my head

Chapter 154

ps: Brothers, vote for the head of state directly with guaranteed monthly tickets! ! ! ! ! ! !Thank you very much.

When Mao Renfeng said that James took some beauties to a Berlin restaurant for dinner, Zhang Jun's face visibly convulsed. Maybe Zhang Jun was heartbroken for Britney, and he, a beautiful female secretary, fell into a well-woven love trap. How can this not make Zhang Jun feel like a knife is piercing his heart!

The places mentioned above by Mao Renfeng are probably not where James is connected. James is not the kind of low-tech spy, nor will he make any low-level mistakes.According to Zhang Jun’s analysis based on the spy movies or TV series he watched in later generations, James would definitely choose an inconspicuous and natural-looking place to meet. This kind of public place cannot be James’ meeting place. The movies of later generations are It is very possible to write in this way, such as going to buy cigarettes, buy newspapers, or shine shoes.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jun quickly asked Mao Renfeng:

"Housekeeper, where James often buys cigarettes, newspapers, and shines shoes?"

As soon as Zhang Jun finished speaking, Mao Renfeng immediately understood that he was a veteran spy, and he forgot about these inconspicuous places.

"Master, I remembered. There is a canteen in front of James' apartment. James would buy a pack of cigarettes or a newspaper every day when he went out or returned home. The canteen? That's it, hey! I really overlooked this place."

Zhang Jun is purely using the spy war plots of later generations to analyze. Zhang Jun’s anti-spy level can only be a half-baked product. Whether James’ joint location is the canteen in front of his apartment has to be monitored and investigated. I'll know it later.But the commissary is definitely the most suspicious place.This is for sure.

James didn't know that an invisible net was opening to him.He is still firmly implementing his plan, opening a gap from the secretary of the German Minister of Armaments.

In the early morning of the next day, the bright sunlight passed through the gaps between the leaves and through the early fog, and filled the Krupp Villa one by one. falling.The fallen leaves danced in the wind, stirring up the sky full of golden light.

"Daddy, daddy...hug."

"Dad, Dad... I want to hug too."

The two little princesses were a little over a year old, just able to walk slowly. The two of them staggered and ran out of the house and chased them out.

"Slow down, slow down. Otherwise, Mom will be angry."

The two little princesses ran faster, like happy birds.Zhang Jun saw the two little babies and chased them out.Hastily dropped the briefcase in his hand, ran over quickly, and picked up the two treasures.

"Come on baby, give me a kiss, Bo... cluck..."

"Wuuu... Dad, you are a bad father... I want to kiss too..."

Zhang Jun kissed one another and quit, directly classifying Zhang Jun as a bad father:

"Baby... oh, don't cry, come here, daddy will kiss you... Bo... cluck... Dad, your beard is so prickly, bad dad, papa..."

The little princess Zhang Tianyang raised her hand and slapped Zhang Jun twice, okay, Zhang Tianyang, you are awesome, even your father will be beaten.

"Hey, Dad was wrong, next time you must shave your beard clean."

"Zhang Tianyang, Zhang Tianshou, you two girls, come down for me. Your father has to go to work, so you can't be so clingy."

Avril's words were very murderous, the two little princesses immediately stopped to toss Zhang Jun, pouting, with tears in their eyes, obediently slid down from Zhang Jun's body.It seems that Avril's discipline on the two girls is still very strict. Zhang Jun still supports Avril on this point. Regardless of boys or girls, strict discipline is a must, and letting go is not the Chinese education method.

Zhang Jun walked beside Avril, put Avril in his arms, and kissed tenderly:

"Honey, I'm off to work."

"Well, be careful."



James got up and took a shower as usual. Last night, James received an order from his superiors, urging James to obtain information on the latest German weapons as soon as possible. The British Intelligence Agency already knew that Zhang Jun had also secretly produced several secret weapons. Now It was secretly stored by Zhang Jun and was not deployed in the army. The British urgently need to know what secret weapons Zhang Jun has created. Even if there is no technical information, at least they know what these weapons are for and how powerful they are. When Germany went to war, the British and French allied forces had only to be beaten.

Britain and France actually know that Zhang Jun is secretly developing and producing secret weapons. Of course, they are v1 and v2, rpg rocket launchers, and "Black Hawk", and the other is "tornado rocket launcher". The security is quite tight. How did this information leak? It seems that Britain, France, and the Soviet Union still have spies hiding in the highest levels of Germany. The level of confidentiality that this person has access to is very high.

Fortunately, Zhang Jun did not submit the technical information to the Ministry of Military Science and Technology of Germany in order to keep it secret, and he did not even send the backup. Well, this spy hiding at the top of Germany is not small, and his position must be not small. Of course, Zhang Jun didn't know that his secret development and production of weapons had been leaked.

James is still very confident in himself, because James feels that he has opened Britney's heart, and the girl's eyes have told him that Britney has already fallen in love with him, and James is confident that he will capture Britney in a short time heart of.

James is a colonel of the Military Intelligence Bureau of the German Ministry of Defense, but James collects and analyzes foreign intelligence, and he has no right to intervene in German internal intelligence, so James has limited access to top-secret intelligence inside Germany, such as strategic plans. James is There is no way to get it.

Everything has its clues. For example, if Germany wants to attack that country or that region, it must need a lot of information from that place. The Ministry of Defense will order the Military Intelligence Bureau to collect the information on that place, so that James can analyze some valuable information. But now Britain and France are not afraid that Germany will attack that country, but they are afraid of the latest German weapons. They have no way to defend or counterattack. They can only watch their troops being flattened by Germans. Britain and France could not accept it, so James was so urgently ordered to obtain information on new German weapons.

James was fully dressed, and when he came to the full-length mirror, a handsome and handsome German Wehrmacht officer appeared in it, with blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a handsome fair face, all of which showed James' fatal temptation to women.

James was very satisfied with his handsome face and charming temperament. He gently combed his golden and smooth hair with his hands, and whistled freely. James, who came to the door, took off the military cap on the hanger, put it on his head and Went out to work.

Of course, the Military Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense of James is in the Ministry of Defense, but the Military Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Defense is a separate building. This small building is in the innermost part of the German Ministry of Defense compound. It is strictly forbidden to sneak through the door.

Even the current director of the Military Intelligence Bureau, Model, can't go around everywhere. The Military Intelligence Bureau mainly collects intelligence on the enemy, and the formulation of the strategic plan is the responsibility of the National Defense Forces Staff Department. Those generals only make strategic decisions. The detailed work is It was also formulated by the General Staff. One of the two important departments of the German Ministry of Defense is the Military Intelligence Agency and the other is the General Staff.

These two departments must not get too close. The German Ministry of Defense has a clear rule that if one of his own spies betrays Germany, he can only have some information about one department, not two departments at the same time. top-secret situation.

Although the spy defense of the German Ministry of Defense is very strict, the spy's pervasive ability is also a rigid defense. This is inseparable from the German national character, and it is hard to say how much it will be effective.

James drove his Mercedes-Benz into the German Ministry of Defense. The guard at the door checked James' ID and let him go. James drove the car all the way to the small building of the Military Intelligence Bureau, and then got out of the car sullenly. Go upstairs.

Regarding James' Mercedes-Benz, this can only show that James' family is wealthy. Everyone knows that James' family is already very wealthy, so everyone will not doubt that James' Mercedes-Benz is not from the right track.You must know that the handsome Xiangche guy is one of James' trump cards in picking up girls, so how could he not buy a fancy car!

Model is now the director of the German Intelligence Agency, with the rank of lieutenant general. You must know that since Zhang Jun recommended Model, who was still a major general, to the head of state and asked him to take over the position of Canaris, Canaris rolled back to the German Navy He went to the army and served as the commander of the German High Seas Fleet. This position can be said to be more important than the Military Intelligence Bureau, but Canaris still hates Zhang Jun, the "Rocket General" raised by a "bitch", and Mo Del was very grateful to Zhang Jun. He had no military exploits in Germany, so he thought it would be very difficult to get promoted, especially in a traditional, rigorous, and stubborn army like the Wehrmacht.

James came to Model's office and knocked on the door, but it was Model's secretary who opened the door. Seeing that it was Colonel James, the intelligence officer, the male secretary quickly gave a military salute:

"Hi, Hitler."

"Hi! Hitler."

"Ask Colonel James what you want?"

"Hehe, Captain, I'll report the situation to Director Model."

"Colonel James, what a coincidence, Chief Model hasn't come to work today, I think the chief may have something to do."

"Oh, that's really unfortunate, then I'll come to ask for instructions in the afternoon."

Since the tiger is not at home, James plans to go to his intelligence analysis department, ask the director for a leave, and then go to Britney. Today is sunny, it must be a good time for a date.

... (To be continued..)

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