In response to the attacks from Settsu and Tamba, Ashikaga Yoshito immediately issued a mobilization order to Omi, Yamashiro, Tamba, Tango, and Wakasa in the form of a royal teacher, ordering the national lords of various countries to guard the shogunate. Of course, as the number one general of the shogunate Kira Yoshitoki also received the military order on the same day.

In the Daihiro of Sakamoto Castle, Kira Yoshishi was wearing fumigated purple weiwei pills and holding Hoki Yasuna. Hundreds of warriors on the left and right were also in full military uniform. Tapping on the table, he said loudly: "Today is the day when our Kira army will go out into battle. The military division has predicted that this battle will be auspicious! We will surely win this battle!"

"Victory! Victory! Victory!" shouted the warriors raising their weapons.

"This is the moment to show the bravery of my Kira family, gentlemen! Take up the weapons in your hands! Follow the family to defeat Sanzhu! Help the shogunate!"

"Defeat Sanzhu, help the shogunate! Defeat Sanzhu, help the shogunate..."

"Okay! Bring the wine!" Yoshihiro Kira took a sip of the special sweet rice wine, and then shouted: "Let's fight! Target Sanzhu!"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whou!" The dull sound of the conch blew, and the nine thousand army turned into a giant red and black dragon, marching towards the direction of Kyoto.

Yoshitoki Yoshitoki led the [-] troops of his headquarters out of Omi and entered the Yamashiro country along the north bank of the Uji River. However, Yoshito Ashikaga still underestimated the determination of Changqing Miyoshi. Naito Sokatsu, who changed his name, took over the position of his father-in-law who died in his hands as the lord of Yagi Castle, one of the three strong castles in Tamba. This time, with the main support of the Miyoshi family, he mobilized [-] troops from Tamba Attack on Kyoto.

It was midsummer in July and the river was swollen.The flow rate of the river is several times that of the dry season.Without boat transportation, even if the Kamo River is only more than [-] meters wide, it is impossible to cross it by force.Kira Yoshitoshi had to go north to cross the river with the help of a wooden bridge near Kyoto. When entering Kinai, the situation was already very bad. Naito Munekatsu led an army of [-] to break into the Yamashiro Kingdom and surrounded Funaokayama Castle. A thousand troops waged a cage battle, with a disparity of one against ten.

At the same time, Miyoshi Changqing led a main force of [-] troops and invaded the mountain city of Shenglongsi City from Setjin in the southwest.Hosokawa Haruki, governor of the Oshu family, the lord of Katsuryuji City, was much worse. When he saw Miyoshi Changqing's army, he almost peed his pants in fright. The shogunate called for help.

Ashikaga Yoshito took out all the strength in his hand, and Hosokawa Harumoto led an army of 200 to attack. Naito Sokatsu at the foot of Funaoka Mountain, the result was naturally beaten by the Naito army who was waiting for work. More than a hundred people, and more than [-] people died within three days. Among the samurai seeking death were Momoi Haruji and Odate Takanobu, who were serving the public in the shogunate.Most of the newly recruited [-] new troops dispersed immediately, and the remaining [-] remnants were defeated and retreated back to Kyoto.

As soon as Kira Yoshitoki arrived in Kyoto, he was summoned by Ashikaga Yoshito to the Nijo Imperial Palace.The first sentence of Zhangkou yelled at him: "Hurry up and drive Sanzhu back! The entire shogunate can only rely on you! You must drive Sanzhu away for Yu! Hurry up and drive him out!"

Seeing that Ashikaga Yoshito's face was tangled with panic, irritability and anger, his face turned red for a while and turned white for a while, and Ji Liangyi could only sigh unluckily, His Royal Highness is not strong-willed, It made his life much harder.

As the Miyoshi family paid more and more attention to the shogunate, the pressure on Yoshitomi Kira also increased. He was the chief culprit who killed Juhe Kazumura and Noguchi Fuyucho. Defeating the Miyoshi family made him a famous general in Megatron Kinai. At the same time, he was forced to stand in front of the stage by Ashikaga Yoshito and the enemy's Miyoshi Changqing to receive all-round attention.

The higher the exposure, the higher people's expectations for the Kira family. Yoshito Ashikaga almost regards him as a magic weapon to defeat the enemy, the only trump card and an important firefighting captain. If it is in the mind, it is difficult to be easily removed.

What's more terrible is how much tolerance Ashikaga Yoshito has for him. This is beyond his imagination. The mainstay and only reliance of the shogunate is already very dangerous. If it takes time to push him to be the leader or even the deputy general If he is in a high position, his exposure will increase dramatically. A high reputation is both a good thing and a bad thing. A reputation without sufficient strength is a castle in the air.

Now Ashikaga Yoshito is still young and needs the protection of the Kira family, so I don't think he will be a threat to the shogunate, but will he still think the same in a few years?People change, especially with Ashikaga Yoshito's ambitious and fickle temperament. After a long time, he will inevitably become suspicious of meritorious officials.

In the past six months, he has gradually realized some signs of this. Ashikaga Yoshito's trust in him is far less firm than before. He trusts his close ministers who have no power to rely entirely on him. No matter how humble and obedient he was, he couldn't make him feel at ease.

"Thousands versus tens of thousands? This battle has been fought..." Frowning for a moment, he decided to go all out for the sake of the shogunate and for himself, and said with a firm tone, "I will definitely do my best to expel Sanzhu..."

"Don't listen to me and try my best!" Ashikaga Yoshito looked very impatient, and seemed to be frightened by Miyoshi Changqing's army, his voice suddenly raised two scales, and he emphasized: "I will definitely be able to listen to you! Didn’t you say that you will definitely win the last joint battle? You will definitely be able to do it this time too! I don’t want to listen to any explanations, just ask if you can do it?”

"... Has your tone changed unconsciously?" Kira Yoshitoki took a few steps back speechlessly, bowed again and said, "...I will definitely be there!"

"Always remember that behind you are His Majesty the Emperor and Yu, and the safety of tens of thousands of people is on your shoulders!" Ashikaga Yoshito breathed a sigh of relief as if he had dropped a hot potato, and said in a calm tone : "The great cause of the shogunate is all entrusted to you!" Then His Royal Highness got up and left the room.

Yoshishi Kira did not move, sat silent for a while, and then sighed slowly: "This famous general of the shogunate is really hard to be..."

On July [-], Kira's army left Kyoto and rushed to occupy Funaoka Mountain in the north of Kyoto.Prepare for a showdown with the Naito army that surrounded Funaokayama.

Funaoka Mountain is located about half a mile north of Kyoto.Not far from the Kamo River is the Kinkakuji Temple, a very famous scenic spot in Kyoto.Here you can have a bird's-eye view of the entire Kyoto. The Battle of Funaokayama broke out here more than 40 years ago, and Yoshitoki Kira will bring his [-] troops to fight a fierce battle here this time.

"Although the Naito family has a large number of people, I see that its army has different banners and messy equipment. It is like a powerful coalition army. To deal with this kind of wealthy coalition army, it only needs to be defeated to win!" Under the watchful eyes of a group of senior warriors, Ben For a long time, he was standing in front of the combat map and talking.There is always a faint smile on his face, both his temperament and language organization are much better than forgetting, and he has the appearance of a military adviser who can sway freely.

Yishi Zhigao frowned and looked at the map, scratched his head in distress and asked, "I still don't understand how to fight, should I rush over or how to fight?"

"Although Naito's army is powerful, there is a disaster. Please be careful!" Ben Duo was pointing at the Funaokayama Castle on the suggested map, and said with a smile, "This is it! It is unbreakable. Although this city is newly built, it uses my Kira family's unique fortification technique. Moreover, the city is high and deep, with wells inside, and sufficient food and grass. This city is also wishful thinking."

"That means that if the Naito family wants to fight my Kira family in a decisive battle, they must divide their troops to pin down the Hosokawa army in the castle." Shima Tokatsu stared at the map and frowned, "How much will the Naito army divide? Is it two thousand or three thousand?" ?”

Ben Dashi nodded and continued to add: "Yes! Naito's army is distracted by others, but my Kira army is united. This is great news! In my humble opinion, Naito Zongkatsu should at least stay behind. Three thousand troops should keep an eye on the defenders in the city, and even if one of the three enemies is defeated by the defenders in the city, it will not immediately endanger the formation, but this way the disparity in the strength of the two sides will not be so great."

clap clap clap...

Kira Yoshitoki clapped his hands with a smile. This military discussion was very exciting, even he couldn't help applauding, and said to Honda Shimao approvingly: "Yahachiro said very well!"

"Praise from the masters of the museum!" Ben Duoshi shyly bowed back and sat down, his face was full of excitement. This was the first time Kira Yoshishi praised him in front of everyone. This is how he improved. Evidence, a good start.

Yoshitoki Kira didn't know what Honda was thinking, and then continued the topic just now: "Our army is united as one, and Naito's army is focused on another, this is a victory! Our army's orders are unified, and the banners of the Naito army cannot be consistent. Two victories! The elite of our army and the chaos of Naito's army are three victories! With these three victories, why should our army not be able to defeat the enemy?"

Watanabe Takatsuna was the first to stand up and shouted: "Our army will surely win!"

A piece of "crash clatter" armor collided, and dozens of warriors stood up and waved their fists, shouting: "Our army will win! Our army will win!"

Tokiyuki Yamamoto pointed to Yoshitoki Kira, Tokimasa Honda, and Katsujima Shima, and said to the young boy Numata Yuguang next to him, "Yukitsu! Do you see clearly? Those are your three seniors, and you will become such a soldier in the future." Slightly skilled."

The boy took a deep breath and said very firmly: "Yes! I, Youguang, will definitely work hard!"

"Shiga prepares to obey the order! I order you to be the vanguard of our family! I will entrust you with the first battle!"

"Yes!" Shiga Bei was rebuilt from the crippled Omi Army, and Ashgaru general Yamazaki Kamashi led several ashigaru generals to lean over to obey orders.

"Otsu Bei listens to the order! You are ordered to serve as the second striker to meet Omi Jiangbei. You have a heavy responsibility and you must not be careless!"

"Yes!" Otsu Bei is rebuilding the two thousand troops that were dismantled in Otsu Ichikui. Among the ashigaru generals, there is Mitsui Takayasu's father, Mitsui Echigo Shou Yasulong. After being pulled down by the Kira family, this family also took several of their own sects and a group of ashigaru to join the Kira family. With their good performance in the reorganization of the army for more than a year, they were also promoted to the ashigaru general who commanded 150 people.

"Takashima Bei and Katada Bei listen to the order! You and the others are responsible for protecting the two wings, and the heavy responsibility of protecting the central army's main formation is entrusted to you!"

"Yes!" The main force of Takashima Bei is Kuchiki Naotsuna, Takashima Yoritsune, Hirai Yoshi and other Takashima seven-headed troops. Katada Bei mainly includes the samurai who joined the Omi army, such as Miyabe Jijun and Kawada Shigeo. There are also some ronin.

The above Shiga, Otsu, Takashima, and Katada four armies each have 500 people, and the main force is the gun shield team, archer team, and cavalry team. These four reserve teams are not equipped with iron cannons, javelin teams, etc. Training costs too high.Or more difficult to train arms.Including heavy rattan bow cast iron feather arrows are also equipped.Although the supporting armor has been upgraded to full armor, ordinary armor and advanced armor are different, and the defense and shape are different.

This can be said to be partial, but the Kira family does not have the financial strength to equip 9000 people with the same weapons and equipment. It may cost [-] Yongle money. Fortunately, they can understand that it is impossible for the Kira family not to give up the land. Give them the best equipment and supplies.There has always been a difference between the miscellaneous army and the direct line. If you don’t see how the people of the country can be compared with Qiben and Ma Hui, this truth is understood by warriors since childhood.

"Everyone in the three rivers is ready to obey orders! Protect the formation!" Yoshitomo Kira pulled out Hoki Yasuna and shouted: "Your lords follow me to the battleship Okayama! The target is Naito Sokatsu!"

At dawn on the second day, the sun pierced through the early morning mist and shone on the emerald green grass. The crystal dewdrops radiated genius brilliance under the sun, and a rumbling vibration came from afar in the hazy mist. A group of cavalry in red full-footed and red-faced faces whizzed by, and the strong wind blew dewdrops into the sky. Through the dewdrops, they could see the red and black army formation on the opposite side marching in uniform steps.

In the distance, the drummers of Naito's house could clearly see the bowing of the flag. Obviously, Sokatsu Naito had already adjusted the army to prepare for it.Kira's army didn't seem to be surprised at the dense banners of Naito's army, but excited from their eyes.

The silent march was gradually approaching the Naito army at the foot of Funaoka Mountain.It wasn't until the distance between the two sides was shortened to Liucho that they heard a shout from afar: "Stop the army!"

The nine thousand troops stopped at the same time, aligning left and right according to the general's order, but for a moment the several thousand troops stood still like statues, and there was a piercing cry of "croaking" crows in the distant sky, and several crows landed on the ground. In front of Kira's army, he looked curiously at this group of silent humans.

"Array! Prepare to attack!" With the command of the general, each warrior commanded the ashigaru to form various tactical formations. The bow and arrow formation was at the front, followed by the gun shield team, and the cavalry team belonged to the left and right. This is Omi The standard configuration of the four preparations is to use the strongest cavalry warriors to protect the two wings, which is to stand in the army for a while.

Seeing those crows landed in front of the formation, Tokiyuki Yamamoto was overjoyed and said, "My lord! Seeing the god crows before the battle! This is a good omen!" In Japan, crows are also known as Yatagara, and they are enshrined in Kamo Gozu Shrine. The Yatagarasu is said to be the incarnation of Kamo Kenkaku’s life. It is recorded in the "Kojiki" that when the first emperor went to the east, he lost his way in the mountains and forests around Kii Kumano, and the gods sent Yatagarasu to bring them out of the dense forest in Kumano.

It sounds quite mysterious, but in fact, the eight-tag bird is the three-legged golden crow, which is handed down in the same line as the Chinese mythology. "Huainanzi" said: "There are crows in the middle of the day, and those who crouch are still squatting. They are called three-legged crows. "Xuanzhong Ji" says : In the east of Penglai, on the mountain of Daiyu, there is a hibiscus tree, which is so tall.

This is all to say that there are three-legged birds in the east in mythology, and Fusang happens to be another name for Japan. "Liang Shujuan 54 Zhuyi Chapter" said: The Fusang country, the first year of Qi Yongyuan, the state-owned monk Huishen came to Jingzhou and said: " Fusang is more than [-] miles east of the Han Kingdom, and the land is in the east of China, and there are many hibiscus trees in the soil, so it is named."

Ji Liangyishi was not interested in these broken crows, but he would not give up this opportunity to boost the morale of the army. He immediately rode his horse and rushed to the front of the formation, shouting loudly: "The god crow fell into the front of our formation, this is heaven! The auspicious sign of favor, we will surely win!"

"We will win! We will win! We will win!" Suddenly, the shouts of mountains and tsunami erupted instantly, as if a huge gunpowder keg was ignited, and the shaking crows flew up, even the Naito army who was not far away was affected , for a while the people and horses neighed and the flags swayed, which obviously caused quite a commotion.

Yoshishi Kira galloped back to the main formation on horseback. Looking at the small commotion caused by Naito's army in the distance, he immediately waved the military equipment in his hand and shouted: "Everyone listen to my orders! Come out immediately!"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." The low sound of the conch blew, and the warriors drew out their swords and marched forward.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The huge military taiko drum was mounted on a four-wheeled flat carriage. Two strong men held drumsticks and beat the attacking drumbeat. The two strong men and the pack horse stuffed cloth strips to plug their ears. A warrior and two pack horses followed the main formation slowly.

Naito Zongkatsu stood in the battle and frowned, sitting beside him was his younger brother Matsunagahei. As the chief intelligence officer of the Matsunaga family, it was not surprising that he was recruited to join the army. Naito Zongkatsu did not have many decent retainers, so The only ones who can be relied on are Naito Katsusuke and a few members of Naito's family.

This time, the general of the Hatano family, Hatano Hideki, the younger brother of Harumichi Hatano, asked: "General! Should we attack?"

"General! The people of the country seem to be restless. Isn't it time to start a war?" Matsunagabei reminded.

"The samurai will be deeply ashamed if we dare not attack the few against the few! If we don't fight again, our morale will be lost!" The second son of the Akai family, the future Tanba Akagi, is currently Ogino, the adopted son of the Ogino family Zhizheng shouted loudly: "What do you know, a crucian carp warrior who has never been in battle? Do you need to teach us the way of battle? Oh?"

"You..." Matsunagabei jumped up against the table. Seeing the strong and sturdy Akai Naomasa, he couldn't help taking a few steps back weakly. His actions immediately aroused ridicule from the people of Tamba.

"Okay! Stop making noise!" Naito Munekatsu stood up irritably, picked up the military equipment and waved vigorously, and ordered: "Go to the battle immediately!" (To be continued...)

ps: Ship Okayama!Pay tribute to the war that changed the direction of the Warring States in history!At the same time, I said in my heart that Yoshiko Ouchi is much better than Mori Moto!Today is three updates and twelve thousand, so I decisively ask for a subscription!

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