my head

Chapter 175 Air Assault

ps: Group 208912025, you are welcome to join, the monthly pass is not enough today! !Regressed.

"Well, Mr. Deputy Commander, don't need to make gestures. I want to tell you some good news. Our bridgehead airport has been successfully captured and the airport is intact. General Kesselring can immediately notify General Kesselring to transport the second batch of ground troops by air."

As soon as Rommel heard what Zhang Jun said, he quickly put down the command stick in his hand, walked quickly to Zhang Jun, and took the two telegrams that had just been released from Zhang Jun's hand.

"Okay, okay, the German paratroopers are good, please give credit, you must give credit to them."

The mission of the Third Regiment of the 99st Paratrooper Division of the German Wehrmacht is the Vördingburg Bridge. Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is a port city. It is impossible for Germany to attack Copenhagen directly. It must land on two islands facing Germany. The island of Cyprus and Zealand, the only passage linking Copenhagen with the island of Gesai and Zealand in the south is the Voldingburg Bridge. If Germany wants to attack Copenhagen, it must seize the Voldingburg Bridge, and it must be snatched intact You must know that the landing troops of the SS are armored divisions, and the damaged bridge cannot withstand the copycat Type [-].

Major Glick, commander of the 11th Battalion, was called to Kesselring's headquarters.Army Chief of Staff Harlinghausen led him to the big map, pointed to a red line connecting Denmark's Zealand Island and Falster Island with his index finger, and said: "This is the Vördingburg Bridge, with a total length of 3.5 kilometers. It is Connecting Gesai Island and Zealand Island in the south, that is, the only channel connecting Copenhagen.' Harlinghausen emphasized: "We must grab this bridge intact.Drop your troops here, can you hold the bridge until our infantry arrives here from Gesai Island? 'This is exactly what the paratroopers have been waiting for since they were formed two years ago.Glick replied readily: 'Yes! ' Gehrig immediately flew back to Stendal.The only bit of information that was hastily gathered was studied: an unreliable map.An overview with the neighboring town of Vördingburg.There is also a colored postcard showing the small island of Masnard between Falster and Zealand, with the bridge in the background.

At 5:30, Major Glick's plane also began to soar into the sky, piercing the sky and piercing the blue sky. The battalion led by Major Glick was to snatch the Voldingburg Bridge. One hundred Junker transport planes roared and roared Flying, like crows all over the sky.Wrapped in black clouds, it rolled over towards Gesai Island in Denmark.The German paratroopers were full of murderous intent, and they left with overwhelming momentum.

Glick's fleet flew across the Baltic Sea all the way to the Vördingburg Bridge.Now, in the brilliant morning sun, the long Vördingburg Bridge loomed ahead.Under the repeated morning glow, the Voldingburg Bridge shines brightly, like a rainbow on the sea. Under the bridge is the rippling sea water. It is so beautiful, a beautiful bridge.The whole picture is the fairyland in the dream.

At 6:15, Major Glick issued a parachute signal.Within seconds the cabin was empty.The white parachute fluttered down towards the vicinity of the Vördingburg Bridge.When the paratroopers landed, there was no sound of gunfire or sirens on the ground. It seemed that this area was still sleeping in a dream of peace.Glick landed next to the railway embankment leading to the iron bridge.He mounted the machine gun on the roadbed, from which he could straf the Danish coastal positions and cover the safe landing of his men.However, the Dan army position was silent.Therefore, the paratroopers rushed into the Dan army's position with only the pistols they wore without opening the airdropped weapon box after jumping from the ground.Passing in front of the terrified sentries with their hands raised, they penetrated deep and disarmed the bridge garrison within minutes. A squad of paratroopers rode the seized bicycles and rushed to the bridge, and the guards guarding the bridge surrendered without firing a single shot.At this time, what surprised the paratroopers was an SS infantry rushing over from the opposite side of the bridge.It turned out that this was the advance unit of the 1th Infantry Regiment. They boarded a sampan from Warnemünde to Gesai Island as planned. They encountered no resistance along the way and arrived here smoothly.In this way, the Germans took full control of the bridge.

The people in the previous regiment were the "rookie battalion" that rose up in the Polish campaign. There were more than 800 people in the battalion, basically composed of firemen, cooks and other logistics personnel. The chef weighed three hundred catties, and these middle-aged uncles with a big belly, like the young man, held a fake Type 56 submachine gun, their chests heaved violently, and they gasped for breath.But this does not affect their fast running speed.

"Quick, quick, quick, the bridge is ahead."

"Hurry up, there are bicycles over there, you guys get on your bicycles and rush up, hurry up, hurry up."

Piper ran while commanding. It was more than 20 kilometers from the landing site to here. He was still fully armed and running fast. It can be said that every rookie in the rookie camp ran like a dog, sticking out his tongue long, as if Tongue helps her breathe as well.

Piper was also running pale, but Piper could still support him. When Piper and the others approached, they saw the paratroopers also charging. These paratroopers were all holding pistols. Piper didn't dare to rest even if he wanted to rest. Even if you run to your death, you will die on the way to charge.But fortunately, the Danish army didn't shoot, or they were scared to pee at all. Those Danish soldiers became prisoners of the SS before they could react.

Now Piper's "Rookie Battalion" and the Paratrooper Battalion took Fort Vording without firing a single shot. It seems that the "Rookie Battalion" is really a lucky unit. Their luck is like stepping on dog shit when they go out.

The advance troops of the paratroopers and infantry met all the way, and Piper led two companies into the town of Vordingburg, and set up machine guns on some commanding heights, so that the bridge was completely safe.

Two other airborne battalions then captured a bridge linking Masnard and Zealand.They did the job without an hour.Meanwhile, German landing forces landed on Zealand, Funen and Falster.

On the border of Denmark, where Germany borders, more than 20 SS troops, countless tanks with soaring dust, crushed the land of Denmark, resistance?That's impossible. The whole of Denmark has only 3 troops, and there are only a few outposts and border guard stations on the border. Once the German tanks crushed the border post, all the Danish soldiers disarmed. They also offered to guide the SS and serve as the traffic police commander. The role of the same is not to let go.The German torrent of steel rolled onward without any resistance.

Germany has concentrated a large number of transport ships to transport the SS armored units, and at the same time the German High Seas Fleet serves as a security mission, but this task is still very difficult for you. More than 1000 transport ships of various types have joined the transport team Among them, it takes a day for a unit of the Panzer Army to be sent away, and more than half of the armored division can be transported at one time, but don't worry, the Danish troops are not enough for the SS. With the bridge in the hands of the SS, there is no fear of resistance.

The first to land on Gesai Island was an armored regiment. When their commander was transferred from the Wehrmacht to the SS, the SS attracted a Colonel of the Wehrmacht, Fritz Juszef Bidenfeldt, to the party. Here comes the guards, there must be a story.The German Wehrmacht still attaches great importance to talents. A capable colonel will never let him leave the Wehrmacht and join the "show force".

Frieze's ability is good, but Frieze's character is a bit fiery. Frieze's blunt recklessness makes him often make rude remarks, and even commit crimes.In the Wehrmacht, Fritz is a different kind, because it is very rare in the Wehrmacht to dare to contradict the superior, and it is considered to be disrespectful to the superior, which is completely contrary to the tradition of the German Wehrmacht.But as a pure soldier, Fritz is definitely a rare armored talent in Germany at the military level. It can be said that Fritz is a commander who can fully understand the essence of Guderian's "blitzkrieg" and can use it flexibly. Frieze will definitely achieve brilliant achievements and become a famous player of the generation.

But Fritz lacked political acumen, and he didn't know how to be tactful. He always uttered wild words, and even beat his boss when he was furious, so far he was almost expelled from the army.With the expansion of the SS, the Wehrmacht finally no longer tolerated Fritz as an idiot, so he was sent to the SS.After talking with Fritz, Zhang Jun also felt that Fritz was a rare armored talent, so he appointed Fritz as a colonel commander of the Skeleton Army of the First Panzer Army of the SS, commanding an armored group.But now there is only one armored regiment per division in the SS, and Fritz is almost the absolute main force of any armored division.

After Frieze took office, he trained his armored regiment vigorously. Frieze's training was to use the hell training method. As a soldier under him, he would peel off his skin even if he didn't die.As a result, Fritz was always number one in every monthly assessment. Fortunately, Wittmann's competitive team leader had left, otherwise the two would have to fight each other.

Fritz also chose a catchy name for his armored regiment, "Reaper's Scythe Armored Regiment". When this name was reported to Zhang Jun, Zhang Jun gave a word of instruction:

"When you take down the Danish capital, you can name your own armored regiment alone. In the future, armored regiments with outstanding military exploits can name their own armored regiments. Take this as an example."

Now Fritz is desperately trying to be the first to board the landing ship. The two armored commanders of the Skeleton Army started to fight at the boarding place. One is Boulter, the other is Fritz, and the last two It was agreed to be singled out, and Fritz, who was tall and burly, won, and Boulter ended the battle with a pair of panda eyes.

As soon as Fritz landed, he immediately organized his own armored assault group. The rapid impact, the thunderous roar, almost deafened people's ears, and the mud splashed behind the tank's tracks flew out more than ten meters behind the tank. Hundreds of vehicles The dust brought up by the tanks and armor covered the sky and the sun.Like an earth dragon, galloping towards Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark... (to be continued...)

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