my head

Chapter 205 Hu Han 3 Returns

() At the same time, as a supplementary force, ready to replenish the lost personnel in the SS armored division at any time, I want our 32 most elite SS troops to be full-stacked offensive troops whenever and wherever. The 50 new infantry divisions of the National Defense Forces can also be used after several victories.

But we were tricked by the grandchildren of the Wehrmacht, so we can’t just keep silent. You go back to Berlin immediately, call up the local SS, and then go to the head of state to deal with it, and put the 50 newly formed Wehrmacht troops into the SS battle order , I think the grandsons of the National Defense Forces will definitely resist. You can use the commander-in-chief of the Southern Army Group as a threat to let the National Defense Forces do it. The responsibility for the failure is also the responsibility of the National Defense Forces. So they will definitely agree after weighing it over and over again, and you leave immediately , as much as possible to get all kinds of materials for our Southern Army Group. I need a steady stream of materials. Of course, we have a lot of reserves in Poland, but now the sudden increase in the use of so many troops may cause problems, so you must Fish hard, preferably scraping the ground three feet. "

Knowing that the problem was serious, Himmler didn't dare to stay, so he hurriedly left Zhang Jun's office and flew back to Berlin for activities. This quarrel, scraping, and wrangling were Himmler's strengths, and it happened that Zhang Jun took Himmler's Value to the extreme.

Those guys from the German Wehrmacht can be regarded as despicable and shameless. They actually used the strategy of "killing people with a borrowed knife". According to the grandsons of the Wehrmacht, even if Zhang Jun was the reincarnation of the god of war, it would be impossible for Zhang Jun to command this little force to attack such a vast territory. At the same time, there is such a long distance.Zhang Jun's 80 people will face almost two to three million Soviet troops.

The grandsons of the Wehrmacht have a good idea. After they take down Moscow, they turn around and surround the Soviet army attacking the SS. All the credit will go to the Wehrmacht. At that time, Zhang Jun's SS army may not survive. Now, the SS who has lost all their elites can no longer challenge the Wehrmacht, and of course they will not come to distribute power with the Wehrmacht again. It is really a sinister and good plan. They actually use the future and destiny of the country to engage in insidious tricks, Zhang Jun could only vomit blood.

Of course, it’s not that the Wehrmacht doesn’t love Germany. The Wehrmacht absolutely doesn’t have this kind of thinking. They just want the SS to die in battle. On the one hand, no one will grab the Wehrmacht’s budget. Since ancient times, it has been filled with blood and dirty things.

Don’t worry about the reorganization of the local SS. The quality of the German SS is still very high. There is absolutely no problem with the newly formed SS infantry division as a supplementary or defensive division. Germany’s tanks and aircraft are lacking. But artillery and light weapons are still fully guaranteed to be used.

The task of the new SS infantry division fell on the shoulders of Rommel again. Rommel was a hard worker, and a hard worker.Zhang Jun was not idle either, and began to use his advantage as the head of the German Equipment Department. As long as it was a tank and plane that could be obtained, he sent it to Poland. All the planes and tanks stored in Poland were also used to equip his own SS. , Hard work pays off, Zhang Jun's SS First Panzer Army finally has sixteen armored divisions full of tanks.

Of course, the tanks of Zhang Jun's entire armored army were forced to be divided into three categories, 8 main battle tank divisions (equipped with copycat Type 99 tanks), 4 heavy tank divisions (equipped with copycat Tigers), and 4 medium tank divisions (equipped with four medium tank).

The aircraft of the SS Air Force is also fully staffed. The number of "Six Lords" has reached more than 500, and the number of other aircraft has reached more than 1000, a total of more than 500. In this way, Zhang Jun can command more than 1200 planes, which is barely enough.

Zhang Jun fished everything he could, and took out everything he could. Anyway, it was a one-off deal. If he won, he would be well-fed, and if he lost, he would die.


"Wittmann, all the tanks must be put on the train tonight, it must be."

"Commander, we don't have enough trains!!!"

"There are not enough trains, and all the trains that can be called are drawn out."

"Some trains are full of goods, and those private owners are unwilling to unload."

"What is the gun in your hand for? I authorize you to mobilize all forces to raise trains. Anyone who dares to object will be arrested and sent to the secret police station."

Vincent, the "Hu Hansan", finally trained his Italian SS, because Mussolini was unwilling to send the armored army armed with 300 million tons of red wine to the Soviet front, and he never approved Vincent to send troops. Mussolini dispatched Vincent unhappily until Hitler called in person, but at this time there were only eight days before the start of the war.

This is an armored army, with 3 heavy tanks alone, more than [-] personnel, and a lot of other equipment. Vincent went to find Mussolini, but Mussolini didn't see Vincent at all. It's your boy who wants to go by himself, think of a way, and Vincent, who has no other choice, started to ask Wittmann to raise the train by himself. It's called raising the train, but it's almost like a robbery. If it wasn't for the Italian SS To help his own German SS, Wittmann really would not do such a thing that would damage the honor of a soldier.

For the sake of the German SS, Wittmann only needs to pinch his nose and start robbing the passing trains, unload all the supplies, and then set off with the Italian SS personnel or supplies. Of course, Wittmann still has to write a white note to those who are affected Those who lost, of course, signed the name of the Italian government, let these people go to Mussolini to quarrel, and don't care about Wittmann's bird matter.

Wittman is not a fool. Vincent's little boy told me to carry out the robbery mission, but he told me to arrest people. That is absolutely impossible.

"Sir, you can't do this!!! The cargo on my train is all seafood, and it will be gone as soon as the cargo is unloaded, woo woo woo... This is my life and fortune!!! Please, sir!!! Don't do it!!!"

"Hurry up and unload the goods, hurry up..."

A businessman pulled Wittmann's sleeve and begged bitterly. The sobriety was very desolate, and Wittman actually couldn't bear it. Those seafood are very valuable. It is said that the loss of this businessman is very heavy.

"Tell me how much money you lost?"


The businessman didn't seem to understand and stared blankly at Wittmann, who had no choice but to repeat:

"How much money did you lose? Tell me a number. I'll send you a white note, and then go to Mr. Mussolini to collect the money."

The businessman burst into laughter instantly, and bowed to Wittmann for two years:

"One million Italian lire."

"Chi Chi... Take this white note of 200 million Italian lire, and go to Prime Minister Mussolini to collect the money in a week."

Wittmann doesn't know how many IOUs he has issued. If you can tell the reason, Wittmann will call you the IOUs and double the amount. This makes Wittmann's robbery of the train very smooth. There are actually a few trains that come by themselves when they are empty, and then ask Wittmann to open an IOU. If they take the initiative to throw themselves into their arms, Wittmann certainly can’t be stingy. Go out, but when these people find Mussolini, will Mussolini vomit blood in anger? These businessmen have been very powerful since ancient times.

Vincent took the entire Italian armored force to Poland by train. At this time, there were still three days before the start of the war. All of Zhang Jun's troops had been deployed to the border areas of the Soviet Union. Zhang Jun and Rommel were already on the ground. Pack up your things and prepare to go to the former enemy command post. As for Himmler, the commander-in-chief of the Southern Army Group, you don't have to worry about him. Commanding large corps to fight is not what he, a "chicken farmer", should do. Berlin scrapes ground for the SS.

"Report, I, Hu Hansan, am back again."

Well, this guy Vincent still can’t change his hip-hop romantic habit, because Zhang Jun told them a story about "Shajiabang" when he was free, and Vincent didn’t remember it, so he just remembered it. A very classic line "I, Hu Hansan, are back again."

"Oh, Comrade Hu Hansan, it seems that you are doing well. Now you are the commander of the lieutenant general. Does the commander of Hu Hansan have any instructions?"

"Report to the commander-in-chief, I, Hu Hansan, came to you to take the combat mission, hehe, the old chief instructed me, Hu Hansan."

"That's okay, Comrade Hu Hansan, you move your armored division here immediately, do you understand?"

"Understood, then what?"

Pointing to the map, Zhang Junyong continued, "Our first goal is to attack the Soviet port city of Odessa, and make the Soviet Caspian fleet lose its supply base, making it useless."Then we quickly approached 500 kilometers to the railway hub of Zaporozhye, so that we can make full use of the Soviet railway supply, and the next step is our strategic node this time - Rostov, take Rostov, we The entire supply system of the Soviet Union will be completely dependent on the Soviet railway system, and this railway system is also well-connected, which is very beneficial to us.

After occupying Rostov, there are two strategic missions, one is to go to the Baku area 700 kilometers to the south, and the other is to go straight to Stalingrad, 1300 kilometers to the north, and blow up the railway from Stalingrad to Moscow. Then quickly cross the Volga River, run [-] kilometers, and reach Orsk, the railway hub city on the border between Asia and Europe in the Soviet Union. Quickly capture it, and then build an airport and a perfect defense circle. This airport is the key to life and death. One side was our supply corridor, and the other side was used to bomb all Soviet railway junctions and stations.This task is undoubtedly the most difficult, and if you are not careful, the whole army will be wiped out... (To be continued.)

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