my head

Chapter 284 Leaving Windsor Without Saying Goodbye

The UK is indeed telling someone that they should go back to the UK. This person is Zhang Jun’s secretary and lover, Princess Windsor. When Princess Windsor heard the news that her father was killed by the German bombing, she fainted at that time, and Windsor woke up. The princess originally wanted to send a telegram to Zhang Jun, telling him that her father had passed away and she needed to go home for the funeral.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Jun would definitely agree. Although Zhang Jun was fighting on the front line and had no way to accompany Windsor back, of course Zhang Jun did not dare to go back with Windsor. Windsor's home is in England. Can Zhang Jun go now?If you go there, you will be caught.

Windsor thought about it, and it was better not to distract Zhang Jun, so she left a letter for Zhang Jun:

"Dear Jun:

Forgive my leaving without saying goodbye;

When I suddenly received the news of my father's death, I had no choice but to leave. Although I felt so sad and unbearable, I still had to go home to see my beloved father for the last time.

Even if I leave you far away, I will not be separated from you, because my heart is already full of memories of you... Those sleepy and gentle lips and eyes will torture my memories to their heart's content.

I couldn't bear to wave because it was farewell; I didn't dare to think about shaking hands because I didn't know when I would have to wait.

You don't need to stay together day and night, you don't need to pledge each other, just remember that moonlit night, just remember that hour, and that affectionate kiss. [

We just said goodbye in a hurry, and what we took away was only a short spring.Chunyu left me with a patter of nostalgia, in the dream you and I will meet again...

love you forever windsor

November 1940, 10"

Windsor put the letter to Zhang Jun in Zhang Jun's office, and then used Zhang Jun's telegraph to send him a coded message that no one could translate, and of course the blank passport on Zhang Jun's desk.This is not a problem for Windsor.Windsor was originally Zhang Jun's secretary.I also helped Zhang Jun issue a special pass before. Windsor picked up the pen on the desk and skillfully helped Zhang Jun sign a special pass with his own name on it. With this special pass, Windsor can go anywhere, even Use the aircraft.

No one doubted Windsor, even Model would not ask about Windsor, Secretary Windsor was the lover of their boss.Whoever is full and has nothing to do can take care of their boss's housework.Windsor got a Junkers transport plane very smoothly. According to Windsor's request, this plane sent Windsor to Spain, a country that secretly flirts with British girls.

Windsor was about to give birth, and the plane was still a little uncomfortable. After Windsor flew to Spain, the airport had already stopped to pick up Princess Windsor's plane. Of course, this plane was from Spain. At this time, Windsor already felt Pain in his abdomen.But the British agents who came to pick up Windsor, just in case.Still took Windsor to fly to London, England immediately, but Windsor gave birth to the child on the plane.

Although Windsor was born on the plane, Windsor is young and has relatively good physical fitness, so there is no serious problem. Windsor named this beautiful half-breed boy she gave birth to Zhang Dehua, and of course there will be no such thing as Edward.

The name Zhang Dehua is still a very Chinese name, but this child is destined to have an extraordinary fate in the future, because his mother is the future king of England, and Zhang Dehua is destined to be the first heir to the British royal family. What is Zhang Dehua's name? There should be his mother's surname in front, and Elizabeth Alexandra Marie Zhang Dehua is his full name.

The British people were already living under the indiscriminate bombing of German planes, but the news that their king was killed suddenly came, which made the whole British people even more pessimistic and desperate. Originally, the British Air Force led by Churchill had achieved There are a lot of achievements, but ordinary people in the UK don't care about you, don't underestimate the influence and appeal of the king who has been in the UK for thousands of years.

Under the pessimistic and desperate mood of the people, Churchill was also devastated, eager to regain the British people's belief in victory. Now that Windsor, the first heir to the British king, has finally returned to China, Churchill was relieved immediately. As for Windsor It's not about bringing the children back to China, that's not Churchill's business.

After Windsor returned home, King George VI’s funeral was held immediately, and the king’s coronation ceremony was held on the third day. At the same time, Princess Windsor also delivered a very famous speech, calling on all British citizens to unite to resist German aggression Defend the British Empire, by the grace of God.

"I, by the grace of God, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and other territories and dependencies, Head of the Commonwealth of Nations, and defender of the State Church (Anglican Church)".The current British monarch, the head of state of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Nations and 15 member states, and the supreme head of the Church of England.

On this solemn occasion, perhaps the most vital in the history of our country, I send this message to every single one of you, wherever you are, that I feel with you, and I wish I could go door to door and send a message to you. You tell me that most of us will face a life-and-death battle for the British Empire.

Our Prime Minister Chamberlain has tried many times to resolve disputes between nations through peaceful means, but all in vain. We are forced to be involved in this war. We must accept this challenge. If Hitler has his way, even civilized order will be destroyed. , this belief, stripped of its pretense, is nothing but a naked pursuit of power. In order to defend all that we hold dear, we must accept this challenge. For this noble purpose, I appeal to the people at home and abroad to take it upon myself. I implore Please stay calm and determined. Please unite in the face of the test. The test is severe. We will face a difficult time. The war is not limited to the front line. Only with righteousness in mind can we act correctly. We hereby pray to God sincerely, as long as Everyone firmly believes that with God's help, we will triumph! "

Windsor's speech instantly improved the morale of the British army and the people. Everyone seemed to have a backbone. The most important thing is that Windsor did not escape the air raids of German planes. After the bombing of German planes, Windsor would always bring his own butler or The minister appeared at the scene of the disaster relief and directed the disaster relief in person, which made the ordinary British people trust the British royal family more. You must know that Windsor has only given birth to a child, and his body is still very weak. He definitely needs to rest, but for the British Empire , Windsor did not care about her own body, which is also the reason why Princess Windsor has only one son like Zhang Dehua after this life, and Windsor will no longer be able to have children in the future. [

But the stubborn Windsor gritted his teeth and persisted. As for the breastfeeding of Windsor's son, Windsor didn't have to worry about it. Of course, the royal family has a nanny to take care of it. British gossip tabloids do not, and it is hard to say in other countries.

For example, some gossip tabloids in the United States reported on Windsor’s performance in the war. Of course, these newspapers gave Windsor a lot of praise, but these gossip tabloids turned their attention to Windsor’s half-race son. There is no way to hide it. Zhang Dehua's name and appearance let people know at a glance that Windsor's son is a Chinese-English mixed race.

The curiosity-seeking psychology is always the inner need of the general public. Especially in times of war, everyone needs some novelty-seeking things to distract the tension. American gossipers have speculated who the son of Windsor was born to. Well, if it wasn't for the war, the Americans couldn't go to Germany to dig up the inside story, otherwise these good people would have checked Zhang Dehua's life experience to the bottom, and the effect would be better than human flesh searches.


Zhang Jun is arranging the defense of Gorky city on the outskirts of Moscow. Now that the weather is cold, Germany will not attack, but defend the Soviet Union. At this time, Zhang Jun suddenly received a telegram from Model, and Model was in the telegram. He said that outside Baku, the British troops were frequently deployed in Iran, and the situation was not right. The second thing was that the father of Zhang Jun's secretary passed away, and now he has gone home to attend the funeral.

The first thing Zhang Jun is more concerned about is that he had no way to pay attention to Baku in the early stage. Now that the Ural industrial zone in the Soviet Union has been captured, all of his more than 200 million troops are deployed on the other side of Moscow, so the logistical pressure will be heavy. So Zhang Jun plans to drop half of the more than 200 million troops east of Moscow to rest and recuperate. The Baku area is the best place to rest and recuperate. The climate there is much warmer, and the temperature is still more than ten degrees at this time. It is a place of rest, and it is also relatively close to Germany.

The material from Germany to Baku only needs to be transported more than 800 kilometers, and it is almost 20 kilometers to transport it to Orsk. No matter what the reason is, Zhang Jun has to withdraw most of his SS troops. Leave it to the Russian SS for defense. Zhang Jun only needs to leave 350 mobile troops, and the Russian SS can continue to expand throughout the winter. Now there are many places in the Soviet Union, and there are many Soviet prisoners and weapons. The expansion of the SS to [-] million people can also be easily completed.

With the support of German tanks and planes, so many Russian SS troops fought against the Soviet army. There will never be a large-scale rout. Both Zhang Jun and Yegorov have this confidence, mainly due to Stalin's brutal policy , so that the people of the Soviet Union are indeed unwilling to choose such a regime. When a regime even abandons its own people, its fate can be imagined.

The Stalinist regime and the British royal family in Windsor, the prestige and trust among the people, one is in heaven and the other is in hell. The Stalinist regime established prestige through centralization and white brutal rule, while the British royal family united the people through a thousand years of cultural heritage. Confidence, there is no comparison between the two, and the history of later generations also illustrates all this.

...(to be continued...)

ps: Brothers, double the monthly pass on the last day.

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