my head

Chapter 134

These subtle places can often see a person's deepest thoughts. This performance of Otto shows that Otto is a commander who is as cold as a cold wind to the enemy and as warm as spring to his comrades.Follow a commander who is capable of winning battles and caring for his subordinates, so why worry about it!No, everyone trusts Otto very much and thinks Otto is their best commander. All fighters of the "Storm Commando" are willing to follow a commander like Otto on the bloody battlefield.They are comrades-in-arms who share life and death, brothers who live and die, and will not abandon and give up brothers. "Luoye thanks all brothers, you are also brothers who accompany Luoye in life and death, let us go through the rain together with the head of state, even if we hit the street, we will not abandon, do not give up, Luoye is very grateful for the support of all brothers."

"Boom thump... thump thump..."

The commandos who were on the same glider with Otto quickly checked their bodies, moved their hands and feet a little, and felt very normal. He unfastened his seat belt and rushed out of the cabin like lightning.

The commandos who rushed out of the cabin first did not go outside to assemble, but rushed tens of meters before, then quickly lay down, and pointed their guns at the outside. They were providing cover for the follow-up comrades, although there could be no What Polish army, but they still earnestly perform their respective combat duties according to the tactical actions of the usual drills.

"Bump... touch..."

The subsequent glider landed continuously on this open grassland, and the commandos on it came out in a single file, guarding and forming a team tensely and orderly.The squadron leaders immediately summoned a few squad leaders to assign combat missions.About ten years later.All the squadrons finished their combat missions and began to rush towards their combat targets.

The first squadron was the first to set off. They must occupy the oil well in the fastest time, eliminate the unknown sentry there silently, and destroy the explosive device.Then the second and third squadrons set off to surround the rows of big houses and destroy the Polish troops.

Otto's character is that it is dangerous to go there. This battle is obviously more dangerous to eliminate those Polish troops.So of course Otto followed the second squadron.

Five kilometers is not a long distance for these commandos. Although each of them carries a load of [-] kilograms, they are still as light as a swallow running at small steps, while the pioneers in front carry half of the load. , Use faster speed and more agile skills to explore the way ahead. These pioneers are the elites in the "Storm Commando", the special forces in the special forces, no matter the reaction speed.Marksmanship and unarmed combat are among the best.These pioneers at this time are the eyes of the entire "Storm Commando".

Three or ten minutes later, the first squadron arrived at the periphery of the four oil wells, one oil well for each team. Benson was a team leader of the "Storm Commando", and the team consisted of forty members.

Their mission is an oil well in the east. The distance of this oil well is a bit large. The distance of the oil well is less than 2000 meters, and the distance of more than 4000 meters. Even if there are sentinels of the Polish army, they are not afraid. When shooting, it's okay to make a little noise, as long as you don't shoot.

Benson's team stopped running when they were 1000 meters away from the oil well, but stopped, observed carefully, and listened to the movement. It was almost one o'clock in the morning, and there was no sound there, except for those insects chirping in the grass, There is no other sound, and the sight is not bad. There is a crescent moon in the sky, and the little moonlight falls on the Polish prairie. The dewdrops on the tip of the grass reflect a dreamlike rainbow.

Benson estimated that the current line of sight can reach about 20 meters, which is already very good. After several kilometers of raids, all the team members were a little short of breath. In order to better perform combat missions, Benson let himself Wouldn't it be a bad thing if everyone on his side would be out of breath when they went to touch the whistle?

While they were resting, the vanguard group did not rest, but continued to advance with weapons and equipment. They had to go up to scout the situation and open the way forward for Benson's team.

Soon the pioneer team sent a message that there was no enemy ahead, and Benson's team had just rested for 5 minutes. They quickly bent over and tried to keep their bodies down, and ran quickly. Their goal was 500 meters away from the oil well. In the morning, Benson didn't plan to send out a vanguard team anymore, but crawled forward collectively, intending to take down the oil well in one fell swoop.

400 meters..., Benson's assault team did not find the situation, 300 meters, still nothing... 60 meters,...

"Brother, I'm too sleepy to smoke a cigarette. Why do you stand on guard at this time! It's better to blow up this oil well earlier. Now that we have lost the capital, it's strange that we can stay here. I don't know." What do the higher-ups think? We haven’t issued an order at this time, but we have buried all the explosives.”

"Crack... Tell you kid to bite the root of your tongue. What do you think? Our soldiers can take care of it, give you a cigarette, and smoke to sleep."

Two Polish sentinels were talking and smoking under the steel frame under the oil well. The fireworks flickered and could be seen from far away, and the voice of the conversation could also be heard. Originally, there was no way to see them with the current sight Yes, but these two unruly sentries have exposed themselves, and they are courting their own death, and no one can save them.

Benson signaled his subordinates to stop, and then stretched out his right hand to make a few gestures. The four commandos around Benson turned over, turned their backs to the ground, took off their backpacks, and turned over and lay on the ground. Benson and the four unloaded commandos began to slowly crawl towards the place where the fireworks flickered.

The two Polish sentinels had their backs facing the oil well, and there was no way to approach people there, they could only approach them from the side, so Benson decided to divide his men into two groups, one group went around from the left, the other group went around from the right, and so on. When the two groups arrived, they started working together.

For the act of touching the whistle, the people of the "Storm Commando" did not know how many times they had trained, and they were definitely very good at it. Two Polish sentries were killed in an instant without even making a sound. After sending a signal, the other four people began to look for the explosive device with the help of the faint moonlight. If the Polish army ignited the fuse, it would be very safe. Now the Polish army has absolutely no chance to come to ignite the ignition. If it is an electric detonation, it needs to be cut off first. electric wire.

Benson ordered those people to quickly go to the oil well to find the blasting device. He lay on the ground, holding a commando bayonet in one hand, and slid on the ground while crawling. Under the faint moonlight, the wires on the ground might not be visible. Climbing on the ground is to check whether there are wires around the oil well.


Benson, who was crawling around the oil well, quickly found a wire. Benson waved the knife in his hand without hesitation, and the sharp bayonet immediately cut off the wire. When Benson didn't stop, he swung the knife again One piece of wire, and then throw away that short piece of wire, so that even if Bo Jun finds that the wire has been cut off, it is impossible to connect it immediately.

After destroying the electric wires of the wave army, Benson was not overjoyed. This only shows that the operation was less than half successful. The cautious Benson continued to climb the old man's oil well to complete a full circle, and he was sure that there would be no wires arranged by the wave army. After that, Zai was greatly relieved.

"Notify the team leader that the first team successfully occupied the easternmost oil well and destroyed the enemy's electric detonation device. Please note that the oil well is equipped with an electric detonation device."

Soon other members of Benson's assault team began to deploy defenses around the oil well. Benson's task was to stay here until the end of the battle. This time may be a few days or more than ten days, depending on the development of the battle. If the Polish army in Lublin counterattacks on a large scale, Benson and the others are likely to face countless Polish troops, but they have no way out and must hold on until the moment of death in battle. Oil wells are too important to the SS, even if It was the "Storm Commando" who were wiped out for this reason, and Zhang Jun would still choose to stick to it.

Tanks and aircraft without fuel are just a pile of scrap iron. Germany imports 80% of its fuel. If Zhang Jun wants to expand the size of the armored army, he must increase the number of tanks. Tanks are solved, but what about diesel?Go to the share of the Wehrmacht to snatch it?Obviously it is impossible, Zhang Jun can only figure out a way by himself, now there is an oilfield called LMG appearing in front of Zhang Jun, for Zhang Jun, that is "life-saving straw", Zhang Jun will definitely do everything he can for the Lmg Oilfield All the price paid.


"Captain, the first team has sent a message, informing them that they have occupied the easternmost oil well, and the oil well is equipped with an electric detonator."

A messenger reported to Otto in a low voice.

"What about the other teams?"

"There is no news yet."

"Then wait and do it."

The second and third squadrons followed by Otto have reached 500 meters on both sides of the rows of large houses in the lmg oil field, but they cannot attack yet, because Otto is not sure about the detonation power of the unoccupied oil wells. If it wasn't in these rows of houses, if the Polish army took advantage of the chaos to detonate the oil well, Otto would be sent to a court-martial. Regardless of Otto's achievements, he might face execution. Zhang Jun doesn't mind killing anyone who dares to sabotage and obstruct.

About 10 minutes later, several other combat teams also sent messages to report that they had successfully occupied the oil well and completely destroyed the explosive device placed by the Polish army.This is the time for Otto to act.

"Order, the attack begins, no prisoners."

It was the first time that Otto issued such an order. No prisoners means that no matter whether the Polish army surrenders or not, they will die. But Otto will not give the defending Polish army a chance to surrender. Zhang Jun once said to Otto that the prisoners should be shot. It's a disgrace to the soldiers, but you can legally kill those bastards when the enemy hasn't put down their weapons. It's as simple as that, Otto thinks deeply... (to be continued...)

ps: Warrior of the Führer, do you have a vote?The head of state has not yet been elected! ! !

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