my head

Chapter 115 Shocking Battle

"Okay, okay, it's my little carrot announcing the good news. You read it aloud, so that the marshals and generals here can also learn how the SS fights."

Hitler's intentions were good, to let his "little radish head" show some limelight in front of these arrogant and self-righteous Wehrmacht Generals, and enhance his prestige. These words are undoubtedly counterproductive, making those who hate Zhang Jun hate Zhang Jun even more, which also indirectly deepens the gap between the Wehrmacht and the SS.

Hitler didn't even think about it, calling the Minister of War and Defense: Brunburg (Field Marshal) Commander-in-Chief of the Army: Fritsch (General of the Army) Commander-in-Chief of the Army: Brauchitsch (Marshal) Chief of the Army Staff: Halder (General ) Chief of Army Staff: Zeitzler (General) Chief of Staff of the Supreme Command: William Keitel (Marshal) Wait for these people to learn how Zhang Jun fights, just relying on Zhang Jun's nickname of "Rocket General"?These old guys were very proud, but they snorted and didn't object.

The communications officer began to read aloud the telegrams sent by the several combat staff officers. With the cadence of the communications officer's voice, the entire war hall of the Empire State Building gradually fell silent. Although the Wehrmacht now looks down on the SS, but After all, the SS is Germany's armed force, and the internal conflicts of the Germans will not be replaced by Stalin's purges. Some are surprised, some blame, and some shake their heads and sigh. You must know the mission of the SS But Hitler made it himself, so no one dared to say strange things. Hitler's personal prestige was enough to overwhelm all opposing voices.But you can't stop people from laughing at the SS in their hearts.

Hitler's complexion became more and more ugly following the communication officer's voice.There was no trace of blood on a thin face.His hands were trembling more and more. This situation happened because Hitler wanted the SS to make great achievements in battle. He ordered the SS to ignore the situation of the friendly forces on both wings, and then rushed to the enemy's capital, but now he was countered by the Polish army. Encirclement, heavy siege and fierce attack, the SS army is in danger of being wiped out at any time.

In other words, the current crisis of the SS is all caused by Hitler.Can this not make Hitler deeply blame himself?At this time, Hitler wanted to die, and the SS army had now reached the point where the commander led the fireman to the front line, and Hitler's "little carrot head" might spill blood on the battlefield at any time.

"Ah! Touch..."

Hitler, with a pale face and trembling hands, finally couldn't hold on any longer, and fell to the ground in the war hall of the Empire State Building with a scream.

"The head of state..."

"Hurry up and call the doctor..."


Hitler passed out directly in the war room. You must know that in the early days of the war, the field marshals and generals of the Wehrmacht absolutely respected Hitler. Hitler led Germany out of the predicament and abolished the "Treaty of Versailles" to allow Germany to stand up in a very short period of time and merge with Austria.Annexation of the Czech Republic these feats are unprecedented honors and feats, simply put Germany needs Hitler.Hitler fainted suddenly, which immediately made these marshals and generals panic.

Soon the Chinese doctor Zhang Jun brought to Hitler ran to the war hall, checked his body roughly, and then said to the marshals who were still panicking:

"Marshals, generals, the great head of state is fine, just temporarily fainted due to emotional agitation, and he will be fine after a little adjustment. Come on, you carry the head of state on a stretcher. Now the head of state needs a therapeutic rest."

The Chinese doctor Zhang Jun found for Hitler was extremely skilled in medicine. After their diagnosis, Hitler should have no major health problems. Their Chinese medicine treatment for the past few years has basically made Hitler have no problems. The state of mind and heart are in the best state in history. If it weren't for the critical situation of the "little carrot" he cared about most, Hitler would not have fainted.

Soon, Hitler was carried away by the medical staff, but a person in the war hall of the Empire State Building flashed and quietly exited the war hall, and gradually walked away with the footsteps of "tick...tick...".


In the War Hall of the Ministry of National Defense in London, several famous generals of later generations are arguing fiercely. The reason for their argument is simple. Churchill, MacArthur, and de Gaulle stood together resolutely. The commander of the German SS First Panzer Army is an "idiot" + "Stupid Pigs", while Montgomery and Eisenhower are far more sane.

The impatient MacArthur was waving the big pipe in his hand, while spitting and splattering his opinions:

"You see, although Germany has sent a large number of planes, including our baby b-29, I don't know why those stupid pigs agreed to sell strategic planes like the b-29 to the Germans, but the Polish army is How many, 30 people, that's not 30 pigs, how many people can be killed by the planes of the Germans, 20 or [-] people, [-] people will be killed, and the Polish army still has [-] people for attack You must know that the Polish army is engaged in the Great Patriotic War. Don't underestimate their determination to fight to the death. I think the SS has such a huge circular defensive position, and the straight-line distance is more than [-] kilometers. It is impossible for them to have so many To deploy troops, the SS can only deploy guard troops on the edge of the ring position. Their only mobile force is the Prinz Eugen Division. How much can a tank division play? Do they have wings? So as long as the Polish army With a three-sided attack, the SS will definitely take care of one thing and lose another. As long as the material base of the SS army is destroyed, the SS army will be finished immediately.

You are watching, Marshal Luo Ci did exactly this, so I am sure that Zhang Jun's stupid pig must be finished soon. "

After MacArthur finished spitting, Churchill hurriedly chimed in:

"Yes, General MacArthur's words are very good, and his analysis is very accurate. I fully support General MacArthur's point of view. Zhang Jun's stupid pig is finished. If the Polish army can kill the finger stupid pig, I really want to put it to death." He made it into a roast pig, hahaha..."

Eisenhower took a sip of coffee first, and then said slowly:

"I told you two, don't be too sure. Any unexpected situation may arise in the war. If Zhang Jun, the commander of the German SS 29st Panzer Army, is not really stupid, he can use an armored division on hand. Most of them. Going north to meet the tank troops of the Polish army, and then using a small part to cooperate with the carpet bombing of the B-29, it can completely delay the offensive of the Polish army's southeast two lines, as long as the SS holds back the eastern and southern lines by two or three In an hour, let the SS on the northern front turn around and support the two fronts in the southeast, which can completely repel the three-sided siege of the Polish army. About three hours later, the second wave of German B-29 bombing is coming. My general, How many carpet bombings can you withstand the B-[-] because of the Polish troops on the unsheltered Polish plain? So I don’t agree with your point of view, I think there are variables before the war is completely determined.”

De Gaulle immediately became unconvinced and shouted loudly:

"I don't agree with General Eisenhower's remarks. The Polish army has a tank division plus an infantry division. At least there are more than 3 people. Even if it is more than 3 pigs, it is impossible to catch them in three hours! So the SS It is impossible to transfer the troops from the northern front to the southeastern two fronts in a short time, so your assumption, General, is not valid."

Montgomery is much smoother.Churchill is now the Secretary of the Navy, and Montgomery doesn't want to oppose Churchill openly.Because judging from this situation, Churchill is likely to be Chamberlain’s successor, because Chamberlain’s appeasement policy can be said to have basically failed, and the calls for Chamberlain’s resignation in the UK are getting louder and louder. It is very likely that the next imperial meeting will be Chamberlain’s dismissal At that time, looking at the whole of the UK, Churchill, the hawk, had the best chance to win the position of prime minister.

Chamberlain was condemned in history, but in fact his concept of peace was supported by many people at that time.He was condemned mainly because of his personal stubbornness and his inability to accept different opinions. He dismissed all cabinet members who disagreed with his foreign policy.He believes that his responsibility as a British leader is to maintain peace in Europe. He feels that the best way is to treat Germany with kindness and try to satisfy their wishes.He wishfully thought that a leader must be reasonable, so Hitler should also be a reasonable person.Chamberlain had a nickname before the war: "I love Mr. Berlin".

But no one can point out how the outcome would have been different if Britain had not pursued a policy of appeasement?France was unwilling to go to war at the time, Italy joined the Axis powers, the US remained isolationist, and Britain had virtually no allies among the major powers of the time.Chamberlain used this time to accelerate the British rearmament plan, improving the radar defense system and the update of the air force, all of which played a key role in the later British defense war led by Churchill.Therefore, in recent years, some people think that Chamberlain's overall policy thinking at that time was still logically sober.

On September 1939, 9, Germany attacked Poland, but the Chamberlain government did not declare war immediately, because France only had the intention of defense and no offense. Chamberlain only declared that if Germany withdrew from Poland within two days, Britain would assist them in negotiations. He was approved by the parliament. Under great pressure, the leader of the Conservative Party MPs warned him that if he did not declare war, the government would collapse. After obtaining France's agreement to keep pace with the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom did not officially declare war until September 1.

The first eight months of the war were called "false wars" because there were no belligerent actions, and Britain did not really enter the war until Hitler attacked the Netherlands. Historically, after Britain and France declared war on Germany, a very strange phenomenon occurred. There was no war, Britain and France did not take the initiative to attack Germany, and the German army did not provoke the British and French allied forces. Everyone lived in peace for a whole gossip month. It was not until Germany attacked the Netherlands that the war between the two sides officially broke out... (to be continued...)

ps: There are no more recommendations for this book. I request all brothers to send all the recommendations and monthly tickets. Make sure that the head of state firmly occupies the position of champion of the new book, and don't be blown away by others.

As for the monthly tickets, brothers, don’t vote for those great gods. Your monthly tickets are of little use to them, but for the head of state, it is a matter of life and death. In addition, those great gods are not grabbing monthly tickets for the year-end 10 monthly ticket awards, but the head of state is For the basic demands of survival and development, the meaning of voting for the head of state is far-reaching, and the friendship is deeper. If you use the monthly ticket masters, you are just helping them grab the big prize. From this point of view, it is more meaningful to vote for the head of state. and function.

Fallen Leaves begs brothers not to abandon, not to give up, we will go to the end of the world hand in hand...

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