Pillars of the Wu family

Chapter 186 Gifts and Wedding Attendance

He can't tolerate being bullied even in the slightest. He hates Miyoshi Changqing so much because he hates being bullied as a shogun and playing hide and seek. It was Yanli Temple's turn to bully him, how could he bear it?Anyone dared to bully the shogunate and the Ashikaga family, so what prestige does the shogunate have to convince the world?

"I will definitely help you get this justice back! These mountain mages will definitely pay the price!" Ashikaga Yoshito hammered the table fiercely, and quickly summoned his attendants to notify the shogunate officials to hold an emergency assessment. When he was facing the sky, he didn't notice the faint smile on Kira Yoshitoki's face.

Not long after the activities of Ashikaga Yoshito, the imperial court sent Hino Haruki, a powerful figure who had a relationship with Ishiyama Honganji Temple, and the shogunate sent Zaemon Zuodate Haruki. The diplomatic action this time also has a general concept. When they came to Yanli Temple and directly announced the joint edict of the imperial court and the shogunate, Prince Yao Zunfa was confused by three parallel sentences of why.

Not only the owner of the Tiantai seat was dumbfounded by the question, but even the monks of Enli Temple felt that they were sitting on wax. Facing the joint questioning of the imperial court and the shogunate, would they dare to carry the miraculous public opinion?I didn't see that in Kyoto, there is a rumor that Master Shanshan is carrying a miraculous sedan chair and waving through the city, even daring to stop the emperor's chariot battle, without the cultivation of morality of an eminent monk. Compared with a wealthy family with a strong back and a waist and a cold brow, it is three points worse than a tax-exerting wealthy family.

Enryakuji, who did not dare to take risks against the wind, was worthy of a soft compromise, and immediately announced that all this was a misunderstanding. Enryakuji had absolutely no intention of embarrassing the Kira family, and built a new town for the Kira family.The support from the bottom of Mt. Hiei is from the heart.In the end, it still couldn't entangle the verbal attacks of two of its own diplomats.It can only be ended by issuing a decree to correct the previous wrong decree and promising not to interfere with Omi's general affairs.

The Kira family quickly got the promise they wanted, but some people felt that they were unbalanced. Honganji Zhengru, who was hiding in Ji Yi and was furnishing the room, was very upset, so he jumped out and pretended to be pitiful: "I am really miserable. I can’t even eat in Yixiang, it’s too hot here, and there are a lot of mosquitoes. It’s better in Kinki!”

Naturally, he would not get any effect by saying this. Only a few big houses in Ishiyama Gobo were burned down in Ishiyama Honganji Temple, and the townspeople and believers in other towns were well preserved. Many people know how much water there is, and the Honganji government will stop if it bluffs twice.

Here, the master of the Hongan Temple stood up and called himself pitiful, and the Ichikui sects of Echizen, Kaga, and Echchu also began to pretend to be pitiful, but this group of ramming people was a bit unprofessional when they pretended to be pitiful. The Asakura family fought a battle, and no one would believe how pitiful they were.Some people with ulterior motives still did not give up the opportunity to incite public opinion and maliciously slandered Enli Temple.

The monks of Enli Temple felt wronged.You say that I bullied the Kira family, you can admit it, but I have been burned by Xiangzong. They are obviously victims and even Jialan was burned. It is very incomprehensible that they have not been comforted. How pitiful?Is there any reason for this!

So Yanli Temple also recruited people to arrange the jokes of Yixiangzong, from how Yixiangzong used the evil man's opportunity, he was willing to deceive the believers, to Yixiang Yikui killed Miyoshi Yuanchang, Kaga Yikui killed Fukuoka's political relatives, and Yuezhong Yikui killed All the things about Nagao Nokage were shaken out, and the people who waved the flag and shouted at the Tishishan Honganji Temple were also dumb. There are not many people who have not done bad things in the temple, but compared with Enryaku Temple's persecution of an old monk who has expired in Hongan Temple, it has always been Zong seems to be going too far.

Kira Yoshitoki doesn't care about these things. He hasn't left after being recruited by Ashikaga Yoshito to the Nijo Imperial Palace in early October, because his younger sister Ashikaga Katsuhime is about to get married, and Ashikaga Yoshito, who is Ashikaga Katsuhime's stepbrother, is also busy. Looking at Zhang Luo, Ji Liangyi just rushed over, can you let him go back?When you use him as your own brother, you have to stand up without hesitation.

Yoshitoki Kira urgently recruited Honda Toki from Sakamoto on an errand, and asked him to bring a 100-man backup team to escort a large amount of gifts prepared in advance. At the same time, Aju, a member of the Atago family Since the prostitute has a close relationship with Sheng Ji, it is no problem to attend the betrothal ceremony.

"Your Highness, is this the gift you prepared for Princess Shengji?" Aju lowered her head and carefully looked at a piece of thick sandalwood paper in front of her, on which the general appearance of a map of Japan was rendered with bright color blocks. It looks different from the advanced and popular maps, it seems to be more detailed, and every line is outlined with shallow fines.

"Yes! This is the map of Japan. This is Kyushu, Shikoku, Kinki, and Ezo Island in the northeast." Yoshiki Kira pointed to a few points and clicked a few times.

"But what are these cards used for?" A-ju was a little silly holding a bunch of cards, dice, and painted wooden dolls.

"This game is called Dahaoshang. It is a very interesting game. It is much more fun than Shuanglu! Let me tell you the principle of the game first!" The principle of Dahaoshang's game came to him from Shuanglu. , this game is played by 2 to 12 people at the same time. It is a game with business as the main purpose. The maximum benefit is obtained by purchasing business management rights and additional purchases of management levels. When other participants go bankrupt, the last participant The winner will become the owner of all industries and become a strong survivor.

The game sets up a referee, distributes the same initial funds to each participant, and at the same time will get puppet chess pieces dressed in different colors. The size depends on this throw to determine the walking order. When you go to any grid and its management right is not owned, you can buy and own it at the price of the winning bid on the chessboard.

If the participant does not have enough money or does not want to buy it, other participants can bid to buy it at this time. If no participant bids or the money is not enough, the bye will be lost. Those who have purchased the business management right are owned by themselves and do not need to pay. If If it is owned by another participant, it will be paid to the owner of the management right according to the price on the management right.

For this reason, he deliberately drew a winding and complicated business route on the map. There are a total of 66 grids along the way from difficult to northern 720 states. The 720 grids are painted in pink, light yellow, light blue, grass green, and violet. color, silver gray.These six colors.Each block of color is applied sequentially.

Stores with color blocks of the same color can increase the level of additional purchases.Other participants have to pay more tolls when they go to this grid. The additional purchase level ranges from one star to five stars. Only by raising all the stores belonging to the same color block to the same level can they continue to upgrade.

There is a lottery gold in the game, you can participate in a game by paying a small amount of copper coins, and get the financial rewards given on the cards from [-] cards. At the same time, in order to increase the fun, he also added many cards, such as blessing, decline, wealth, and poverty When four cards are touched, there will be three rounds of effects.There are also thieves, surveillance, land purchase, exchange, transposition, steering, and remote control dice to obtain corresponding skill cards.

These cards will be distributed on the road in advance, and the effect or skill of the card will be obtained when you step on it. When the card is used or the effect ends, the referee will rearrange the position of the card and wait for it to be triggered. The game can also choose a means of transportation, one dice for walking, two for bullock carts Dice, three dice for horse riding, and the 720 grids on the map cover almost all the famous scenery, shops, special products, castles, etc. in Japan. You can buy the management right.

Aju listened to his detailed introduction with great interest, and finally couldn't help but pull Ji Liangyi to play, but of course he refused because the number of people was too small and it was not fun.As a result, Aju ran out without saying a word, recruited a group of maids from Kira's house, and gathered twelve participants.And when the referee was handed over to Ji Liangyi, he asked him to help teach everyone how to play.

In a few days, the reputation of this new game spread throughout the Nijo Imperial Palace. Even Ashikaga Yoshito heard that he had invented a puzzle game and wanted to see the true face, but he refused with a gift for Katsuhime.

On October [-]th, the unprecedentedly grand marriage ceremony at the Nijo Imperial Palace in Kyoto was held. Ashikaga Yoshito and his wife Megumi attended the ceremony as a relative of the woman. Kira Yoshitoki brought Aju along with him. Almost all the ministers came, and this time, Erjo Haruliang and Yiyi Jiandong were very generous to support them in person, and the Heavenly Royal also sent Prince Fang Ren's internal officials to personally deliver a congratulatory gift.

Kira Yoshishi presented him with three thousand guanyongle coins, 200 taels of gold, four unvaried horses, two carriages, and various calligraphy and painting tea sets. His handwriting was much smaller, he only sent five hundred guan of Yongle money, five volumes of calligraphy and painting by famous imperial masters, and twenty Buddhist scriptures. The time guard family still made a lot of money.

Seeing Sheng Ji again after more than half a year, she seems to be much taller than before, her small face is covered with thick powder makeup, she is wearing a gorgeous gown, and her head is full of all kinds of beautiful hair. Hairpin, every move is like a rigid puppet, with no expression on his face, but when he looks at Kirayoshi, he blinks slightly and a playful smile appears on the corner of his mouth.

The long marriage ceremony ended, followed by the revealing banquet. Yoshitomo Kira ate lunch hastily, and went to the back of the Nijo Imperial Palace to meet the newcomers. After the routine politeness, he repeated what he had said to the middle court and Yoko Kuga last time , Sheng Ji giggled as soon as she heard it, and said, "Oni-chan said that! Sister Rong Zi told Sheng Ji!"

When the scandal was revealed, Yoshihiro Kira didn't take it for granted, he coughed twice and said, "Ugh! Don't talk about it, anyway, Qingsi will definitely understand?"

"...Yishi is going to tell me that I have to declare to Rong Yutai that I won't do that for three years?" Konoe Qingji said with a bitter face.

"Sheng Ji's age is two years younger than Rong Yutai's! So it is still changed to five years! For the sake of future generations, Haruji will definitely understand?" Yoshiki Kira said without blushing.

"This..." Konoe Seiji turned his head and looked at his little wife, who was looking forward to it, and could only agree with gritted teeth.

Sheng Ji asked curiously: "Oni sauce! Sheng Ji wants to see the gift! Sheng Ji has heard of it a long time ago! Ayu told Sheng Ji that this game is fun! Is that so?"

"Okay! I'll show you here!" Yoshihiro Kira took out a wooden box from behind, took out the map and spread it out, explaining to the two of them one by one: "This game requires 2 to 12 people to play. The gameplay is... "

The grand wedding held in the city of Kyoto did not affect the public opinion in Kinai, and it continued until the end of October, except for one thing that made everyone shut up. There was a bad news from the West Country. The change in Daning Temple broke out. Nijo Yoshitoyo, who had survived the coup, also killed himself after learning the news of his father's murder.

The Nijo family, who was the Sheguan, suffered a huge blow. First, the father of Erjo, the left minister of Erjo, and the former Guanbai Erjo Yinfang were killed. The murder of Sanjo Gonglai, the governor of the Sanjo Sanjo family, was even more troublesome. He did not leave a son, only three daughters, who were Harumoto Hosokawa's first wife, Harunobu Takeda's wife, and Lai who was appointed by Rokkaku. Adopted as adopted daughters with Harumoto Hosokawa successively, the youngest daughter who is planning to marry the Otani family of Honganji Temple to achieve the goal of harmony.

Jimeiyuan Jigu was the official minister who served in the official position when Kirayoshi was announced at the beginning of the year. His official position was the lieutenant general of the three Kurentou Ukonwei, and he belonged to a relatively ordinary family in the Habayashi family. To die like this in the incident of Daning Temple really makes people lament the impermanence of the world.

With the outbreak of the Daningji Incident, no one cared about the broken matter between Enryakuji Temple and Honganji Temple. Yoshitoki Kira took the opportunity to negotiate with Enryakuji Temple and proposed to reach a memorandum of understanding between the two sides through economic assistance. At the same time, the Kira family took out a huge sum of 1 guan Yongle coins to purchase the territory of the western mountains and valleys of Sakamoto from Enryakuji Temple. In this way, Enryaku Temple excluded the 21 shrine valleys occupied by Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine. , there is not even a trace of Kanda in the Sakamoto area.

Enli Temple had no choice but to do so. A large amount of Kalan in the East Pagoda was burned, especially some warehouses for storing money and goods were also burned. Not to mention, even the Kalan of the Taisha Shrine was not preserved. If it weren't for the West Pagoda still retaining some imperial items from Hiyoshi Taisha, Enryaku Temple might not even be able to carry out the shrine with the authority of the Sanwang.

Such a serious fire loss, only relying on donations from Kinai and compensation from Ishiyama Honganji Temple still faces a huge funding gap. In order to restore the old appearance as soon as possible, trees must be planted everywhere, especially beautiful ornamental plants such as red leaf trees have a slow growth cycle, and they want to recover quickly The original appearance is only to spend money to transplant plants from other regions, which requires a lot of money.

The Kira family was willing to contribute money, and Enryakuji Temple was also happy to exchange a large area of ​​worthless mountains and valleys for a huge amount of aid funds. Of course, the aided Enryakuji Temple project was also joined by Sanhe Houses in Sakamoto and Kyoto. Undertaking, stonemasons and carpenters from Sakamoto and Kyoto gathered here, busy making new garan for this great temple, and the turmoil ended. (to be continued..)

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