Pillars of the Wu family

Chapter 513 Furukawa Rebellion

On August 24th, Yoshitoki Kira swore an oath to fight in Edo Castle. Hidezuna Kamizumi attacked one step earlier as the leading general. Three thousand elite warriors galloped past with two flags of Ashikaga and two flags, followed by There is a large group of warriors in black clothes and black armour, with flags with five or seven paulownia patterns on their backs on their backs. The flags outside Edo City are like a forest, and tens of thousands of troops are dragging the meandering team slowly.

Residents of Edo Castle Town gathered outside the city in groups of three or four, curiously watching Kira's army leave slowly, they were still full of curiosity and fear of this Kira's family, Kanto has not had such a big change for many years, a man from Kyoto It has not been many years since the Hojo family took down Musashi, and another Kira family from Kyoto came to take down Musashi. The chaotic changes in the world can probably be summed up by the change of ownership of the Musashi country.

It is not surprising that these townspeople lack a sense of belonging to the Kira family. Conquerors should never expect to build up enough support and trust in a short period of time, especially a "brutal" lord like the Kira family who captured nearly 10 people It is a ghost that the townspeople can warmly welcome this tough conqueror after sending the "dispatch" to Echigo to live a hard life.

The Musashi Kingdom has a total population of 30. Taking away 10 people means losing one-third of the population. In the era of strong local awareness in ancient times, which family did not have any relatives and friends who were sent to Echigo to suffer, but they faced Kira The powerful force of the family can't resist, and seeing the disputes in the Kanto at this time will inevitably give birth to some strange thoughts.

After watching the bustle, some young townspeople went to the tavern to discuss the changes in Kanto in a low voice. The topic revolved around the Kira family’s changes in Musashi this year and the Kira family’s immigration strategy. Some young townspeople kept cursing the Kira family’s failure It’s so bad, the more radical townspeople tried to persuade everyone to join the Furukawa government and resist the Kira family, but they were scolded by the older townspeople as soon as the words were spoken, so they dared not continue to insist.

Hiding in the corner, the ninjas of Kira's family watched coldly the troubled young townspeople disperse indignantly, followed them secretly to find out their addresses and quietly recorded their names.Thinking about how to lure these thorns into the middle of the spying rebels, and then find another opportunity to wipe out these unstable factors.

Luring snakes out of their holes and killing them all in one go is the favorite method of Kira ninjas, and they used this method to clear up all the turmoil and hidden dangers of Echigo.As early as when Kira Yoshitoshi ordered the arrangement of Echigo immigration, Mochizuki Yoshinaga was ordered to implement a set of "Osprey Plan".This plan aims to eliminate the rebel forces assigned by the Kira family. During the implementation of the plan, they can act as guards in royal guards.

With the full cooperation of Monoken Fushin, these ignorant townspeople were quickly coaxed into a rebel organization composed of only a few dozen people. These rebels thought that their strength was rapidly expanding and were overjoyed by it. But they didn't know that the god of death was quietly tightening the noose around their necks.

A few days later, on a dark and stormy night, the Kira ninja cooperated with the city guards of the Kira family to raid several secret rebel spots in the castle town, captured and killed 75 people and seized some old-fashioned iron cannons with three jade "medicines".There are 25 swords with plain guns, 70 six wooden bows, and more than [-] pairs of various armors. More than [-] people have this kind of equipment, which can definitely be called "well-equipped" in the Tuichikui launched by the townspeople. [

The followers of Kira's family acted quickly, and within three days of fast trial and fast sentence, all the dozen or so bandit leaders were hanged, and all the remaining 61 people were dispatched to Sado Island to work as miners.It is estimated that it is impossible to return to his hometown in this life. More than a dozen gallows stand on the avenue outside Edo Castle Town. It is at the turn of summer and autumn that mosquitoes breed and stink within a few days, making passers-by cover their mouths and noses And pass.

Facts have proved that the townspeople will not sympathize with the weak, especially the weak who are ignorant of current affairs, and will not give tolerance, even if these weak people were once their relatives and friends and gave them help.But at this moment, they also resolutely stood on the criticism table and reprimanded their old friends for their insanity. For many townspeople who lack political affiliation, participating in such a dangerous thing is death, and being caught is even more unforgivable. The reason is that if you die, you can avoid harming yourself in the future.

The rules of survival in the "troubled" times allow the townspeople to quickly avoid the blows of the Kira family by seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.It is simply that the followers of Kira's family did not plan to implicate them wantonly. They quickly put this matter behind their backs after the secret trial, and tried their best to deal with the living and living arrangements of the 30 farmers in Echigo. This is a big deal event.

We must know that 30 people are not a small number. Housing for 30 people needs to be built quickly so that they cannot live in tents. For this reason, a new castle town must be planned to give them a life not inferior to Echigo. The environment is good, and the second is the pressure caused by the cost of food and clothing. Although the Kira family does not need to pay for the money, it is not a problem that the temporary residence is not so convenient.

With so many people moving here, it is inevitable that there will be some stumbling, and all kinds of quarrels and disputes need to be handled by the entrusted party, ranging from food, clothing, housing, transportation, to neighborhood disputes, which family has one less chicken and duck, and which family's dog steals its own bacon to dry , trivial things are always indispensable to these junior practitioners who come and go like the wind. These teenage young people are often busy from early morning until dark before they can rest, and they really have the meaning of community volunteers .

Kira Yoshishishi issued an order before his departure. Taking advantage of the Echigo 30 immigration plan, the entire Kasuga Imperial Palace should be relocated to Edo Castle as soon as possible. The Edo Castle renovation plan started at the same time is also in full swing. The small keep of Tojo Castle Honmaru and the dojo are all demolished, and the next step is to demolish all the existing Edo castle towns.

The planning of the Edo Castle Town is very unreasonable. The wooden houses stuck together by the crowded roads are hidden fire hazards. A single flame can turn all the castle towns into ashes. Edo Castle has been burned several times in history. Even the castle tower of Edo Castle was burned down, and Edo Castle was also called a city of fire.

Kira Yoshitoshi was not so stupid as to make the same mistake, not to mention that samurai land, temple and community land, and town residents’ land were not allowed to be divided into 28. So much land for samurai households is a waste, so it’s better to hand it over to the townspeople to live in. Divide the road into various specifications such as four-room wide alleys, eight-room-wide alleys, and sixteen-wide roads. One is [-] meters wide, and sixteen rooms is [-] meters wide. It is used as the main road for development. There is no problem with eight carriages in parallel in both directions.

The relocation of the Kasuga Imperial Palace meant that the wives of Kira Yoshitoshi would also take their children south to Musashi Kingdom, and Kasuga Mountain Castle only had guards to guard the city.The relevant institutions of the Echigo and the Echigo were also moved to Edo Castle and re-established. At the time of Kira Yoshishi, the posture was that he would enter the Kanto and live there.

Compared with the Hojo family's two generations of dawdling from Izu to Sagami, it is much more direct. Hojo Ujiyasu really wants to move his residence to Musashi Kingdom.It's just that after three generations of construction, Odawara Castle has long become a world-famous city, and it wants to move but is reluctant to abandon such an old nest.But I don't feel at ease if I don't abandon it and hand it over to any family member of the genealogy generation, so I just dragged it until Kirayoshi and killed him from Echigo.

Kira Yoshishi didn't worry about Kasugayama Castle being occupied. When he left, he would close everything above Nimaru. Kasugayama Castle was not handed over to any samurai. The samurai at the foot guard the mountain castle in the house, just like the master going out to let his servants watch the house.The servant can only live in his own small yard to watch the house, and cannot live in the master's bedroom.

As Kira's disciples went south one after another, the security and defense levels from Echigo Kingdom to Ueno Kingdom and then to Musashi Kingdom increased several levels, and Echigo's left-behind army sent another 5000 people to sit in Stable Bridge City to maintain the safety of the main artery of the Kanto.Changqin Kawada served as one of the enforcers of this immigration transfer. With his excellent internal affairs skills and years of rich experience, he quickly entered his position and did a great job.

Another "excellent" masuda Nagamori is one of the members of the Edo Castle Reconstruction Bodhisattva. What he needs to do is to follow Mitsui Toraka and Ina Tadaka who were transferred back to the center to do paperwork and run errands. Tokiyuki Yamamoto, who was in Kinai, also supported the construction of Edo Castle with many materials and opinions.

This is the first time Masuda Changsheng has seen such a grand new city construction plan.The planning of the new Edo castle town is very large, and the land area included is as high as 20 town steps, which means that an area of ​​50 square kilometers is used, which is enough to cover the level of more than [-] square kilometers in Kyoto City. It is said that it is a total of three The project took more than [-] years to be fully completed.

The first phase of the project is to build Edo Castle to be as big as the current Kyoto City, and the core urban area of ​​[-] town steps will be built around the Edo Castle under construction.This Edo Castle will become the future residence of Kira Yoshitoki. It is estimated that it will take three years to complete the main building. It is not ruled out that higher construction requirements will be adjusted and strengthened. [

Seeing this amazing plan, Masuda Changsheng was so excited that he didn't sleep well for several days, but he knew that this plan is still highly confidential. It will take more than three years for Edo Castle to be completed, and the castle town of the first phase of the project will take even longer Eight to ten years, among which the new-style towns and towns mainly made of slabs and triadic soil will become the new benchmark of Kanto architecture. Save money.

The residents of Naoetsu heard that His Highness Kokata left Echigo to set up a residence in Edo, and a large number of townspeople followed him southward. This was far beyond the expectations of the Kira family followers. There were 20 residents in Naoetsu Town and Kasugayama Castle Town It is the hard work accumulated by the Kira family for many years. The systematic handicraft industry has developed very well. Every day, just taxation can make a lot of money every day. Neither Kira Yoshishi nor the worshipers let them go south to participate in the construction of the Edo Castle construction site. intention.

Tens of thousands of townspeople followed their families southward to Kanto to defect to Edo Castle. This change caught the followers by surprise, so they had to enlist the peasants of the Musashi Kingdom as soon as possible to build Edo Castle as soon as possible. There was a burst of commotion, and even Niigata Town also experienced varying degrees of fluctuations in people's hearts, which put a very heavy burden on Hosokawa Fujitaka.

The adherents quickly convened an internal working meeting to discuss countermeasures, and finally drafted a decree and sent it back to Echigoge Town for posting. The decree does not encourage townspeople to blindly follow southward to Edo, because the urban construction of Edo Castle is far from officially launched. Most of the townspeople in Echigo have long been accustomed to the well-developed castle town facilities and superior living conditions. Blindly going to a large construction site will not get much what they need, but will cause a lot of economic losses.

It was hard to appease the restless Echigo residents, and at this time, the war in Xiasuo country officially broke out. The vanguard of the Kira Army collided head-on with the vanguard of the Kanto National Alliance Army. Perhaps the Kira Army's actions were faster than the Kanto people expected. The preparations for supporting the Kwantung National Army were not very sufficient, they just temporarily changed their positions to make a defensive gesture and sent envoys to contact allies.

Uemizumi Hidetsuna led Ueno's seven guns to force a gap with a front arrow array.Afterwards, more than a thousand cavalry led by Kobata Nobusada, Wada Yeshige, and Anaka Tadasei quickly followed up and dug out a big hole in this gap, followed by a defeat without any suspense, and fled in embarrassment The national army has no formation at all.He was chased and killed by Umizumi Hidetsuna for several miles until he discovered the main activities of the Dongguo army nearby, and then stopped the pursuit.

There was no fierce collision as imagined at all, and even Hidezuna Umizumi didn't expect the joint battle to be so easy, and the army he was fighting against had at least five thousand troops.It can be seen that they are a military force serving as a vanguard, and the cavalry and ashigaru teams are also more reasonable.But this short battle lasted less than an hour, and almost from the beginning of the contact, there was an overwhelming situation. It seemed that the people of the Kanto Kingdom were not determined to resist.

The generals in the front line were also puzzled by this, because they were worried that they would be trapped if they were too aggressive. After discussion, Umizumi Hidetsuna decided to camp on a hillside and release a cavalry team to inquire about the enemy's reality. The interrogation at the prisoner's office learned that there was a huge turmoil within the Kwantung National Coalition Army.The reason is that some powerful Chinese people suddenly announced their withdrawal, which had a huge impact on the disunity of the Chinese coalition forces.

Hearing the news, Kamizumi Hidezuna realized that something was wrong. First-hand information about the movement of the Kwantung Allied Forces was very important, so he immediately reported this information to the front.After a long wait until the morning of the next day, the main force of Kira's army went to the territory of Xiasuo country.

In the military tent set up in Katsushika County, Yoshitomi Kira listened to Hidezuna Kamizumi's latest report with a smile on his face. As expected, the people of the Kanto Kingdom stationed in the Furukawa Imperial Palace had a commotion. The outbreak of the incident was based on Sano Masatsuna's departure was the trigger.Just a few days before Umizumi Hidetsuna invaded, Sano Masatsuna emphasized that his territory was close to the Ueno country, and it was really inappropriate to get too involved in the war between the two imperial courts of the shogunate. The next day he left the Furukawa Imperial Palace with his army and returned to Tang Zeshan City.

Sano Masatsuna's departure did not attract too many samurai's attention. The Sano family has always been close to Ueno country and Musashi country and rarely participated in Shimono country's internal strife.Even if his family's special situation left, other warriors would not be able to criticize him, but no one thought that his departure was just the beginning, and the subsequent chain reaction would have a huge impact on the Kwantung people's coalition forces.

Afterwards, Dazhenguo took a group of people from Hall 33 in Nanchanglu to say hello and retreated to the mainland. No less than [-] Chinese people left the coalition army, and in the blink of an eye, the already small army was reduced by one. However, what is even more worrying is that the rule of the Oda Clan has begun to waver. His family's territory is so close to Nanchanglu, Dazhe Zhenguo returned to Changlu with his own army, and he still has to bring his party to fight for the Furukawa government. , If you lose or suffer too much damage, wouldn't it be an opportunity for the big family to expand.

Under such worries, Ujiji Oda also asked to leave the Furukawa Imperial Palace and return to his own territory to take care of the site. This request was immediately rejected by the Furukawa government. Bullying, immediately ordered that no Kanto people should be allowed to return to the territory from now on, and this order will be valid until the Kira Army is defeated.

Now, not only Oda Shiji is not happy, even the people in the Kanto Kingdom who are watching the excitement are also a little bit unhappy, thinking that he is giving money and food to this idiot, and he has a problem with his family, so why not let people evacuate? Meaning, when Nasu Ziyin saw that the relationship was good, he immediately yelled, "I still have to go back first, you continue, so I left my three uncles and most of Nasu Qiqi's main force, and returned to his Shimono country." An embezzlement plan is planned in the territory.

Utsunomiya Hirotsuna saw it clearly, this was to attack the Kwantung Nationalist Army gathered in the Furukawa Imperial Palace, he was hesitating whether to take the opportunity to bring up something at home and needed to go back for convenience, his two genealogy elders, Mibu Tsunao and Minagawa Junzong said that he was a little uncomfortable and wanted to take the army back to his hometown to see a doctor.

Utsunomiya Hirotsuna scolded secretly, "I'm rubbing it!" It was obvious that he was in collusion with the Kira family and wanted to overthrow him as the governor of his family, so he found Fang He Gao Ding without saying a word and said that he was still very young and should spend more time and energy. Focusing on the handling of domestic government affairs and family succession, the Utsunomiya family's military power was entrusted to Haga Gaoding, and he ran back to Utsunomiya Castle with his own banner warriors.

Shimono country and Hitachi country have successive incidents of leaving without saying goodbye, or finding absurd and bizarre reasons to escape, which has brought a great negative impact on the fledgling Kanto people's coalition forces. Ashikaga Fujimasa feels that these samurai do not respect him as Furukawa The public party immediately proposed to punish these villains who disrespected the public party. Fortunately, Matsu Nagatoshi's persuasion stabilized the aggrieved mood.

Looking back at the coalition forces of the Furukawa Imperial Palace, it has dropped from [-] troops to a miserable situation where they cannot make up [-] troops.When lamenting the unfavorable passing years and drinking cold water, Ozeki Gaozeng and Fanghe Gaoding jointly proposed to retreat. The reason was that the governor left and was really worried about problems in the territory.It's better to fight this year's war here first, and it will be the same again next year.

"What kind of joint battle is this! Yu has not fought a single battle since the beginning of the year. These bastards shamelessly said to fight here first! They simply despised the dignity of me, the Furukawa government!" Ashikaga Fujimasa didn't know yet There is the phrase "hit your sister", otherwise he would have yelled it happily.

Ashikaga Fujimasai would not understand the painstaking efforts of these two samurai. The three Oseki Takazen brothers appeared to be very domineering over the governor on the surface, as if they were majestic, but in fact he was very worried that his betrayal would cause dissatisfaction with the Kira family. Knowing that the lord Nasu Ziyin, who has always been looked down upon, ran back to the territory without saying a word, I knew that this was probably the secret guidance of Kira Yoshishi. .

as of now.A samurai as talented as Oseki Kozeng has already seen that the Kira family is secretly mobilizing inside. The people of these countries suddenly changed their attitudes and retreated without saying a word. There must be something wrong with retreating so cleanly and decisively. On the battlefield, Li Qie showed that his confidence in the Kira family was not that strong.Using a more conservative method to influence the confidence and morale of the Kwantung National Coalition Army is also a good way to fulfill the promise.

"So, does Dr. Satake Ukyo still have no intention of evacuating?" Yoshihiro Kira twirled the bat fan between his fingers. The bat fan seemed to be stuck between his fingers and spun rapidly without stopping. Come to the surprise and admiration of many Kwantung warriors in the military tent.

This is a pen-spinning technique that he was very good at, but it's just that he has become much less familiar with it for many years.He still has a lot of similar small tricks to use to shock the people of the Tubie Kingdom in the Kanto.

Takigawa Shimao stared at the pen-twisting skills for a long time before he said, "His Royal Highness, is it possible to launch a general attack? I can't wait any longer."

"Shi Yidian don't need to worry. His Royal Highness has already formulated a strict attack plan, just wait for a signal to trigger it." Sanada Yutaka said: "The signal is about to appear!"


In Sekisuke City, a few miles away from the Kira Army camp, Harusuke Kashita sat in the evaluation room all day without moving. Shui didn't eat or eat, and his posture of sitting upright didn't move again. He was very anxious and contradictory in his heart.

"In the end...should I betray His Royal Highness?" Harusuke Koda was still hesitating about the choice that day. His wife and his young son-in-law looked at Harusuke Kota worriedly, the Bando Hachira clan It is understandable how angry and puzzled he felt for a powerful samurai who came from a sideline of the Osho family, who helped to install two Furukawa princes to the throne, but ended up being thrown away like garbage by his nephew.

The contractual relationship between Yuen and Fenggong was completely destroyed in the hands of Ashikaga Fujimasa. The retainers did not reward the lord for their great achievements, but instead conceded crimes and dismissed them. In other samurai families, this is a huge dispute that can kill the family governor. The lord of the dead, Chiba Yinzhi, is full of families, because Chiba Yinzhi changed to reuse his favorite minister Enjo Temple, and was provoked by Ashikaga Chengshi, and immediately threw off his arms to kill Chiba's descendants.

Yuan Yinfang is a rebellious villain, and Harusuke Koda is unwilling to be such a scolded bastard, but if he doesn't move, he might never have a chance to act again. Furukawa's Fang Ashikaga Fujimasa is more and more like a subjugated man Jun, the many samurai of Furukawa's vassals have already been hurt by all kinds of unthinkable and even perverse actions.

Harusuke Konda didn't want to die for Ashikaga Fujimasa at all, even if his father Takasuke Konda died in battle for the Furukawa family, even if his family was a member of the Furukawa Ashikaga family who died a dozen relatives. Fighting for many years has won many praises from the Kanto samurai. Up to now, the damage caused by Ashikaga Fujimasa's disdain and indifference and ridicule has been more profound. People are always grudges. Ashikaga Fujimasa is such a heartless person. Zhu might as well be a heartless person.

Tian Zhugang rushed in and saw his sister-in-law and little nephew hurriedly bowed to salute, and then said eagerly: "Brother! Let's act! The town government is about to launch an attack! If you don't move tonight, you will miss it." It's the perfect time! Matsu Nagatsu has already noticed that we disappeared from the Furukawa Imperial Palace, this secret cannot be kept for too long!"

"..." Harusuke Kota frowned tightly into pimples, clenched and loosened his fists and repeated this more than a dozen times, then suddenly raised his head to look at his anxious younger brother and the warriors of the same family who were anxiously walking outside the room, and then turned back His head saw his wife's demure smile as if saying that everything is up to your decision, and the 13-year-old son-in-law clenched his fists and looked at him with reverence.

He knew that his son-in-law admired him most, and vowed to be a great warrior like himself. Looking at the expressions of his wife and children, Harusuke Tiantian suddenly untied his knots, and said with a relieved smile: "Our family was still hesitating about our ancestors for a hundred years. The loyalty of my family is broken in the hands of my family, and I didn't figure out a reason until this time... It turns out that the most important thing in my family is not loyalty but family members, and my family's hundreds of years of wealth!"

"Brother! You have finally figured it out!" Yoshida Suzuna was overjoyed, and quickly said: "Today's world is chaotic, it's long since we shouldn't act with foolish and loyal thoughts..."

Harusuke Kuota shook his head and smiled: "No! Tsuna is wrong! Loyalty is not wrong, and it is not the family that is wrong but His Royal Highness, and the family still has to be loyal to His Royal Highness! A loyal and brave man who has always fulfilled his duties for 500 years and has never betrayed his lord. The current His Royal Highness Ashikaga Fujimasa is cast aside by the Kanto samurai for his incompetence. Dedicate the loyalty of my Tian family to Guandong Gongfang to the new Gongfang Highness!"

Kuta Tsuna was lectured lightly and lightly, and lowered his head in embarrassment. Seeing his little nephew making faces at him, he couldn't help but smiled wryly: "I knew I would not mess with my brother, so why bother to be reprimanded?" Well! But speaking of it, it’s a good thing that brother can figure it out! I don’t know what brother means to raise troops now?”

"Rise up! My Kanada family is determined to break with Furukawa's evil government, Ashikaga Fujimasa, and officially raise troops to welcome the town government official into Furukawa from today!" Kanata Harusuke looked at the sunset outside the hall with a smile, and said softly: "This troubled world may It will end in the hands of the town government!"

"My lord father! You should call him His Royal Highness!"

"..." Yoda Suzuna quietly exited the room, leaving time for the family to enjoy family happiness.

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