Pillars of the Wu family

Chapter 134 Jing Hu's Chapter Letter

() The storm in Kinai has little to do with Yoshitoki Kira. Yasuo has devoted himself to practice every day for more than a month since his body, and with a reasonable diet, he has grown taller and has sufficient nutrition to supplement his stature. Soon, children like Shima Sakon and Honda Mitsuya, who have no concept of meat taboos at all, followed suit. Yoshitoki was talking about something, but he seemed to be very powerful.

"My lord! Pay attention to the coordination of footsteps and swinging the knife! Cooperate with breath adjustment, hold your breath, expel your breath, and don't mess up the rhythm!" Nakajo Tokihide temporarily tutored Kira Yoshitoki's swordsmanship training. Nakajo's swordsmanship comes from actual combat lethality With a strong flow of thoughts, learning his swordsmanship is also a pre-determined step.

"Drink!" Kira Yoshishi adjusted his breath and used his wrists to strike out. Every repeated movement is slightly different. From the time he couldn't grasp the rhythm at the beginning to now, he has gradually become accustomed to every swing. The basic requirements of the time, and even subconsciously regard this requirement as a habit.

Nakajo Tokihide observed for a while, then resolutely stopped the burst training, and said to him: "The original intention of practice is to strengthen the body and nourish energy, and the practice of explosive power is to let the owner of the gym master the burst skill proficiently. Normal practice cannot burst out all the time. Frequent bursts will make you The loss of vitality has damaged the foundation."

"Ah? Then I practiced for a month..." Kira Yoshishi was dumbfounded, so why did you ask me to practice for a month.

Nakajo Tokihide quickly comforted: "It doesn't matter the current level of cultivation, Master Master. The burst training twice a day for half an hour each is only a part. The secret method passed down in the family is to practice meditation and sit quietly when the sun rises to calm your mind and nourish your energy." , Linji Sect's Zen meditation will not leave any hidden dangers for the museum owner."

"Oh! Meditation! Isn't it the yoga practice taught by Buddhism? Turn your heart to the sky, calm your mind and hold your breath, gradually eliminate distracting thoughts, and enter the samadhi where the mind is not distracted and focused." He has naturally understood since he was a child of Zen. The allusion here is that samadhi, also known as samadhi, is a transliteration of Sanskrit, and its free translation means "right concentration", which can calm people's mind and stop distracting thoughts.

The original intention of yoga is to make the mind enter the state of being free from dirt and uncleanness through meditation, meditation and asceticism, and the heart is as clear as glass. This is roughly the same as the practice method of Zen. Birth is immortal, so what is the difference? Because of the original perfection, the original mind of all living beings is originally a Buddha. It is not a false cultivation, it is not a gradual process, it is not light and dark, there is no light because it is not bright, and there is no darkness because it is not dark. There is no end to ignorance.

The following is the allusion in the "Maha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra".埵.

Kira Yoshitoshi's level of Zen was just so-so, and he had the habit of holding his breath every day for five or six years, and he didn't think there was anything special about it. Only after being mentioned by Nakajo Tokihide did he realize that there was still such a thing. What happened, "I always thought that yoga was used to lose weight, but I didn't know it could calm the mind."

A day's practice will not end until about three o'clock in the afternoon, and the lunch break is compressed to half an hour. The life is so hard, and what is worse than him is that Sanxiao can only hide in the shade of a tree and take a nap. Hearing the words that today's practice is over, he immediately cheered and ran away.

"Your Highness! Try Aju's new pastries!" Aju was holding a plate of strange pastries, and she didn't know what new creations she was working on. The pastries looked a little strange, a bit like a biscuit and a bit like a mung bean cake. Smell the aroma a little Tangy, Kira Yoshishi hesitated for a while and asked, "Is this the smell of sweet-scented osmanthus?"

"That's right! This is a rice cake made of sweet-scented osmanthus honey, which is newly produced this year! Do you often see how delicious it is?" Aju looked at him expectantly, and at a glance, she knew that she gave the highest evaluation when she was looking forward to Kirayoshi, although every time There is no suspense in the result, but she is always eagerly looking forward to the next time.

Yoshihiro Kira picked up a piece of rice cake made with osmanthus honey, swallowed it in one gulp, and then said with an expression of enjoyment on his face: "Is this Aju's secret osmanthus cake! I have never eaten such a delicious osmanthus cake! It's really delicious!"

"Really? Is that so? A-ju still cooks a lot, so don't rush to eat slowly, Your Highness!" A-ju clenched her fists happily, and pushed the plate towards him, almost causing Yoshiki Yoshitoki to fall over past.

Aju took out a letter from somewhere, "Ah! By the way! Aju has a letter from His Highness here! It seems to have been sent from far away!"

"A place far away? When did you send it?" Yoshitomo Kira looked at the letter, and only wrote the words "Kira Zuobingweiden's personal letter", which was obviously not a letter written by a retainer of the Kira family. There are not many people who can call him an official.

Aju thought for a while and said, "It probably looked like it was sent in early July!"

"Uh...then why are you giving it to me now? Oh! I was fighting at the time, but I can give it to me last month!"

Aju said with an apologetic expression: "I was busy last month and forgot about it, Your Highness, I'm sorry! Is it something important? Does it matter?"

"Let me have a look first... Hey, it's a letter from Echigo!" Yoshitoki Kira was surprised to receive a letter from Echigo. The royal merchant passed it on, because the clay seal on it is the Jiuyaoba pattern of the Nagao family. As a person who has been in contact with "Knowledge of Zhujiawen" since childhood, recognizing the family pattern is as simple as eating and drinking.

He had written a personal letter to Nagao Jinghu, that was a year ago, because Echigo’s remote and back-and-forth journey was inconvenient, and he forgot it when he encountered other things after a long time. Seeing Jiuyao Bawen reminded him of this matter again, it seems that it should be the reply letter from Nagao Jinghu.

Zhan Xin looked at Nagao Jinghu's script in regular script and said, "His Royal Highness Kira Zuobingwei Zuo personally signed, and General Meng Wuwei sent Jinghu a letter. I am very happy. The changes in the world today make people feel distressed. For example, the morning dew is fleeting. General Wuwei's words were like enlightenment. Today, the chaos of Echigo started from the reversal of superiority and inferiority, and the people of the country were at a loss. Jing Hu then used General Wuwei's strategy to end up with the Xuanqing Palace. As His Highness said, he surpassed the people of the country and extinguished the war ...

At present, the imperial court has fallen, the shogunate is in decline, and the people of the country are rushing up, which makes us and the samurai lose our way. However, the samurai should abide by the law and work hard to serve the public. The word "no offense" should always be kept in mind. It is necessary to invade other countries to seize people's territory. Jinghu disagrees with this. Please ask His Royal Highness Kira Zuobing Weizuo to explain his doubts? "

Yoshiki Kira took a look and probably knew what he meant. It was nothing more than a pedantic way of guarding his own family's territory for a long time. I'm afraid he wouldn't even take it seriously when he abolished the guardian envoy. Shua wrote a reply letter and sent it to Echigo.

Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, Aju asked worriedly: "Your Highness! Did Aju ruin your business?"

"Nothing! A-ju did a great job! Thank you, A-ju." Yoshiki Kira smiled in relief, and remembered that the past few days were when the naughty little loli should have her birthday, so he said to her: "Come with me to celebrate Sheng Ji's birthday in a few days! The sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by Aju is delicious, and I will give it to Sheng Ji to try on that day!"

"Well! Aju is still improving the method of new-style rice cakes! Aju has tried several kinds of honey, and it seems that only sweet-scented osmanthus honey is the best. The next step is to put some oil in it to try. In the evening, Aju will bring the newly made rice cakes to you. Your Highness, try it!" With a warm smile on her face, Aju ran away with brisk little steps, leaving behind the plate of rice cakes to make him dazed.

"The two over there come here! Yes! Just you, come here!" Ji Liangyi hooked his hands, called the two silly little surnames over, pointed to the sweet-scented osmanthus cake on the plate and said: "My family has no appetite now. Here you go, eat it up now."

"Of order!" The two little surnames gobbled it up excitedly, and praised in a low voice while eating, as if it was really delicious.

"Is it really delicious? Why do I feel that sweet and greasy things are not delicious at all?"

The next few days were uneventful, Izumi’s drama had no new progress for the time being, Hosokawa Fujitaka, Matsui Yukan and others were busy planning the Leshi Order, and took Liujiao’s Guanyin Temple New Market and studied it over and over for half a year , and sent people down to Sakamoto Castle Town to investigate and visit, and I don't know when this decree will be issued.

The routine art of war practice was changed to a heavier wooden sword basic chopping. With his physical strength to maintain the breathing rhythm, he only insisted on thirty times, and he couldn't even hold on to twenty times with a random chop, so he just practiced like this. It lasted all morning, and I saw Tokyuki Yamamoto walking over from nowhere.

"Kashima sword sage Tsukahara Buden is going to Luo again. This old man had the honor to travel with Tsukahara Buden to the western countries and Kyushu for several years, and he was able to pass on the new and current swordsmanship secrets. It's a pity that his body is dilapidated... But this old man can act for His Royal Highness Shixiu. Recommendation, what is His Highness Shixiu's opinion?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty Yamamoto! I, Tohide, naturally wish for it! Speaking of which, my swordsmanship has recently entered a bottleneck period and cannot break through. If I can get the guidance of Kashima Sword Master, I will definitely be able to make a breakthrough!" Nakajo Tokihide almost jumped up excitedly, Tsukahara Bu Dian is the number one strategist in the world, known as Kashima Juggernaut, among so many sword-wielding samurai in Japan, he is the best in swordsmanship, how could he give up when he had a chance to give him some advice but he couldn't ask for it.


"Oh? What is the master's order?"

"What about me? What about me?" Yoshitomo Kira stared at him with wide eyes.

"Huh? What?" Tokiyuki Yamamoto glanced at him suspiciously, frowned and said, "Does the owner want to increase the amount? Swordsmanship must be done step by step and not too impatient. The owner's swordsmanship has stopped for more than half a year. Now Just take your time!"

"Okay! I understand!" Ji Liangyi froze for a moment. The old man sincerely refused to let him get involved, so he would definitely be out of the game. "I don't want to be a sword master, do I really care about that Kashima sword master?" ?snort!"


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