my head

Chapter 264 Cage Policy

Immediately implement the land reform law. Every Russian, regardless of gender, age, or age, can get [-] acres of land. I will send a team from Poland and Ukraine to help you complete this. In addition, you have a small extra job. Now In the area occupied by the Wehrmacht, there are still some Stalin loyalists who are still resisting. For the cause of the liberation of the Russian people, for the Russian people to break free from Stalin's brutal rule, and to save your suffering Russian people, you need to use the most iron-blooded means to eliminate They, if they are willing to surrender, I ask you to forgive them. Knowing your mistakes can make a big difference. I am a kind person, and I can forgive those Russian people who are temporarily lost. "

Zhang Jun first disintegrated Russia's resistance, and used the guise of national elections to paralyze Russians, making them feel dignified and their government was elected by their own votes, but they didn't know that Zhang Jun was controlling the bank , to control a country's economy is to control a country. This is the truth proved by later generations, especially under the guarantee of Zhang Jun's strong force.

And Zhang Jun took over the messy task of exterminating the guerrillas in the occupied areas of the Wehrmacht, which is the most troublesome for the Wehrmacht or the SS. Only the Soviets are familiar with the mountains and rivers of the Soviet Union, and the folk customs, thoughts and meanings of the Soviets Only the Soviet Union understands best that Zhang Jun’s policy made the guerrillas lose their mass base, and the Russian SS used this advantage to completely wipe out the Russian guerrillas. Where there is a large number of soldiers will be recruited, and of course prisoners of war are also the main source.Now the Wehrmacht has millions of Soviet prisoners of war waiting for the Russian SS to take over. The 300 million Russian SS troops will be gradually organized and armed within half a month.

The Russian SS formed by a large number of Soviet prisoners of war.After a short period of ideological education, you can quickly form an army. Blyukher and Egorov did the same. The two of them have very high prestige in the Soviet Union. With the assistance of a series of policies, more than 30.00% of the millions of former Soviet prisoners of war handed over by the Wehrmacht are willing to join the Russian SS.The other [-]% don't want to be soldiers at all, and want to go home. This part of the people, Blyukher and Yegorov, can only let them go to some labor temporarily. After winning most of the Soviet Union, Only then can they be released, and the other [-]% are the loyalists of the Stalinist regime, and they are allowed to work hard in the workshops of the Wehrmacht.

A large number of staff members dispatched by Zhang Jun also rushed to the Russian SS headquarters in the first place. Now Blyukher and Egorov have set up the headquarters of the Russian SS in Minsk. The German border is only three hundred kilometers away.At the same time, there are railways connected to Germany, and the transportation is very convenient.

These coming Land Reform Task Forces.They were quickly dispatched by the Russian SS. Of course, there were some Russian SS troops following these task forces. It can be said that the land reform work was carried out in the whole of Russia in an instant, which made all Russians welcome from the very beginning. From disappointment to resistance, happiness comes so suddenly. This roller coaster feeling makes all Russians do not know what words to express their feelings. Peasants have the deepest attachment to the land, which is beyond doubt.

Of course, those Soviet guerrillas would often attack the work team, and there were some sacrifices from the work team. When the land reform and elections were fully launched, the hearts of Russia gradually changed. The food and intelligence obtained by the Soviet guerrillas were correspondingly It has decreased a lot, and the scope of activities of the guerrillas has also been greatly reduced, and some obvious manifestations have appeared in a week.

At this time, Blyukher and Egorov's original 150 Russian SS troops had expanded to [-] million, and the subsequent reorganization work was still going on, but Blyukher and Egorov did not wait, and The publicity work for major events began immediately, and even the air force was used to spread leaflets. The leaflet was the one where Nami and Hansen got married, and the land reform terms were on the back.

At the same time, Blyukher and Yegorov divided the occupied area into countless small areas, each of which was as large as a county, and built countless blockhouses between each block, and the blockhouses were connected by roads. Every county has a battalion of mobile troops. Of course, this bunker can only be used against guerrillas without heavy weapons. Besides, the function of these bunkers is only to restrict the movement of guerrillas, and at the same time make full use of the Soviet railway system.In the layout of the encirclement and suppression by Blyukher and Yegorov, several districts were encircled and suppressed together, and the troops invested in each district can be divided into roughly 20 to [-] troops.

This method was given by Zhang Jun to Bliuchel and Egorov. This tactic is called the "cage policy". .This tactic is to use bunkers to restrict the flow of guerrillas, like a lock, to lock the door of guerrillas, and then use the road and railway system to transport mobile troops. Where guerrillas appear, they will Soon it faced the encirclement and suppression of numerous Russian SS troops from the Soviet Union.

The current strength of the Russian SS can completely encircle ten counties at a time, and then search every inch of land in the encircled area like a comb. What else do the guerrillas use for maneuvering and guerrillas? Under the attack of the "cage policy", they could not escape the fate of being annihilated.

Blyukher and Egorov moved quickly, fighting ten counties at a time, and finished it in a few days. At the same time, the Russian SS continued to expand, and the Soviet guerrillas, which had lost their mass base, collapsed one after another.The occupied area of ​​the Soviet Union, that is, the Ministry of Eastern Occupation Affairs under Zhang Jun's jurisdiction, was also very happy. Even Hitler called to commend Zhang Jun's achievements when he heard about the gratifying achievements of Eastern Affairs.

That son of a bitch Zhang Jun has taken over the mess that the Wehrmacht thought was rotten for only half a month, and he has made a gratifying change, and has achieved great success, and that son of a bitch Zhang Jun has not yet used the German SS In terms of military strength, the SS only sacrificed dozens of working members to carry out land reform.

The Wehrmacht couldn't accept it. Everyone cursed Zhang Jun, did that son of a bitch use some magic spell to make the Soviets willingly obey his command, and then slaughter their compatriots? The Wehrmacht couldn't figure it out even if it wanted to The reason behind it is our grandpa's trump card - land reform.

Farmers can organize with anyone and the government desperately for the land, not to mention that Zhang Jun has the guise of democracy, which is even more deceptive and provocative, just like Maozi's alcoholic personality, simple brain and well-developed limbs? ?They will only follow Zhang Jun's baton.

Blyuchel and Egorov telegraphed to Zhang Jun that it would take about two or three months to clear all the guerrillas in the occupied area. It seems that the Russian SS cannot keep up with the French campaign, but This is also good, it can completely solve the problem of the Russian guerrillas. It is already a very remarkable achievement not to need the Wehrmacht or the SS to deploy troops to deal with these elusive guerrillas, and not to hold back the German armed forces.

The "cage policy" cooperates with the "land policy" and "democratic guise" to support powerful armed forces. Could it be possible that the guerrillas in the Soviet-occupied areas will escape into the sky? Under the blow of these combined punches, the guerrillas can only leave. Fish in water, if you don't surrender, you can only die. Don't scold Zhang Jun as a son of a bitch. These battles were fought by Russia itself. This is the internal affairs of the Russians, and other countries have no right to interfere. Even the EU cannot interfere.

Ivan was originally a farmer in a Soviet collective farm in the countryside of Minsk, but Ivan was very active and joined the Soviet Party very early, so Ivan also became the captain of the production team, but in 1932, The whole country began to fully implement the collective farm policy. Party members who failed to complete the tasks assigned by their superiors would be expelled from the party.

The whole village signed up to participate in the collective farm, and that night, they went home to slaughter the livestock. Ivan took the new list to the party committee, and the party committee was very satisfied.When I reported the slaughter of livestock by the villagers to the party committee, the party committee was not interested in it.I understand that the party committee cannot be blamed for this, because they are also following orders, just like I am also following orders.

The Soviet government issued an order at the end of 1932 to restore the ID card system (implemented during the tsarist period) in the country, and no one could migrate without an ID card.And farmers do not have ID cards, so they can only be firmly tied to the land.Thus, peasants who did not want to join the collective farms slaughtered their livestock, destroyed their tools and burned their grain in desperation. In 1933, compared with 1916, which was difficult during the war, the number of livestock dropped sharply by 12 to 23.Total grain production hit rock bottom and did not begin to recover until 1935.

Ivan understood that peasants were unwilling to join collective farms, and many were coerced.But Ivan did not understand that administrative intervention would inevitably lead to the failure of the agricultural collectivization movement.Reforms that do not suit the national conditions or the implementation of certain policies can only cause the government to lose popular support.

The pursuit of grand unification in superficial form does not really base itself on the national conditions and people's hearts, but only relies on the intervention of administrative means. The collectivization movement is doomed to fail from the very beginning.

Agricultural collectivization is the root cause of the long-term backwardness of Soviet agriculture.Stalin's picture of collective farms was: using big machines to cultivate and produce more food.The actual situation is: the level of mechanical equipment in agricultural cultivation is very low. In 1928, less than 1% of the land area was used for farmland cultivation. In 1930, when the overall collectivization broke out, collective farms with tractors only accounted for all collective farms. 11.6% of the total. In 1932, when collectivization was basically completed, the level of mechanization was less than 20%, and most of the work was done by horse-drawn plows.

... (To be continued..)

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