my head

Chapter 281 Kuibyshev Bridge

In order to defend Moscow, Stalin mobilized all the troops he could mobilize to defend Moscow, while the troops in other parts of the Soviet Union were much more empty.But as long as the Soviet Union is given time, they will arm enough troops. Of course Zhang Jun will not give the Soviet Union such an opportunity.

Why didn’t Zhang Jun concentrate his forces to attack a little bit? Zhang Jun also thought about this question. If he concentrated his forces to attack Moscow, he might be able to take Moscow before winter. However, the Soviet Union did not lose the Ural industrial zone. The long winter of the entire Soviet Union, It's time for them to recover. At this time, the United States has officially declared war on Germany because Germany took France.

The United States is playing a split game here, only declaring war on Germany, not the entire European Union. If those countries in the European Union see the weakness of Germany, they will immediately turn against them, so Zhang Jun's best way is to directly Taking down the weapons production base of the Soviet Union, and at the same time fighting in Moscow, attracted the opportunity of most of the remaining Soviet troops, took the port in the northern part of the Soviet Union in one fell swoop, and cut off the Soviet Union's foreign aid.The Soviet Union, which has lost foreign aid and self-produced weapons, will surely be defeated even if it has a huge land and population resources.

After carefully listening to Zhang Jun's narration, Rommel and Model also agreed with Zhang Jun's approach. Now that the 200 million armed SS troops are divided into four directions, Zhang Jun has nothing to do. Fortunately, Zhang Jun The national easing policy is now more and more effective. The number of SS troops in Russia alone has reached 250 million, of which Blyuchel led 100 million to support Rommel on the battlefield, and Yegorov led 150 million to follow Zhang Jun to sweep Occupied Soviet local regimes while establishing some defensive positions.The Soviet Union was completely divided into two parts, East and West.As long as Stalin loses the essence of Europe.Even if Stalin has every day ability.Nor can the Soviet Union be saved.

On August 1940, 8, Zhang Jun led more than 1 million troops and began to mobilize along the Soviet railway. Because Zhang Jun's troops are very large, they must use the Soviet railway system as much as possible, from Rostov to Vincent Orsk is of course connected by a railway, but it must be detoured, that is, starting from Rostov and following the route of Rommel's attack.Arrive at Ryazan Railway Station, then go to Kuibyshev.

The Liangzan railway station has been firmly controlled by Rommel, so there is no need to worry. What worries Zhang Jun most is the Kuibyshev Railway Bridge, more than 100 kilometers south of Kuibyshev. This railway bridge is more than 3000 meters long. An infantry regiment of the Soviet Army was defending, and Zhang Jun had to take down the bridge intact so that his troops would not be troubled by supplies during the Soviet winter.

If the Soviet army blows up the bridge, it will be very troublesome for Zhang Jun. Of course, Zhang Jun can also attack by force.Because at this time the Soviet Union's deep military strength could not block Zhang Jun's peak, but Zhang Jun's future supplies must rely on the railway.The Kuibyshev Railway Bridge is more than 3000 meters long and is erected on the Volga River. It is not easy to repair.

The 17th SS Panzer Division will serve as the vanguard, their weapons and personnel will be the first to depart from Ryazan, and the "Storm Troopers" will capture the Kuibyshev Railway Bridge for them and hold on to Flanders' armored teacher's arrival.

Flender's armored division was the first to set off. More than a dozen special trains set off on August [-]. They arrived at Ryazan Railway Station that afternoon. After a short rest, Flender's armored division proceeded in the dark. The railway from Ryazan to Kuibyshev was not blown up, and I don’t know what the Soviets thought. It seems that they also want to use this railway system to attack Moscow after solving the SS in Orsk. The SS under the city.

You must know that Vasilevsky also has more than 100 million Soviet troops storming the city of Orsk. Zhang Juncai communicated with Vincent. Although Vincent said that he can definitely hold on for a week, Zhang Juncai It is estimated that Vincent is definitely at the last moment. Now Vincent reports to Zhang Jun that he still has more than 3 combat troops, more than 1 wounded, and more than 2 lightly wounded.

At this time, Vincent was already fighting fiercely with Vasilevsky's Soviet army in the city. Every house and every street had to compete with each other countless times, and almost every corner of the city was covered with dead bodies.

Vincent's soldiers will lose one if they sacrifice one, and the Soviet Union can replenish them at any time, and at the same time their wounded can't be transferred. As long as Vincent's wounded can fight, they must persist until the last moment of their lives. Only then did Center barely keep most of the city of Orsk.

Fortunately, Vincent still has more than 100 counterfeit Tiger tanks left. If there is danger, you can go to support there. And a small number of 88.9 mm "Bazooka" greatly limited the role of the Vincent tank.

Vincent, who originally planned to last for three months, lost two to three thousand soldiers every day under Vasilevsky's four-sided attack. It seems that the proud Vincent finally understood the cruelty of reality, and he knew clearly I can only hold on to Orsk for a week.

If the "Storm Commando" can successfully capture the Kuibyshev Railway Bridge on the night of August 8, Zhang Jun will be able to completely defeat Vasilevsky's troops and rescue Vincent. Just ask for blessings! ! !


Flender transported his troops by train overnight, and it took about ten hours to get there from Liangzan to the Kuibyshev Railway Bridge. Flender didn't know if the "Storm Commando" could successfully capture the Kuibyshev Railway Bridge. , everything depends on the "Storm Commando".

Otto, the captain of the "Storm Commando", received an order from Commander-in-Chief Zhang Jun as early as August 8, and Otto received very little information, only a few aerial photos, and about a Soviet rifle. The Corps was defending the Kuibyshev Railway Bridge, and Otto didn't know anything about how the Soviets arranged it.

However, this did not bother Otto, who had been on the battlefield for a long time. Otto first borrowed several former Soviet officers above the school level from Yegorov. These former Soviet officers are now members of the Russian SS. The hatred of Stalin is unquestionable, so don't worry about them getting cold feet.

It seems that Otto intends to use makeup to surprise the Soviet troops guarding the bridge. It’s not that Otto likes to use this method. The main reason is the task of capturing the bridge. Under normal circumstances, the defenders planted explosives on the bridge. Yes, if the situation is wrong, the explosives will be detonated, so Otto's mission will be considered a failure, so Otto intends to go to the bridge in makeup first, saying that he is here to check the defense of the bridge, first check the explosive device on the bridge, At that time, you can destroy the detonator by hand.

These Soviet military officers are real former Soviet military officers. No matter their certificates or military uniforms are real Soviet military uniforms and certificates, even the people are real Russians. In this case, it is absolutely impossible to pass through.

At 8 o'clock in the evening on August 2, Otto started to board the plane with more than 12 "Storm Commandos". There was also a company of "Storm Commandos" wearing Soviet military uniforms, and several of them wore Soviet colonel-level uniforms. People in military uniforms, and even a major general uniform, they are the same military ranks in the former Soviet army as the military uniforms they are wearing now, and even their certificates are from their previous ones, which really cannot be authentic.

" have reached the target [-] kilometers away, and now we are parachuting."

The windows and doors of the transport plane were opened, and a gust of cold air rushed inside instantly, but these "Storm Commandos" had long been accustomed to it, and they still parachuted in an orderly manner.

The flight took an hour, and it took Otto 10 minutes to assemble the troops. Then Otto and the team in Soviet military uniforms rushed to the Kuibyshev Railway Bridge, while the "Storm Commandos" behind were far away from Otto and the others. A distance of about three kilometers.

A distance of [-] kilometers is still a long way for ordinary people, but for Otto and the others, it only took a little over an hour, and Otto's team in front of them didn't find anything along the way. The Soviet patrol arrived at the periphery of the Kuibyshev Railway Bridge very smoothly, and then under the faint moonlight, Otto could already see the majestic appearance of the Kuibyshev Railway Bridge, spanning both sides of the wide Volga River.

Otto simply explained a few words, just like an ordinary Soviet soldier, he entered the ranks of soldiers, and now those former Soviet officers are leading the way, leading the group of more than a hundred people to walk towards the Kuibyshev Railway Bridge. go.

"Stop, password..."

"We are here to check. This is General Viev. Hurry up and salute."

The Soviet soldiers standing guard on the bridge saw from the dim lights on the bridge that there were indeed people who looked like generals there, but these people did not answer the command, so two sentries came out, one, and the other tightly Holding the gun in his hand, he looked out nervously.

Otto and the others are not doing anything now. Otto wants to check these defense and blasting devices.

The Soviet sentry came in front of Viev, first saluted, and then asked Viev to show his ID, which was originally genuine, and of course the Soviet sentry couldn't find anything.

"Reporting to Comrade Viev, Corporal Kaner reporting to you, I am standing guard."

This Soviet soldier named Kana looked a little dumbfounded. Of course Otto and the others knew that he was on guard.

"Corporal, use the telephone in your post to inform your chief to come here immediately, and say that I am ordered by Comrade Stalin to come to check the defense of the Kuibyshev Bridge. Give him 10 minutes, or you will bear the consequences."

"Yes, Comrade Viev, boom..." (to be continued...)

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