Pillars of the Wu family

Chapter 455 Do it instead?

In the blink of an eye, March passed, and Kanto ushered in the warm and humid rainy season. With the smooth opening of Kururi Castle, the Hojo family's offensive in the Fangsuo Peninsula gradually came to a stalemate. The continuous rain not only wiped out the Hojo family's offensive but also threatened The logistical supply brought huge pressure, and the high morale of the Hojo Army declined all the way. Hojo Genan appropriately slowed down the rhythm of the attack.

Masaki Tokimo used his strength to prove that he was stronger than the traitor brother Masaki Tokada. Eight thousand troops tossed back and forth between the narrow plains and valleys in the eastern part of the Fangsou Peninsula, insisting on defeating Toki and Masaki Tokada. The famous Ono Castle and Shiroya Castle were also recaptured with the cooperation of the local Chinese. The Satomi Army, which had won repeatedly, regained its lost morale, while the rebel army lost their troops and withdrew to their respective cities for defense.

The [-] troops sitting on Dafushan Mountain were mostly repelled when they attacked Xicheng for several times. Under the persecution of Masaki Tokimo, even the Dafushan camp could not stand. Only one Kururi city was taken back and forth, and the situation in the eastern part of the Fangxuan Peninsula gradually turned to a stalemate and tug-of-war.

The war on the western front of Hojo Genan also came to a standstill. Satomi Yoshiyao of Owada Yamashiro and Satomi Yoshihiro of Sanuki Castle merged together, and the [-] Satomi Army eager for revenge launched a counterattack against the [-] Hojo Army. There was a big battle near Koitogawa and Hojo Genan's headquarters. During the joint battle, the main force of the Satomi Army once broke through the front line of the Hojo Army and went straight to the front of Hojo Genan's main formation. If it wasn't for the timely support of the Hojo Army from Kururi Castle, Hojo Genan might have Will be buried beside this shallow river.

In this battle, the Hojo Army lost 1000 or 500 people, while the Satomi Army only lost less than [-] people. The Nankanto National Army, which has experienced several unsuccessful battles, is relatively poor in terms of armament quality and morale. Compared with Satomi Yoshihiro's The elite is half a level short, and if the main force of the Beitiao Army is not defending against the strong in the north, it will not be at this level.

The morale of the Hojo army suffered a lot. Seeing that the situation was not going well, Hojo Genan led his army back to Kururi Castle to wait for a stand-by, trying to exhaust the Satomi army through the confrontation. Anyway, as long as Hojo Genan does not retreat for a day, Satomi Yoshi Hiroshi never dared to disband his military service on the spot and let the farmers and soldiers go home to work in the fields. Delaying the farming season for a long time and wasting food and grass would make Satomie, who already had little food, even more uncomfortable.

It's a pity that people's wishes are not fulfilled. Whenever the Hojo family finally came up with a coup, someone would always jump out to hinder their progress.

This time it was Yoshiaki Satake of the North Hitachi Kingdom who jumped out. In addition to persuading Edo Tadatsu to attack the Oda Ujiji, this gentleman also made a lot of effort in the return of Utsunomiya Hirozuna, the lord of Shimono, to Utsunomiya Castle. Married Utsunomiya Hirotsuna and became in-laws, and then repelled Shigetaka Iwaki's attack last year, and once again married his youngest daughter to Shigetaka Iwaki's adopted son Chintaka Iwaki.

Established the absolute security of Hitachi's seven prefectures through the ingenious means of both sides, frequently interfered in the affairs of Shimono Middle School and attacked Shirakawa Yuki's Yuzuruna, and established the heyday of the Satake family. The only regret is that in the Kanto Astronomy Chaos" and the second Guofu-Taiwan war did not get enough benefits, which is a bit of a failure. [

This family is also considered a hardcore anti-Hojo leader. When Satomi Yoshihiro was in a hard fight, he also paid attention to the movements of the Fangsuo Peninsula. The only support is the support of food, grass and medicine at sea, and he also understands the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

When Tokimo Masaki was invincible in the eastern part of the Indulgence Peninsula, Yoshiaki Satake’s ship carried the food and grass most needed by the Satomi family to the outside of Izumipo, which is a port close to the capital of Otaki City. The only obstacle is Toki of Wanxi City. Lai, Masaki Tokimo ordered his adopted son Masaki Kenshi to lead an army to besiege Wanxi City, while his second son Masaki Raifa led an army to defend Katsuura City.

Masaki Tokimo met Okamoto Zenzhe, the envoy of the Satake family in Dakijo. This scholarly monk of the Satake family and another learned monk of the Hojo family, Itabe Okae Sessai, were famous throughout the Eastern Kingdom as one of the few intellectuals in the Kanto region. The two eminent monks are engaged in diplomacy, because cultural people are good at speaking and will be treated politely wherever they go, and Zen monks can go in and out of any samurai's residence at will without worrying about being captured, so it has become the special diplomatic culture of samurai in this era.

Okamoto Zenzhe wanted to invite Masaki Tokimo to taste the tea ceremony, and spent half an afternoon talking about the profoundness of the Zen realm. After cleaning up the remaining tea, he slowly said: "Masaki Dashanden is a famous warrior in the Kanto region, and Shangsuo Satomi is also a famous warrior. The well-known warriors in the Eastern Kingdom should not attack the Hojo family. My lord wants to help Nai. Zhengmu Dashandian understands a lot."

Masaki Tokimo hastily leaned over and thanked: "On behalf of my lord, I would like to thank Satake Ukyoden for his assistance. There are not many samurai families in Kanto who can have such kindness. I will never forget Satake Ukyoden's support for my Satomi family. Please. On your behalf, Okamoto-den conveyed our gratitude to Ukyo-den from Boso samurai."

The two were polite for a while before slowly changing the topic to the ongoing war in Shangsuo Kingdom. Masaki Tokimo talked about how distressed the suppression of the Hojo Army's large army was. Second, Satomi Yoshiyao and Satomi Yoshihiro are struggling to support the front line of Sakonjo Castle, while he is blocked in Daki City and dare not take a step beyond the thunder pond. He is worried that if he is not careful, he will be attacked by the Hojo Army from the north and the south and take Daki City away. of control.

Masaki Tokimo sighed distressedly: "The situation of my family is getting more and more difficult now, I really don't know how long I can hold on! In these days, I can't rest day and night, and the old wounds left on my body for many years are coming back again. Relapse, I really don't know how long I can persist for my lord."

As the patriarch of the Satomi family, Masaki Tokimo's prestige and achievements are earned through a single battle. Since he was young, he has been the savior in crisis several times, and he personally fought for Satomi Yoshio Time, how many times he survived near death, left scars and spilled blood, and as he grew older, his blood weakened and his body gradually felt a little unbearable. Masaki Tokimo once said to his son several times, I don’t know One day, it is possible to fall off the galloping horse and never get up again.

Okamoto Zenzhe said in a calm tone: "Dazenden is famous for his martial arts. In the future, he will be a well-known samurai in my Kanto to resist the attack of the Hojo family. How can I say these discouraged words? If the samurai in the Kanto know the famous gun If the Dashandian wants to give up, there must be many warriors expressing despair! So... think more about the good side, there is still a slight chance of recovery."

Gun Dashan is his nickname, and his reputation is recorded in the "Zongdi Night Talk" of the Northern Army God. Asakura Sodi only mentioned Nagaoden, Takedaden and Masaki Dazen among the samurai in the Eastern Kingdom. There are three people in the palace, the first two are the dragon of Echigo, and the second is the tiger of Kai, and only he, the third person, is just the elder of the Satomi clan's genealogy, which is slightly unknown.

In fact, Masaki Tokimo's military strategy is not at the top level in the Kanto. If you give him [-] troops, he might be beaten by Hojo Tsunasari. Even his mother doesn't know him, but let him command [-] to [-] troops to be a general for a while. That is definitely the top level among the Eight Kingdoms of Kanto, not even inferior to the likes of Nobuharu Baba and Toromasa Itomi.

Military strategy can be subdivided into recruiting and commanding. The so-called recruiting is a general, and commanding is a general. A good general can be the commander of an army, and a good general can be a general of a town. This type of warrior is a typical general. Excellent resourcefulness is also good. The only disadvantage is that he can't recruit and match. He can only be a general but not a commander. A samurai like Terutoro Uesugi who is all-round in military strategy and only slightly inferior in siege will definitely find no second person in the world.

Even Takeda Shingen, the Tiger of Kai, is only at a very high level of recruitment, only a little worse than Terutora Uesugi, and the level of command is relatively lower, not necessarily better than Takeda Nobushige and Baba Nobuharu, but Takeda Shingen Strong is strong in strategy and political strategy is also the top existence, and he is very good at attracting talents, so he is very prestigious in Jiaxinwu family.

Except for his leadership, Masaki Tokimo is top-notch, and his martial arts are not inferior to the young and vigorous Hojo Ujishige. This is because his energy and blood decline as he ages. 20 years in advance may not be worse than Saito Asanobu in the same year. How much is better than Kakizaki Keiya who is the same age but takes good care of his body.

"Keep a chance of recovery..." Hearing Okamoto Zenzhe's hint, Masaki Tokimo's eyes lit up, looking at the learned monk who is still well-maintained like a 24-year-old young man in his thirties, hesitantly said: " I don't know what Okamoto-den said... how do you say this?"[

"The current situation in Kanto is that the Hojo family is dominating and domineering. I and the Kanto samurai have been beaten and abandoned several times. We can only stay in the sad city and sit on the mountain, but it is not a long-term solution. So we need some foreign aid to change the Kanto. situation." Okamoto Zenzhe smiled slightly, put down the tea bowl and tea whisk in his hands, dipped in the water droplets left in the kettle, and wrote a few words lightly on the table.

"This is... Duke Zhenfu! Is that His Royal Highness from Harugayama Castle?" Masaki Tokimo frowned instantly. With his many years of military strategy and resourcefulness, he certainly would not forget the ruler of Hokuriku, but However, he did not feel overjoyed because of this, but leaned forward and said in a low voice: "This Gongfangdian is a nobleman from Kyoto, it is really inconvenient to contact me if it is not my Kanto samurai family! After all, the samurai in the Kanto region I am waiting for is Lord Furukawa." Your Highness Fang."

"Hehe! Zhengmu Dashandian is a little insincere! In the past two generations, Jianshi's family governor has never been loyal to the Furukawa government. It must be inappropriate to say that!" Okamoto Zenzhe looked at him with a half-smile, which meant that Accusing the Satomi family of supporting Koumi to provoke the civil strife between Furukawa and Koumi, and then giving the Hojo family the opportunity to contact Furukawa to invade Kanto.

The civil strife in Kanto is not the various struggles between the Kanto government and the shogunate, the Kanto government and the Kanto governor, the Kanto governor and the same clan, and the Kanto government and his own clan. 』Such a trivial matter can make a family stand against the governor, and then set up a new family, and then a group of Kanto samurai families who want to make profits will join in and make a pot of porridge. This kind of drama that is not even a soap opera can be sung for a whole day More than 100 years.

Anfang Rimi's transformation into Shangsuo Rimi's was due to the east wind of Koumi Gongfang Bieli's family, so Okamoto Zenzhe's stabbing sentence made Masaki Tokimo speechless. Fortunately, this scholar The monk also wanted to embarrass Qiang Dashan, and said: "The current Guhe Gongfangdian has misbehaved, and he has not received the samurai education that a Gongfang Yushou should receive.

As soon as he ascended the throne, he slaughtered two younger brothers. Such cruel methods are disgusted by us and other Kanto samurai families. What's more, Mr. Furukawa's marriage to Hojo Sagami's daughter is very close to the Hojo family. His performance in recent years does not show that This Mr. Furukawa has degenerated to the point where being forced to be a puppet has become willing to be a puppet. His behavior has completely disappointed me and the Kanto samurai family! "

Leaving aside several Furukawa princes who died early, the former Furukawa prince Ashikaga Harushi also rose up for a while at any rate, and joined forces with Kanto governor Uesugi Uesugi Uesugi and Ogaya Uesugi's family governor Uesugi Asada to launch an attack on the Sagami Hojo clan. It's a pity that the 1 army was no match for Hojo Ujiyasu's [-] army, and finally he was gloriously reduced to a puppet answerer.

Ashikaga Haruji was not reconciled to being a puppet official. He tried to struggle a few times and almost got himself into the hole. After a few days of being honest and stable, he accidentally fell into the well fence and returned to the underworld. To be honest, the Kanto Wu family still misses it. For this high-minded and ambitious Furukawa, at least he will let the Kanto Wu family find a reason to unite.

Now what is going on with the Furukawa government and the Hojo clan government? Is it a nest of snakes and rats who share the same stink, or is it true that the thief is his father and sold to help count the money? Losing interest, even the few nationals under the Furukawa government who waved their flags and shouted for him were all ostensibly loyal to the Furukawa Imperial Palace, but actually wrote a letter of invitation to the Hojo family to accept dispatch.

"I probably understand what His Royal Highness Okamoto means. The Furukawa government cannot protect the interests of us and other Kanto samurai. It has violated our bottom line to walk with the Hojo family wholeheartedly, so we have to abandon the Furukawa government to welcome the Echigo town government." Lord... I just don't know if His Highness Okamoto has ever thought about it, that Lord of the Town is definitely not an easy-going generation like Mr. Furukawa, who has tens of thousands of elite generals under his command. If this Lord of the Town is invited to go south to Guandong It may bring unforeseen changes!" Tokimo Masaki focused on strengthening the last few words, roughly meaning that it is easier to ask God than to send God away.

Zenzhe Okamoto's eyebrows frowned slightly and then flattened slightly. Masaki Tokimo's vigilance and clear-headedness and accuracy of words were somewhat beyond his expectations. Twists and turns, this mentality is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary fierce generals, and it has far surpassed the level of roughness and fineness.

However, the questions he mentioned are not considered difficult and are all in his preparations, so he smiled lightly and flattered him: "Zhengmu Dashandian is really admirable for his quick thinking, thinking of this level is enough to show that Zhengmu Dashandian is not only proficient in Commanding the army is better at planning, this is the talent of a general!"

"His Highness Okamoto praised you."

"I just don't know if Zhengmu Dashandian has ever thought about it. With the strategy of the Lord of the Town and the tens of thousands of elites under his command, will he be trapped in Echigo and not enter the Kanto? What will happen if the Lord of the Town intends to go south to the Kanto?"

"This..." Masaki Tokimo hesitated: "It's hard to say! After all, things that haven't happened can't be predicted. I can't do anything if I know beforehand."

Zenzhe Okamoto chuckled and said: "At first glance, it's really hard to say, but my lord's judgment is that the town government is waiting for the opportunity to prepare for the battle in Kanto, and the reason is that my Satake family happens to have one, and I originally sent it to me. The Ota Beizhong Shou Kangzi Hall of the family, and the Ota Minbu Daisuke Main Hall, Meng Zhenfu’s minister Zhao has already left Hitachi Fuchu, and diverted to Chungashan City to seek support for the restoration of power. Presumably Zhengmu Dashandian can understand the meaning of it. Make sense!"

"You two actually left Kanto to go to Echigo, and they were recruited by the Lord of the Town... It really is a prelude to going south to Kanto! No! Why didn't Echigo leak any news, isn't it in line with common sense!" Zheng Mu Shi Mao frowned and said: "It is reasonable to say that some news should be released. For example, if you send troops in May, you have to release the news two months in advance. Whether it is recruiting military service or preparing food and grass and releasing speeches to affect the enemy, you have to do something corresponding Actions."

"This is the difference between the Kira family and my Kanto samurai...Sorry! I made a mistake, it's the Kamiso Ashikaga family." Okamoto Zenzhe didn't care how unsuitable this unapologetic apology was, Masaki Tokimo also understood He was expressing his attitude of not caring about His Royal Highness Echigo.

Emphasis does not mean support, support does not mean alliance, alliance does not mean obedience, minister never means sincere loyalty, true loyalty does not mean true loyalty in the future, does not mean that future generations will be loyal, just like the former Hojo clan was loyal to Minamoto North Korea, and then betrayed Minamoto Yoritomo's descendants, personally killed Hanoi Minamoto's descendants and puppeted the first shogunate, this is pure Chinese mentality.

In the blink of an eye, the sun was setting and the twilight was getting thicker, and the voices of the two gradually became unrecognizable. In the shadows, Masaki Tokimo said in a low voice: "The shogunate cannot protect itself. It's hard to predict if the motive is not pure! It's hard to guarantee that it won't become another Hojo family... maybe even worse."

"This is the general trend and it is hard to go against it. I am like a flat boat floating in the sea. I know that there is a raging storm in front of me, but I have to struggle forward. The flood of "turbulent" times is coming straight , we are like sailing against the current, if we do not advance, then we will retreat, if we retreat, we will only be overturned and submerged, like the passing away Momoi family and Xiao Gonggong, and they will disappear completely.” Zenzhe Okamoto sighed, showing a little sympathy for the famous family that passed away regret.

Many samurai families were destroyed in the battle of Yuki, among them, the descendants of the Momoi family were extinct in this battle. The little bow Gong Fang Ashikaga Yoshiaki and his unlucky son Ashikaga Yoshiaki were both killed by Satomi Yoshiyao. Satomi's performance in the past 30 years can only be described as a pit. All wars except his own expansion are pits. Zenzhe Okamoto mourned in silence for the unlucky Xiao Gongfang.

Masaki Tokimo didn't realize that Okamoto Zenzhe was slandering their family's actions, nodded and said: "That's true, I have no choice but to fight against the Sagami Hojo family, the Hojo family is too arrogant and domineering." It doesn't follow the rules of the Kanto at all, and it doesn't give us a chance to live in peace, so we force our ministers to follow it. It is said that the town government official has a similar surname. Recently, I heard that he even threatened the people of Ueno and Shinano. Donating the Zhixing collar to change to the Wanxing collar, many people in the country complained that the methods of the town government are too ruthless, even more than Hojo Shiyasu..."

Okamoto Zenzhe said in a low voice: "The poor monk has also heard of this statement, but this rumor is very strange, and there is no specific who is talking about it, and the people of Ueno seem to be very taboo to spread this kind of rumor. According to the saying, many people have tested these people on the way to and from Echigo, and they all vehemently denied this statement, which seems very strange. The poor monk also heard a saying from the people of Ueno, that the town government seems to be I intend to act on behalf of Furukawa..."

"There is such a thing? This is really unbelievable!" Masaki Tokimo's eyes widened in surprise, and he said angrily: "I and other Kanto warriors will never agree! I, Satomi, will never agree! "

"Shut up! Zhengmu Dashandian should be more careful! These are rumors that have no trace and must not be spread. The poor monk is just casually telling the right to gossip. At that time, the poor monk would never admit it." Okamoto Zenzhe quickly cleared up his responsibility, and Masaki Tokimo nodded meaningfully.

At this time, the sun was setting and the room was plunged into brief darkness. Xiao Xing hurried over to light the oil lamp and then hurriedly retreated. Zhengmu Shimo showed an embarrassed expression on his painful shoulder and said: "Something went wrong, dinner is still here." I'll stay for a while, I'm also eating some vegetarian food recently, I don't know if eggs are considered vegetarian food."

"Strictly speaking, it is not a vegetarian diet, but Zhengmu Dashandian lacks energy and blood, so you can eat more to replenish your body..."

Zenzhe Okamoto slapped his head, and said embarrassedly: "Look at the surname of the poor monk! Zhengmu Dashanden should quickly write a letter to tell Sakai Xingbudian that the situation in Shangsuo country can't go away, even with me The food and grass support of the Satake family can only last for three months at most. By then, it will be July before the autumn harvest, and it will take at least one more month to harvest, and there is not much food left in the upper middle school...

Masaki Daizenden should understand that if you don’t ask Echigo for help at this time, there may be no chance to ask for help. Is it more important to believe in righteousness or to live? There are only a handful of loess and a few solitary graves left to worship. "

"This one……"

"Masaki Daizenden would not have thought of surrendering the Hojo family, would he?"

"Then will it be..." Masaki Tokimo hesitated: "I'm just thinking about whether the town government will do it as I said just now after he goes south to Kanto?"

"It's something you and I can't interfere with, so let's keep an eye on our eyes! Besides, the one who really acts on his behalf may not be seeing bad things..." Zenzhe Okamoto said in a very firm tone: "Probably not. Worse than now!" (To be continued.)

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