() In history, there were two names named Ashikaga Kamisaburo. The first one was the governor of the Ashikaga family for three generations. The relatives are all from Mikawa, such as Kira, Imagawa, Hosokawa, Ise, and Niki are all from Mikawa, which is the credit of Ashikaga Yoshishi.

The second is the ancestor of Yoshitoshi Kira, the second-generation governor of the Kira family, Ashikaga Kamisaburo Manshi, also known as Kira Manshi, he is also the grandson of Ashikaga Kamisaburo Yoshishi, who served as the Echizen guardian of the Kamakura shogunate, the imperial family, and also the His uncle, the son-in-law of Ashikaga Yasushi, the fourth-generation governor of the Ashikaga family, fought for the Ashikaga family and died in the Frost Moon Sao.

And he was the third one when Kira went to Sosaburoyoshi. It is conceivable how much pressure he bears with these two famous ancestors in front of him!As for Goichimon, it involves the internal system structure of General Ashikaga's family.

The structure of the Ashikaga General’s family rises in a ladder shape. The topmost one is naturally the Ashikaga Yoshito of the Ashikaga General’s family. Kamakura Gongfang, who was almost wiped out and fled to Furukawa to become Furukawa Gongfang.

Another example is Horikoshi Gongfang and the derived Hirashima Gongfang. The current Hirashima Gongfang Ashikaga Yoshio is still the uncle of Ashikaga Yoshito, and he is also the person who has the right to inherit the general. His son is the later famous puppet Ashikaga Yoshiei. The unlucky ghost who has been a general for a few days.

Under the Goichimon is a sect, that is, the same clan with noble status but no right of inheritance, including the Shiba family (Owari Ashikaga family), the Kira family (Umizuo Ashikaga family), the Hatakeyama family, the Shibukawa family, the Ishibashi family, the Ishido family, Ueno's and Ise's.

Yimenzhong is their official name, and the less formal ones, such as the Kira family, Ishibashi family, and Shikawa family included in the imperial family, are the shoguns who think you are relatively noble and have no real power. Just give it an unofficial name.

In fact, they are just a sect without inheritance rights. The so-called "the general has no son Kira Tsui, and Kira has no son Imagawa Tsui" is a trick of the Imagawa family to improve their reputation.

The last and lowest level is the Ashikaga family, also known as the same pattern, which means that you are allowed to use the Ashikaga family's family crest, but the family status is lower, including the Hosokawa family, the Nigi family, the Imagawa family, and the Kashiwagi family. , Arakawa's.

The Hosokawa clan in Sanguanling, the Imagawa clan of the giants of the Tokaido, brag about their noble families, the poor ones like the Nigi clan, and the Arakawa who was later revived by the Kira family Family (Arakawa Yoshihiro), and the extinct Kashiwagi family are basically no one cares about.

The Kira family is now directly carried by Ashikaga Yoshito from the Ichimen to the Goichimon. To get this flag seal is to tell everyone that he was the Goichimon of the Ashikaga general's family at the time of Kira Yoshito, but this is not entirely a matter. Good thing, the Goichimon of the Kira family is incomplete.

At present, his residence can be called the Imperial Palace, but he cannot claim to be the official square, and he is not the Goichimon of the Miao character Ashikaga. He can only use Ashikaga Shangsuojia on some important occasions. A hot potato that is not easy to handle.

When Ashikaga went to Sosaburo Yoshishi, the rhythm was not to change him to Ashikaga, but also to make others mistake him for Ashikaga. What's worse, he was not exactly Goichimon, and he ranked the bottom among the many public houses of the Ashikaga family. If If any changes occur in the future, it is very likely that Ashikaga Takashi will be lightly reduced to a bunch of inconspicuous gangsters like 200 years ago.

Yoshishi Kira of course didn't want to be used as a gun, not even Ashikaga Yoshito, now that the shogunate won the battle and didn't rely on him very much, he had to be more careful to put his little tail away, waiting for the next time the shogunate needed him Time to make further plans.

So he didn't hide it either, and pointed to the flag seal and said casually: "It's the calligraphy of His Highness Gongfang."

"The old minister has guessed it." Tokiyuki Yamamoto moved his head closer to take a closer look, and finally stretched out his hand to dust off the dust on the horse seal, "The public has also learned to play tricks on you. This flag seal is to kill the owner of the hall. Put it on the fire, have you thought about how to deal with it?"

"Master also thinks this is His Highness Gongfang's trick?" Ji Liangyi shook his head and smiled wryly: "His Highness Gongfang will really give me a problem, throwing a hot potato for me to pick up, but this is not suitable for use now. I'll put him away."

"Oh? Think it over so quickly?" Tokiko Yamamoto turned his head to look at him, nodded in relief, "Tell me what you think."

Ji Liangyi shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I don't have any special ideas. It's better to have such things as fame than nothing. Since the government gave me this great gift, I should of course cherish it."

"It's good if you can see clearly. None of the generals of the Ashikaga family can worry about it. Since you have come to Kyoto, you should study more. You might as well pay a visit to the Sanjo Saigong Da Nayan Mizumi and Saiyuanji You Dazhong Gongchao, follow How about these two learning how to sing?" Kansuke Yamamoto said.

"I know, I know, I still have to go to Myoshin-ji Temple and Daitoku-ji Temple to study Zen and Buddhism, and to visit Takeno Shaoou in Sakaicho to learn the tea ceremony. The Ogasawara family's bow and horse in Kyoto will be avoided. Their two brushes are not as good as the ones handed down by the family. What! There is also the medicine and cuju of Yamashina Yantsu, and of course the military strategy and the art of war that the master has to teach... It is really painful to learn so many things."

Kira Yoshishi rubbed his forehead in distress. A large number of retainers followed him, with thousands of mouths waiting to eat. In this small place in Kinai, he had to take care of everything. Among the many benefits he had when he went to Luo, one of them was that he could learn various things. This time, he finally fulfilled his original promise and plunged into it.

The practice of swordsmanship can only go so far. In the words of Kansuke Yamamoto, as long as his swordsmanship can defend himself, he is fine. The battle is not a place for swordsmanship to display its power. With Kira Yoshitoki's talent, he only needs to practice half a day. Time can gradually improve, and it is enough to practice for a few years and then learn advanced skills.

In the next two months, he will have to cheer up to meet new challenges. He travels among various cultural people in Kyoto. Kira Yoshishi, who concentrates on studying, really keeps his ears shut. Either buried in song collections and Buddhist scriptures, or studied military strategy and medicine, and studied the way of tea soup, which was temporarily impossible due to the war in Kinki, and several other courses have been dabbled in.

Ashikaga Katsuhime and Keishuin moved out of the Sakamoto Imperial Palace with a group of servants. They were going to live in the newly built Nijo Imperial Palace in Kyoto. This was the new residence Ashikaga Yoshito prepared for himself. It not only cost a lot of money and manpower to build, but also spent I worked on the interior decoration of the Nijo Imperial Palace for a few months, so I managed to bring my mother and step-sister over to live in before the end of the year.

The busy work lasted until the winter passed and the new year came. These two Yeli and Shanke Huangmen Yanzui had the most fun getting along. Apart from his official power, this gentleman has long been responsible for his internal affairs and external affairs. The royal family raised funds, and thus developed the ability to be eloquent and eloquent. It was very pleasant to talk to him. He also devoted himself to teaching Kira Yoshishi's medicine and Cuju. In addition, he was also a master of Sinology and singing. I love discussing culture with him.

Hosokawa Harumoto lost to Matsunaga Hideo before the winter, and the Matsunaga Nagalai brothers not only lost face, but also killed hundreds of people. Fortunately, the Matsunaga brothers did not continue to pursue, allowing him to return to Yamashiro with dignity. But because of his poor performance, the whole shogunate was very disappointed with him. His son-in-law Smartmaru was taken by Ashikaga Yoshito and taught by the important officials of the shogunate himself. Hosokawa Harumoto not only lost his power, but also lost his son. Look to his wife for comfort.

Although Harumoto Hosokawa was defeated, the situation of the Miyoshi family did not improve. The Miyoshi family, who was eager to end the war after the winter, fought a fierce battle with the Hatakeyama family under the command of Miyoshi Yoshiken. In the end, the unconscious governor of the Hatakeyama family was repulsed. After this stop, the Miyoshi family suffered a lot of losses and was unable to continue their expedition to Kyoto. They could only disband the army on the spot and return to Shikoku. With the coming of winter, the 19-year war of Tianwen ended a paragraph.

Hatakeyama Takamasa felt his desire to be defeated, so he yelled unswervingly: "I will come back next year!" Er Ganzi's shout made Miyoshi's family feel restless, and Miyoshi Yoshiken could only bring four The ** group celebrated the New Year in their hometown, and then gathered with Miyoshi's retainers in Sakaicho to have a meeting with Miyoshi Changqing.

The hard-planned scheme ended without a problem, and it didn't lead to the shogunate coming out. It's just that Harumoto Hosokawa came to make soy sauce and disappointed them. The second pole, Takamasa Hatakeyama, didn't know if he had taken the wrong medicine. He had to fight the Miyoshi family. Qing could only express that he was shot while lying down, and at this time, the Liujiao family who had been in soy sauce for more than a year finally jumped out at the right time.

Not long after the first snow fell in Kinki, the sickly Rokkaku Joyori asked his son Rokkaku Yoshiken to stand up to mediate the harmony between the shogunate and the Miyoshi family, and invited Haruhide Kanshuji from the imperial court as a peacemaker Dude, the two of them had a lot of fun going back and forth between Kyoto and Sakaimachi more than a dozen times this winter. In the end, both sides reluctantly agreed to the matter of harmony.

Miyoshi Changqing recognized the shogunate's control of Yamashiro, and the shogunate also recognized his control over Settsu and Izumi, and then Miyoshi Changqing also got the royal companions as he wished. Ashikaga Yoshito, as always, refused to marry his sister to Miyoshi Changqing's eldest son's proposal means that both sides can get something for themselves.

In fact, everyone knows that this harmony is a disagreement between the face and the heart. Miyoshi Changqing said that he would never make harmony with the shogunate. It has only been a few months since he reached a harmony with his mouth. It is strange that there are no ghosts in it. Both families are buying time for each other. The shogunate needs time to restore prestige and strength, and the Miyoshi family needs time to defeat this troublesome Hatakeyama Takamasa.

The only thing that failed this time was that Hosokawa Harumoto's handling didn't trigger it. Miyoshi Changqing had no time to take care of Hosokawa Harumoto's business for the time being, which made Yoshitoki Kira and his public servant Ashikaga Yoshito's plan postponed. Reconsideration.

Hosokawa Fujitaka and others in Sakamoto Castle finally formulated a new Rakushi Order at the end of October, and it was officially implemented in Sakamoto Castle Town and Sakamoto Port. The purpose of Leshi Order is very simple, it is to abolish the monopoly behavior of dealers.

The trading rights of Sakamoto Port have always been controlled by merchants, and part of the construction of the unexpected castle town has also been infiltrated by them. As the managers and largest commercial agents of Sakamoto Port, they control the trade transfer of the entire port. You must obey his rules. They are actually an organization similar to the Sakaimachi Congregation, which is absolutely not allowed by Yoshitoshi Kira.

In order to completely eliminate the huge hidden dangers of Sakamoto Castle Town, Sakamoto Port’s inner merchants, and the double-headed management of the castellan, from the beginning of Tianwen 19, Kira Yoshitoshi proposed to follow the example of the Kannonji Castle Town in Rokkaku. Privileges, complete control over the finance, taxation, litigation and other powers of Sakamoto Port Town.

After half a year of careful investigation and research by Hosokawa Fujitaka and others, the newly issued Sakamoto Rakushi Order finally came up with a complete set of government orders. The trial will start on the first day of the month, and it will take two months of trial before the specific regulations will be determined.


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