my head

Chapter 149

() Zhang Jun, the first chief executive officer of Poland, has already thought about it, that is, August, the commander-in-chief of Warsaw, Poland who surrendered. Of course, August was elected as the chief executive officer of Poland, but Zhang Jun There are a thousand ways and ten thousand ways to get August selected. It seems that it is not difficult to operate in the dark.

If a few people who opposed Germany were really found to participate in the election, August, a capitulator, would probably not be elected, and few people would vote for a general who surrendered.Since Zhang Jun decided to let August come out as the chief executive officer, then August will definitely be able to take up this position.But that political fig leaf is still needed. Zhang Jun will wash his hands and feet very clean without leaving any major mistakes.

The auction in Warsaw lasted for three full days. Most people came here with a full load and returned satisfied. If the factory was too big and needed too much money, they would join together to buy it, and more than 3000 people came. Basically everyone participated in the investment, so everyone is very happy, after all, this is a factory purchased with a [-]% discount.

Under such circumstances, everyone forgot to talk about Zhang Jun's cheap father-in-law Krupp, an old guy. For production, all guests within the parlor were declined, and they still made a fortune in silence.

As for those entrepreneurs who need loans, there is no problem at all, because the money printing machine is in the hands of Zhang Jun, and the captured Polish banknotes and gold are also in the Polish treasury. This loan problem is not a problem, and Zhang Jun does not issue excessive banknotes.

Huang Yi, the logistics manager of Zhang Jun's scientific research institute, is now the president of the National Bank of Poland. This position is really important, so Zhang Jun must use his closest person. Maybe Huang Yi's financial knowledge is not enough, it doesn't matter, Zhang Jun Experts were recruited directly from the National Bank of Germany to help. Let these experts do those financial policies. Even if Huang Yi is just a Bodhisattva in the National Bank of Poland, this Bodhisattva can also show that the bank is controlled by Zhang Jun. It's best not to extend your hand, otherwise don't blame Zhang Jun for being cruel and cut off the hand you extended.

If you control a country's currency, you control the country.The United States of later generations is a living example.

Time went to September 1939, 9, and the Eastern Polish War was coming to an end. The Wehrmacht occupied a lot of territory, and it was unrealistic to ask them to spit it out. The SS occupied the three most valuable districts, Warsaw, Lublin and Luo Ci.Of course, the territory occupied by the Wehrmacht also needs to implement Zhang Jun’s Polish policy. The local police guards and the suppression of the rebels are the work of the local SS. It’s just that the benefits obtained from the places captured by the Wehrmacht need to be directly transferred to the Wehrmacht. This cannot be done. Deduction, otherwise the conflict between the SS and the Wehrmacht would be inevitable.It is impossible for Zhang Jun to deduct the benefits of the Wehrmacht. Zhang Jun plans to go back to Berlin to negotiate with the high-level officials of the Wehrmacht as soon as the election is over. .

For Zhang Jun, as long as it is something that can be settled with money, Zhang Jun is confident to solve the dissatisfaction of those National Defense Forces.In fact, it is very easy to understand the mentality of the Wehrmacht. They were beaten to death, but the SS robbed the position of the Governor of Poland and all the factories and banks in Warsaw. The Wehrmacht is absolutely dissatisfied. The backlash will also be very serious, so if Zhang Jun wants to secure his position as the Governor of Poland, he must pay a sufficient price.

In the early hours of September 1939, 9, the Soviet Belarusian Front and the Ukrainian Front, led by Generals Kovalev and Timoshenko respectively, crossed the eastern border of Poland and advanced westward.The Red Army of the Soviet Union advanced like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, supported the "Polish United Workers' Party", and executed all those who opposed the Soviet Union and those who were pro-Western. The "Katyn Massacre" is an ironclad proof. On September 9, 1939, the German and Soviet teams met in Brest-Litovsk.

The large-scale battle in eastern Poland ended on September 9th, and the side of western Poland close to the Soviet Union ended on September 9th.According to the agreement, the Soviet Union occupied 9% of the territory of Poland, 18% of the territory occupied by Germany, and Poland was completely destroyed.

Zhang Jun has been preparing for the election since September 9th. For this reason, Zhang Jun rushed to print a large number of ballots. The five candidates are all high-ranking Polish officials who were captured this time.

There is a secret ballot in this election. There are brackets behind the candidate’s name. Inside the brackets, there can only be a tick or an x, and there can only be one tick on a ballot, otherwise it will be a waste ballot. This election is too easy to blackmail Cao did it.

1939 is another important historical moment in the history of the Polish Special Administrative Region. On this day, the Polish Special Administrative Region will implement general elections for the Chief Executive Officer of the Polish Special Administrative Region. Fair, open and fair.

Well, the publicity vans all over the street shouted like this, and all the slogans were written like this, and the Polish people thought the same way, but the Polish people just didn’t know what Zhang Jun thought.

Germany retained the name of Poland and changed it to the Polish Special Zone, while all the land in western Poland occupied by the Soviet Union was incorporated into Ukraine and Belarus, which means that western Poland no longer exists.

Zhang Jun, the newly appointed governor of the Polish special zone, left some trivial matters in Warsaw to the deputy governor Rommel, and went to Berlin by himself.Because Zhang Jun had to go to Berlin, the senior generals of the Wehrmacht nagged and petitioned Hitler every day, which meant that they couldn't understand it. It is as great as the sacrifice, and the meritorious service is also outstanding. It is very unfair for you to do this, the head of state, and we refuse to accept it.

Hitler's secret telegram to Zhang Jun made it very clear that he was asked to deal with those annoying flies by himself. No, when things in Poland eased up a bit, Zhang Jun immediately set off for Berlin.

Zhang Jun is leaving for Berlin. In the German Ministry of Defense, some senior generals have already discussed in the conference room. Of course, they are discussing the issue of favor payments. These people who participated in the discussion were the last meeting with Himmler. The people who discussed it were almost the same, except that Varner was missing and Guderian, the director of armored forces, was added.

Varner has now been suspended because of Himmler's "chicken-jian* crime" charges, and his position as commander-in-chief of the army has been represented by Wolff.Once Varner fell into the trap set by Himmler and Heydrich, how could he get out easily? It doesn't matter whether the evidence provided by Mlay is fabricated or not, what matters is the attitude of the head of state, so Varner's military career can basically be declared over, but Varner will continue to fight the lawsuit for the honor of his soldier Yes, the Wehrmacht can't afford to lose that man, and will support Varner to continue fighting.

In history, Varner was forced to go to the front line of the Polish campaign because of this "chicken-jian* crime", and died in Poland. How he died is unknown.At least Varner's ending is much better now, at least Varner can spend his old age in peace.

Keitel is the natural host. Ever since Varner stabbed Himmler's ass with his marshal's scepter, Keitel went home and asked his family to clean it three thousand times. Now Keitel's marshal's scepter is also here I won’t put it on the table anymore, and if my hands are not empty, I won’t put it on my waistband and refuse to put it down. Keitel doesn’t want to let his marshal’s scepter be cleaned three thousand times.

"Gentlemen, I have just received a telegram from the Governor of Poland that he will return to Berlin this morning and will hold a meeting with us this afternoon."

"Hmph, the governor of Poland, just because of that little boy, we still don't have a nepotism relationship with the head of state. We beat all the dead and alive to make wedding clothes for this kid."

"Don't worry, we have to make a good calculation. We can't take advantage of this little boy for nothing. At least we have to get substantial benefits from him. What do you think?"

"I agree. I heard that the head of state has planned to expand the SS army. This has been confirmed, and it was revealed by the head of state's office."

"We have no way to stop this military expansion, but we can ask the SS not to take up all the military supplies in Germany. If he wants to expand the military, he can do it!! Let him produce it in Poland."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult. Poland has just been conquered, and it can produce tanks and aircraft."

"We can give up all the interests of the Wehrmacht in Poland. We must know that once the SS expands its army, it can have 12-20 armored divisions. How many tanks will it have!!! This must stick to our bottom line, these 12-20 If an armored division is enriched into the Wehrmacht, what a gratifying thing it is!!!”

"The same goes for the air force. They need to expand at least 3-5 aviation divisions. Can your air force give them such a large share?"

"Of course not, let them go to Poland."

"Cough cough."

Keitel basically understood what everyone meant, that is, if the SS wants to expand its army, it can go to Poland to produce it by itself, and he can forget about weapons produced in Germany.After understanding what everyone meant, Keitel quickly coughed to stop everyone from continuing the discussion, and began to make a summary speech.

"I understand what everyone means. I think our request is completely reasonable. Zhang Jun must agree. This is our bottom line. Do you have any opinions?"

"This condition is very harsh, and there are more conditions!!!"

"Calling the price all over the sky, just sit on the ground and pay back the money, what's wrong with it."

"That's what we need for Poland's share of oil and gas."

"I heard that there is a large oil and gas field in Poland. Zhang Jun has already snatched it safely and sent an armored division to guard it. I think we can ask for 60.00% of the share."

"Okay, that's the request."

... (To be continued.)

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