion for fighting and sacrificing their lives. It is too big, the bravery of the Polish army is destined to be just some cold numbers on the credit book of the SS "Prince Eugen Division", how many tanks were destroyed by a certain person in the Battle of Warsaw.

"Reverse at full speed for ten seconds... 9, 8, 7... 3, 2, 1, stop... aim... prepare... release... bump...boom..."

Dozens of tanks were destroyed again in front of the "Prince Eugen's Division". Fiercely shooting at the copycat Type 800 tank.


A large number of shells accurately hit the copycat Type 99. Unfortunately, except for a small impact point of the copycat 99, there was basically no other effect, but what was waiting for them was a 120mm smoothbore gun, nearly two hundred All the thin-skinned Polish tanks were destroyed in front of the SS tank assault group. None of them escaped. They all charged with the belief that they must die. Until the moment they were destroyed, they looked around at all the destroyed Polish tanks on the entire battlefield. , all were destroyed by frontal attack, indicating that they all died on the way to charge.

Compared with soldiers, they are a group of opponents worthy of respect. Any soldier who dares to sacrifice his life is worthy of respect, regardless of nationality or race. They have completed the mission of soldiers. Although they are defeated, they should also To get the honor that a soldier should have, so that the Polish army is just and Germany is evil?

No problem can be separated from the nationality environment at that time. Germany was a country that rose very late, and it was not unified until Bismarck. At this time, the world had been divided by imperialism such as Britain and France. First World War.Want to snatch some colonies from other imperialists.The result was defeated.Therefore, World War I was a war without justice. World War I was a war between established imperialism and emerging imperialism, and there was no distinction between justice and evil.

Defeated Germany was divided into many territories, coupled with the plunder of the victorious countries, and huge debts, the mark became waste paper, a large number of German workers lost their jobs, and the German people lived in dire straits.Hitler in this case.Complying with the will of the people and taking advantage of the situation to rise, Hitler was quite gifted, which enabled Germany to rise rapidly again in a short period of time. Expanding the tour of the living space of the Germanic people, was Hitler evil?Is it the incarnation of the devil? (I don’t deliberately whitewash anyone. I analyze problems from God’s perspective. God’s perspective is a method of writing.)

In fact, the great head of state - Hitler.It is a devil and an angel, that is to say, Hitler has a huge disaster and a huge contribution to the entire human being.

first.War promotes the development of political civilization.This should be beyond doubt. From slave society to feudal society, to capitalist society and socialist society, every improvement of political civilization is accompanied by large-scale bloody wars.For example, when a slave owner takes control of state power, he must desperately defend his vested interests, which will inevitably hinder the development of feudal society, and the result will be a bloody war between the slave owner and the feudal lord, and the war at that time will definitely bring a lot of people. This is undoubtedly a disaster for the entire country and people, but the final result is that the more advanced feudal political civilization replaces the backward slave political civilization.

So even if the person who started the war has failed, doesn't he have any credit?When we look at the problem, we must use philosophical thinking to analyze it. The greatest thing about the Führer is not in Germany, but in his contribution to the entire human race.

First, Hitler broke the pre-World War II imperialist colonial system. During World War II, the imperialists suffered heavy blows from Germany, and their colonies became independent and free.

You can check how many countries were colonized by imperialism during World War II. More than [-]% of the countries were colonized or semi-colonized by imperialism. China is one of them. Hitler broke the shackles imposed on the people of the world. Isn't it a contribution to humanity as a whole, it's just that this contribution is ignored by all.

The war launched by the great head of state caused great damage and disasters at that time, so Hitler was called a devil, but the great head of state broke the shackles imposed on the people of the world, allowing countless suffering people and nations to gain freedom and peace. Opportunity for independence, wouldn't it be angelic.

(Until now, no historian has dared to make such a roar. Never, ever. The mistakes of the Great Führer have been transmitted everywhere, but the merits have been ignored or ignored by 90.00% of the people. I wrote in the book "My Führer" It uses philosophical thinking to loudly say that the Führer is both meritorious and at fault, and if he is blocked because of this, I have no complaints or regrets.)

Second, German technology of World War II had a profound impact on future generations, such as cruise missiles, missiles, etc. Various science and technology advanced by leaps and bounds. After World War II, human society soon entered the electronic age.

Thirdly, Hitler had both faults and merits. I don’t fully agree with all of Hitler’s practices. The book has already said, such as the Holocaust. Although the Jewish practices made most countries and people resent them, this is not the Holocaust. reason.This book will never let this kind of massacre and genocide occur again.

Fourth, national independence and national freedom can only be obtained through war. To break the old cage is also the ultimate situation for the resolution of conflicts such as war.Only war can break the colonial system at that time. (To be continued..)

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