The public opinion circle in Kina likes to find fresh and interesting topics, new characters, new faces, and new legendary stories. Many cultural people make a living by commenting on the miscellaneous things in the world, and some people can become the guests of wealthy businessmen with just one mouth. Regardless of whether it is military politics or cultural customs, even some gossip in the streets and alleys can be used to make a connection. The anecdotes of many characters come from the mouths of these people.

For example, ten years ago when Kira Yoshitoshi cut ten rivers and one save, another example was eight years ago when Kira Yoshitoshi defeated more with less in the battle of Katsurakawa, and the Kinai lord Miyoshi did not dare to touch Kyoto in the seventh year of Changqing, and another example is Luo Zhonghe Nearly [-] people were killed and injured in the bloody battle, and a large number of shacks in the Ukyo area were burned down. The tragedy of the war was comparable to that of the Onin Rebellion nearly a hundred years ago, and it was even worse than the intensity of local wars.

These are all explosive topics, which were once hot topics in Kyoto, from the emperor to the common people, and have been processed layer by layer in the mouths of these cultural people into epic epics, just like "The Tale of the Heike" ", like that of Ping Dunsheng, is not only an explosive topic that we talk about, but also a famous story that has been passed down through the ages.

And this time the Battle of Mt. Jian was also an eye-catching gimmick. The Kira Army, which was invincible in the Kinai War, finally encountered a thorn. In the next day, the 1 troops who attacked Asai Nagamasa at night were unable to attack. This is enough to prove that this Asai army and his leading general are a great genius.

From the perspective of battle damage, the Kira Army is superior, but it cannot cover up the embarrassing situation that the superior force of the Kira Army defeated the inferior force and still failed to win. That's definitely a difference of more than a thousand miles. Under the propaganda of people with good intentions, someone brought up the Luozhong war that had just passed to talk about it. Comparing Nakajo Tokihide and Kira Yoshitoki, the gap is still very obvious.

Public opinion in Kinai would not delve into the many inside stories of this war. No one cared about how Hideaki Nakajo was far away in Tango Maizuru Port, and how he killed him in Omi's Ika County.It is very easy to draw a straight line from the map, but there are almost no decent roads to walk on this straight line, all of which are dangerous routes over mountains and mountains.

This is not a one-person hiking expedition. It is almost impossible to achieve both speed and safety when marching with 3000 people. There are two main roads that can be detoured.One is to go south from Maizuru Port and enter Kyoto through Tango Street.From Kyoto to the west to Sakamoto and then north to Ika County, it is impossible to walk the whole journey on foot in less than ten or eight days, not to mention how stupid it is to pass through Kyoto without hands.

The other is from Maizuru Port.Enter Echizen Tsuruga Port through Wakasa Street and then go south to Ika County in Omi Country. This road is the closest and very safe along the way. It takes less than five days to complete the journey normally, but will Wakasa Takeda let these three people go? Thousands of troops swaggering through?Will the hostile Echizen Asakura family allow these troops to pass through their territory?This is a question worth thinking about.

It is not easy for Nakajo Tokihide to achieve this step. No one understands his difficulties and underestimates his talents all the way. This makes many samurai of the Kira family resentful for this. Their three thousand troops traveled all the way After walking for eight days, if the dry food was not enough, I hunted and picked fruits to make do with it. It is needless to mention how much suffering I had during the eight days without leaving my armor.It was not easy to go to Yixiang County after going through hardships. How many people's feet were worn out and people were exhausted and paralyzed. [

In this way, they just rested for an afternoon and one night, and forced to fight an unsure surprise attack. In fact, this Kira army was very tired from top to bottom, and its [-]% level was at most half, and it was not a night attack. Be brave at the beginning of the battle, but as the battle progresses, the longer it drags on, the more disadvantages will be exposed.Later, the weakness of lack of physical strength and offensive weakness became more and more prominent.

How can you fight without strength?How to fight when you are hungry?How do you fight with your feet swollen like steamed buns?If you are so tired that you wish you could fall asleep, how should you fight?If the situation of the two sides were reversed, Asai Nagamasa was able to lead 3000 people in eight days, turn over and cross the mountains and come to Jianyue Mountain safely without a single person falling behind.

Of course Asai Nagamasa didn't know the inside story of this.However, it did not prevent him from continuing to enjoy the praises of his family members and the people of the country after he lost the joint battle. After the whole day, he always maintained a perfect smile showing eight teeth, and his whole face seemed to be stiff and necrotic. Sitting in Xiaogu City, welcoming wave after wave of visits and compliments from guests, I don't know what's going on.

He couldn't understand the reason why he was praised for defeating the battle. As a general with extraordinary military strategy and excellent judgment, he could feel that the elite of the Kira family was very strong. Whether he survived, the Battle of Jianyue was a humiliating defeat for him. The food and grass were burned and suffered heavy losses, which made him realize the absolute gap, not only in the difference in military strategy, but also in the quality of the military. of pros and cons.

The whole world is talking about how powerful the Kami Ashikaga family is, and the young and vigorous Asai Nagamasa thinks this is not a problem. Yoshitomo Kira is just a young man with a higher family background than him and luckier than him, and he may have excellent internal affairs and culture. 』, but it is absolutely impossible to be better than him in terms of military strategy, at most he is almost as good as him, that's what the confident boy thinks.

Only after fighting did I realize that this is far from enough. The loss was so heavy that even Jianyue Mountain’s camp could not hold up. On the morning of the end of the Jianyue Battle, I took a group of defeated soldiers and retreated to Xiaogu City, although there was no verbal surrender. Begging for mercy, but formally he admitted that he really couldn't beat Kira's army, so he retreated in defeat.

At the same time, it is also a change of direction to admit that Yixiang County can't hold on to his plan to give up temporarily. He will not be so stupid that he will continue to cruise around after a defeat just now, and look for a chance to defeat Tokiyuki Yamamoto. Without food, there is no capital for consumption. However, even with the wealth of Omi, it is impossible to give him a large amount of food and grass to let him continue to squander in meaningless confrontation.

Omi is an important rice producing area. Spring wheat or spring barley is not planted as the main food, so there is basically no such thing as a summer harvest, so everyone is eating stored grain before the autumn harvest. The Asai family controls more than 30 shigao in name In fact, the Asai family's direct leadership of Shigao is only [-] to [-] shi. The two fires on the mountain and the mountain burned a total of tens of thousands of shi's grain reserves, which is enough for Asai Nagamasa and a group of people from the family to suffer from heartache for several months. Where is there still food and grass to go on? Use it to confront.

There is another reason for not daring to confront.Although Nakajo Tokihide’s surprise attack army lost 700 people and was forced to retreat, Yamamoto Tokiko’s 300 troops only lost less than [-] people. Nagamasa Asai felt the rock-solid persistence in the Battle of Oiwayama What does it mean to be immovable like a mountain? The Battle of Jianyue stormed Isano's troops at the foot of the mountain, posing a huge threat to the five thousand troops at the foot of the mountain.

Although 6000 people cannot be fully deployed in the camp.Can't exert absolute advantage in numbers.However, the combination of iron cannons, bows and arrows and spear cavalry made many tactical coordination that had never been seen before.Every time Isano Yuanchang felt that he had to launch a counterattack, a round of iron cannon volleys could always extinguish his will to resist just right.

Tokyuki Yamamoto seemed to be able to see through his mind, and he kept pulling Isono Masao by the nose. The cavalry did not dare to move their guns and was easily breached. Every unlucky guy who is "shot" by Ruya wins the big prize. Yamamoto Tokyuki seems to be in charge of the rhythm of this war, and he has been slowly suppressing the range of activities of the Asai Army a little bit, and let Masahiro Isano fight Both aggrieved and helpless.I can only watch helplessly as the army is compressed into the corner of the camp and surrounded.

The sentence that had the greatest impact on Asai Nagamasa was a sentence that Masahiro Isino said at the post-war evaluation meeting held in Kotani Castle: "... is better than Sadahide Gamo in the Battle of Qiye Liangtian. How many times, at that moment, I, Yuan Chang, deeply felt a sense of strength, because the generals can't control the army, and the warriors can't display their bravery. After exhausting all methods, I still get crushed and beaten!"

Another son-in-law of Keimoto Iguchi, Asai Nagamasa's uncle, Mamoru Akan Awaji, concluded: "If Tokimoto Yamamoto hadn't been lucky enough to use appointments to forcefully fill out a war of annihilation, I am afraid that not only Isano Tanba Mori would not be spared, but the Lord would be afraid." It is also very difficult to have a chance to return to Xiaogu City safely."

Tokiyuki Yamamoto's retreat at the critical moment gave the Asai Army a chance to retreat. As soon as the battle ended that day, he decisively discarded everything that was difficult to carry.They only took away a small part of food, grass and supplies that were not burned, and led the small Duohe team to retreat back to Xiaogu City desperately.

There are many opinions within the Asai vassal group about the fact that rare books are used to softness at critical moments. Non-mainstream views such as admiring the talent of Asai Nagamasa, or fearing the power of the Asai family, are the most mainstream and get most of the spectrum. The statement accepted by the people of all countries is that the Kira family did not have the ambition to completely annex the Omi country. [

To put it another way, Tokyuki Yamamoto did not plan to fight in Kita Omi. There is a strong enemy Asakura Yoshikage in the north, and a stronger enemy Miyoshi Changqing in the southwest. Neither of them is a good opponent. The difficulty is far higher than that of Asai Nagamasa, who is still a kitten.

Even fighting against these two armies alone requires painstaking planning, not to mention that the army is caught in the flames of the North Omi River and faces the attack from the north and the south at any time. Marriage forms a temporary "temporary" stable alliance, and if you fight one or two, you will definitely not run away.

And Sakamoto Town in Kinai is the root and life gate of the Kira family. As long as there is a problem with this cover, it means that the power of the Kira family in Kinai has completely collapsed. Sakamoto's fragility is like a flower in a greenhouse. No matter how much damage it causes, ordinary turmoil will cause many adverse effects. What a free commercial city fears most is the threat of war, even if this threat is still relatively far away.

The [-] troops brought out by Yamamoto Tokiko, which is equivalent to [-]% of the armed forces in Sakamoto Town, were taken out by him, and the defensive force left in Sakamoto was only [-] troops, disabled soldiers and surrendered ronin. Although these paramilitary organizations also have thousands of people, their combat effectiveness is almost the difference between the reserve army and the ace army. To weigh who is worse.

Even if he is as strong as Tokiyuki Yamamoto, the chief general must be terrified. Winning the war is not his only pursuit. To win, he must minimize his losses to be qualified. Otherwise, even if he wins a war and annihilates the Asai Army, his own Losing 3000 people and being seriously injured and facing the pincer attack of Asakura and Miyoshi is still a failure.

This requirement is even higher than that of Ibuki-san. Under such great pressure, almost no one can achieve perfection. Tokyuki Yamamoto can only try his best to keep his vitality intact and pursue more victories. In the process, he It is necessary to measure whether the pay and get are directly proportional.Considering that most of the Asai family's food, grass and supplies have been burned, it is basically profitable, and it is meaningless to continue to consume.

Asai Nagamasa is in the army, even if he tries his best to capture or kill him, he can't get more benefits. If he captures more prisoners, he can't exchange them for ransom, and he can't travel long distances to Sado Island for mining. No matter how hard it is to stay in the Asai Army, it will only make more money. That's why Asai Changzheng released Nakajo Tokihide.Tokiko Yamamoto released Nagamasa Asai's antics.It seems to be a kind of echoing action, which is also interpreted by many samurai in Kinai as a tacit understanding in the war.

In fact, there is really no tacit understanding, or the only thing that can be called a tacit understanding.It is a tacit understanding that they want each other to die immediately.

For Asai Nagamasa, the war in Kita Omi Ika County has come to an end. Yamamoto Tokyuki did not plan to go south to set foot in the mud, which made him very satisfied. He also tried his best to pursue the revenge of the lost half-county territory. Asai Nagamasa said that the Kira family is too powerful, and there is really no territory that he has robbed that can never be taken back. It is more relaxing and enjoyable to bully the soft persimmon Rokkaku Yoshiken than to have this thought of pursuing it.

For Tokiyuki Yamamoto, he still has an important task to complete, which is to burn down the checkpoints in Tsuruga County. It would be too difficult to perform this task alone without the cooperation of Echigo.It is so large that it is almost impossible to complete it independently with the strength of Omi Territory, but now it has entered a critical moment, and the Kira family wants to win the trust of businessmen all over the world.

Two of the three checkpoints have been burned, and burning the last one is enough to prove the determination of the Kira family to protect their business. Even in the face of the three major powerhouses in Kinai, they dare to fight head-to-head. This will greatly encourage the leader of Kira Morale of active merchants within.At the same time, it can take this opportunity to establish a good business image, and even take the opportunity to make Sakamoto one of the world's most eye-catching big cities.

Burning this last checkpoint can also greatly attack the arrogance of the Three Kingdoms Alliance in Kinai, and make them realize that the alliance of the three families still cannot suppress the determination of the Kira family to protect their own interests. Next time, they will consider using unfavorable means and tactics against the Kira family. when.You need to carefully weigh your weight, whether you can withstand the resolute counterattack and revenge of the Kira family.

This is when meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins. The brave will embark on a glorious road with a bright future, and the cowardly will fall into the abyss that will never be restored. Tokyu Yamamoto has very little choice. This important task is also his initiative to ask to go to Sakamoto I already figured it out at the beginning of sitting in town.

Not long after the end of the Battle of Jianyue, he began to build several strong fortresses in Jianyue Mountain, Dayan Mountain and other places, namely Jianyue Village, Dayan Mountain Village, Tianshang Village, Bankou Village, and Iwasaki Mountain Village , Shenming cottage, and Tangmu cottage, this piece of cottage extends from the south of Yuwu Lake to the north of Yuwu Lake, forming a semi-surrounding circle around Yuwu Lake.

The Jianyue Village happened to block the passage leading to the west of Pipa Lake by land. From this mountain, the water and land movements of the two major lakes on both sides of the mountain could be easily monitored. The cottage will not fall into the embarrassing situation of being besieged alone, and it will become an important barrier against the interference and invasion of the Asai family.

After building these cottages, they ordered the Takashima Seven Heads, who performed well this time, to station in these seven villages respectively. After years of wooing these seven families, they have basically given up their attempts of independence and self-government, and have completely integrated into the political system of the Kami Ashikaga family. Among them, Asakura Yoshikage's strategy this time is to be wiped out with their firm support, and it is also customary to give sweets as rewards when appropriate.

Just when the seven cottages were put into use, the internal disputes and turmoil in the Chaokura family finally broke out completely. The huge turmoil in the Chaokura family directly affected the stability of Echizen Kingdom.

The "turmoil" started at the end of summer and early July. As early as the first month of the third year of Yonglu, Asakura Yoshike made the decision to hold the Dog Chasing Object Conference. The Dog Chasing Object Conference was originally scheduled to be held in April. Because of the delay in the diplomatic activities of the Triple Alliance in Kinai, the final delay was scheduled to be held in late summer.

The so-called dog chasing objects is to release the domesticated bulldogs, and then the samurai shoots and kills the bulldogs to assign rankings. This custom has gradually become popular since the Kamakura period. , The Kamakura shogunate used bow horses to help samurai morality, vigorously held riding and shooting activities such as Yabusame, hanging hats and shooting, chasing dogs and shooting objects, and sent one, two or three places to give honorary seals.

The original intention was to boost the morale of the samurai for preparing for war and training. With the prevalence of Kyoto culture in the Muromachi period, the illusion of a prosperous age of singing and dancing everywhere also made these bow and equestrian skills go from traditional training skills to strengthening their physique.It became a purely ceremonial social activity, and it also produced several famous archers in the world. In Kinai, the Kyoto Ogasawara family and the Wakasa Takeda family are the most famous.

Echizen Kingdom is the border country closest to the Kinki region. In the Heian period, it was one of the best places for officials to choose to go down away from Kinai. Murasaki Shikibe, who wrote "The Tale of Genji", lived with his father in Echizen Kingdom for a long time.Generally speaking, the Echizen Kingdom is deeply influenced by the Kinai cultural circle.The ones that are popular in Kyoto can be found in Echizen country, and dog chasing things are naturally indispensable.

These samurai prefer to shoot the bulldogs in the curtain compared to the falcon hunting, which tests the real level of riding and shooting.After all, the curtain is safer than the dense forest full of dangers. It is better to shoot a bulldog bound in a small space than a prey running back and forth. As a platform to show martial bravery, I have to say that the warriors of the Asakura family are really smart.

On July [-]th, at Dawabang, Zaozhuang, Sakai County, Echizen Country, the dog chasing object meeting was held in this way, because Dawabang was also called Sanlihama, and it was also called Sanlihama dog chasing objects. An excellent platform, so I ordered the elders at home to work hard to manage it.He just turned an ordinary etiquette event into a top-level event attended by more than [-] people.

Yoshikage Asakura left Ichijodani Castle on July 30th to go to Sakai County in the north. On the second day, he came to Itozaki Temple to worship the gods and Buddhas and pray for the prosperity of the Asakura family. During the dog chasing conference, [-] people wearing gold ironed waist knives were bowed, and they rode horses and galloped in the curtain to shoot and kill vicious dogs at will to show their powerful riding and shooting skills.

Yabusame warriors all wear hunting attire and wilted black hats.The family crests of each family are printed on the water dry gown, the left shoulder is covered with a leather "shooting" hand, and the right hand is wearing a bowstring. The saddle for riding is a gold-encrusted wheel, and the family members of the Yabusame warriors are also accompanying. Come in.It is equivalent to a collective behavior of taking a vacation with public funds.

Standing in front of the hall, more than a hundred people stood in two rows on the left and right. There were maids with small surnames serving around the hall, even Asakura Yoshikage's family members were among them, followed by 30 Taidao servants holding golden silk cakes, and Jia The honey wine served in the front, and the samurai around His Royal Highness were equipped with white swords, followed by the samurai who used silver and gold shell spears.

These 500 people are responsible for the safety of Asakura Yoshikage as the police, and Asakura Jirozaemon Kagesaka, Asakura and Nanakkeyu are the leaders of the police and guards. It was a short event, but a carnival that lasted for three full days. Participants came from all over the Echizen Kingdom, as well as ministers, cultural figures, and eminent monks from Kyoto, as well as envoys from the Miyoshi family and the Asai family.

During the period, not only watched several dog chasing contests, but also held dinner parties at noon and evening to entertain the guests who came here. From the beginning of the meeting, everything was developing in an orderly direction. , Horihiraemon Yoshige, and Yamazaki Shichirozaemon Yoshinori also showed their hands on the field, and then Uozumi, Tsumi, Sakurai, Saito, Kubota and other samurai could not help but show their skills on horseback. surgery.

Because there are more and more participants in dogs chasing objects, the order of decline from professionalism to recreational activities participated by the whole people, and later simply replace the bulldogs that have been shot with pheasants and hares for the warriors to shoot at will , including Asakura Yoshikage's close servants and samurai, also showed their skills. Such an interesting game made Asakura Yoshikage very addicted, and he called his retainers to try their skills.

This attracted all the Banners of the Imperial Guards, and when all the Banners were distracted and went to play with dogs, a group of Chinese people came to visit Asakura Yoshikage. It is said that they were from Echizen Ono County. The leading Chinese samurai was indeed a familiar face known to the Asakura samurai, and several Banner samurai were allowed to pass after a little interrogation.

Asakura Yoshikage didn't care at all whether the native of Ono County was called Miyake or Mikami, he just accepted some local products and furs from the country offered by the Chinese, and then casually said a few surnames to get some silk Luo silk satin bestowed, still chatting and laughing with his wife, the young prime minister, and Ajiuji beside him.

At this juncture, suddenly a few warriors jumped out from the crowd of Chinese worshiping His Highness, pulled out a short iron cannon and shouted: "Nan Amitabha!"

All of a sudden, gunpowder smoke rose, and the gun shot straight from the iron cannon and went straight to the noble warrior in front of the hall. I have to say that Yoshikage Asakura was very lucky. The moment I took out the iron cannon and shouted the Buddha's name, I woke up with a jolt, immediately overturned the meals on the table, and escaped by hiding in the table.

Seeing that Asakura Yoshikage could not be found, the assassinating samurai immediately targeted the two wives of Asakura Yoshikage. The young prime minister was taken care of by a few iron cannons in a daze, and there were several gunshots. Just beat her to the bottom of the sieve, a flowery face happened to be hit beyond recognition by a single shot, and Akuhime was the secondary target after Asakura Yoshikage dodged. up.

The next moment, the maids ran away screaming, Xiao Xing also subconsciously rushed to the front of the hall and used her immature body to build a wall of flesh and blood for Yoshikage Asakura. The Banner Samurai of the Asakura family finally came to his senses, pulled out his sword and shouted, " Wow" rushing forward, with a "random" knife, he saw that this group of people was hacked to pieces, even the leader of the Daye County was not spared.

At the same time, riots erupted in several places inside and outside the curtain. Several Chinese people who had been in ambush for a long time attacked the Asakura family's samurai at the same time. The Fukuoka Yoshiya member of the performers was killed and the whole venue fell into chaos. ’, Yoshikage Asakura hurriedly escaped from Sanlihama under the escort of the samurai of Banmoto, and then the guards who came quickly suppressed the riot.

A few days later, in Yicheng Valley City, Asakura Yoshikage experienced all the utensils he could see on the literature website for a few days, whether it was a precious tea set or a beautiful vase from the Ming Dynasty. During the execution, Asakura Yoshike, who was in a frenzy, exuded the air that people and animals dare not get close.

In just a few days, Yoshikage Asakura's whole person changed into a different look. The powdered thrush's attire was thrown aside, his hair was loose and untied, his eyes were swollen like two peaches, and his face His face was dark and swollen, his cheeks were swollen and decadent like a waste, and he didn't have the pampered aristocratic demeanor a few days ago.

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