my head

Chapter 156

() Although Zhang Jun, who returned to the equipment department, was upset, he still started to work. Zhang Jun must write a report and plan as soon as possible, which is about putting pressure on the neutral country of Romania to let Romania agree to Germany's arms-for-oil plan. Every year Not less than 300 million tons.

The total annual output of all oil and gas fields in Romania has reached 870 million tons, but Romania's shares are only 50%, and the rest are controlled by Britain, France and the United States. It is impossible to sell the oil shares of these three countries to Germany. Romania The oil output that Zheng Fu can mobilize is only 435 million tons. Excluding the consumption of its own country, Romania's export limit is only 300 million tons.

Zhang Jun’s plan is to require Romania, a neutral country, to export 300 million tons of oil to Germany every year through the Poland-Romania oil pipeline. The oil refinery in Warsaw, Poland can basically digest half of it, and the rest will be shipped back to Germany. The fuel oil refined in Warsaw will also be temporarily Reserved in the Modlin Fortress, temporarily stored the fuel in the Modlin Fortress, Zhang Jun only said that the fuel was stored nearby, and he did not mention other reasons.

Zhang Jun has other deep meanings in storing those fuel oil in Modlin Fortress. Of course, Zhang Jun will not tell others about his specific thoughts now.

It is not difficult to write Zhang Jun’s report and plan. Just copy the data about Romania’s oil production. This plan is a bit more particular. The best way to put pressure on Romania is to pull the army to Romania border military exercises, and then sent negotiators to Romania to negotiate.

Of course, Britain and France, as hostile countries, will definitely try their best to prevent Germany's arms-for-Romania strategic plan. If Romania really agrees to Germany's arms-for-oil plan, then Germany's war potential will be greatly improved. do not want to see.

But how can Britain and France stop Germany's strategic plan!You must know that although Romania is a neutral country, Romania borders Poland and the Czech Republic. Germany can attack Romania from both sides. Britain and France have no troops stationed in Romania. What will Britain and France do to protect Romania? Nothing works.

There are two reasons why Britain and France cannot send troops to Romania, a neutral country. First, it is undoubtedly an excuse for Germany to invade Romania. Britain and France are definitely not that stupid. The second reason is that Britain and France cannot send troops to Romania in order to encourage Germany to attack the Soviet Union as soon as possible. .

Under such circumstances, will Britain and France just watch Germany successfully implement the arms-for-oil plan? That is absolutely impossible. Britain and France will definitely try to destroy this strategic plan of Germany.

At noon, Zhang Jun finally finished writing the report and plan, and drove his Mercedes-Benz to the German Ministry of Defense. Minister of Defense: Werner?Feng?Blumberg (Field Marshal) is also a rigorous member of the German Wehrmacht. Zhang Jun is just a small lieutenant general now, and he still needs to salute first when he meets Field Marshal Blumberg.

Zhang Jun's military rank is still lieutenant general up to now, without even a single medal. Every other senior general wears an Iron Cross on his chest, as proud as a rooster, and Zhang Jun's current collar is still a blank slate. For the Germans, it was a very shameless thing, but Zhang Jun didn't seem to care about it at all. There were no Wehrmacht generals with the Iron Cross at all.

It’s not that Zhang Jun can’t get the Iron Cross, because the head of state has not fully recovered, so the award and promotion of the Polish campaign have been put on hold for the time being. It stands to reason that Zhang Jun won the Polish capital, such a great feat, easily There is no problem in obtaining a Silver Oak Leaf Iron Cross, and Zhang Jun is very confident in obtaining this Silver Oak Leaf Iron Cross.

"Hi! Hitler."

"Hi! Hitler."

"Report to Marshal Blumberg, and Zhang Jun, Minister of German Equipment Department, will report to you."

"Oh! The sun is coming out from the west, and the commander of the First Panzer Army of the SS will also report to me, the Ministry of Defense!! What are you talking about?"

Zhang Jun came to report to Blumberg about the German and Romanian arms-for-oil plan. In order to avoid the disgust of the old guy Blumberg, he deliberately did not mention his other identity, but the old guy Blumberg didn’t accept Zhang Jun’s favor. , Talking with a gun and a stick made Zhang Jun extremely embarrassed, but Zhang Jun still didn't say anything. The smoothness and forbearance of the Chinese in officialdom are not what Himmler's "fighting chicken among cocks" can learn.

"Reporting to Marshal Brenburg, I have a strategic plan here, which is roughly like this. We seized a large number of infantry light and heavy weapons in the Czech Republic and Poland, and these weapons have different calibers from our active weapons, and they are rusty. , or returning to the furnace is a great waste, so I want to exchange these weapons for Romanian oil, and Romania's annual oil production reaches 870 million tons, and 435 million tons belong to the Romanian government. It is completely possible to export 300 million tons of oil, and Romania’s 300 million tons of oil is the amount we want to exchange for. The detailed report and plan are here, Marshal Blumberg please read it.”

Blumberg in history has now retired, but the reality now is that Blumberg is still sitting on the post of Minister of Defense. In history, Blumberg took a bitch as his wife, and the witness was Hitler, Goering knew about this, and Goering, who had coveted Blumberg's position for a long time, quickly informed Hitler. Take him for a fool.This news also caused the officer corps to completely abandon Blumberg. The Army Chief of Staff Baker once said to Keitel: "It cannot be tolerated that a field marshal and a bitch are married." Soon, Blumberg was dismissed by Hitler and forced to retire. .The once eminent Field Marshal was struck off forever from the Army Register, and suddenly disappeared from public view.

After retiring, Blumberg could only live in seclusion with his wife in the small village of Vesey in Bavaria, watching the Wehrmacht he had expanded with his own hands (including his two sons) going to destruction step by step. After Germany's defeat in 1945, Blumberg was arrested by the Allied forces. On March 1946, 3, he died of a heart attack in the US military prison in Nuremberg.

There is a deviation in the current history, because Zhang Jun killed Goring. Of course, the dead Goring can't spy on Blumberg's position, and the dead can't tell the truth.No event exists alone. As a result of Zhang Jun’s attempt to change history, history has changed. In fact, Zhang Jun has not noticed that when Zhang Jun removed those famous figures in history, the relationship with the removed person History has also been completely changed. Whether the effect is good or bad, who can say clearly, can only let the facts speak for themselves.

"Oh! Your idea is good. You can put the report and plan here. I am very busy now. I will read it when I have time. You go back and wait for the notice."

"Hi! Hitler."

Zhang Jun gave a military salute, turned around and left. This marshal who took a bitch as his second wife was still so arrogant, of course Zhang Jun could only complain in his heart, and hurried away.

Seeing Zhang Jun leaving his office, Blumberg quickly picked up the report and plan left by Zhang Jun and examined them carefully.

"Okay... okay... this bitch's little boy is not a piece of rubbish... okay... this stupid pig still has a bit of a pig's brain, yes, this idiot still has an idiot way... yes, yes."

While looking at Zhang Jun's plan, Blumberg applauded and cursed. He didn't know why Blumberg, a self-proclaimed knight, behaved so shamelessly. Bottom line swearing, this only goes to show that the seemingly gentlemanly Wehrmacht are just a bunch of phony hypocrites who are the real sons of a bitch.

Zhang Jun, who left the National Defense Forces, felt his ears suddenly feel hot for no reason, and quickly touched them with his hands. It felt very hot:

"Did someone curse themselves?"

Zhang Jun can only ask himself in his own heart, of course no one can give him the answer, cursing, cursing is healthier, being cursed does not kill people, Zhang Jun is very open-minded, he does not care about who is cursing him.Zhang Jun didn't care about his feverish ears, and drove home directly.


In the afternoon, Blumberg held a meeting of senior generals in the German Ministry of Defense. Keitel of the High Command works in the Empire State Building, and the High Command is also set up in the Empire State Building. Now Blumberg just convenes the senior generals of the Ministry of Defense to discuss this matter. As far as the feasibility of the matter is concerned, Zhang Jun's plan will not be reported to the command until the meeting approves Zhang Jun's plan.

Attending the meeting were the commander-in-chief of the army and navy, as well as armor director Guderian and Lieutenant General Model, director of the Ministry of Defense's military intelligence agency, and more than a dozen senior generals.

Everyone who participated in the meeting received two documents printed with top secret from the secretary.When Model picked it up and looked at it, he smiled heartily. The two top-secret documents were "Investigation Report on Romanian Petroleum Resources" and "Plan on Using Seized Arms in Exchange for Romanian Petroleum".

Although Model knew the general content of the plan, in order not to attract attention, he read an article carefully, and after everyone finished reading it, he began to discuss the feasibility of the plan.

"Okay, the weapons captured by the Polish army and the Czech Republic can be useful now. This no-cost deal is too cost-effective. I agree to implement this plan."

"Well, yes, oil is very important to us. If we enter a state of full-scale war, our oil consumption will be sky-high, and our oil reserves will only last for a few months. Romania's oil is our source of war, and I strongly support the plan."

"I agree."


Zhang Jun's plan was unanimously approved at the tri-service meeting of the German Ministry of Defense. After the meeting, Model returned to his military intelligence bureau as usual.

... (To be continued.)

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