my head

Chapter 287

ps: The double monthly ticket ends on the 7th, and the head of the best work ticket has already rushed to the 29th place in the history group. Falling leaves, please brothers continue to work hard, the head of state wins.

However, with the help of advanced ground radar, the British army quickly discovered the German formation fleet, and dispatched 36 "Whirlwind" fighter jets to quietly approach the enemy fleet under the cover of clouds.Perhaps the Germans were so confident that they didn't even notice the arrival of the British planes.At that time, the German aircraft were deployed in three layers. The bottom was the do-3 bomber group for combat missions, the me-110 fighter group was in the middle for close support missions, and the me-110 fighter group was at the top.

Facing the situation of being outnumbered, the British commander Hill knew that he could not fight recklessly.He ordered his comrades to continue to hide in the clouds, first let the German cover plane pass by, and then managed to grab the tail of the bomber group and use it for surgery.Things did not go as Hill expected.When the formation of the German army roared past, the large number of bombers was like a big tail trailing behind. "Attack!" 33 "Whirlwind" fighter jets suddenly went straight to the German bomber fleet.The other three "Whirlwind" fighters jumped up slightly, pointing their guns at the German escort fleet.The complacent German fighter planes seemed to be admiring the beautiful scenery along the way, and they didn't even notice the British planes setting up an ambush in the clouds, so they had to rush to fight in a panic.

Compared with bombers, "Tornado" fighters are more flexible and maneuverable.After a short time, the fighter plane driven by Hill tightly bit a German bomber.After a period of entanglement, Hill took aim and pulled the trigger sharply.The enemy plane was shot and plummeted with black smoke.Seeing that the situation was not good, the two German bombers hurriedly turned around and fled.Unexpectedly, they collided together.All of a sudden it was reduced to wreckage.They fell into the sea one after another.Germany lost 58 aircraft in this campaign, while Britain lost 28 aircraft.

Nov. 1940, 10

"Eagle Day" came, and Catherine gave the order to attack across the board.Under the cover of more than 2100 fighter jets, more than 2000 German bombers launched unprecedented violent attacks on 11 airports in the UK.Although the British army had been prepared for this, they still lost 446 aircraft and 231 pilots were killed or injured in the following days of fighting. Germany also lost more than 400 aircraft.Five airports in southern England were also severely damaged.To make matters worse, 5 of the 10 most critical radar stations deployed by the British army were bombed.The entire communication system is on the verge of being destroyed.

Nov. 1940, 10

Catherine is affected by the combat radius due to the first-class fighters bf-101 and "Six Lords".I made a wrong decision: I used the second-rate fighter bf-110 twin-engine two-seater fighter to escort. When 100 German bombers completed their mission and returned, they were intercepted by the British Royal Air Force Spitfire. On this day, The German army mobilized more than 2000 combat aircraft, and the British Royal Air Force also dispatched 22 air force squadrons to intercept. Some squadrons dispatched 2-3 times a day. In the end, the British army won a big victory. It lost 34 fighter planes and the German army lost 106. warplane.Mostly heavy bombers.So far, if the German army does not have first-class fighters such as bf-101 and "Six Masters".Never dare to bomb during the day.

Nov. 1940, 10

In the evening, during a small-scale bombing operation, a German bomber lost its course due to weather and flew over London by mistake to drop a bomb.The dramatic turning point happened here. The German bombing targets changed from airports and factories to bombing British cities.

Nov. 1940, 10

In retaliation for the bombing of London, the Royal Air Force sent 101 bombers to attack Berlin, the capital of Germany, and carried out small-scale bombing of some other large German cities.

The evening of July 1940, 11

The Royal Air Force's air raid on Berlin angered Hitler, and the Luftwaffe, which had completely gained the upper hand, changed its bombing target and assembled more than 1200 planes to carry out a large-scale retaliatory bombing of London.And it was this move that gave the British army a chance to breathe.Taking advantage of this short opportunity, the British army mobilized a large amount of manpower and material resources to repair the bombed airstrip and repair the damaged aircraft.

Nov. 1940, 11

At noon, 2200 German bombers, under the cover of 1600 fighter jets, crossed the English Channel on a large scale, preparing to carry out a fatal final blow to Britain.Facing the incoming German fighter group, more than 2300 British fighter planes took off in 6 waves to intercept.Under the sudden attack of the British army, the unprepared German fleet quickly became chaotic.A big fight to decide the outcome begins.It is a pity that in this battle alone, the German army lost 1103 fighters, while the British army only lost 826.Seeing that there was no hope of victory, the German army was forced to retreat.

Nov. 1940, 11

Hitler reluctantly announced: postpone the "Sea Lion Project."Hitler announced that he would postpone the "Sea Lion Project" until after the spring of 1941, and restart it after the end of the Soviet Union's war, because "the war against the Soviet Union would be over" by then, so Hitler finally agreed to shelve the "Sea Lion Project" completely. plan" collapsed.

Even if Germany does not change the bombing direction, it will end up causing even greater losses to Britain. Britain and Britain have a steady stream of aircraft support from the United States. There is no way for Germany's aircraft production to compare with Britain and the United States.

In order to quickly seize air supremacy, the Luftwaffe focused its attacks on the airports of the British Air Force, which was characterized by extremely frequent air strikes and fierce air battles. Starting from mid-to-late October, the Luftwaffe dispatched more than 10 sorties every day, and within 1000 days, 10 air raids in the UK were carried out. The air force base carried out continuous and destructive strikes, and the British army lost 22 aircraft.The pilots also suffered heavy casualties, and the surviving pilots were exhausted after continuous air battles.

If the Luftwaffe continued to attack, the British Air Force would pay a greater price.But at this critical moment, Hitler suddenly changed his mind by accident and changed the focus of the air strike to bombing London.This gave the British Air Force a chance to breathe and save the day.This is the second time Hitler has made the mistake of "suddenly stopping the battlefield" since the Dunkirk operation.Why is this?Postwar historians have analyzed that some dramatic accidental conditions seemed to have influenced the course of the war.

October 1940, 10.The British Air Force sent 25 bombers to prepare to strike the German mainland.The main targets were German airfields and industrial bases.But the weather was bad that day.The sky was cloudy and foggy, and several bombers lost their course. Because of the clouds, they evaded the German radar and flew over Berlin in a daze to drop bombs.Since the outbreak of the war, the German capital, which had been immersed in an atmosphere of invincible victory, was attacked by air, suffered losses, and lost face. Hitler was furious.Determined to take revenge, he also pointed the finger at London.

After returning to the voyage, these bombing crews of the British army were severely reprimanded for bombing the wrong target, and even prepared to be dealt with by military law.At this time, it was discovered that the subsequent bombing targets of German planes had shifted to major cities such as London.As a result, the pressure on front-line airfields has been greatly reduced.The traumatized and exhausted British Air Force got a valuable respite to rest and replenish.

After the war, someone once said humorously that it was precisely because of the bombing of these crews that they saved the British Air Force and made great contributions to smashing Germany's "Sea Lion Project".These unofficial road reviews.Whether it is correct or not, we don't have to delve into it.But one thing is indisputable.Hitler believed that the bombing of London could plunge the British capital into chaos and paralyze the British high command, so that the German army's landing mission could be simplified, and Britain could even be forced to surrender without landing.

Hitler's decision was also opposed by many people in the German army, but Air Marshal Catherine firmly supported it. He attempted to lure the enemy into air combat and destroy the British planes in the air during the air raid on London, but Hitler's wishful thinking was wrong.During that period, although London, Coventry, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Plymouth and other major cities were immersed in a sea of ​​fire, they suffered serious losses.However, the British Air Force, which was a vital force in the war, survived and quickly recovered its combat effectiveness. It severely damaged the German army, defended Britain, persisted until the end, and won the war.

Throughout the Battle of Britain, the Luftwaffe dispatched more than 4.6 aircraft sorties, dropped more than 10 tons of bombs on Britain, and lost about 1800 aircraft.The British Air Force lost 2106 aircraft, killed and injured more than 10.6 residents, damaged more than 100 million buildings, and destroyed many cities.The British people made great sacrifices, but they did not let a single German soldier land on British soil.When the British head of state, Windsor, praised the high morale and fearlessness shown by the British people, he said emotionally: "With their toil, tears and blood and sweat, they smashed Hitler's arrogant attempt to force Britain to withdraw from the war. Germany The Air Force has never been the key to British defense."

In fact, in the later period of the Battle of Britain, Hitler also saw that the German Air Force's bombing effect was getting smaller and smaller, while the losses were getting bigger and bigger. The hope of conquering Britain was slim, so he turned his attention to the East and stepped up his preparations for launching a spring offensive against the Soviet Union. The "Sea Lion Project" has been aborted.

Inspired by Windsor in the UK, Churchill's correct tactical command, strong assistance from the United States, and the desperate fighting of the British Air Force, they finally defeated the Luftwaffe. Although the British suffered heavy losses, the British Air Force also grew up in the war, especially their pilots. Valuable actual combat experience, and Germany not only lost up to 3200 aircraft in the two stages of the "Sea Lion Project", but also lost a lot of excellent pilots. This loss is the most fatal.

The German Air Force finally suffered heavy losses under the stinky chess of the Wehrmacht and Hitler's insistence. The total number of aircraft dropped sharply from more than 7000 at the beginning of the war to more than 4000. To reverse this fiasco, of course, the British "Meteor" and the American p59 jets are also indispensable. The quality gap between the Atlantic Alliance and the European Union is rapidly closing, and it is impossible for Germany to overcome the extreme time limit. The development of more advanced fighter jets can only repair all the defects of "Six Lords" and make the performance of "Six Lords" more outstanding.


After the disastrous defeat, Hitler finally remembered Zhang Jun, and immediately summoned Zhang Jun. After half a month of recuperation, Zhang Jun's health has recovered, and he rushed to the Empire State Building immediately: (to be continued...)

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