my head

Chapter 180

Now Canaris was stunned. He would never return to Germany. If he, a dead national hero, betrayed Germany and Hitler, his people would definitely end up in a concentration camp.

After reading the newspaper, Canaris looked very calm, and went to bed early, but when the guards delivered food to Canaris in the morning, Canaris had already hanged himself with his trouser belt.

Churchill was furious so far, the guard was hung up and tortured, and no useful information was found. Canaris hanged himself mysteriously like this. No one knows the reason, but there is a person in this world who is out.That was Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun reported the telegram that Canaris had died gloriously to Hitler, which was doomed to the end of Canaris.Hitler personally presided over the memorial service for him, and also awarded honors, and treated Canaris' family well. If Canaris did not die, not only Canaris would be hunted down by the whole world, but his family would also face extinction. Canaris If you don't die, you have to die.


Germany's great success also stimulated another person, that is, Mussolini, a blind and arrogant guy, his ally Germany, first Austria, the Czech Republic, and then Poland, has now won Denmark and Norway. Mussolini couldn't hold back his fanatical desire and decided to invade Greece.

Now Italy has actually fallen into the quagmire of war. Hundreds of thousands of Italian troops are wandering in the mountains of Ethiopia. Those romantic and funny Italian troops are the opponents of mountain guerrillas there, and they are often beaten by Ethiopia.

Beginning in 1935, when Mussolini announced the annexation of Ethiopia.thereafter.The Ethiopian Anti-Japanese War entered the stage of guerrilla warfare.Ethiopian military and civilians sum up experience and lessons.Analyze the enemy's situation.Determined to use geographical conditions such as plateaus and deserts to carry out guerrilla warfare.The patriotic armed organizations "Black Lion Club" and "Unity and Cooperation Committee" were established one after another.On behalf of the Duke of Imru, the emperor established a provisional government in Gori, leading the rest of the northern front and local guerrillas to persist in the war of resistance.Guerrillas from all over the country often attacked Italian military bases, bombed warehouses, cut off communications and transportation, and smashed the Italian military's "encirclement and suppression" many times.By the beginning of 1939, the number of guerrillas had grown to 40, forcing 25 Italian occupation troops to shrink back around large and medium-sized cities and along the main lines of communication.

Italy has been struggling for more than four years in the quagmire of the war in Ethiopia, spending 120 billion lire in war funds, and almost 20 Italian soldiers died in Italy. As a result, Ethiopian guerrillas are fighting more and more.Under such circumstances, Mussolini actually thought of invading Greece.Mussolini did not weigh his own weight.

How long has Vincent's Italian SS been training, more than ten days, and the real training time will not exceed five days after excluding the time spent by Vincent's reorganization of troops. No matter what, he would not let his armored troops go to the battlefield. Regarding Mussolini's inquiry, Vincent told Mussolini straightforwardly that his Italian SS armored army needed at least three months of training. .

But Mussolini couldn't wait.Mussolini couldn't bear to be ignored as an old Nazi. He needed to prove his leadership ability.He needs to gain more power and voice in the future world.

Mussolini was annoyed that German leader Hitler hadn't asked about his war policy, and wanted an independent military operation to demonstrate Italian military prowess.So Mussolini hopes to prove his outstanding leadership and Italy's invincibility through the conquest of Greece, (a country he thought was easy to conquer, the pigs laughed, Italy's invincibility Ma! Don’t be so foolish.)

On November 1939, 11, Mussolini personally flew to Albania to inspect the Italian army. In fact, Mussolini came to personally command the Italian army to invade Greece. Albania is an Italian colony and borders Greece. Both countries are Mediterranean countries.

When Mussolini arrived in Albania, he held a huge military parade and invited countless reporters to interview and take pictures, so that he and his Italian army could be displayed mightily in front of the world. Mussolini also publicly confronted Greece issued an ultimatum to allow Greece to accept the Italian garrison. Of course, Greece immediately rejected Mussolini's unreasonable demands. (The day is celebrated as a national holiday in Greece to commemorate the rejection of the ultimatum)

Greece, which was unprepared, immediately mobilized the whole country. The existing army was mobilized to the border overnight. When the Greek army of 20 was already waiting at the Greek border, the Italian army was still in the barracks. Completely lost the opportunity to attack Greece suddenly, and at the same time lost the initiative on the battlefield. If the Italian army attacks at this time, it will completely attack the Greek army with perfect defense. How can Mussolini fight this kind of battle? This kind of battle that does not occupy the right time, the right place, and the harmony of people?Just rely on the real "stupid pig" of Mussolini?Don't think about it.

On December 1939, 12, Italy finally slowly assembled to the Greek border. On the morning of the 5th, Mussolini ordered the 6 Italian troops deployed in Albania to cross the Albanian border and begin the invasion plan.

The main direction of the attack was directed towards the Bandus Mountains near the city of Ioannina. There was some initial progress, and the Italian army crossed the Kalastir River, but was soon repulsed and driven back to Albania. The 25 Italian troops were chased like sheep in front of the 20 Greek troops with much worse equipment than them. If they ran slowly, they would end up being annihilated. Stop the collapse of the Italian army.

Within a week, the invaders in Greece were cleared, and Mussolini in Italy ordered massive reinforcements, but the mountains in southern Albania still fell into the hands of the Greek army. More than 3 Italian soldiers were killed and 8 were captured in this battle.The 25 troops before the offensive were almost wiped out by Greece within a week, which made Mussolini furious.

By the time Mussolini mobilized 30 troops to arrive in Albania, it was already December 12th. At this time, the cold wave came, and heavy snow fell in the sky. After several weeks of severe winter, the Italian army entered Albania in 20 On January 1940, 1, a large-scale counterattack was launched on the entire front line. Although the Italian army had an advantage in numbers and equipment, it still failed. After a week of fighting and paying the price of 9 casualties, Mussolini decided to stop the offensive and Leaving Albania after 3 days.

Italy's defeat due to Mussolini's rubbish command was one aspect, the military generals had inadequate allocation of military resources in battle, misjudgment of winter weather, lack of suddenness in the attack, no support from the Bulgarians, and even problems with basic equipment, For example, winter uniforms were not distributed, and Mussolini refused to accept the advice of military-industrial advisers.Historically, even on the battlefields of the Soviet Union, Germany caused a large number of soldiers to freeze to death and frostbite because they did not distribute winter clothes.

During a month of war against Italy, the Greek army eliminated the main forces of the enemy.Greece does not have its own military industry, and the army's equipment and ammunition supply relies on supplies from the British army in North Africa and captured from the defeated Italian army.Italy suffered heavy losses throughout the Greek campaign, almost losing 20 people. This kind of battle related to the fate of the country was hastily ordered by Mussolini, and it ended like this.

Fortunately, the Greek army did not dare to pursue it into Albania, allowing the remaining Italian troops to escape.It wasn't that the Greek army didn't want to pursue it, but that Germany's ultimatum came, and Hitler sent a telegram to Greece very domineeringly.

"The Greek army immediately stops this pursuit, or you will bear the consequences."

The Greek high-level officials immediately stopped talking, and quickly withdrew the army by 30 kilometers to distance themselves from the Italian army.Only one telegram from Hitler saved the remaining [-] Italian troops from being wiped out.

Of course, there are many reasons why the Greek army can win:

First, Greece is fighting for the country, and all soldiers have the fighting spirit of sacrificing their lives.

Second, the Greek army knew of Italy's invasion plan in advance, and occupied strategic points earlier than the Italian army, so that the Italian army was completely attacking the solid defense line of the Greek army.

Third, the secret support of Britain and France is also very important. As long as the Greek army needs it, Britain and France will spare no effort to support Greece. It can be said that Britain and France helped Greece equip about 50 regular troops.The imperialists are familiar with this kind of proxy war.

Mussolini left the Albanian front dejectedly, and quickly summoned Vincent to inquire about the situation of the Italian SS.Vincent looked at Mussolini, who had a dark face, red eyes, and a haggard look. At this time, Mussolini was like a gambler who lost his eyes.

"General Vincent, how is the training of our SS Panzer Army, can we go to the battlefield immediately?"

If Vincent was training the German army at this time, the soldiers drawn from the local SS would be able to go to the battlefield after a month of armored combat training, but the Italian army, Vincent would never Those who dare to bring the Italian SS to the battlefield at this time, a newly formed army, must win at the first stop, otherwise the soul of this army will collapse.

It is impossible for Vincent to risk his hard-earned armored army at this time. You must know that in order to buy a fake Tiger tank, Vincent asked Mussolini to cut off the import of 300 million tons of red wine for the Italian army. Now many young Italian soldiers are cursing Vincent behind their backs:

"Vincent whore son, can actually make romantic Italian soldiers have no red wine to drink. You can't control me when I go to pick up girls. The gun under my crotch grows on me. When to shoot the gun, I make up my own mind. Let's go; brothers, go find a girl for sex..." (to be continued...)

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