my head

Chapter 261 The Rage of the National Defense Forces

In order to welcome these weapons, equipment and personnel, Vincent hastily spliced ​​the steel plates of the airstrip he carried on the bombed Orsk Square. Zhang Jun also urgently dispatched two aviation regiments to Orsk. In the aviation regiment of China, the "Six Lords" of the Third Aviation Regiment acted as babysitters for the three hundred B-29s. As soon as the threat in the air was lifted, the SS began the largest strategic transportation since the outbreak of the war. Not only were there various anti-aircraft guns , and all kinds of ammunition, medicine, and supplementary soldiers, which were transported non-stop for three days day and night. Although the Soviet Air Force came to harass me, after being beaten up by the "Six Master" of the SS, he never dared to show up again. Over Orsk.

At this time, Vincent's strength has returned to 12, the anti-aircraft artillery fire has increased by nearly [-], and the ammunition has become more abundant. As for how Vincent defends Orsk, Zhang Jun doesn't ask at all. Senter is the commander on the front line, and he controls his own destiny. As the commander-in-chief, I have done my best, and the more than [-] SS troops have also been handed over to you.


The German Ministry of Defense is also holding a meeting. The Moscow campaign plan was about to be implemented, but Zhang Jun, that bitch of the SS, suddenly proposed a French campaign plan, which completely disrupted the tactical arrangements of the Wehrmacht. , and that son of a bitch Zhang Jun will also serve as the commander-in-chief of the French campaign, and the 200 million troops of the National Defense Forces will also be under the command of that son of a bitch. Isn't this using the military strength of the National Defense Army to win honor for that son of a bitch? ?

The Wehrmacht has blown up the pot now.

Minister of War, Minister of Defence: Werner von Blumberg (Field Marshal)

Commander-in-Chief: Walter von Brauchitsch (Field Marshal)

Chief of Army Staff: Franz Halder (General)

Deputy Chief of the Army Staff: Kurt Zeitzler (General)

Chief of Staff of the Supreme Command: William Keitel (Field Marshal)

Chief of Staff of the General Staff Department, Chief of the Military Affairs (Combat) Division,

Strategic Advisor: Alfred Jodl (General of Artillery)

Director of Armored Forces, Acting Chief of Staff of the Army: Heinz Guderian (Marshal)

Chief of the Communications Department of the High Command: Von Felkibel (General of the Communications Corps)

Waiting for the senior generals of the Wehrmacht to hold an emergency meeting and start to discuss countermeasures. These gatherings were not to oppose Hitler's decision.Instead, discuss how to contain the SS from growing.The current SS has seriously endangered the dominance of the Wehrmacht in Germany.This is definitely not what the National Defense Forces would like to see, so it is common sense for these senior generals of the National Defense Forces to discuss countermeasures.

The first to speak was, of course, Marshal William Keitel, Chief of Staff of the High Command:

"I believe that everyone already knows the French campaign plan issued by the head of state. This campaign plan was proposed by that bitch Zhang Jun. This is a retaliation against our typhoon plan without notifying him and a provocative act against the National Defense Forces. , The Wehrmacht is the main military force in Germany, when will it be the SS's turn to decide, what do you think about the French campaign? Let me know."

"Marshal, I heard that Model has received definite information that the Anglo-French coalition forces are about to attack us in Germany. Since the Anglo-French coalition forces plan to attack us and stab us in the back, we still have to act first."

"Should we just forget about it?"

"Of course we can't forget it like this. It's just that now we in Germany are facing an extremely dangerous two-front war. Now we should hold back. Even if we do, the head of state will support that son of a bitch Zhang Jun. We can't do anything to him , Yes. Why don’t we try our best to implement the typhoon plan well.”

"Yes, we are still holding back. Isn't the SS very powerful? Let's take Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union, and see who is more powerful and can make the German people cheer more."

"I agree, our typhoon plan remains unchanged, continue to attack according to the set target, we must take Moscow before Zhang Jun's son of a bitch.

"Right, let's do it like this."

"That son of a bitch, don't be complacent. You must know that the French coalition army has 330 million regular troops and 600 million reserve troops. Does that son of a bitch have the ability to defeat such a huge enemy? I'm sure, absolutely No, let's just wait and see the joke...haha..."

"Haha... I just want to see that son of a bitch come to our national defense army for help, haha..."


Of course, Zhang Jun didn't know the countermeasures discussed by the Wehrmacht. Fortunately, the Wehrmacht was not so stupid that they completely ignored the interests of Germany and did not do anything out of the ordinary. In fact, the Wehrmacht would not be like the Soviets. Germany's national character is absolutely Such mutual killing will not be allowed, and if anyone dares to do so, what awaits him is to be abandoned by all Germans.

Germany also has rights struggles, which are only high-level matters, and will never be involved and broad. For example, Rohm, the leader of the stormtroopers, was purged in the "Night of the Long Knives", and more than 100 people were arrested at the same time , Only more than 20 people were executed, and the other stormtroopers did not have any punishment at all.

Zhang Jun, who had arranged everything, began to deploy personnel. Gerd von Rundstedt commanded 100 million people in Army Group A, and they would attack the Netherlands head-on. General Guderian commanded 100 million SS troops in Army Group B. People, their offensive route is the Ardennes, and then they break through the British and French Allied Forces' Sedan defense line, and then rush towards the English Channel, so that they can completely encircle the Netherlands with Army Group A, compared to Luxembourg and the British and French Allied Forces deployed in northern France. The total strength of the regular armies of several countries is conservatively estimated at around 200 million.

After the two army groups A and B complete the encirclement, Army Group C will send 50 troops to join the battle of annihilation of the encirclement.There are only 50 German troops remaining on the Maginot Line. They will continue to launch small-scale attacks on the Maginot Line in order to paralyze and contain the 300 million British and French forces inside the Maginot Line.This is the goal of the first phase of the French campaign formulated by Zhang Jun, also known as the main goal of the "Yellow Plan".

Zhang Jun's goal is very clear, to bypass the Maginot Line and launch an attack directly from the north of France. There is no solid Maginot Line here. As long as one breaks through the defense line of thousands of kilometers in the north of France, the Anglo-French coalition forces and their allies will be defeated. It was completely surrounded, and Zhang Jun thought it would not be a difficult task to annihilate these surrounded enemies.

At the same time, in order to ease the conflict between the SS and the Wehrmacht, Zhang Jun appointed the commanders of the three army groups from the Wehrmacht. It can be said that Zhang Jun completely returned the power to the Wehrmacht, and even gave the SS command power. It was handed over to the gangsters of the National Defense Forces. If the gangsters of the National Defense Forces complained, Zhang Jun had nothing to do.

Zhang Jun was still secretly dispatching troops before, but after the time entered June, he began to mobilize troops in a big way. Of course, Zhang Jun had a purpose in doing so. Zhang Jun dispatched the 200 million National Defense Forces deployed on the Maginot Line It was divided into two, and it was blatantly transferred to the front of the Netherlands. At the same time, Zhang Jun also asked Goebbels to vigorously publicize that Germany was about to attack the Netherlands.

And the 100 million SS troops led by Guderian quietly moved into the forest on the German border outside Luxembourg. Of course, it is impossible to completely hide these troops. Anyway, these SS troops are new troops. Just tens of thousands of people are training, which can reassure Britain and France.

Zhang Jun really wanted to start in early June, but in order to attract more Anglo-French allied forces into the Netherlands and Belgium, Zhang Jun had to continue to put pressure on the Netherlands. Zhang Jun even mobilized some artillery units and carried out sporadic attacks on the Netherlands. shelling.

While waiting for the Anglo-French coalition forces to enter the trap, Zhang Jun was also rushing to deliver ammunition. For such a big battle, three hundred troops needed a lot of supplies. Of course, these were all done by special staff officers. The work is very cumbersome, and at the same time, no mistakes can be made. Even if Zhang Jun's French campaign commander has more than 1000 various staff officers, fortunately, Germany does not lack various staff officers.


Zhang Jun is preparing nervously, and Rommel is not easy. He is also preparing. Model has already taken office. Although Model is now the director of the Military Intelligence Bureau, Model prefers to go to the battlefield. When Zhang Jun transferred Model to the south When the army group organized the defense, it almost didn't make Model excited to death. He felt the Stalingrad front line overnight and began to perform his duties.

Model commanded more than 100 million former Soviet troops that had just been reorganized. Behind these Soviet troops, there were only 20 SS troops. Zhang Jun was never afraid of these people's betrayal.There is a reason for that, that is, Stalin’s policy of not recognizing prisoners of war is not morale at all, as long as the Soviet soldiers captured by the German army, their family members will be sent to labor camps, and the prisoners themselves cannot be forgiven by Stalin’s regime. Even if these reorganized former Soviet troops wanted to turn against the water, Stalin would not forgive them, and even executed them.

Under such circumstances, why can’t Zhang Jun boldly use these Soviet troops? It’s entirely possible, saying that the Ukrainian SS, Georgia’s SS, and Azerbaijan’s SS can all be used boldly. These republics have nothing against the Soviet Union at all. Any emotion, Stalin's various high-pressure policies, will not get the sincere support of these republics.

After Model took over these troops, he also gave them complete trust. Every day, he went to these troops with ease to inspect them and cared about their lives. Like the soldiers of the SS, there is absolutely no difference. When talking about Ukraine at this time and the place occupied by Zhang Jun, because of Zhang Jun’s land policy, the production of the Soviet people is very popular. Vegetables and so on are not at all There is a shortage of food, and the food needs to be harvested after the autumn... (to be continued...)

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