Pillars of the Wu family

Chapter 472 The Battle of Norada

Asakura Yoshikage saw that his alliance initiative was completely ineffective and refused to convene. One plan failed and he thought of mobilizing the rebellion of the Chinese people in Takashima County. Cang Yijing's emissary persuaded many samurai in Takashima County with a few words. Except for the seven heads of Takashima in the county who have always been ambiguous, there are quite a few people from other countries who listen to the demagogy of the Asakura family.

Seeing the somewhat turbulent situation in Takashima County, Asakura Yoshikage wrote to his brother-in-law Asai Nagamasa, encouraging him to take advantage of this opportunity to launch an invasion of the Rokkaku family. This straw bag was flattened and rounded, and the whole of Omi would no longer have the power to resist the Three Kingdoms Alliance in Kinai.

This request just hits Asai Nagamasa's heart, he has been eyeing the fat meat of the Liujiao family for a long time, especially last year, the idiot Liujiao Yoshin was so rare that he didn't give up, and he beat Miyoshi Yoshiken to death in the Luozhong joint battle It was dark and dark, and the mountains and rivers changed color. In the end, I lost more than [-] people and took in a few old people, which can be said to be a serious injury.

But when it happened that only one symbolic value was obtained as an encouragement reward, and five thousand Wen Yongle coins were also used as compensation for the loyal and brave dead warriors. They can't get angry with the government of the shogunate, so only Yoshihide Rokkaku, the unlucky house governor, will be shot.

At the time when the Liujia family was in turmoil and confusion, Asai Nagamasa had the idea of ​​killing you while you were sick, so he hit it off with the Asakura family and immediately called the people of the Asai family to discuss the matter of dispatching troops. The people of Kita Omi knew it well Due to the internal disputes and conflicts in the Liujiao family, it took almost no time to finalize the matter of joining the battle.But before dispatching troops, he received information from Miyoshi's family.

Miyoshi Changqing, as the initiator and actual leader of the Three Kingdoms Alliance, also expressed his support for his son-in-law Asai Nagamasa to send troops to take down the Rokkaku family as soon as possible. His support was to send [-] troops across the Yodo River to station in the eastern part of Yamashiro State, pretending to be a threat. The appearance of the left wing of the Rokkaku family, the main force that attracted Rokkaku Yoshin could not completely turn to the real pressure of the Asai family in the north.At the same time, Miyoshi Changqing appointed Song Yongxiu to ignite a fire for his son-in-law's strategy. This fire is the strategy.

In early May of the third year of Yonglu, with the help of Matsunaga Hideo, he easily returned to Hidetaka Takano, the lord of Feitian Castle in Aichi County. Therefore, Hidetaka Takanose has always been dissatisfied with the Rokkaku family.

This kind of dissatisfaction gradually fermented over time, especially when he saw that several old friends and colleagues in the past were either promoted or assigned important tasks. He has never thought about whether he can get the rewards he needs in the future, and many times people are impulsive and blind.Hidetaka Takanose is an impulsive and blind samurai.

After he announced that he had turned against the water and joined the Asai family, it caused a huge impact. When Liujiao Yoshiken received the news, he was furious. He felt that the Liujiao family was very good about this gentleman. The land on the side is fertile and rich in products. This is a good place that many samurai in Omi Koka County can't wait for. [

What's more, Feitian City bears the important task of defending Guanyin Temple City.It can be said that as long as the head of the Liujiao family is not sober, they will never touch their family.In Rokkaku Yoshihide's eyes, Takanose Hidetaka is the part that is least likely to cause problems, and is definitely synonymous with superior human and animal harm than the several difficult family members of his family.

But it was such a "good baby" who suddenly grinned at him, and even took refuge in the increasingly disobedient Asai family, which made Yoshihide Rokkaku feel very angry and humiliated. So without saying a word, he led [-] troops to attack Feitian Castle, and at the same time passed the information to Tokiyuki Yamamoto, who was sitting in Sakamoto, hoping that he would see the more than [-] nails of Miyoshi's army on the border of Yamashiro Country.

Takanose Hidetaka called for help from the Asai family while guarding the cage city, but Asai Nagamasa did not make the choice to go out immediately, but gathered the army to wait in Otani Castle. He did this in consideration of the two extremes of the siege in the Warring States Period.Either break the city in a few days or fail to attack for a long time. I am worried that I will find that Feitian City has been breached before I get to the place. It is better to wait and see the situation before making adjustments.

However, Liujiao’s actions were very fast. Liujia Yixian led an army of [-] troops and quickly surrounded Feitian Castle. Feitian Castle in Aichi County was too close to Guanyin Temple Castle in Gamo County. The Liujia Army only took one day When they came to the outside of Feitian City, Liujiao Yixian first sent envoys to persuade them to surrender, and when the persuasion failed, the large-scale siege took place.

However, his siege was very ingenious. It can be seen that Liujiao Yixian is a thoughtful family governor. He is very clear that the current situation for the Liujiao family does not allow a long-term siege of Feitian City on the outskirts, so he ordered the general conscripts to be conscripted on the spot. A dam was built around Hita Castle, and the water from the Aichi River and the Uzen River on the north and south sides of Hita Castle was introduced into the dam, intending to attack the rebellious Takano Sehidetaka of the Rokkaku family with water.

Aichi County is also known as Aichi County. Different writing methods often appear as one of the regular characters. For example, the word Kaga is a regular character. The Kamo River on the east side of Kyoto City can be called Kamo River or Kamo River, so Aichi County It is also called Aichi County, and the same reason is also true for Aichichuan and Aichichuan.

His strategy has indeed achieved extraordinary results. The Aichi River and the Uzen River just surround the Feitian City between the two rivers. The two rivers have ready-made dams that can be used. It only takes a month to apply for [-] troops. Build a dam as high as one room, and rely on this dam to dig the dam to launch a water attack, which will immediately cause a devastating blow to Feitian City.

Most of Feitian City was soaked in the pond. Only Ermaru and above could barely get rid of the invasion of the flood by relying on the height when the city was built. Facing such a huge loss, Takano Sehidetaka was forced to a dead end. He became more and more unwilling to surrender and admit defeat, because he knew that surrendering at this moment would only lead to death.

Facts proved that his persistence was useful. It was the rainiest season in June, and a huge storm swept across Kinai, causing rivers in the Omi region to swell.The torrential rain for more than ten days in a row caused flooding in the Aichi River and Uso River. The weak embankment was quickly washed out of the breach by the flood, which in turn flooded the Hexagonal Army outside the embankment.

Liujiao Yixian was almost pissed to death, thinking that all the tricks would be successful, and he specially used a set of water attacks to easily clean up the rebellion in Feitian City.However, they forgot the most important factor of weather and timing. The flood broke through the newly built but not strong dykes and rushed into the plains, causing floods.

The failure of the water attack resulted in a lot of losses, and now it is impossible to siege the city again. Liujiao Yixian had no choice but to make the decision to rein in the troops and retreat, but at this time Asai Nagamasa personally led [-] troops Going out to Minami Omi, he appeared forcefully in front of the Liujiao Army, posing as if he was going to fight to the death.

Liujiao Yixian knew very well that this battle would probably be unavoidable, but right now the army's morale was low and how to fight was still a problem, so he had to order the family's genealogy retainers to quickly reinforce the 5000 army.These [-] people are the [-] recruits trained by Liujiao Yixian, and I am a little worried that the first appearance will be a big battle.

With the addition of these 2 fresh troops, the Liujiao family's army has expanded to [-] people. Regardless of the loss of morale and food, at least they still have a certain advantage in numbers, so the armies of the two sides confronted each other near Aichi County until At the end of June, the clouds gathered and the rain broke, revealing a fine weather.When the flood receded, the excavated dikes and dams were repaired again.The generals on both sides realized that the war was about to start.

Rokukaku Yoshiken led an army of [-] troops to station on the south bank of the Usogawa River, south of Hita Castle, and dispatched Kamo Takahide and Nagahara Shigeuki as the first generals to command [-] troops in Norada Township. , Ikeda Jingxiong, Nagasaki Ichimori, and Tanaka Jibu set up defenses for the second team.

On the other hand, the Asai Army led by Hyakunei Kosuke, Isano Masaru, and Choino Wakasa defended the formation with 5000 people on the north bank of the Usogawa River, with Hita Castle as the rear. , Imamura Uji Nao, Anyangji Ushihide, and Uesaka Criminal Department led 6000 people to station outside Feitian City as Houzhen. [

After several days of turmoil, the young and energetic Asai Nagamasa decided to launch an attack, and ordered Masahiro Isano to lead an army of [-] troops to cross the Uso River. Opportunity to launch a surprise attack, the [-] troops quickly raided the Asai Army who was crossing the river, and the Hyakunei Kurosuke Division was the first to collapse after a while of stubborn persistence.

At this time, Asai Nagamasa had shown that the army was going to be defeated, and immediately ordered the army to force Usogawa to reverse the situation before the defeat. I have to say the blood and courage possessed by this young house governor .It's not comparable to his weak father at all. The young man dares to think and act without any scruples. Whichever is more cost-effective is a small defeat or a defeat for the entire army. I want to attack you head-on.

The Liujia Army took advantage of this opportunity to win a series of victories. Even Masano Isano, known as the "No. 1 general in Jiangzhou" in the Asai family, could do nothing. However, the samurai of the Asai family always believed that the local samurai Satoshino Masahiro was definitely the No.

At this time, the [-] troops crossing the river were in chaos, and the ancient strategy of attacking halfway through the river would naturally not fail in this battle. Even the strongest warriors could not change the overall situation. The formation of the Asai Army Already torn apart in a disfigured state, Isano Masao was forced to retreat after defeating the siege of several hexagonal armies with a thousand troops.

Yoshihide Rokkaku did not expect that he would encounter good luck. The young and energetic Nagamasa Asai dared to cross Usogawa in front of him. Sadohide Gamo lived up to expectations and seized this opportunity to bite the lead of the Asai Army and pursue him fiercely. Fighting, Kawarakami Asai's army, who ended up on the south bank of the Usogawa River, couldn't expand their formation at all, and even the most powerful samurai could only be passively beaten.

In the Renzhao Temple in the southeast of Norada Township, Matsunaga Hideo, who is mostly wandering monks, shook his head and sighed. He really had nothing to say about this nominal brother-in-law. What surprised me was that the Chinese people under the Asai family were only obedient to the nominal Asai family, but they were willing to listen to the order of the crazy governor to cross the river. I really don't know what force made these people willing to be so obedient.

He will never understand that sometimes, the personal charm of the house governor can change all sufferings, which is irrational and without any logic at all.Just like in the Genpei era, only one sentence and one banner could make the samurai die for him. As a counselor who claims to be wise and insightful, he can't understand where this samurai plot comes from. This probably has something to do with his businessman background rather than Orthodox samurai origin has a lot to do with it.

The first team led by Sadahide Gamo and Shigeuki Nagahara was trapped in the front line of Usogawa, and the real swordsmen and Masahiro Isano, Wakasamori Chono, and Hyakunai Kuosuke fought desperately.Behind the Asai Army's advance was the rushing Uzenegawa, who had already retreated. The first general of the Asai family, Masahiro Isono, roared and led dozens of warriors who were not afraid of death into the gun forest of the Six Corner Army. The brave and ferocious Nushi fought back and forth through the forces of the Liujiao Army several times, but it was really difficult to retreat back unscathed.

But his personal bravery cannot change the overall battle situation. Although the Liujiao family does not have a brave general, they have poor patience and the weariness of crowd tactics. As long as he is still human, there will always be a moment when he is exhausted. General Asai, who has been in the army for more than 30 years, can be sure of Masamu Nomoto.As long as the flag of Masaru Isano falls, it will be the beginning of the collapse of the Asai Army.

Just when the front line fought like a puddle of mud and retreated to the narrow area on the south bank of the Uso River to fight trapped beasts, the Liujiao Army didn't even notice that on the south bank of the Uso River, Asai Nagamasa had already led the Asai Army with [-] soldiers. The team forcibly crossed the river to form a team. This terrible leak happened in such a critical joint battle. I have to say that the warriors of the Liujiao family behaved so amateurishly at this moment.

Shinto Kenmori, Ikeda Keio, Narazaki Ikimori, and Dr. Tanaka Jibu, who originally served as the second team, should serve as the two wings.Protect the fighting vanguard from the flanks.But they chose to move their army to the river bank at the same time. In the eyes of these warriors, they only wanted to kill people and grab their heads for meritorious service. Nothing else happened.

Just because of such an amateurish mistake but failed to warn the Liujiao Army's main formation in time, the Liujiao Yixian's main formation also unconsciously moved to a position closer to the river bank at this time, and a huge crisis passed quietly. Pushing towards the Liujiao family, when the Sansheng tortoise shell flower water chestnut seal symbolizing the Asai Army's main formation came into Liujiao Yixian's eyes, it was too late for all the anger, bewilderment and regret.

Asai Nagamasa led 5000 Honjin to launch a decisive assault, and [-] elite troops had [-] Rokagon Yoshin Honjin with horse warriors, foot warriors, ashigaru, and miscellaneous soldiers, of which [-] People are still new recruits.From this moment on, this war broke away from a simple numbers game and turned into a weird ukiyo-e of crushing and collapse.

The [-] army collapsed inexplicably to [-], and the remaining [-] were also confused and fled by the collapsed army. There was no substantive contact at all in a normal raid. Not even a few miscellaneous soldiers died in this formation. Yoshihide Rokkaku once again paid a heavy price for what he called a shoddy military strategy.

Appointing capable second formations who did not know how to protect the flanks of the main formation, ignoring the intelligence of the Asai Army on the upper reaches of the river forcibly crossing the Uso River, and the low-level mistake of leaving [-] recruits in the main formation. The astonishing example of winning more with less also caused him to be defeated in Guanyin Temple City in a daze, and he was so painful that he almost shed tears.

Gamo Sadahide and Nagahara Shigeki, who fought bloody battles, swallowed the bitter fruit of failure with the heroic Hexagon Army warriors, and slowly retreated back to Guanyin Temple City with the panicked second team. Asai Nagamasa, who won a big victory, was unexpected He did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but looked at this heroic army retreating with respect, not to mention that the poor army was about to vent their anger, and the fierce pursuit would only increase casualties but would increase variables. His clever move was once again won by Asai's retainers The unanimous appreciation of the group.

Liujiao Yixian maintains his glorious record of both defeats and defeats, and this joint battle once again proves that his past actions are still shameful defeats, but this time the one who rises on the basis of his almost exhausted prestige is A 16-year-old fledgling Asai Nagamasa, if the prestige of Rokkaku Yoshiken is compared to a credit card, then his prestige at this time has already been overdrawn to the end and completely maxed out.

A total of 940 people were killed by the Hexagonal Army in the Battle of Norada, and nearly [-]% of them died in the fierce fighting in the first line, while the Asai Army also killed more than [-] people, all of which came from the losses of the first line. The heavy price of starting the Luozhong joint battle is nothing at all, but the Liujiao family was not defeated in the Luozhong joint battle, but this battle was completely defeated.

The failure of the war always requires one person to bear the responsibility. This responsibility cannot be the descendants of the Liujiao family, so it can only be borne by Liujiao Yixian. But Liujiao Yixian doesn't think he is very fat.

In every war since he became the governor of the family ten years ago, he has tried his best to plan to bring greater benefits to the Liujiao family. The shame of him made him look more like a stupid piece of shit than his great father, which was no longer dark stupidity but pure stupidity.

Liujiao Yixianfa accepted this kind of stigma, and on the third day after the defeat in the war, he completely escaped into Buddhism and hid behind closed doors in the small temple of Guanyinsi City under the name of Baguanzhai Chengzhen. However, he irresponsibly threw the mess at home into the hands of his young and naive son Yoshiharu Liujiao.

Rokkaku Yoshiharu, who was also born in Tianwen's 14th year and the same age as Asai Nagamasa, could only face the angry questioning of the pedigree family members in panic. At that moment, he seemed to see a tragic fate beckoning to him.

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