my head

Chapter 142

ps: I will be on the list next month, and I will definitely support Luoye next month. Thank you very much, my brothers.

You can set up cannons to violently bombard the LMG oil and gas fields, and the two infantry regiments in front are their artillery observation posts.

Krucco’s trick is very poisonous. It is to use cannons to directly smash and burn the lmg oil and gas field that your German army has won. You must know that if the oil well is ignited, it will be very difficult to extinguish it. It takes a lot of time and manpower It needs a lot of relevant technical support. Germany does not have such a convenient research. If Krucco really succeeds, then Zhang Jun will be in serious trouble. If the oil and gas fields are blown up, the big deal is to re-drill the well. Now, if the oil well is ignited, Zhang Jun must find a way to extinguish it. That is the hope and future of the burning SS.

"Beep beep...tick tock...quick..."

Krucco's orders were quickly communicated and he acted urgently. It seems that the quality of Krucco's army is still very good.


Rommel hurried and hurried, and finally arrived at the lmg oil and gas field at 03:30 in the morning. That boy Vincent appeared in Rommel's command vehicle just right. Of course Vincent came to ask for instructions. Vincent Especially want to go to the front line.

"Report to the army commander, Vincent is coming to report, waiting for your order."

How could Rommel not understand Vincent's careful thinking, but Rommel did not intend to send Vincent to the battlefield this time. Rommel planned to let Vincent stay in the headquarters to learn and practice how to command an entire division. fighting.

Because Rommel also knew of Zhang Jun's plan to train Vincent, Vincent already had experience in commanding front-line troops, but he still had zero experience in commanding an entire division.Now this battle is the time to train Vincent.How could Rommel let it go.

Rommel deliberately put his hand on his forehead.Said forcefully:

"General Vincent, I'm afraid I won't be able to do what you want this time, because I'm sick and have a terrible headache, and I can't command the battle anymore, so the Viking Division can only be commanded by you. As for how you command, I will not interfere. Now I am going to rest, this command vehicle is your combat station, I think I should go to the medical center to recuperate."

As soon as Rommel finished speaking, he deliberately pretended to have no strength, staggered down to command, and then quickly jumped onto the three-wheeled motorcycle that Vincent was riding, kicked the three-wheeled motorcycle on fire, and issued a letter on the accelerator. , The three-wheeled motorcycle roared and disappeared without a trace like an arrow off the string.

"Deputy Commander. Hey... Deputy Commander..."

Vincent chased out of the command vehicle, where Rommel was still there.There is only a looming motorcycle exhaust in the air.

There is nothing Vincent can do about it. The deputy army commander has ordered him to take over the command of the "Viking Division". The current "Viking Division" has been strengthened by Zhang Jun. There are more than 99 fake Type 200 tanks alone In this way, everything was handed over to Vincent. On the surface, Zhang Jun and Rommel were too hasty.

In fact, Vincent's ability has already been demonstrated in Warsaw, and he is a "rough jade" worth carving. Thinking about how bold Rommel was, he actually handed over this battle related to the future and destiny of the SS to An Italian major general with no command experience, something that has never happened before, has become a reality in the SS army.

Reluctantly, Vincent returned to the command vehicle, looked here and there curiously, first lamented the comfort of the command vehicle alone, then made himself a cup of tea with Rommel's top-quality tea, and smelled the top-quality tea leaves The fragrance, involuntarily let out an exclamation:

"Ha... Yes, the deputy commander's tea is really good, more than that damn coffee bar."

Vincent was enjoying Rommel's top-quality tea, and he didn't know if Rommel would get angry when he found out. You must know that Rommel regarded tea as his life, mainly because Rommel's small bag of tea was also written in Rommel I asked Zhang Jun if Rommel would be furious if he knew that Vincent had stolen his own tea.

While sipping tea, Vincent looked at the map and began to conceive of tactics. This must come up with an idea as soon as possible.

The general positions of all the Polish troops have been marked on the map. There are three ring-shaped fortification groups with a distance of [-] kilometers, [-] kilometers, and [-] kilometers. How to fight, which one to fight first, must be decided as soon as possible.

Vincent suddenly remembered that Otto had reported to himself that they had destroyed the cannons of the two Polish infantry regiments at a distance of lmg, and this Polish army has not fired a single shell so far. It seems that their cannons were indeed destroyed All destroyed.Then the threat of the Polish infantry of these two regiments is not very great, and they can be dealt with later.

"The distance is fifteen kilometers, the distance is twenty kilometers, pa... I see..."

Vincent threw the extremely exquisite purple sand cup behind him, and the tea cup was instantly smashed to pieces, and the tea splashed everywhere.

You must know that this teacup was given to Rommel by the President of China when he was on the battlefield in China, and it was signed by Chiang Kai-shek. Rommel regarded this purple sand teacup as a treasure, and played with it from time to time. The dragon on it soared in the air, lifelike and exquisite in workmanship. It can be said to be a national treasure level purple clay teacup.

How can a nationally customized purple sand cup not be a collection of the great achievements of Chinese culture, even if Rommel's purple sand tea cup is sold in the Chinese antique market, it will not be less than 100 taels of gold, which shows its value and rarity.

Such a precious purple sand teacup was casually smashed by Vincent. In fact, it cannot be entirely blamed on Vincent. This is a bad habit that Vincent developed when he was young, because Vincent When I was eating when I was young, if a friend went to play with Vincent, Vincent would always throw the rice bowl or plate in his hand directly behind him, "clang" that poor bowl or plate, just It can be a tragic death, after Vincent throws away the things in his hands, he will run out to play with his little friends in lightning, because Vincent's family is relatively rich, and with the doting of his family, there is no reason for this. This incident taught Vincent a lesson, so that Vincent will throw away the things in his hands whenever he encounters exciting things.

It's just that what Vincent threw was not his own things this time, but the things of Rommel, the deputy commander of the SS, and he didn't know how Rommel would react when he saw the purple sand teacup that he regarded as a treasure was broken.

There was a reason for Vincent's astonishment, that is why the Polish army divided the subsequent troops into two defensive circles, Vincent suddenly wanted to understand the reason, that is, the Polish army put all the artillery troops in the second defensive circle. within the defensive circle.

You must know that the range of the general artillery during World War II was less than [-] kilometers. If the range of the Polish army's artillery wanted to completely cover the lmg oil and gas field, it would definitely reach within [-] kilometers of the lmg. This is what Vincent wanted to understand.

"Order Wittmann to lead all the copycat Type 99 tanks in the regiment to immediately attack the second Polish defensive ring, and the remaining 50 tanks to immediately launch an attack on the first Polish defensive ring. Be quick."

Soon all the tanks and armored vehicles of the "Viking Division" were galloping. As soon as they set off, there was an explosion of "Boom...boom..." from the lmg oil field.

That is the 150 heavy artillery of the Polish army. It is mainly at night. The landing points of these shells are far away from the oil wells. After the Polish army test-fired a few shells, they stopped shelling. They were correcting the trajectory and providing them with guidance. The only ones are the two Polish infantry regiments in front.

The two Polish infantry regiments are only three kilometers away from the LMG oil and gas field, and the tanks will arrive in a few minutes. Because of their instructions, the Polish army's artillery shells are falling closer and closer to the oil well, and now there is no delay.

Fifty tanks and fifty armored vehicles that Zhang Jun reinforced to the "Viking Division" roared and charged towards the Polish army's position.


The Polish anti-tank guns in the dark opened fire first, but unfortunately they did not do any damage to the copycat Type 99, and could only leave a little trace on the copycat Type 99.

The 120 tank guns of the SS will instantly blow up our anti-tank guns into parts. The anti-tank guns of the Polish army will always be the priority targets of tanks.

"Da da... da da... boom boom..."

All kinds of bullets flew across the air, and shells and grenades exploded one after another. However, the defense of the German knockoff 99 tanks cannot be defeated by the current Polish army, and can only be passively beaten.

Bruce is a corporal of the Polish infantry regiment, the squad leader, and there are twelve people in the squad. Their line of defense is really facing the LMG oil and gas field, which is why they were attacked first. At the same time, they have another task, which is to protect The safety of an artillery observer is good. When the battle started, a shell just hit the observer's artillery mirror. This powerful shell took away several soldiers of Bru and the artillery observer in an instant.

In the dark night, the lens of the artillery mirror is very reflective, which makes the tank gunners of the SS think that there is an anti-tank gun deployed there!So without even thinking about it, I just fired a shell. It was this unconscious shot that blinded the Polish artillery. I was correcting the impact of the shell and it could accurately cover an oil well. With the death of the artillery observer, the artillerymen of the Polish army became blind, and could only bombard the lmg oil field area indiscriminately.

The LMG oil and gas field has a large area. If the Polish army's artillery wants to run into a dead mouse, the probability is as difficult as buying a lottery ticket and winning 500 million.

Bruce didn't have time to grieve, and quickly called the remaining brothers to fight back. A Czech machine gun violently sprayed flames, and the rifle in his hand was also firing hastily.

"Da da... da da... bump..."

Rifle bullets and machine gun bullets hit the tanks of the Germans, making a pleasant clanging sound, because these charging tanks are going to attack the Polish anti-tank guns first, so there is no need to shoot those Polish infantrymen for fun Alright... (to be continued...)

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