my head

Chapter 112 Shocking Battle

ps: "SS Lightning Troops are advancing" v.v_showid_xm

The black Polish army cats bent their waists, ran at small steps with their guns in hand, and charged towards Pip's position. There were too many people. There is not much time left for them. After the b-29 returns, it will take two or three hours to refuel and reload. Within these two hours, they must break through the SS defense line and then entangle with the SS. There is no way to bomb -29, and this is the only correct way for the Polish army.

"400 meters, 300 meters... boom boom..."

Puffs of smoke rose from the position of the SS, and violent explosions raged. The sudden shelling blinded the SS at that time. Fortunately, the Polish army also used mortars, and the caliber was not very large. , about 81 mortars, which shoot farther and are more powerful than Piper's 50 mortars.

The intrusive shelling caused more than ten people to be killed in Piper's company and more than 20 people were injured. The caliber of the 81 mortar is considered a large caliber, and it shoots in a curved line, which does great damage to the soldiers in the trench.

"Rush!!! Kill!!!..."

The Polish army 300 meters away began to charge crazily. At this time, the Polish army's mortars did not stop firing, and they were not afraid of hurting their own people. It is impossible for a company to consume a regiment of the Polish Army.

"The artillery fires rapidly, the target: 200 meters in front of our position, hurry up...boom..."

Piper held the binoculars on one side.A microphone holding a walkie-talkie.Half of the head stuck out of the trench.While observing the battlefield situation, commanding at the same time, it is a bit of a general.

The infantrymen of the Polish army who were charging were turned upside down by those who were bombarded by the 50mm mortar. When the "boom" went down, two or three Polish infantrymen were missing arms and legs. No more sound.


The 81 mortars hidden in the distance by the Polish army were also violently bombarding the SS positions.If the SS soldier was very unlucky, an 81 mortar fell into the trench and exploded beside him, with a loud "boom", the SS soldier was immediately torn into several pieces, It was then thrown out of the trench by a violent explosion.


The two sides are desperately bombarding with mortars. Human lives are like ants here, disappearing without a trace in a blink of an eye.The infantry of the Polish army was charging without cover, although the mortars of the SS were only [-] mm.When the damage is also very large, the Polish army's mortars have a large caliber.But the SS is covered by trenches, and the density of people in the trenches is low, so there are fewer casualties. It can be said that there are fewer SS soldiers! ! !

After a few minutes of violent shelling of the SS, more than a dozen brothers died, and the Polish army had rushed to a distance of 200 meters.

"All shooting... da da... ta da... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

All kinds of bullets shuttled through the air, shooting into the human body, causing bursts of blood mist, and the screams of the shot Polish army could already be clearly heard.

"Ahhh!...Come...Polish offal...da da..."


The support machine guns of the Polish army were also suppressing and shooting "da da... da da...", but the rifles in the hands of the Polish soldiers were tragic. Once fired, they needed to be ejected and reloaded, and then aimed at the final shot, waiting for him After completing this set of actions, he was already sieved by the submachine guns and machine guns of the SS.

The number advantage of the Polish army and the suppression of the mortars have greatly increased Piper's casualties. It is initially estimated that it will not be less than 40.00%, and the troops with casualties reaching 20.00% without collapse are considered elite.The SS has already suffered 40.00% casualties, and they are still fighting desperately. If Piper puts the mortars on the front line, the Piper company, which has lost its artillery, may be overwhelmed by the waves of the Polish army at this time. It seems that this The SS captain named Piper is not bad.

"50 meters, grenades..."

With Piper's loud roar, the SS position immediately threw countless grenades at the creeping Polish army like rain. One SS soldier threw a grenade while yelling:

"Polish offal, how does it feel to eat a few of Grandpa's wooden-handled grenades, one, two, three...boom..."

An 81mm mortar shell exploded two meters away from the SS soldier. "Boom" the huge body of the SS soldier was thrown two meters away by the explosion, and one arm was gone. The unconscious SS soldier felt something was wrong with his body, and quickly groped with his hands, only to find that his arm had been blown off, and other places were also bruised.

"Ah!!!...Give back the Polish offal to Grandpa."

The SS soldier trembled, got up staggeringly, picked up another grenade, put the pull ring on his right middle finger, waved his hand, and the grenade flew out towards the Polish army. There was a "boom", "Ah!" a scream, and a Polish soldier was lifted up by a grenade nearly one meter high, and fell to the ground hard.


A sinful bullet hit the SS soldier in the chest, and before he died, the SS soldier threw out the grenade in the shot.

A regiment of Polish troops was finally repulsed by Piper's company, but when Piper inspected the trenches and counted down the number of people, Alexander Piper cried.

"Start counting."


Piper's full-strength company persisted under the regiment-level charge of the Polish army, and repelled a regiment of the Polish army. Judging from the corpses in front of the position, the number of Polish soldiers killed in battle would not be less than 600, but sent Pu's company is full of more than 180 brothers, and now there are only 35 left with the wounded.

As the company commander, Piper couldn't cry loudly, so he could only speak loudly with tears in his eyes:

"My brothers. You fought for the victory of Germany. You fought bloody in the land that will be ours. You are worthy warriors. The honor belongs to you. To our fallen soldiers. Our brothers, long live Germany, long live the great Fuehrer .”

"Long live Germany, long live the great Führer."

"Check the equipment..."

"Reporting to Captain Piper, the weapons that can still be used without being destroyed are as follows. 4 machine guns, 5 [-]mm mortars, a base amount of ammunition, three boxes of "Iron Fist", and four grenades per person .”

Piper didn't speak, but calmly took out a pack of "Marlboro" cigarettes from his coat pocket. This pack of cigarettes was obviously not enough, so he had to share one for every two people. Smoking on the battlefield can relieve the mood very well. Anesthetize your nerves.

Whether you smoked or not.Now it's you taking one sip, and I smoke it one by one.And his face is not so serious anymore, and he occasionally speaks to his companions:

"Old man, how many Polish offal have you killed?"

"Hey! I killed at least ten Polish bastards, haha."


A few minutes later when everyone finished smoking, Pyp looked around at his remaining brothers and said very slowly:

"Brothers, you know that the next Polish attack on the opposite side will also be at the regiment level, and we only have 35 wounded brothers. We may not be able to hold this position. I have already reported the situation here to the I asked the superiors, but no reinforcements have arrived so far. It seems that our other lines of defense are also tight. As soldiers, our fate is to die in battle, but you have already fulfilled your duties as a soldier.

Now we will use this force to meet the second wave of Poland's attack. Obviously we can't hold the line of defense, so I allow you to retreat. No one will say that you are deserters and cowards. You have done your best. If you are willing to leave now Please stand up. "

There is no sound, yes!Who doesn't cherish life, no matter how fanatical the SS army is, everyone has fear and hopes to live, but will any of these remnant soldiers choose to retreat now?

"Company commander, needless to say, we will not retreat. The order given to us by the commander is to stick to it. We will not choose to be shameful deserters in order to survive. Deserters who abandon their comrades and positions are not what soldiers should do. I decided to stay until I died in battle.

"Company Commander: Several of my best comrades-in-arms have all died here. Do you want us to abandon them and retreat shamefully? I won't, I will fight to the end, revenge for my brothers, and for the great Germany."

"Company commander: I can't speak, what I want to say is that the moment I put on the SS uniform, I remember that we stand for victory and death, I have no reason to retreat, I am ready to die, Go fight and die."

How touched Zhang Jun would be if he could hear the conversations of his subordinates!Yes, what a soldier of courage, loyalty, honor, and faith!They are the soul of the SS, they are the most precious wealth of the SS, and they are the foundation for the SS to win.If the weapons in the hands of a mob are advancing, he is also a mob.The funniest and most humorous Italian army is like this. With advanced weapons, aircraft and cannons, it can't even beat small African natives, and it makes the world laugh.

Piper kept the cigarette butt in his hand, grabbed a copycat Type 56 submachine gun from the ground, and said proudly:

"I can be proud of having such heroic and meaningless subordinates as you, and at the same time thank you brothers who have been with you in life and death, let us brothers die together, fight to die, fight for the holy Germany, die for the great head of state, Die for the invincible SS, die!!! Die!!!

But I beg my brother to give me a few more backs, so that I will not be lonely on the road to Huangquan... Haha... Boom..."

"tmd Polish offal is shelling again, brothers ready to fight..."

"Da da... da da... Polish chop suey... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."


"Reporting to the commander, there is an urgent report from the eastern front. All the defense lines on the eastern front have been attacked. The Polish army attacked very violently, and they can't hold on any longer."

"Combat staff, take a quick look. The third group of our tank maneuver is in that position, and see if we can support the Eastern Front."

The combat staff officer quickly shook his head and said very sadly:

... (To be continued..)

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