my head

Chapter 83

[Please collect, recommend, and ask for anything. Your support is the motivation for my writing. Come on Gao Fushuai and join the group 208912025 to decide the development of the plot. 】


The four guards on duty were eliminated in an instant. Seeing the headless corpse on the ground, Otto made a plan and asked someone to pull off the guard's clothes, and then found a commando of similar build to replace the guard. Then put the commando's clothes on for the headless guard. Otto planted two time bombs in the duty room while retreating, and at the same time moved the guard who put on the Japanese military uniform. When we arrived outside the duty room, when the time bomb exploded, the body in the duty room would be changed beyond recognition, leaving only a headless corpse in a small Japanese military uniform outside for Lao Maozi to investigate.

After the guards in the duty room were solved, the gate of the Lubyanka prison was opened, and the remaining fifty commandos rushed in quickly, heading straight for their targets, or the barracks, or the prison, while Otto led his own group Ben 256 cell.

Yerogov was imprisoned in cell No. 256, and the prison finally started to move a little bit. Although the gunshots of "Puchi...Puchi..." were weak, the rapid shooting could still be heard, indicating that the Type 56 submachine gun had no scruples. After shooting continuously, Otto and his party ran very fast.

"Who, stop, shoot if you don't stop, click..."


The guard who asked loudly was shot into a sieve by Otto's silent submachine gun before he could pull the bolt of his gun.


Someone rushed out of the room again, and they could only be greeted by ruthless bullet screens. The two commandos immediately broke away from the team and rushed to the house where the Soviet soldiers came out just now. First, they threw a flashbang in, and then the two As soon as the person flashed his body, he rushed to the room with a "puchi...puchi..." sweeping wildly.

Cell No. 256 is still easy to find. Besides, Otto and the others have a simulated building and a map to easily find Cell 256 where Yegorov is being held. Of course, there is no key. Otto pointed a gun at the iron gate. It was just a few "puchi puchi" shots, and the iron door of the cell was opened.

"Who is Yegorov, we are here to save you."

"I... am... who are you... why did you come to save me?"

"Comrade Yegorov, do you remember China's Generalissimo Chiang?"

"Oh... Of course, we still... fought together... before."

As soon as Otto waved his hand, several commandos went up to help Yegorov untie him. At this time, Yegorov's face was covered with blood, his body was covered with repeated scars, his body was very weak, and he might go to see Marx at any time.

"Just remember, Comrade Yegorov, because of your selfless help to China, the chairman of the Chinese committee asked our general to rescue you. You are very weak now and need to see a doctor. You should rest first."

A strong storm commando, without a word, came up and ran out with Yegorov on his back, and the others followed closely.

At this time, the prison had already begun to boil, and the harsh sirens began to sound, and the voices of "Beng... Da Da Da..." came and went.

"Run! Ah!"

Those were other criminals released by the Stormtroopers. Some of them already had weapons. You must know that many of these people were commanders at all levels in the Soviet Red Army. Those criminals who were facing execution started the craziest In retaliation, countless prison cells were opened, and countless guards were flooded and torn to pieces.

The goal of rescue and chaos was achieved, and the storm commando quickly evacuated Yegorov. The entire Lubyanka Prison was ablaze, and the sound of gunfire and explosions continued.As for the final outcome of these people, Otto and the others are not concerned about it. Tens of thousands of political-political-criminals are enough for the old guy Stalin to torment, but these people do not have enough weapons and ammunition, and their future is at a loss.

By the time Otto and the others retreated to the starting point, the guards who stayed behind had already connected the glider in series, then erected two trees in front of the glider, and hung the steel cables towing the glider on the two wooden stakes, so that the b -29 put down the hook at the tail in an ultra-low-altitude manner, hooked the steel cable hanging between two wooden stakes, and the glider on the ground was taken into the sky by b-29 in this way.

The b-29 cruising in the air quickly got the order to lower the altitude, put down the tail hook, and enter the flight path from the tail of the glider.The training of hanging things from the ground, the b-29 has been trained many times, and it successfully hooked the steel cables placed on two wooden piles once, and the three groups of gliders were successfully taken into the sky and disappeared into the clouds, because Ye Ge Rove was injured and was taken away with the medical b-29 alone. When the medical b-29 flew into the sky, he opened the tail window and recovered the glider to his own tail, then he could connect Yegorov to the b-29 Internal healing.

After all the planes were in the sky, Otto took a long breath and raised his hand to check the time. The whole operation only took 43 minutes. At the same time, another group of commandos also sent a signal a few minutes later, reporting the success. The news, this made the entire commando completely boil, yes, it was a perfect rescue, a classic special operation.


The two prisons rioted almost simultaneously, and emergency calls quickly reached the Kremlin where Stalin was located.

"Great Comrade Stalin, the Lubyanka Prison riot, now the Lubyanka Prison rioters have occupied the Lubyanka Prison and started to attack our arsenal outside Moscow, please give instructions to the great Comrade Stalin."

"What, idiot, execute all these counter-revolutionaries, and immediately transfer the First Division of the Guards to suppress the rebellion."

Stalin's face was ashen. Those political prisoners in Lubyanka Prison really exposed their anti-revolutionary ideas, and now they dared to rebel. "

"Ding ding..."

Another burst of rapid phone ringing.

"Great Comrade Stalin, the Lefertovo Prison Rebellion..."

"Suppress, immediately suppress..."

After a brief period of confusion, the Soviet authorities began to quickly dispatch troops from Moscow to suppress it. The first two divisions to go there were wiped out by the rebels. You must know which rebels were the senior commanders of Lenin. Many of the commanders in command of the Soviet army now came to power by framing their old superiors and praising Stalin. These division-level cadres who came to power were small battalion commanders or company commanders a few months ago, and they suddenly led and commanded A division, and they didn't understand the situation, so it would be strange if they didn't lose the battle. Of course, the fate of the two division commanders was also very miserable. They were directly executed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There was no trial, and they were executed directly.

Fortunately, the Soviet Union has not yet engaged in a military confrontation with Germany. A large number of troops are deployed around Moscow. Stalin, who is sober, realizes that the rebels are definitely not the mob he imagined. Of course, Stalin was well aware of the commanding skills of these people, so he quickly mobilized the 50 troops in Moscow to attack on both sides, and at the same time surrounded them from other places, making sure to wipe out all the rebels.

Of course, the more than 5 rebels were not the opponents of so many troops. They began to organize retreats and retreated to the northern mountainous areas of the Soviet Union. The Soviet army suffered heavy casualties on the battlefield of suppressing the rebellion. More than [-] people were killed in battle alone. Of course, the rebels also suffered losses. It was terrible, after all, they did not have tanks, heavy weapons such as cannons, and only a few light weapons were grabbed. However, these disadvantages were slightly reversed by their excellent command with experience in many battles, but they still could not change the failure. Under the circumstances, not even one rebel surrendered, because surrendering is also death!

Why did the Soviet army fight against the rebels with simple weapons so hard? Look at what Stalin did. From the time Kirov was assassinated in 1934 until 1938, the Soviet Union suffered unprecedented losses, especially in the military. The loss is far beyond what the Great Patriotic War can compare: Among the 1966 Communist Party representatives, 1108 "disappeared"; the senior Soviet Red Army generals killed: 5 of the 3 marshals, 5 first-level group army commanders 3 of the 10st and 57nd group army commanders, 50 of the 186 army commanders, 154 of the 16 division commanders, 28 of the 25st and 64nd group army political commissars, 58 of the 456 army political commissars , 401 of the [-] division political commissars, and [-] of the [-] regimental heads.No war could cost an army so many senior generals, and Stalin did it in peacetime.

The Soviet Union suppressed the rebellion in the country, and Western countries gloated over their misfortune, but the Soviet Union did not seek trouble from other countries, but instead found Little Japan. The headless corpse is the best evidence.

Japan is also extremely arrogant, and severely condemned the Soviet Union as something out of nothing, but the Soviet Union insisted that the Japanese planned this conspiracy and rebellion, and they were directly involved in it, because there was a Soviet marshal who was rescued. Army Commander Vasily Konstantinovich Blyuchel, as long as this person is willing to surrender to Japan, everything in the Soviet Far East will be open to Japan.

In addition to the Zhanggufeng incident at the end of June 1938, the Soviet army suddenly occupied Zhanggufeng, built fortifications on the mountain, and arranged barbed wire.The Japanese who had designated Northeast China as a pseudo-"Manchukuo" and Korea as their colony quit.The Japanese believed that the Soviet army's occupation of Zhanggufeng was equivalent to having a strategic location that could control North Korea and Northeast China.However, since the Japanese army was preparing to attack Wuhan, and various Japanese troops were making frequent mobilizations, it was difficult to clash with the Soviet army on a large scale.The base camp had no choice but to order the Japanese Kwantung Army to enter a state of first-level combat readiness. At the same time, the cabinet instructed the Japanese ambassador to the Soviet Union Mamoru Shigemitsu to mediate with the Soviet Union.The Soviet Union made it clear that it was impossible to withdraw troops from Zhang Gufeng.Shigemitsu's diplomatic mediation has reached an impasse.

The Japanese base camp made up its mind: take back Zhang Gufeng. Beginning on July 7, Japan and the Soviet Union launched repeated competitions for highlands such as Shacao Peak and Zhanggu Peak, and continued to increase their troops.The total number of Japanese troops participating in the battle was nearly 30 and 7000 artillery pieces. Before August 37, the Soviet army "assembled more than 8 people, 5 artillery pieces, and 1.5 tanks in the combat operation area. Another 237 aircraft supported the Soviet army's operations. On August 285, according to the suggestion of the Japanese side, the two sides stopped fighting. The Soviet army controlled Zhanggufeng and Shacaofeng. Agreement, the Soviet Union easily seized a large area of ​​China from the Japanese imperialists.

Another major historical event is also deepening the conflict between Japan and the Soviet Union. The KGB Far East Minister of the Soviet Union, Lyusikov, was worried about being purged, so he quickly contacted Japanese spies and fled across the border to Northeast China in 1938. The territory of Manzhouli defected to the Japanese Kwantung Army. The Harbin secret service agency was responsible for examining them and finally decided how to deal with them...

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