Gaoguan Mountain is 270 meters high, surrounded by lush trees and only two mountain roads lead to the top of the mountain. On the top of the city is another small town called Daguan. This city belongs to a branch of the Dabaosi clan and has a low status in the Dabaosi clan , so the city was built extremely small, with less than 50 people including the city lord, his relatives, and the defenders. He was captured in one go, and became a prisoner of Kira's army in a daze.

Yoshishi Kira had no intention of embarrassing the two families, but went up to the top of the city to look at the hazy night scene below the mountain, and said with a sneer, "What a bold Dewa native, Mogami Yoshimori, Date Teruzong, Onodera Keimichi , and other miscellaneous fishes such as Mogami Hachiko, Yuri Twelve Heads, Kanhejiang, Shiratori, and Ayubei dare to join in the fun, is it really too much life?"

The cold night wind took away his words. In the camp outside Mipo City at the foot of the mountain, a group of night watchmen dozed off. The two attacks during the day were repulsed and the chief general ordered a rest. The attack started at dawn, and did not stop until the sun went down, but it was several grades behind.

The samurai were exhausted by the endless attack, and the daily attack was more like a routine. Even the most naive stunned young man, after the baptism of the long siege battle, couldn't bring himself to dare to shout to the end. Urashi captured Naito Masanari alive, and the [-] army had gathered more than half of the essence of Yumae, and if he added more, he would have to fight for all his wealth.

Several large camps were quiet, and the warriors who had been running all day went to sleep early, and the warriors on patrol at night cursed the dry weather in a low voice.The most recent precipitation was heavy snow at the beginning of the year.It hasn't rained for four months since the snow melted.If it wasn't for the fact that the Chuyu terrain was too far away until spring began to melt the ice and snow, the drought might have been more severe.

Date Huizong had dinner at Mogami Yoshimori's big camp before leaving. His big camp was set up in the southeast corner and the Mogami camp in the northeast corner was nearly a mile away, but he worked tirelessly every day to get there. Mogami Yoshimitsu stays here in the morning and evening. This is because the son-in-law Weng performs the trick of fatherly kindness and filial piety in the camp every day, which makes Mogami Yoshimitsu, the eldest son, seem redundant.

In fact, this is the most important effect. The more he is in front of many Izuba daimyo, the more he will show how much he values ​​his son-in-law.Let them always realize that they have a close and strong support from the quasi-first sect, so that he can sit firmly as the leader. Even the mighty Onodera Jingdao in the three counties of Xianbei must maintain respect for him.

He knew very well that Tendo Laizhen's attitude gradually changed from arrogance and disdain to jealousy and resentment after seeing the play co-performed by Date Teruzong and himself. His face changed, and when he saw his eyes again, he felt envious and cautious. This is the power of power, and he loves this feeling.

In recent days, Most Shangyi Shou went to bed very early. At his age, his body began to gradually decline, and his energy was not as strong as it was ten years ago.After the second watch, he was tired and went to bed early. These days, he always felt a little guilty in his heart.Whether the Kira family will find out about the changes in the situation in the Dewa country, and how long it will take them to capture Miura Castle, these are all doubts.

In fact, the deployment of the Allied Forces of the Dewa Kingdom to jointly deal with the Kira family was not created by him alone, but from his idea in correspondence with Date Harumune. The intervention of the Kira family has become more subtle and complicated, and he has been thinking about how to deal with the Kira family.

Although the Mogami family is a descendant of the Oshu Spo family, they still respect the Osaki family as their family, but they can be regarded as a powerful family of the Spo family. He was awarded the title of Izuha by the shogunate, and the position of Izuha Shou was applied for by the shogunate. From a legal point of view, their family is the veritable supreme ruler of the country, and the entire country of Izuha should obey him.

But the ideal is very full and the reality is very skinny. The influence of the Deba Mogami Clan has always been concentrated in the Mogami County, and the influence of the outer counties can only be described as inferior. The territory of Dewa country, and the control of the direct stream bureau in Yamagata Castle, this is also an important feature of building a leadership system based on blood ties at that time.

The key is that later on, the most senior family governor began not to play cards according to the routine, and married everywhere, including his own speed. A fatal flaw appeared, and the system of leadership established on the basis of blood became more and more unsustainable, and gradually transformed into a system relying on the combination of geopolitical gentry and party.

Since the Mogami Manjia, the genealogy of the Mogami family has been very chaotic. Obviously, he has two younger brothers, Mogami Yoshiso and Mogami Yoshitani, but he kicked them out, not the Narusawa clan and the Sugiyama clan, and then gave the name of the descendant to the Nakano clan. The direct son Nakano Manshi came to inherit, and as a result, a group of concubine sons were dissatisfied, thinking that the Nakano family governor was unclean and unfair, so there was a situation of family disputes.

Before Mogami Yoshimori, the family lineage was already the blood of the Nakano clan. After the death of Mogami Yoshinori's adoptive father, Mogami Yoshiki, as the second son of Nakano Yoshiki, he was adopted as the governor of the family. After dozens of years Seeing Nakano clan's adoptive governor again in Niannian, thinking of being scrutinized day and night by members of the Mogami clan with mocking and mocking eyes, it is definitely not easy.

Without prestige, there is no guarantee of maintaining the status of the family governor. You don't even listen to your family governor, and you still expect those ordinary retainers to be obedient and obedient. Most Shang Yishou held his breath in his heart to prove that he is a well-deserved family governor, so When he tentatively put forward a proposal to deal with the Kira family, and quickly received a positive response from Date Masamune, he immediately set about perfecting the plan.

He needs military exploits to expand his territory and increase his personal prestige, and he needs a larger territory to support the family business of the Mogami family. As long as the Mogami family is revived in his hands, those strange eyes and eccentric remarks will disappear without a trace, just like Takeda Harunobu What he did after his father was exiled, using military merit and territory to gag the mouths of Pu Dai's retainers.

As the proposer and first initiator of the plan, he gained undisputed leadership in this war.Only Date Harumune has enough prestige and strength to compete with Mogami Gimori for power.But he has already lived in seclusion in Yonezawa City, concentrating on comforting his younger brother Genli Yuanzong.As well as his father-in-law, Yancheng Chonglong, and Zhunyi's left-behind Tanzong.

Onodera Kagemichi is still a kid in his 20s. In the eyes of Mogami Yoshimori, he is of a good level but not as good in prestige and strength. Give him another ten years and he may be able to compete with him. Right now, it is absolutely impossible to compete with him. He is fighting for power, and the biggest noise in the Mogami family is only Tendo Laizhen, but he is also young and has no prestige similar to Onodera Kagemichi, and his means and knowledge are not as good as Onodera Kagemichi, without more than ten years of training. Can't make a climate.

As for his future son-in-law Date Huizong is younger.The play that was staged at the military conference a few days ago can only be described as immature, and it is still far behind his professional acting skills. Dare to say more, no one in the entire Deyu Nationalist Army will compete with him for power, and he can control the supreme command of this army of more than ten thousand without any worries.

In his sleep, he dreamed that he was standing on the top of Mipo Castle looking vigorously at Ichima Hirakawa in Shonai Hirano, and behind him were Dewa people kneeling on the ground piously praising his wisdom and determination. Zhen remorsefully slapped herself to admit her arrogance and stupidity, Onodera Jingdao bowed down and admitted his mistake without saying a word.Date Huizong was willing to be the sharp knife in his hand.

Later, the entire Deba was captured, and half of Mutsu was won.He led an army of tens of thousands to Echigo and went south to compete with Yoshitoki Kira. Even his old rival, Harumune Date, had to admire his inferior skills and laid a huge foundation that his ancestors never thought of. Pu Dai obediently waited for orders, dreaming here even though he knew it was impossible, but he couldn't help feeling proud in his heart.

In the last dream, Mogami Yoshishou dreamed that he was standing in the capital and shouted: "I want to achieve the foundation of immortality, I want to..."

The beautiful dream suddenly shattered, and faintly heard screams for help, the next moment Mogami Yoshimori kicked off the quilt and jumped up suddenly, drew out his sword and shouted: "What happened? Why is there such a big movement outside... "

Going out of the camp and seeing the scene in front of him, Mogami Yoshimori was stunned. This was the camp he was familiar with. Rows of neat tents were bursting into the sky, and the scattered warriors were all disheveled. Like him, he drew out his katana and sickle spear to resist the surprise attack. Suddenly, a loud noise exploded in his ears, but he saw dozens of weapons in the distance carrying a fire stick spraying gold. The yellow flames, the highest samurai who was desperately resisting in the distance fell straight in a pool of blood.

"This must be an iron cannon! I have heard that it is powerful enough to kill a tiger, so this army must be the Kira Army! The reinforcements from Kira Yoshitoshi came! How did he come here? Did he come by boat? ? Where did you land from, why did you make a surprise attack at night, and why didn’t the surrounding army notice it? Why?”

Mogami Yoshimori couldn't figure it out. He couldn't understand what was going on. According to his planning plan, Riki Yoshihiro should have realized that something was wrong at this time, but he should always send an envoy to Miura City to contact him and ask what happened to Dewa Country? The most Shangjun hit Qingshui collar, or other reasons led to the severance of contact.

Yuqian is so big and doesn't fight everywhere. As long as the emissary of Kira's family comes to Sakata Port by boat, he will be captured by the highest samurai disguised as Kira's army. Waiting over there for half a month without a reply before sending more envoys, or tentatively sending reinforcements of 3000 to [-] people over there is not a big problem. They can buy an extra month to one and a half months.

This time is definitely enough to capture Mipo City. After all, this city is not huge and strong. The defenders in the city have a lot of food and grass but not much preparation. Let them endure three consecutive months of siege battles, and fight at night. Mentally guard against night raids. In this case, the food consumed must be more than three times that of the usual garrison. As the weather gets warmer and the number of wounded increases, the city's medicines will also be in short supply.

After repeated calculations, he has great confidence to end this long-term battle within a month. As long as Mipo Castle is captured by him, Kamezaki Castle, which is even more deficient in food and grass, will be unable to sustain itself. Kaesong surrendered, and within half a month it would definitely be captured by the Dewa army. At that time, even if the Kira army sent an army to rescue.That doesn't make much sense anymore.

There are captive hostages in hand.Tagawa County was taken again by the people of Dewa.At that time, Ji Liangyi had to swallow this breath even if he had a good eye. At that time, as long as he stood up and acted as a peacemaker, and released the captives and hostages in exchange for the two sides to reach a non-war peace as a condition, all this will be exposed smoothly. At that time, whether the Kira family prefers to go to Kanto or go to Koshin has nothing to do with them, and he himself can establish outstanding personal prestige in this war, and the complete suppression of Mogami Hachiko is just around the corner.

"But... what is going on here! My beautiful vision! My lifelong ambition! How did my struggle come to this result! Why!" Mogami Yoshimori shouted hysterically, but attracted several Kira's family The attention of the red cavalry.Fortunately, the samurai of Banner came to the rescue in time and prevented those red riders from approaching.

Mogami Yoshimitsu came out of nowhere, the gray stains on his pink face were very conspicuous, his gorgeous robe was cut a few times, and he walked over anxiously with a sword in his hand, "Father My lord, the Kira army is coming! All the nearby camps have been set ablaze, and Tendo Yorisada and Nobuzawa Mishige have already retreated, so let’s retreat as soon as possible!"

Mogami Yoshimori panted heavily, his red eyes widened, and he looked like he had been hit by a demon. He leaned on the sword and shouted: "Retreat? Never retreat! Here is my dream. There is me. If we leave our ambitions, our dreams will be gone! We can’t retreat!”

"Father! Please leave quickly! This place is too dangerous..." Mogami Yoshimitsu wanted to go up to help him.But Mogami Yoshimitsu, who was emotionally confused, thought that he was holding a dagger to be harmful to him, so he kicked Mogami Yoshimitsu on the stomach. Caught off guard, Mogami Yoshimitsu was kicked by his father and fell over the head, unable to get up for a long time.

The most beloved Taidao didn't know where he was thrown, his head seemed to be knocked on a stone, and there was a trace of blood oozing out. Mogami Yoshimitsu struggled to get up while covering his drowsy head, when he heard his voice in his ear. The father scolded angrily: "What do you want to do, you bastard? Are you holding the sword to harm our family? Our family has long known that you, a rebellious son, have thoughts about the Kira family. Beloved! Don’t even think about it! Hmph!"

Mogami Yoshimitsu was helped up by a few surnames, stretched out his hand and saw the bright red blood between his fingers, and finally couldn't help crying. He never thought that his father would be so heartless, even if he resented him for being harsh to him He is strict and strict, and he never shows any affection for himself, but he never thought of doing harm to his father!Why did he treat himself like this, because of a night attack, did he speak out what was in his heart?

Xiao Xing hurriedly helped him into the camp, and washed the wound on his forehead with warm boiling water. After the wound was not clean, he applied the best wound medicine, and then tied it with clean linen until it was fine. But Mogami Yoshishou somehow chased him in and cursed: "My family knows that you, a rebellious son, have always wanted to seek the position of family governor, but this family can tell you! This position of family governor may not necessarily be yours! If you are at the peak of your family's age If you want to seek the position of family governor, you, a rebellious son, will never..."

Mogami Yoshimitsu felt the pain on his forehead still tinged with pain, raised his head to look at the almost crazy Mogami Yoshimitsu, and said in a cold voice, "Father, are you going to abolish the throne?"

"Abandoned? Yes! My family just wants to..."

The family of Pu Dai's Lao family Dingzhi rushed over at this time, hurriedly stopped and said: "My lord! Absolutely not!"

"Iyomori! Why is it you? It's just in time for you to come! Our family is about to..." Mogami Yoshimori, who was in a frenzy, felt his eyes go dark and he collapsed.

Shoudong of the family supported Mogami Yoshimitsu who had fainted, and said to Mogami Yoshimitsu: "Young Hall, don't listen to the lord's nonsense. Judging from his situation, he must have fallen into a demon. I have heard of this kind of illness. I am overjoyed, saddened, or other. Stimulation can make people go crazy, and usually it only takes a few months of cultivation to heal, please don't take the words of the lord's madness to heart."

"Don't take it to heart...can I not take it to heart?" Mogami Yoshimitsu looked at Mogami Yoshimori with only indifference and ruthlessness. The footprints and the pain on his forehead reminded him all the time that what happened just now was real.

Mogami Yoshimitsu was completely chilled, and said coldly: "I really wish that nothing happened just now. I didn't appear here just now, I didn't get kicked, I didn't fall out and hit my forehead, and I didn't hear that it was worse than falling." It would be painful to break through words... But what happened cannot be changed. His most senior family governor, he only has power in his eyes, wild ambitions but no family affection. What about others?"

"Shaodian..." The Shi family hesitated and waited to persuade.

At this moment, Mogami Yoshimitsu's surname, Urioka Kamehimaru, ran in holding his lost sword, and said eagerly, "Your Highness is not good! The cavalry team of the Kira Army is coming towards our big tent! There are many people!"

"Are there a lot of people? Got it! Everyone come out with me." Mogami Yoshimitsu stood up with the support of a few surnames, his head hurt so badly after being hit that he walked groggyly, passing by his father's house. At the time, he said lightly: "Owari Shouden helped him to rest on the bed, and then followed my family to the front of the camp to surrender."

The family decided to persuade: "Are you going to surrender? I think you can escape with your highness!"

Mogami Yoshimitsu also frowns, he knows better than anyone that the situation is irreversible, he is not optimistic about his father's anti-Vietnamese alliance from the beginning to the end, at home and in the military tent, he has done it several times He expressed his opinion that Yoshito Kira was a famous general of his generation, and he definitely would not make such a stupid mistake to allow the Mogami family to take advantage of the loopholes.

But his father, Moshang Yishou, would not listen to his persuasion. Instead, he felt that his son-in-law was deliberately throwing cold water on him. He has lost the right to speak in the army, and has become his father's follower who is only responsible for seeing with his eyes and listening with his ears.

In Mogami Yoshimitsu's view, the defeat of this war is a matter of time. The fault is that his father chose the wrong opponent. He thought he could hold back the situation and win the situation, but he never thought about the amazing achievements of Echigo in these years. There must be a thrilling iron-blooded war behind it, as well as strategies and plans that they can't understand. Even Takeda Shingen, who his father has always admired, retreated and dared not come out. How could his father have the courage to stop the mighty Kira? What about the army?

As long as the Kira army enters the Dewa country with a large army, there is no need to expect the people of the Dewa country to block the iron hooves of the Kira army at any time. How can a remote area that does not even have iron guns withstand repeated defeats by the Kai Takeda clan, the Sagami Hojo clan, and the Koshi clan? What about the huge power that has always been in the middle?Not to mention that the town government official is determined to support the shogunate, and the formation of the samurai family's law and order is exactly in line with their development path of the highest clan. Domination.

From the bottom of his heart, he agrees with Kira Yoshitoshi's strategy very much, and he is full of respect for this famous Genji family who has made great achievements at a young age. He has long believed that neither the Mogami nor the Dewa people can fight against the Kira family. The situation just confirmed his argument. The Dewa people are indeed not the opponents of the Kira army. They have already lost and even lost their pants.

Thinking of this, Mogami Yoshimitsu snorted coldly and said, "What if I go back? Seventy percent of my top family's elite are here, and I have no chance of turning back if I escape alone. Most of those who were about to be killed threw away their helmets and armor and blood flowed into rivers, and those who fled back could not escape the iron hooves of Kira's army. Since fleeing back is just stubborn resistance, it would be better to surrender in exchange for grace."

Shoudong of the Shi family settled the most Shang Yishou, and then came out of the tent and sighed: "Yes! With the strength of the servants, I can only flee back with two or three hundred horses at most. This person is different from my most Shang family. Compared with the thousand elites, it is only [-]%, which is really too little! Even if they fled back, they would not have the strength to resist the attack of Kira’s army... No! I’m afraid even Tendo Laizhen’s attack would not be able to resist!”

"Stop talking! It's time for us to go out and meet the elite Chibei of the Kira Army!" Mogami Yoshimitsu finally glanced at Mogami Yoshimitsu who was lying alone on the bed in the tent, with pity and sorrow in his eyes, what he said The favored Yida Huizong didn't think of coming to see this good father-in-law at the critical moment, and finally asked his son to clean up the mess, but he didn't know whether it was because of this reason that he lost his mind and made such a disgusting behavior.

Thinking of this, Mogami Yoshimitsu walked out at a faster pace, he had nothing to say to his biological father. (To be continued..)

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