my head

Chapter 276 Dunkirk

ps: Deciduous thank you brothers for the monthly pass, it’s very good, really.A new month is about to begin, brothers continue to work hard, we are only for the survival of the head of state, it has nothing to do with the bonus of a dime.

Zhang Jun's character is impossible not to fight. On the morning of June 6, Zhang Jun, who hadn't slept all night, sent a telegram to Hitler:

"The great and sacred head of state, Zhang Jun, the commander in chief of the Western Front, reported that the ministry decided to launch a final and devastating battle against the Anglo-French coalition forces in the Dunkirk area on June 1940, 6. If there is no victory or heavy losses , the ministry is willing to take the blame and resign.

Long live Germany, long live the Führer. "

When Hitler saw Zhang Jun's telegram, he was also furious. His own "little carrot head" couldn't understand him. It seemed that if this kid didn't disobey his orders, he couldn't reflect his illustrious military exploits. Zhang Jun's telegram Hitler didn't reply, and the meaning was obvious. , you kid can do whatever you want, even if something goes wrong, I can't protect you.


At 6 o'clock in the morning on June 23, the 200 million troops on the German western front, excluding the troops used to guard other directions, had a total of 150 million troops, more than 400 tanks, and more than 3000 planes launched a full-scale attack on Dunkirk. attack.

The air force and the infantry are basically attacking at the same time. Catherine divides her fleet into three groups and continuously attacks and bombards the Dunkirk area. The second wave begins.

Not to be outdone, the British and French allied forces gathered all the fighters of the two countries that could participate in the war, and the bombers launched a counterattack against Germany's air and ground, thus breaking out the largest air battle in world history.More than 5000 aircraft from both sides are in an area of ​​several hundred kilometers around Dunkirk.A brutal aerial duel ensued.

Germany had slightly fewer aircraft than the Anglo-French forces.However, the performance of German aircraft is superior to that of the British and French allied forces, and the combat experience is even more unmatched by the British and French allied forces.Therefore, the aircraft losses of the British and French allied forces were two to three times that of Germany.

At any time in the sky, there are planes with thick smoke falling from the sky. The roar of the plane is deafening, and the bullets and shells fired by the plane shuttle through the air, drawing orange-red ballistic trajectories.

The fighting in the air was in full swing, and the fighting on the ground was even more earth-shattering. Zhang Jun's strategic intentions were very clear.The air force of your Anglo-French coalition forces is about the same as mine, but the more than 30 troops you are surrounded by will definitely not be the opponent of my army with high morale and advanced equipment. These British and French planes came to the Dunkirk area to fight to save These British and French armies.

Then I will eat up your surrounded army in the Dunkirk area in one go, and your combat motivation will disappear.In addition, both sides now have jet fighters, so Zhang Jun and the British and French allied forces dare not rashly send out their own strategic bomber units. The b-29 is too expensive and rare to withstand huge losses.

The offensive mission of Flanders' No.17 Armored Division is to attack the port of Dunkirk along the English coastline.Flender's attack area has a lot of sand.The ground was soft, and Flender's fake Type 99 tank was too heavy to move forward. As a result, Flender's No. [-] tank was originally used as an auxiliary attack, but now it became the main attack.

The Anglo-French coalition forces in the Dunkirk area saw how hot the planes in the sky were strangling. In fact, this also boosted the morale of the Anglo-French coalition forces in a disguised way.

You must know that the anti-tank methods of the British and French allied forces at this time are much better than those of the Soviet Union. The "Bazooka" is the most effective method for infantry to deal with tanks. Under the fierce attack of the British and French allied forces, they were all lost and turned into piles of burning bonfires.

Flender had no choice but to order to follow his infantry unit to collect wood or dry grass, and lay a passage under the fake Type 99 tank, so that the speed of Flender's heavy armor group increased.

Slow down, slow down, Flender dare not charge the No. 99 tank rashly, the counterfeit [-] tank with the No. [-] tank and armored vehicles slowly advanced towards the positions of the British and French coalition forces, Flender started the attack The location is only [-] kilometers away from the port of Dunkirk. Guderian's order to Flender is that he must attack the front line for [-] kilometers every day.

For this attack distance, Flender can easily complete it.The direct flight regiment, which didn't play a big role in the early stage, is now hovering over Flanders' armored forces.As long as the British and French forces on the opposite side of Flanders have relatively strong defenses, or anti-tank artillery, these direct flight regiments will be hit by a burst of 150mm caliber rockets.

Now the Anglo-French coalition forces are complaining. The soft ground is not conducive to Flanders' armored forces to attack, but the British and French fortifications are also unable to be built very strong. A 150mm caliber rocket bomb will blow up and collapse. A large trench. In this case, even if the British and French allied forces were eager to jump over the wall, they would not have the ability to beat the Flemish armored forces.

Therefore, Flender's troops are generally moving slowly, and only occasionally fired a few shots. The main battles were fought by the direct air regiment in the air. After the direct air regiment bombed, they waited for the counterfeit Type 99 tanks to attack After the group crushed the positions of the British and French allied forces, the remaining British and French allied forces would find that the "Bazooka" in their hands could not penetrate the front of the knockoff Type 99 tank after firing a few rounds of "Bazooka". The Anglo-French coalition forces are giving up their minds, and they can only surrender with their hands high. The magic horse "jumps the wall in a hurry" and "the trapped beast is still fighting". Everything is scum in front of absolute strength.

150 million German troops encircled and wiped out more than 30 British and French allied forces. As long as Zhang Jun dared to make up his mind, the fate of the British and French allied forces could not be reversed. Efforts were in vain, because the British and French allied forces could not obtain absolute air supremacy in the Dunkirk area at all. As long as they flew within [-] kilometers of the Dunkirk area, German planes would come immediately.

Then the two sides immediately had a tragic air battle, and the air force of the British and French allied forces could only passively face it, even if they wanted to support their infantry, it was impossible.In this case.What did the British do to save their troops.There is no way.

It is impossible for Zhang Jun to give Britain and France the slightest chance. More than 100 million troops stormed the defense line of the British and French coalition forces in the Dunkirk area. On June 6, Flanders arrived at the port of Dunkirk. The port of Dunkirk was completely occupied, and the last escape door of the British and French allied forces was closed.

On June 6, all the British and French forces in the Dunkirk area surrendered, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill became so anxious overnight.The shortest and most famous 27-minute speech was delivered on the morning of June 6th, at the Capitol:

"The first is, never give up; the second is never, the third is, never, never, never give up!"

After the speech, Churchill stepped off the podium!

Churchill's speech is known abroad as a famous 1-minute speech, and it is also the most successful and influential speech among many foreign politicians, although the time is short.But it can be called a "classic" in the history of world speeches!

Churchill's 1-minute speech was completed, after a moment of silence in the venue.The audience in the audience burst into applause suddenly!

"Never give up, never, never give up!"

Just a dozen or so few words, but it embodies the charm and power of the speech, and also embodies the charm and power of human nature. In our world, only those who really know "never give up" and concrete Only those who have participated in the practice and have not been knocked down can make such a voice on the podium and give such a wonderful speech, and only then can they truly understand the core and life of "never give up"!


The devastating German assaults in Belgium and northern France wiped out the entire Belgian army, 30 French divisions, and 9 British divisions.The new commander of the French army, Maxim Weygand, put together 49 divisions plus 2 British divisions, and formed 3 legions (6th, 7th, and 10th legions) on the Somme and Aisne rivers. The Weigand Line, which is about 300 miles from east to west, defends the Maginot Line with 17 divisions.The two lines of defense were connected together in an attempt to prevent the Germans from going south.

After the German army occupied the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France, the German High Command formulated the second phase of the French campaign, code-named Red Plan.This plan called for the German army to move south and completely defeat France.The German army has as many as 137 divisions, and its two armies a and b are quickly deployed. Army Group B (with 6 armored divisions) is on the right wing, making a breakthrough towards the Somme; Army Group A (under 10 armored divisions under Rundstedt) is on the left wing, making a frontal assault on the Aisne River.

On July 1940, 7, the Luftwaffe bombarded French airfields and rear areas heavily. At dawn on July 3, 1940, Guderian's Army Group B took the lead in launching a full-line attack on the right flank. On the same day, Flanders' 7th Armored Division crossed the Somme first. On July 5, 7, the Flanders Division cut off the French 1940th Army defending the Abbeville-Amiens line, and other German divisions were able to rush forward through this gap. On July 7, 7, the Flanders Division reached the banks of the Seine. On July 10, 1940, Flender turned north again and rushed 7 miles away in one breath, aiming at the coastline.It reached its destination that night, cutting off the retreat of the French 8th Army and the British 1940st Division, which were retreating to the coast.

These units were forced to surrender to Flanders on July 1940, 7.After Army Group B launched its offensive, the left-wing Army Group A of Rundstedt also launched a river-crossing offensive on the Aisne River on June 12, 1940. That night, the 6st Armored Division of Gudry's Armored Corps crossed the Aisne River. On July 9, 1, Guderian's Corps defeated the French armored forces and broke through the right wing of the French 1940th Army. After that, Guderian swung his army southward, heading straight into a seemingly uninhabited territory.Crowds of French prisoners lost their souls and threw their guns to the Germans, who crushed them under the tanks.Weygand later wrote with a heavy heart that "the thing that shocked him the most was the German tanks and aircraft, which had caused the French soldiers to fear. This should be regarded as one of the greatest successes of the German army."

... (To be continued..)

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