my head

Chapter 239 Two Huge Threats

() In real history, according to the report of the Soviet government, the anti-tank dogs destroyed a total of about 300 tanks, but whether this data is the number of false reports by the Soviet government to cover up the failure of the project is unknown.

Anyway, Zhukov thought of a way, another way, and actually thought of such a cruel bomb dog. There were nearly a thousand bomb dogs in this position, but the German bombardment caused some dogs to be killed. There were more than 500 left. When the tanks of the German SS assaulted 200 meters from the Soviet positions, they suddenly released these bomb dogs who had been hungry for several days. There was food under the tanks! ! !

Of course, some dogs still dare not go under the moving tanks, and some dogs run madly at the German tanks without food or food. There is a high trigger lever on the back of these dogs. These bomb dogs only need to go Once under the tank, the trigger lever on the back was knocked down by the tank's site.


The ears of these bomb dogs have been plugged with cotton, and they can't hear any sound at all. Fritz's shooting didn't make them run around in fear. Except for those who were shot, almost one-fifth of the bomb dogs It rushed into the German tank assault group, and there were more than 100 of them! ! !At this time, the infantry following the German SS played a role.

Start to sweep those bomb dogs violently. Of course, the infantry is much more flexible than the machine guns on the tanks. Many of these bomb dogs running around in the tank group were killed by she, but some bomb dogs were directly hit and exploded. This is quite A bomb dog with a power of 155 mm does not cause much damage to the side of the tank. If a bomb dog happens to be hit within one meter of the tank, it will explode.

Then congratulations to that tank, although it will not blow up this copycat 99 tank, at most it will blow up the track of this tank, but the people inside will be miserable, even if they are not dead, they will be seriously injured, and the shock wave will shake them.If the SS infantryman was too close to the bomb dog, the end would be the same, he would be directly shattered to death.

These bomb dogs appeared too suddenly for Fritz to react.Although all the tanks, armored vehicles and infantry were desperately trying to prevent these dogs from approaching, more than 100 bomb dogs were still drilled into Fritz's tank assault group, and some of them were hunted and killed by the following infantry. Some of them slipped through the net. The bomb dog got under Fritz's copycat Type 99 tank.


Continuous explosions exploded continuously in Fritz's tank assault group. Fritz was so anxious that he couldn't change the reality. After just a few minutes, the explosion stopped, but Fritz's tank assault group suffered disaster. The two tanks were completely blown up, and the site of the copycat Type 99 tank was also not too thick. The explosive power of a 155 shell can definitely tear apart the site of the copycat Type 99 tank, even the tank site of the American ghosts of later generations. They can't handle roadside bombs, not to mention the copycat Type 99 during World War II.

Some counterfeit Type 99s also produced ammunition explosions, and the entire tank became parts, and the infantry following these tanks also disappeared.There were about [-] other injured tanks. Fritz, who no longer cared about personal danger, climbed to the top of his tank and stuck his head out. Seeing the heavy loss of his tank assault group, he burst into tears. These tanks are Frieze's life! ! !Now that it is gone like this, how can Fritz not be heartbroken.

"Attack...attack...I'll beat you to death..."

Fritz roared while holding the microphone. After giving the order, Fritz didn't retract the tank, but personally activated the top machine gun of the knockoff 99 tank, and violently fired at the Soviet positions.Seeing that their anti-tank dogs were effective, the Soviet army quickly organized a second wave of blasting crews to charge towards the German tanks. This time, the Soviet peasants had no chance, and were directly killed by German tanks and armored vehicles. There are also infantrymen who have been beaten into sieves. Humans are not as flexible as dogs, not to mention these Soviet soldiers are farmers who have just put down their hoes.


With the remaining 100 tanks, Fritz rushed into the Soviet army's position in one go, and began to kill frantically. The following armored vehicles and infantry also swarmed in. At this time, the Soviet army did not have many guns like this For automatic rifles, it is not bad to have a Mogan rifle. Compared with the German copycat Type 56 submachine gun, their firepower is not a little bit behind. What's more, the SS has armored vehicles to help. At the cost, it finally successfully won the third line of defense of the Soviet army.

Fritz, who took down the third line of defense, asked his deputy commander to report the situation to the headquarters first, and Fritz walked alone to the tanks that had been blown up by the Soviet bomb dogs just now, and cried bitterly alone, the damn Soviets actually wanted to It was the first time that such a vicious trick was used to blow up tanks with dogs, and once it was used, it achieved huge results.Twelve knockoff Type 99 tanks were completely blown up, and more than 20 were injured and needed repairs.

It was already noon at this time, according to Fritz's established goal, they should stay at the third line of defense to rest and maintain the tanks, and then let the second tank regiment following Fritz come up to take over Fritz's assault mission.

The commander of the armored assault group that replaced Fritz was Boulter, who was beaten by Fritz. Just after Fritz occupied the third line of defense, Boulter's armored assault group was ordered to come up.Boulter was so happy to see Fritz's unlucky appearance, aren't you awesome?What about the "Reaper of God" armored assault group, how is it now, it was beaten badly, now look at my performance, uncle, I will show you what an armored assault is.

Of course, Boulter thought this way in his heart, but he didn't say it to Fritz, but when Fritz saw Boulter's sloppy face, he couldn't help but get angry. I really want to see it. How did you fight, just don't be worse than me.


Zhang Jun, the former enemy headquarters of the SS, soon received the latest battle report from Fritz. Zhang Jun and Rommel were shocked when they saw Fritz's telegram. The Soviets actually used "bomb dogs". There is no one before, and there will be no one in the future "Super explosive weapon. Judging from the loss of Fritz, this super explosive weapon of the Soviet army is undoubtedly a success.

How to deal with the bomb dogs of the Soviet army really stumped Zhang Jun and Rommel. Zhang Jun is not in a hurry to lose this tank. Now the annual output of Poland's copycat Type 99 tanks is close to 30. The loss of Zhang Jun's tanks is completely acceptable. If Zhang Jun loses more than [-] tanks every time he captures a Soviet line of defense, Zhang Jun will not be able to bear it. Fortunately, most of these lost tanks can be repaired.

Zhang Jun was still worried about the "Katyusha" rocket launcher in Zhukov's hands. The rocket launcher has 8 launch rails, and it can launch 132 rounds of 16mm caliber rockets in one salvo, with a maximum range of 8.5 kilometers. It can be fired singly, partly in a row, or in one salvo. It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to load a salvo of ammunition, and only 7 to 10 seconds for a salvo.The speed of the carrier vehicle is 90 kilometers per hour.The gun has ferocious firepower and a wide range of damage. It is an effective weapon for destroying the enemy's dense troops in a large area, suppressing the enemy's firepower system and destroying the enemy's fortifications. The explosive power of a Katyusha rocket is 155mm. 1.2 times the power of Bazaar.

The Soviet "Katyusha" poses a great threat to the German armored assault group. As long as the Soviets take advantage of the night and the German planes cannot take off, they adopt the method of hitting and leaving, and the losses caused to the German SS are It is very huge. In the history of later generations, in the battle of Shangganling, in order to recapture Shangganling, which had lost its surface position, the volunteers mobilized 24 "Katyusha" rocket launchers to launch a salvo on Shangganling. The area of ​​Shangganling is 3.7 square kilometers. The U.S. Army is a reinforced battalion with nearly 800 people. After the "Katyusha" of the Volunteer Army made a salvo, the infantry began to charge. The Volunteers who rushed up only found two U.S. soldiers alive. The others were either killed or killed. The shock was seriously injured and passed out. These two living US troops even ordered the volunteers to drop atomic bombs. It can be seen how powerful Katyusha is.

Moreover, this kind of power is released instantly, and the damage area is large. "Katyusha" itself has super maneuverability. It can be said that the "Katyusha" in Zhukov's hand is a sharp blade hanging on Zhang Jun's head. I don't know when Zhukov will cut down on his armored assault group.

Now there are two threats appearing in front of Zhang Jun together, a "Katyusha" and a "Bomb Dog". Zhang Jun really doesn't know what "big meal" Zhukov prepared for himself, even if Zhukov prepared a big meal for himself Zhang Jun also had to win Baku, and he had to go through the mountains of swords and fires ahead. If he couldn't win Baku at the beginning of the war, he didn't need to fight in the future, and Germany would definitely be finished.

"My deputy commander-in-chief, we were talking about the rocket launchers of the Soviet army just now, and now that kid Zhukov has come up with such a trick for us, it seems that we have to think about it carefully, let our troops rest for two hours during this period, Continue to attack at two o'clock in the afternoon, what do you think."

"Of course, I very much support the commander-in-chief's decision."

"My deputy commander in chief, let's chat while eating!"

"I suggest we have a small glass of wine!"


Zhang Jun and Rommel discussed it for a long time, but they couldn't figure out how to deal with the two top-secret weapons of the Soviet Army. In the end, if Zhukov doesn't use it, Zhang Jun will not be able to discover the "Katyusha" rockets hidden by Zhukov. If Zhukov uses them during the day, Zhang Jun will lose an armored group and use his own air force to destroy those "Katyusha" rockets. "Katyusha" were all blown up, but Zhukov, the famous general, couldn't be so stupid to use his ultimate killer weapon in broad daylight, and watch all the German planes blow up after using it once?

... (To be continued.)

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