my head

Chapter 165 Assassination

"Director Bowman, I really troubled you a while ago. I know you also have the habit of drinking tea. This is the authentic West Lake Longjing. I give it to you to try."

Bowman happily took the tea leaves Zhang Jun handed over, and kept thanking Zhang Jun for the gift, Zhang Jun was a little embarrassed to thank Zhang Jun, what is the use of a bag of tea like this! !Maybe Bowman is because of the relationship between Zhang Jun and the head of state. As for Bowman's real thoughts, no one knows yet.

"General Zhang, what do you need from the head of state?"

"Oh! That's it. I want to report to the head of state about the plan to integrate weapons production. I plan to go to the Czech Republic tomorrow to see the arsenal over there, and then make a detailed plan."

"Hehe, General Zhang is still the best. Since General Zhang took over the equipment department, our arms production in Germany has doubled."

"There, there, it's all the result of the hard work of German technology and factories. I just didn't coordinate it."

"Oh, General Zhang, have you reported your trip to the Czech Republic to the Ministry of Defense or the High Command?"

"Don't worry, Director Bowman, I still know about this procedure. I have already handed over the report to them, and I have also told them about my going to the Czech Republic."

"Mmm, beep..."

The indicator light on Bowman's desk started to flicker, which was the head of state's notification to Bowman that he was empty now, there were documents or people coming, and he could come in now.

"General Zhang, the head of state is free, you go in quickly, thank you for the tea."

Only then did Zhang Jun bid farewell to Borman and enter Hitler's office to report the situation to Hitler.


On October 1939, 10, Zhang Jun brought ten shadow personal guards.Take three cars to the Czech Republic.Zhang Jun wrote in the report that he would go to the Czech Republic on October 4th.But now it has been temporarily changed to No. 10. Zhang Jun has always been low-key, and his trips are carried out quietly without any fanfare.

But when Zhang Jun walked to Szrka Mountain, the forest was dense and the road was spacious, because this is the traffic artery connecting Germany and the Czech Republic. When Zhang Jun's motorcade came to the edge of a forest.


Two very violent explosions sounded suddenly.The two cars in front were overturned into the air by the violent explosion, and then the shock wave tore apart the two cars in the air, and the people on them turned into scum, even if they were agile members of the shadows, they were instantly wiped out.

Maybe God favored Zhang Jun. Originally, Zhang Jun's car was in the middle, but Zhang Jun suddenly had a whim and let the escort car behind go first, and he himself had a look at the exotic scenery behind.

As soon as the explosion sounded, Zhang Jun's driver slammed on the brakes.Pulling out a pistol from his body, he quickly opened the car door.And Bai Qingyue in the back seat moved even more swiftly, kicking Zhang Jun's body directly. Zhang Jun's body was like a ball, smashed the door of the car and flew out of the car, lying on the ground in a "dog eating shit" posture, It is estimated that Zhang Jun's mouth is full of mud now.

"Da da da... da da..."

The impenetrable bullets are ejected from the woods on the left, because the woods on the left are only 50 meters away from the road, and the woods on the right are about 400 meters away from the road. This is the reason why the killer chose the woods on the left.

"Da da da... da da..."

Countless bullets hit the bridge car Zhang Jun was riding on just now, and countless bullet holes appeared immediately.

And Bai Qingyue also held two shell guns in his hands, "Bump..." and fired rhythmically.Bai Qingyue's skill is very agile, relying on the rear of the car for a while, and leaning on the front of the car for a while, every shot of Bai Qingyue makes the killer in the woods utter a scream, but there are too many killers, they have already begun to gradually surround up.

The Browning pistol in Zhang Jun's hand has a maximum range of only 50 meters, which is useless at all. At this time, Zhang Jun is very embarrassed. Several holes have been torn in the military coat, and the hat on his head has rolled out a long way.

"Miss Bai, the enemy is in the woods on the left, let's run to the right, they are about to surround us."


At this time, Bai Qingyue returned to the previous coldness, and while shooting calmly, she retreated.

If you don't run now, when will you wait? Grandpa Taizu said, run if you can't win!Don't be silly and unrepentant.


Zhang Jun used the Browning in his hand to randomly fire two shots at the looming enemy in the woods, as a way of emboldening himself, and told the assassin plainly, "Don't chase, sir, I have a gun too."

Bai Qingyue took cover behind Zhang Jun, retreating while fighting, while Zhang Jun hunched over in front and ran like a wolf, fleeing desperately, that speed can be said to be the fastest in Zhang Jun's life.

Why did Zhang Jun not wait for Bai Qingyue, but chose to run away shamefully? This is not a battlefield, this is an assassination, and their target is Zhang Jun, and Bai Qingyue is Zhang Jun's bodyguard. Bodyguards have the duties of bodyguards. It is as simple as that to protect the safety of his employer with his life, so Zhang Jun is not abandoning his comrades.

It is said that Zhang Jun has a Browning in his hand, and he is not even as good as a fire stick when facing a powerful automatic rifle or machine gun.Zhang Jun ran fast, and the bullets chased him fast. His broken lieutenant general uniform was the best target. Countless bullets chased Zhang Jun. Fortunately, Zhang Jun had some time in the army and knew how to run. The z-word line has not been hit yet.

Although Zhang Jun is running and Bai Qingyue is covering the retreat, Bai Qingyue can still keep up with Zhang Jun's speed. Compared with Bai Qingyue's speed, Zhang Jun's speed is simply a turtle's speed.

Zhang Jun felt that he was foaming at the mouth as he was running. He looked out of the corner of his eye and saw that the woods in front were not far away, about 50 meters away. Echoing, it was the bullets flying over Zhang Jun's head, the sound of the fatal bullets forced Zhang Jun to quicken his pace, without even looking back, the Browning pistol is indeed a good pistol for self-defense, but the poor range It is destined to not have much effect in this kind of place.

Because Zhang Jun judged from the sound of the opponent's gunshots that the assassins were actually using a counterfeit Type 56 submachine gun. Zhang Jun was fully aware of the firepower of the counterfeit Type 56. These assassins thought it would be awesome to use a counterfeit Type 56, but they Forgot, the continuous shooting of the cottage 56.The muzzle will dance.Accuracy is much worse.Most of these assassins only got the copycat Type 56.I'm not very familiar with the performance of the copycat Type 56, otherwise Zhang Jun might have gone to see the King of Hades, even if Zhang Jun runs as fast as a rabbit.

Zhang Jun is still alive and fleeing for his life, Bai Qingyue's role is also crucial, I saw Bai Qingyue jumping into the air for a while, "Swoosh...puchi..." Countless bullets hit the person where Bai Qingyue was standing just now. place, dust splashes on the ground.However, the double guns in Bai Qingyue's hands in the air kept shooting out tongues of flame.

"Bang bang... bang bang... ahhh!!!"

Killing people is like killing chickens.The lives of those assassins are not even ants in Bai Qingyue's eyes. Bai Qingyue, who landed from the air, seemed to have springs on her legs, and as soon as her feet touched the ground, she immediately rolled over on the spot.



"Bai Qingyue, hurry up, hurry up and enter the woods."

Zhang Jun had already run to a place 30 meters away from the woods, and Zhang Jun could also feel that Bai Qingyue was about five meters away from him. Zhang Jun could only sigh in his heart, a master is a master.He ran without even turning his head, but he still couldn't outrun a girl.Zhang Jun, who was lamenting alone, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his buttocks, and Zhang Jun felt himself flying into the air again, flying towards the woods.

It's not that Zhang Jun was shot, but that Bai Qingyue, who was behind Zhang Jun, had no other choice. Bai Qingyue kicked Zhang Jun's buttocks, but Bai Qingyue's kick was a bit heavy. Zhang Jun, a man weighing more than 100 kilograms, kicked him flying.

"Ahhh!!!" Zhang Jun flew into the woods with his teeth and claws in the air in a nearly perfect posture, and then plunged into a pile of cow dung in the woods. It was indeed a large pile of cow dung. The cow dung collected by farmers is ready to be used as farm fertilizer.

Half of Zhang Jun's body was buried in the pile of cow dung, Zhang Jun felt that he was going to die, one was the pain in his buttocks, it was a heart-rending pain, Bai Qingyue was so cruel.Another reason why Zhang Jun felt that he was about to die was that he was about to die from suffocation.

Zhang Jun's head was buried in the cow dung, how could he breathe? Fortunately, Zhang Jun could feel the pain, which meant that he hadn't fainted yet, and he quickly struggled to get up, "Bah, bah, oh, my Bodhisattva!!! This is fucking bullshit!!! It stinks to death, sir, bah... Bai Qingyue... Nima...".


Suddenly a bullet hit Bai Qingyue's chest, and the blood immediately stained Bai Qingyue's clothes. Looking at Zhang Junxiang from a distance, there were more than a dozen men in black surrounding him in a fan shape about 150 meters away. At that time, Zhang Jun didn't care about complaining, and he didn't know where Zhang Jun got his strength. He rushed towards Bai Qingyue who was lying more than ten meters away from the woods like lightning. Getting up from Bai Qingyue, he ran into the woods.

"Whoosh... whoosh..."

Countless bullets hit the leaves around Zhang Jun, and Zhang Jun, whose face was covered in cow dung, had no time to be afraid and hesitant, nor did he care about those bullets flying around. How fast is as fast as it is, and as far as it can run.

For a long, long time, Zhang Jun stopped when he felt that he was about to die. Zhang Jun saw a cave not far from the edge of the cliff. Followed Bai Qingyue, who was already in a coma, into the cave.

This cave is not big, just the size of a bedroom. There is a spring on the left side of the cave, and there is a pool of one meter square under the spring. The overflowing spring water flows out of the cave along a ditch. The rest of the cave is It's stone, and the ground is still relatively dry. It seems that this cave has been visited by people before.

Zhang Jun, who was as tired as a dead dog, stuck out his tongue and placed Bai Qingyue in a relatively dry place. At this time, Bai Qingyue's face was pale without a trace of blood, and the blood on his chest had completely stained his clothes red. Zhang Jun's military overcoat covered in cow dung also had a lot of blood on it.

Only then did Zhang Jun remember the cow dung all over his body. He quickly took off his military coat and threw it on the ground.

... (To be continued..)

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