Pillars of the Wu family

Chapter 51 The Story of the Takigawa Family

() "Master Kira Miyakata came to the humble house. It's really... It's really unexpected. I'm Takigawa Masashige, these are my two sons, Keitaro and Keijiro... What are you two doing, hurry up and see you Miyagata-sama!" Takigawa Masushige was a thin, dark-skinned man who looked less than 30 years old, and it was unexpected to have two and a half children.

The second child of the Takikawa family paid a visit to Kira Manmatsumaru as promised. Although Masashige Takikawa tried his best to conceal it, the living conditions in this dilapidated house were not really good. There was a quarrel about a little flour.

"Where did Takigawaden come from, and where is it high?" Kira Manmatsumaru had no sense of being an uninvited guest, and sat in the seat that only the rightful owner could sit, with Ise Shiro and Yamaoka Zenjiro sitting kneeling behind him. A few side members stood with knives, filling this small house to the brim.

"I'm from Takikawa Sou, Koka Township, Ego-gun, Shima Country, and I'm currently serving food under Tsushima Horita Michiko." When he mentioned his current situation, Takikawa Masashige looked very ugly.

"...Shima Country Koga Village? Why is there such a village? Isn't it Omi Country Koga County?"

"Omi Koka?" Masaki Takikawa shook his head blankly, "I've never been to Koka, I'm a native of Shima, and the farthest I've ever traveled was to Sakaimachi Learn iron cannon shooting."

"Huh? Do you understand iron cannons?"

"Yes! I'm proficient in iron cannons, within [-] rounds I can hit a hundred shots, and within [-] rounds I can hit [-] out of [-] shots! I'm also proficient in naval warfare. No one in our township knows how to sail boats on water." Masayoshi Takikawa He smiled honestly and rubbed his head in embarrassment, not knowing if what he said just now was appropriate or not.

"Very good! My family intends to record you as the iron gun head of my Kira family, with an annual salary of fifty guanwen, what do you want?"

"What... what? Miyakata-sama wants to hire me? Really wants to hire me! That's great!" Takikawa Masujuge, who is only 27 years old this year, sat there paralyzed, crying and laughing for a while, and a lot of words popped out of his mouth. The difficult Shima dialect, his two sons also cheered for joy, Takigawa Keijiro ran around the house happily, got into the room and grabbed two handfuls of flour and rubbed it on his brother's face, the brothers laughed heartily for the first time Make a fuss.

"Puchi!" The people kneeling beside him couldn't help laughing out loud, and when they sensed Yamaoka Zenjiro's unfriendly expression, they quickly kept their faces straight and remained still.

"Have you considered Takikawa-den?"

"I wish to be loyal to Miyagata-sama!" Takigawa Masashige had just bowed down, when there was a loud voice outside the door: "Brother, the matter is over! We can finally leave the Oda family..."

A well-built, dark-skinned young man broke into the house from outside, the look of joy on his face has not yet receded, and he was surprised to be stunned at the door, at a loss.

The young man hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice: "Brother, this Highness is..."

"This is Kira Miyagata-sama. Before you came, I have already become Miyagata-sama's retainer!" Takikawa Masashige was very happy and pulled the stunned brother, and introduced to Kira Wansongmaru: "This is The subordinate's younger brother, Takigawa Kazuyoshi, has a younger sister who is married to Maeda Toshihisa of Arako Castle, so he wholeheartedly wants to be a retainer of the Oda family. I have persuaded him several times and he has not given up. Now that I am good, I can become the Takigawa family. Miyagata-sama's retainers are really blessed by the ancestors."

Yamaoka Zenjiro interjected: "Hmmm! Takikawa Hall should be changed to the owner of the hall."

"Oh! It's my negligence! My brother is also proficient in iron cannons and navy, and I would like to recommend him as a retainer of Kira's family. Please, my lord..."

"Brother! What are you talking about?" Takigawa Kazumashi stood up suddenly with a livid face, and shouted loudly: "How can you let an unknown person in? I have never heard of Mr. Kira Miyakata, let's come Isn’t Owari here to go to the Oda family? I’ve already contacted His Highness Maeda, and he agreed to recommend us to serve as retainers to His Highness Oda Bingoshou, let’s clean up and leave now!”

The people around him stared coldly, making Takikawa Masaki's face ugly: "Kazuki! What are you talking about! What Oda backup guards! How much time do you have to waste in Huangzi City! Every time you bring Good news, nothing changes every time. Maeda Toshihisa is a cowardly and mediocre person. My Takigawa family’s daughter marrying him is a secret vote! Don’t say any more! I have decided to be the vassal of the owner of the museum , don’t mention joining the Oda family in the future!”

"Brother! This time is different! Your Majesty Maeda wants to adopt your son as the successor of the Maeda family! So my Takigawa family can really become the Oda family! Brother, let's go to the Oda family together!" Kazuyoshi Takikawa said from beginning to end He didn't look at Kira Wansongmaru, as if he disliked him.

"Does my family want to be a liar that much? In terms of my family's appearance, I don't know how many times better than this dark guy? Why are you so rude to my family!" Kira Wansongmaru has been patient, if he didn't restrain himself, The people around him had already drawn their swords and started fighting, even so, Yamaoka Zenjiro sat there kneeling and gnashing his teeth with red eyes.

"Enough! I want to go to you, I don't want to listen to the nonsense of Maeda Toshihisa anymore! I am now a retainer of the Kira family and have nothing to do with the Oda family. If you are still my brother, don't mention him anymore !" Takikawa Masashige tried his best to restrain the anger in his chest, and the raging anger in his eyes seemed to be ignited at any time.

"Brother..." Kazuyoshi Takigawa did not expect that his brother, who has always been taciturn, would have such a big reaction today. It seems that all of this was caused by these unexpected guests. Although the style of clothing this child is wearing is common, the expensive and reflective clothing is not something that low-level warriors can wear.

Kazuyoshi Takigawa tentatively asked, "May I ask who this Kira Miyakata-sama is..."

"My family is the governor of Mikawa Kira's family. Takikawaden should have heard the name of my family." Kira Manmatsumaru said to him with a smile, but he thought in his heart: "You have finally been tricked, I don't believe you are invulnerable, if it weren't for you Seeing that you are a famous general of the Oda family, how could the family endure for so long."

"Mikawa Kira's family...? So my brother didn't lie to me, no! How do you prove your identity!"

"Ichimashi! Are you possessed? You and I have been staying in Kyoto for a while anyway, don't you know the shogunate's Gomon Ashikaga Nihito? Taro and Jiro have already seen it! What have you been doing these days when you went out? What? Did you see something unclean? I'll take you to the Gita Tennosha to pray later." Facing Takikawa Masashige's scolding, he noticed that the clothes worn by the Kira family were all printed with light The shallow Ashikaga bibiri, and the style is different from the ordinary one of the Ashikaga family. Except for the different colors, the style is exactly the same.

"Brother! Remember the vow we made when we left our hometown? I said that we must make a name for ourselves after leaving our hometown! We really did it, but we brothers are destined not to walk on the same path Ah!" Kazuki Takikawa took two steps back and sat in front of the entrance in a daze, and said in a whisper: "I have already visited the Oda Bingo Shrine in advance, and he promised to accept me as a retainer, and he also accepted that the Takikawa family would adopt me as a child of the Maeda family. According to the request of my adopted son, I have no way out!"

"What? You... how can you! You bastard!" Takikawa Masaki also sat down on the ground like a deflated ball. Taro and Jiro of the Takigawa family were stunned. The two brothers hugged each other with two big white faces. In a ball, not sure what the hell happened.

"If you want the family to say, splitting the two official positions is not a means!" Kira Manmatsumaru shook his head secretly, Takikawa Kazuyoshi seemed to have no chance, and now he wanted to keep the fruits of victory, so he said: "Ichiga will become an official In the Oda family, Mashijue came out of the Shibon family, and Taro of the Mashijue family was passed on as the stepson of the Maeda family! In this way, both the Oda family and the Maeda family are embarrassed to care about Mashige's refusal to leave the Shioda family!"

"...That's the only way!" Masaki Takikawa turned around with a dark face, and said to Keitaro Takigawa, who was huddled in a ball, "You follow your uncle to Huangzi City! Try to be a qualified one at Maeda Toshihisa's place." Heir, if you are kicked out by the Maeda family, I will not recognize you again! Just do it yourself!"

Takikawa Masushige turned around and glanced at his brother, who silently walked over and pulled Takigawa Keitaro out. When he left, he still gave his brother a reluctant look, but it was a pity that Takikawa Masushige didn't look back.

"Take care of yourself!"

Note: In fact, the Takigawa family has nothing to do with the Koka ninjas. It is far-fetched to say that their family is the Koka ninjas.

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