my head

Chapter 200 Marshal of the Soviet Union

()Some journalists with good deeds even asked Germany and the European Union to conduct interviews in Denmark, Norway, the Czech Republic, and Poland. Both Germany and the European Union expressed their warm welcome and sent some personnel from the Foreign Ministry to form a large interview team. , Going deep into the places occupied by Germany, even the member states of the European Union are also the subjects of in-depth interviews by these reporters. Now Britain and France shot themselves in the foot, accidentally helping the European Union to do free advertising.

Britain, France and Germany scold each other in the newspapers every day. Everyone comes and goes, and no one wants to lose to the other morally. At this time, Churchill smelled something unusual from this abnormal state. Churchill estimated that Germany It may be about to attack the Soviet Union.

Churchill personally reported this bold conjecture to King George VI. Although George VI was wise, he still didn't believe Churchill's conjecture at all, because Churchill also conjectured, and there was no information to prove that Germany had an attack on the Soviet Union. Intend.Churchill is not in a hurry, anyway, the Germans are not going to attack Britain and France immediately. Churchill is now stepping up the development of new weapons. Churchill even found the American ambassador and asked the United States to supply some effective anti-tank individual weapons to Britain and strategic weapons.

Washington quickly called back and invited Churchill to visit the United States to discuss the purchase of weapons. Churchill's two favorite American weapons are the "Kabazu" anti-tank barrels, and the other weapon is the **-29 strategic bomber. The quality is OK, and Churchill plans to buy some.

Churchill went to the United States for activities, and the commanders-in-chief of the German armed forces were also busy. Zhang Jun was no exception. Because the grandsons of the Wehrmacht did not want to change the Engel code, Zhang Jun had to ask Hitler to order that all German troops switch to the Engel code. Zhang Jun's original book code, and the code book is changed once a month.It is no longer possible for Britain to crack the German code.

Zhang Jun, who was busy with various things, excused himself to be too tired, and asked Hitler for a three-day vacation. After Hitler approved Zhang Jun's vacation, Zhang Jun took Avril and the four little princesses to Krupp country manor.

Zhang Jun has been busy during this period, and everyone can see that his rosy face is full of exhaustion, and it is only natural for him to rest for a few days.But they don't know the real situation of Zhang Jun's country manor. There is another secret in this remote farm, which is the former research institute. Now all the researchers have moved, but the guards in this place have not withdrawn. Strengthened, of course there is a secret.

Zhang Jun took his wife and daughter and went on vacation happily. The two older little princesses never stopped chattering all the way, and the younger one was much more obedient, holding the bottle of milk and never letting go. Zhang Jun didn't go to the abandoned research institute immediately, but played with his wife and daughter until he was tired until he went to bed. After Avril took the child to bed, Zhang Juncai and Mao Renfeng went to the abandoned research institute.


Mao Renfeng quickly replied through the interface:


"go to hell"

This password caught Zhang Junlei, and he quickly asked Mao Renfeng why he used this suspicious password. Mao Renfeng quickly explained that it was requested by two former Soviet marshals, and the two Soviet Unions insisted on using this password. Knowing the importance of the two Soviet marshals to the young master, and it is not easy to veto the insistence of the two former Soviet marshals, he used this nondescript password.

The two Marshals of the former Soviet Union are Yegorov and Bliuchel. The two marshals of the former Soviet Union with great military exploits, because of Stalin's ruthlessness, launched a large-scale purge policy. If Zhang Jun hadn't rescued them, they could only be dead bones .

These two former Soviet marshals risked their lives for the Soviet Union and fought bloody battles for the Soviet Union and Stalin. In exchange for the order to be executed, anyone would hate Stalin. These two former Soviet marshals are not saints. Reasonable things.

This is just one aspect. After the arrest of the two former Soviet marshals, their relatives were all taken into the police camp, and their wives and children were all shot. With such a cruel practice, how could the two former Soviet marshals not be allowed to fight against each other? They hated Stalin so much that their hatred for Stalin had reached the point where they wanted to swallow Stalin alive.

The two former Soviet marshals hated Stalin, of course Zhang Jun wanted them to. These two former Soviet marshals, who had been secretly protected by Zhang Jun for two years, were of great use. Zhang Jun came to visit them today to discuss something with them.

As soon as Zhang Jun entered the researcher, he saw the two former Soviet marshals. The two former Soviet marshals were in good health and there was no major problem, but their hair was all white. It seemed that the loss of their relatives was still a big blow.As soon as Zhang Jun appeared, the two former Soviet Marshals hurriedly greeted Zhang Jun:

"Hi Hitler"

"Hi Hitler"

These two former Soviet marshals actually gave a very standard Nazi salute to Zhang Jun, which made Zhang Jun very angry. You must know that the Soviets are very resistant to the German Nazi Party. For the two former Soviet marshals, even more It is impossible to welcome Zhang Jun in this way. After Zhang Jun returned the salute to the two former Soviet marshals, he looked at Mao Renfeng full of doubts. Could it be that Mao Renfeng forced the two former Soviet marshals to do this? For things that go against Zhang Jun's wishes, the two former Soviet Marshals must be given sufficient freedom and dignity.

Mao Renfeng quickly approached Zhang Jun and explained in a low voice:

"Master, two former Soviet Marshals voluntarily applied to join the Nazi Party. They also wrote the applications themselves, but I helped with the procedures for joining the Party. They are now real Nazi Party members."

Zhang Jun has been thundered twice since he abandoned the research institute. Knowing what happened, Zhang Jun instantly returned to normal, and quickly went to the two former Soviet Union and hugged them one by one.

"My friend Yegorov, how are you doing?"

"Thank you, General Zhang, for your kindness in rescuing and taking care of me. Yegorov will never forget your kindness."

"Hehe, my friend Marshal Yerogov, do we still need to talk about those foreign topics about our brotherhood? Not at all. It is my honor to help you."

After the two finished talking, they hugged each other tightly and then let go of each other. Zhang Jun hugged Marshal Bliuchel again.

"My friend, Marshal Blyuchel, I am very happy to see you living a healthy life as a friend."

"Thank you, thank you General Zhang, Blueher's kindness to you is unforgettable."

"Hehe, my brother doesn't need to say these polite words. I haven't been able to visit you often. It's just that I am a brother. I ask you and Yegorov to forgive me!"

"We don't say those words that hurt feelings, General Zhang, we are no longer Marshals of the Soviet Union, we feel grief and resignation for our rank of Marshal."

"No, no, two marshals, you will always be marshals in my mind. That bastard Stalin has revoked your rank of marshal and even executed your family members. This can only show that that bastard Stalin is ruthless, not just you Most of your comrades in arms were sent to the execution ground under Stalin’s crazy purge policy. This is a heinous crime committed by Stalin against the entire Soviet people. Stalin is the tyrant of the Soviet Union, an inhuman tyrant.

Countless Soviet people are now dying in Stalin's collective farms and military camps. They need the rescue of the two marshals. The Marshal must shoulder the responsibility of history and the responsibility of saving the entire Russian nation. "

As soon as Zhang Jun finished speaking, the two former Soviet marshals stood up excitedly and asked:

"General Zhang, is the great head of state willing to send troops to help us, to help the suffering Russian people?"

"Hehe, let me tell you two amazing news. Let's go to Bleucher's house and have a drink and talk."

"good good good good……"

As soon as Zhang Jun stepped into Bliuchel's house, he saw a very beautiful Germanic beauty. When the beauty saw Zhang Jun, she quickly began to bow to Zhang Jun:

"Welcome General Zhang to my house as a guest. Old Bu, talk to General Zhang first. I'll make some side dishes for you and bring you some vodka."

The German beauty greeted Zhang Jun and went out gracefully. Seeing Zhang Jun's puzzled expression, Bliuchel quickly explained:

"Thank you, General Zhang. Not only did you save our lives, but you also found two beautiful wives for us. General Zhang, you are really thoughtful. I am so grateful for your kindness!"

Zhang Jun finally understood that it was probably Mao Renfeng who used Zhang Jun's name to arrange wives for the two former Soviet marshals. This was also good, so that the two Soviet marshals could feel at ease and help realize Zhang Jun's plan to subvert the Soviet Union.

At this time, Mao Renfeng also came to Zhang Jun's ear, and whispered two words:


After Mao Renfeng finished speaking, he stepped aside as if nothing had happened. Well, Zhang Jun arrived at this abandoned research institute and was thundered three times in a short period of time. The soles of the feet were pus, and the child had no pussy.Fortunately, Mao Renfeng figured it out, and arranged two "shadow" wives for these two former Soviet marshals. Wouldn't it mean that every move of these two former Soviet marshals could not escape Zhang Jun's eyes? I know what a former Soviet marshal said in his sleep at night.

Blücher's "Shadow" wife arrived shortly thereafter with a few side dishes and a bottle of strong vodka.Now the three men can drink and talk freely.

After thirty days of drinking, Zhang Jun began to tell the two former Soviet marshals an important matter:

"Two Marshals, I can tell you good news now. We, the European Union, have decided to send troops to help your suffering Russian people and rescue the comrade who was brutally murdered by Stalin."

... (To be continued.)

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