my head

Chapter 52 Merger of Germany and Austria

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Just at the critical moment of the negotiations, a coup plot broke out in Germany. Hitler hurried back to Germany, but the Austrian Chancellor got a respite and immediately rushed back to Austria to hold a referendum. The Austrian Chancellor intended to use public opinion to block Germany's annexation plan.

Because Austria is also Germanic, and everyone is unwilling to confront each other. If all Austrians oppose the merger of Germany and Austria, then Hitler has no choice but to start a war with his own compatriots. This will lose Hitler’s support in Germany. Yes Most undesirable, of course a great Führer would not be so stupid.

Because Hitler basically made no mistakes in the merger of Germany and Austria, Zhang Jun will not jump out to intervene in any actions of the head of state, including deterring Austria with force.Zhang Jun also doesn't have the ability to participate now, he doesn't have soldiers in his hand!The own SS [-]st Panzer Corps just started to build the shelf.

The Austrian chancellor was left to salvage the situation with a referendum in which the voting age threshold was set at 24 and older, excluding younger people who were more pro-Nazi. On March 3, Hitler declared that it was a hoax and that Germany would not admit it. On March 10, Hitler gave an ultimatum to the Austrian Chancellor. Regardless of whether there was a response or not, Hitler had ordered the army to prepare to enter Austria.The Austrian Chancellor finally asked for help from abroad, but neither Britain nor France took any action. He resigned as Chancellor that night.Initially Austrian President Wilhelm Miklas refused to appoint Seyss-Inquart as the new Chancellor, but the Nazis in Vienna began to capture and imprison government officials, and Miklas had to appoint Seyss-Inquart as Chancellor. On March 3, Hitler ordered the German army to cross the German-Austrian border in Berlin, and successfully entered Vienna on the 11th of the same month.Now Hitler flew alone to the Austrian capital. Hitler entered Vienna and was welcomed by the Austrians. Hitler then announced that "this ancient land of the Germans has become the newest part of Germany."

Hitler made the right bet this time, and the appeasement policy of Britain and France made Hitler have no scruples. When the German army entered Austria, all the Austrian troops refused the orders from their superiors, blocked the orders of the German army, stayed in the barracks and could not come out, and were fully mechanized. The German army quickly occupied the Austrian capital, and at the same time held a referendum. The result of the referendum was that 99.7% of the Austrians agreed with the German-Austrian merger. At this time, the situation was irreversible. The German-Austrian merger became a foregone conclusion. All Germans and most Austrian Germans fell into complete fanaticism, and Hitler's popularity was once again restored to what it was before Goering's coup.

On March 1938, 3, a meeting that was recorded in history was held in the German Armament Department. All the arms manufacturers in Germany attended the meeting.

Several famous arms dealers in Germany, Krupp Arsenal, Mauser Arsenal, Messerschmidt Aircraft Company, Junker Aircraft Company, Heinkel Aircraft Company, Dornier Aircraft Company, Fokker-Wulff Aircraft Company , Henschel & Sons, Walter Arms, BMW and Porsche (Porsche) Siemens, zf, Lenk, KraussMaffei, Wegmann, b&v, Deutsche Werft, Howald,...

A total of nearly one hundred large and small arms companies were summoned by Zhang Jun to the German Armament Department. In the past, Zhang Jun could only use his own meager efforts to organize research, but now Zhang Jun can use German state funds to conduct research. This will be unmatched in the past, not only the abundance of funds, but more importantly, the high-quality scientific research talents in Germany will develop more advanced weapons and equipment with Zhang Jun's abundant scientific research investment. Things can also be converted to civilian use. In fact, many researches were later turned into civilian technology during peacetime.

First of all, let’s take a look at the epoch-making 26 weapons in World War II. Germany accounted for 23, while the United States had only two, and the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union each had one.

1. v-2: the earliest ballistic ground-to-ground missile;

2. v-1: the earliest cruise missile;

3. me-262: the first practical jet fighter;

4. mg-42: the first general-purpose machine gun;

5. s**mp-44: the first assault rifle;

6. Fritz x: the first guided bomb;

7. hs-293: The first anti-ship missile, the first air-to-surface missile, and a TV-guided type, which can also be regarded as the first;

8. x-4: the first air-to-air missile;

9. X-7: The first anti-tank missile, but it has not been put into practical use, does it count?

10. Daughter of the Rhine: The first anti-aircraft missile is not put into practical use, does it count?

11. The earliest magnetic mine, the model is forgotten;

12. The earliest sound-guided torpedo, the model is forgotten;

13. Dula Train Cannon: The largest caliber artillery in the world;

14. Tiger Tank: In what respect is this guy the best in the world?

15. Submarine: The first submarine that does not rely on air?Or "Electric Shark", can it be regarded as the number one in the world?

16. There is also a forward-swept wing bomber,

17. ar-234: the first jet bomber and the only jet bomber in World War II;

18. me-232: The prototype of modern military transport aircraft, can it be regarded as a guy who opened a new era?

19 The world's first combat helicopter fl282

20 The world's first intercontinental missile a9a10 (manufactured but failed test launch)

21 The world's first anti-radar missile bv246

22 The world's first experimental reactor (some sources say it has reached the dirty bomb stage)

23 The world's first saucer-shaped aircraft rfz (flying saucer) The world's first wing-shaped aircraft go229

The number one atomic bomb, Germany also has the strength to research and manufacture, mainly due to the failure of the Allied Forces' various sabotage and espionage, which allowed the Yankees to research the atomic bomb in advance.

The first of the two epoch-making weapons of the United States is the atomic bomb, which is also ranked first, and the other is the radio proximity fuze.

Britain's epoch-making weapon is active sonar, which is completely developed to deal with the German u-2 submarine.

And the Soviet Katyusha.

At this time, Germany's technological level has far surpassed that of other countries at the same time. After the defeat of Germany, the bandits of the victorious countries divided up most of the scientists and researchers, and dismantled most of the factories. During the Cold War, the two Most of the epoch-making weapons of the great powers are basically the continuation of German research and ideas, which can explain all the problems. Zhang Jun believes that in the research and development of German weapons that he leads, there will never be some research and development and installation. If that is the case, Zhang Jun sent himself to the gallows in Nuremberg with his own hands. If a person wants to die by himself, even God cannot save him.

Now Germany does not need Zhang Jun to be an all-rounder, Zhang Jun can also be a passer-by in research and development, the only thing Germany needs Zhang Jun to do is to be Liu Bang in ancient China-Zhang Jun can be a rascal, a playboy, and He is ignorant, but he must know how to employ people.

Fortunately, Zhang Jun is a little bit better than Liu Bang in terms of ability. He has some strategic command ability. value, and Germany has the ability to mass-produce epoch-making weapons ahead of schedule. When Germany of later generations is facing imminent defeat, making these weapons advanced has not played its due role, and its impact on the war situation is also very limited. Now time It was only the beginning of 1938, and Zhang Jun had nearly two years to organize the research and development of those epoch-making weapons. Although the time was still tight, he would definitely not be in a hurry. There were definitely a few epoch-making weapons that were organized by Zhang Jun before the war broke out. Developed for use in warfare.

Zhang Jun, wearing the majestic SS lieutenant general uniform, walked onto the podium very calmly. The 25-year-old lieutenant general was the number one in Germany from ancient times to the present. At that time, Zhang Jun's illustrious military exploits in China left everyone speechless. It is said that Germany has not launched a war now, and even the old generals in World War I did not have a precedent for annihilating 20 enemy troops in one battle.

The high-spirited and high-spirited Zhang Jun began to deliver a speech:

"Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, good morning everyone!

Today, thousands of businessmen gather and heroes gather.So many good friends came.The scene was so hot, which we did not expect before, and everyone's enthusiasm and sincerity also deeply infected us.

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of you for your strong support to us all the time! At the same time, we are also very glad to have such an opportunity to communicate and exchange with friends, to enhance mutual understanding, to go forward hand in hand, and to create a more brilliant future together.

In the spring of 1938, the German firearms purchase conference was officially held on this sunny day. We will treat all companies equally. As long as your products are of excellent quality and meet the needs of the German army, then you will A large number of contracts and purchases have been obtained. This procurement will implement the principles of fairness, justice and openness. I request and hope that all companies will come up with your housekeeping products and participate in this open procurement competition.

The sun is shining and the flowers are blooming.Why do flowers bloom as long as they are given some sunshine?Because it has the conditions and the basic conditions it needs for growth, then why is it not open!Opportunities are hard to come by. If you miss this time, you have to wait for the next time, but the price of waiting for the next time is the loss of vitality and the close contact with bees and butterflies. Therefore, flowers are used to waiting and know how to grasp it. The importance of opportunity.From a small plant, we can feel the importance of external conditions and the rare opportunities.

"Hundreds of birds contend for their singing, and all their flowers compete for beauty." Whether it is nature or the human world, there will be competition.The so-called natural selection, survival of the fittest.Because there is competition to be the first, and there is competition to have the hard-won honor and own territory.As the saying goes, "the sea is wide with the fish leaping, the sky is high for the birds to fly." As long as there is space, there will be opportunities to play. The key is how to grasp this space, seize opportunities, and make yourself unique in this space.

In today's fierce competition, if you want to stand out from the crowd, come and take out your best products to participate in the competition. Honor belongs to those who are prepared. Charm comes from strength. You will use strength to defeat your opponents. Everything is for Germany, for The great Führer strives, strives, my friends.

thank you all!

Zhang Jun, Minister of German Equipment Department

1938th 17"

"Clap clap... clap clap..."

(Written; because the protagonist was presiding over the procurement and did not participate in the "Flower Offensive" of the Führer, the German-Austrian merger was briefly written.)

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