Pillars of the Wu family

Chapter 125 Meeting in Akutagawa Mountain City

Ashikaga Yoshito is in a particularly good mood recently. This is a day he has never been happy since he was a child. Even in his dreams, he would never have thought that Yoshikashi would be so powerful when he was in power. The savior of the shogunate broke Miyoshi Changqing's undefeated record, and also broke the curse that the shogunate had to retreat every time it encountered a powerful force.

The shadow of Miyoshi's family over Gyeonggi has also receded. Usually people in a good mood will become more reasonable, and the same is true of Ashikaga Yoshito. In the past few days, he held a small waka meeting at Cizhao Temple. Eminent monks such as Tokuji Temple and Myoshinji Temple came to participate in the Waka Concert, and officials such as Konoe Haruji, Hirohashi Kunimitsu, and Asuka Masakao participated in it in person.

Not only that, there are also ape musicians from Omi and Yamato who went to Cizhao Temple to perform ape music. It is said that Cizhao Temple has been brightly lit at night until daytime in the past few days, and the courtiers of the shogunate did not persuade him to be diligent and frugal for the first time. This shows that these How aggrieved the hard-working vassal has been in the past few decades, it is not easy to be so excited.

After a few days of excitement, Ashikaga Yoshito soon accepted Kira Yoshitoki's persuasion and began to prepare to discuss the issue of peace with Miyoshi Changqing.

"Winning a few games in a row made him more confident, and he finally had the confidence to sit down and bargain with Miyoshi Changqing. It's really not easy to be His Royal Highness! It's even more difficult for me to be a member of the same school! "Yishi Kira smiled wryly and was surrounded by a group of retainers who couldn't name him to ask questions.

This is already the third day after the end of the Kamogawa water battle. Yoshitoki Yoshitoki was dragged by Ashikaga Yoshito to attend various occasions in Kyoto these days, whether it is a singing party, a tea party, or a rafting party, except for these informal occasions In addition, there was an audience with the emperor in court clothes, and wherever he went, he immediately became the protagonist of the event.

Except for the emperor's light compliments at the court meeting, those high-level officials and low-level officials are like gossip reporters for tabloids, wishing to turn the history of his Kira family upside down, and he has to keep smiling all the time After three days, his cheeks were stiff, and he could only complain in a low voice when no one was around: "When will this kind of life be so big!"

Fortunately, the response of the shogunate was swift. Yoshito Ashikaga sent a senior diplomat, Haruki Odate, as an envoy to Akutagawa Mountain Castle to discuss the issue of non-war harmony between the two sides. Of course, he also discussed the issue of redemption of prisoners after the war. This is a very important thing, and it is also the main means for the victors of the war to obtain benefits.

If it weren't for winning and capturing prisoners to make money, Kira Yoshitoshi would not be so desperate. He would have to defeat them and escape. At least many people would die in this way. At the same time, this was the strategy Yamamoto Tokiyuki set with him at the beginning. , which is the so-called strategy of promoting talks by fighting. After fighting desperately, it is naturally for peace talks. It is impossible to stop fighting endlessly. How much profit he earns depends entirely on his mouth.

In Akutagawa Mountain Castle, Miyoshi Changqing sat on the main seat, on both sides were a sect of the Miyoshi family, and the quasi-one sect Goyuo from the Shikoku Honcho, followed by the Naojia of the Miyoshi family, Matsunaga Hideo and Matsunaga The Nagarai brothers are the head, and the last ones are the people of Settsu, Izumi and other countries. Their status is not very high, including the surrenderist Itami Okinoko.

The two rows of vassals scattered backwards, adding up to 60 people. These people are the characters who can talk to the Miyoshi family. Everyone has a piece of territory to fight for the Miyoshi family's expedition. Miyoshi Changqing seems to be a part of this group. The leader or alliance leader of the group earns benefits for everyone and increases the prestige of Miyoshi's family. Odate Qingguang has already understood the situation in Miyoshi's family before departure, and he is not surprised by this.

Miyoshi Yasunaga sat at the top next to the main seat, because when Miyoshi Yoshiken and Anzhai Toyasu were away, Miyoshi Yasunaga was the highest-ranking member of the family, and at the same time he served as the writer of the Miyoshi family, sitting on his knees all the time Not far behind Miyoshi Changqing, Matsuyama Shinsuke is the leader of Miyoshi Changqing's Mahui group. His father, Matsuyama An Yunshou, is Miyoshi Changqing's most trusted general, and serves as the banner head of the Qiyuan group.

"His Highness Zaemonzuo Odate is well! I haven't seen His Highness Zaemon for so many years, and I am still as handsome as ever. It is a great pleasure to meet me, Changqing again!" Miyoshi Changqing is a handsome person, and his own personality is also He is very elegant, not at all ruthless and ruthless, he is more like a cultural person, with a friendly smile, he likes sinology, waka, tea ceremony, flower arrangement, and has an extraordinary understanding of Buddhism. He is a typical cultural person influenced by Kyoto culture.

"That's right! It's been a few years since we saw each other!" Daguan Qingguang is already over fifty years old, and he is a generation older than Miyoshi Changqing who is less than thirty years old. The two met as early as Tianwen eight years ago. His father Odate Shangshi once helped Miyoshi Changqing and Miyoshi Mayor on behalf of the shogunate on the issue of the ownership of the Hanoi [-]th Office of the Hanoi Shogunate’s imperial materials, and then Odate Qingguang represented the shogunate and Miyoshi Changqing contacted and assisted him to go to Los Angeles for the first time in the eighth year of Tianwen.

Both of them are very elegant people, so when they talked about the past, they were not in a hurry or rash, and they didn't stop until they talked for half an hour. Guan Qingguang was also secretly observing the actions of Miyoshi's retainers. He had already noticed some people's expressions of impatience, and secretly said: "It should start!"

Sure enough, after a moment of silence, Miyoshi Changqing gradually brought the topic to the recent changes in Kyoto. As an envoy, Haruki Odate also took advantage of the opportunity to lead him back to the main topic. , Miyoshi Changqing's complexion changed.

Human hunting has always been an unspoken rule in troubled times. The defeated captives are captured and sold as slaves. However, as a samurai, there is naturally a code of conduct. Usually, human hunting is only carried out on defeated soldiers without harming their wives and children, and the price is marked. It is usually very low. Generally, one person can redeem it with tens of pennies, and some defeated soldiers can allow the original family he designated to redeem it. Only a few people will break this unspoken rule.

For example, Takeda Harunobu two years ago, that is, in the 16th year of Astronomy, in the battle of Oda Ihara, the Ueno countryman who broke Uesugi’s constitutional government, and the Kasahara Kiyoshige who broke Shiga Castle, and made all Shiga Castle slaves regardless of men, women, or children. And no matter men, women, old or young, they are sold at a high price of up to ten pennies. Such a high price prevents their relatives from being able to redeem them, and those poor people who cannot be sold can only be sent to Jinshan as pawnbrokers. mining slaves.

Miyoshi Changqing naturally knew this matter very well, so when he heard that the shogunate wanted him to redeem the members of the Four Kingdoms, he immediately realized that someone in the shogunate had a sinister idea, and his intention was nothing more than blackmailing his Miyoshi family A sum of money, if it weren't for this, why would the shogunate envoys be so anxious to raise the issue of redeeming the captives.

Staring at Qingguang Ouchi with a gloomy face, this loyal elder is also a person who has gone through a lot of wind and waves. He had seen the mighty Yoshiko Ouchi in Kyoto when he was in Yuanfu. Miyoshi Changqing's imposing manner was still a little lacking. A cold gaze met a gentle gaze. After the two sides looked at each other for a long time, Miyoshi Changqing shook his head and said, "Tell me, what is the price for the shogunate."

"One person with two kanwen in the Four Kingdoms, ten kanwen for each warrior, ten to fifty times for senior warriors, there are more than [-] people in the Four Kingdoms, a total of [-] kanwen." Daguan Qingguang said calmly.

"Hiss!" All the important ministers of the Miyoshi family gasped, and Izawa Yamatomori said angrily, "This is blackmail! This is an act that is not honorable for a samurai! How could the shogunate do such a dishonorable act? Could it be that the government Did His Highness also get into the copper plate?"

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