Pillars of the Wu family

Chapter 525 Akechihei

In the words of Yoshitoki Kira, good behavior and habits are based on effective systems and management. Now that all industries are waiting to be established, the governor needs to take more responsibility. The problems encountered today may become warnings in the future. The so-called samurai The law is to agree on some rules without any rules at all, and gradually implement them.

The internal affairs were almost handled and the discussion of military arrangements continued. Since the residence of the Kira family moved out of Kasugayama Castle, Echigo's military strategy also changed from strategic offensive to strategic defensive. Guarding various places, they will stabilize local security with the cooperation of all parts of Echigo. The remaining military services will either be disbanded on the spot or reorganized as reserves and moved to Ueno Country as the second echelon.

Since the home of the Kira family moved to the Ueno country, Kira Yoshishi's control over the Ueno country suddenly increased several levels. The garrison points in each city were guarded by heavy soldiers, and the familiar Eryinliang army flags could be seen almost everywhere. Piaoyang, fortunately, the Ueno country has already completed the localization of the banner in advance, otherwise Kira Yoshishi really didn't know how to face the embarrassment of a Ueno country lying between two important territories.

As 30 Echigo farmers gradually moved south to Musashi, a new round of labor for merging villages, land preparation and embankment repairs began spontaneously, and the cost of expenditure also increased geometrically. Yoshitoki Kira and the elders of the Pudai family discussed for a long time before deciding on the relevant ones. Expenses, as well as a two-year tax exemption starting next year and a step-by-step tax reduction strategy for the next three years.

Since Kira Yoshishi came to Musashi, just a few months broke the originally peaceful atmosphere, and a lot of people suddenly appeared and added a lot of things, making Musashi toss around in a state of restlessness, every village It can be seen that the followers of the Kira family are trying to persuade Su Lao to send more young men to serve in the general service in the village, and they will be given money, food and housing during labor, and so on.

Talking dryly, there is no way to persuade Su Lao underground people to actively cooperate. These stubborn ground servants usually answer "no". It is not so easy to test the roots of their villages. The relationship between the indigenous residents and the new conqueror The deep-rooted hostility is very strong, and it took many years for the Hojo family.There are a lot of means to initially win people's hearts. Compared with Kira's family, there is still a long way to go. People's support cannot be achieved overnight.

Just when Kira Yoshi was busy tossing around, the shogunate envoy sent from Kyoto came to Edo Castle in a light car. This is a young warrior with elegant temperament and extraordinary appearance. He rode a black horse and carefully looked at Edo Castle. What surprised him was that these peasants who were responsible for the general labor did not show the familiar pain and sorrow.

On the contrary, everyone is full of emotions and momentum.Men are carrying wooden stakes and women are busy weaving barrier nets, or tapping wooden beams with mortise and tenon joints with small chisels. There are scenes of vigorous struggle for the construction of new homes everywhere. Young warriors ride slowly on horseback. Looking around, he murmured strange things, as if he found something interesting.

He had heard very early that Kanto was the most "chaotic" place in the world, and the farmers there lived the hardest and most tiring lives.The samurai there have the most violent character, and the symbol of the Kanto samurai has rapidly declined from the Kamakura samurai who brought glory to the samurai in the past and disintegrated into a group of brutal and chaotic samurai groups. [

Disrespecting generals and disobeying orders is the image that Kanto warriors have given to the people of the world for nearly 150 years. Although they are still powerful and can still influence the changes in the world, these warriors are no longer Kamakura warriors. They are not united, not loyal, and lack identity It is the samurai's reverence for the spiritual pursuit of righteousness and virtue.

No ideals, no ambitions, only admiration and willful actions.It has become a new symbol of this era to defeat the lord Riche and even kill the lord to usurp the throne. Many famous young warriors quietly changed their aspirations and goals to these successful people. The tail is the scene.

"Master Samurai, Edo Castle is ahead, I can only take you here." A twelve or thirteen-year-old child stared at him with wide open eyes, fearing that he would be tricked again by leading the way. No money is given to the tour guide, but fortunately this young man doesn't look like those ronin warriors who came here to try their luck.

"Take it!" The elegant young warrior threw him the Yongle money, then turned around and told the little boy patiently: "There is no need for change. Keep the money so that no one will see it, and give it to you carefully." bring disaster."

"En! Thank you! You are a kind-hearted warrior master!" The child respectfully knelt down and kowtowed, and then jumped away excitedly like a bird. The young warrior didn't think he was disobedient but shook his head and laughed. Said: "It seems that this Kanto is quite interesting!"

After presenting a warrant to verify his authenticity and several other procedures, the young samurai finally came to Edo Castle inside the high wall. Seeing the large and bare wilderness lying around, the young samurai still couldn't help but thump in his heart.Fortunately, with his good professionalism, he quickly adjusted his mentality, and followed his attendants into the heart of Edo Castle at a leisurely pace.

In just a short while, the young samurai got some seemingly important news from the attendant. He learned that the large-scale construction of Edo Castle started in the summer.The original Edo Castle was demolished by Kira Yoshitomo because it was too narrow and unsuitable for planning. The exquisitely shaped buildings in front of us were actually rebuilt with the building materials of the original Edo Castle Castle Tower. .

After chatting with this attendant for a while, he had an intuitive attitude in his heart, that is, the plan of the Kira family is very large and the Kira family is very rich, and more importantly, he knew Kira soon after he came to Kanto. How invincible the family is in Kanto now, and Kirayoshi was also called "there are only wars he doesn't want to fight, and there are no wars he can't win."

Gradually, the pace of the two slowly accelerated, and the young samurai learned many details about the Echigo Army and even the Musashi Army from the attendant, and his initial impression of the Kira family was formed in this one-sided conversation. Thinking about deeper issues, he was led by the attendant to one of the relatively secluded rooms.

Noticing that there were a lot of people sitting together in the big room, they didn't know what topics they were happily talking about, the young warrior gritted his teeth and stood on the porch and said loudly: "Guangxiu, the wise ten soldiers, see His Highness the Governor."


Mitsuhide Akechi, the man who will be famous all over the world at a certain time in the future, suddenly appeared on the land of Kanto in a completely unexpected way, causing Kira Yoshitoki to suddenly feel a sense of absurd dislocation, which triggered the incident at the Honnoji Temple. How did the changed guy appear here, why did he come here, a lot of questions flooded into his mind and circled repeatedly.

And Mitsuhide Akechi looked at the general who was guarding the palace with a surprised expression in bewilderment, and bowed to announce his name.At this time, Langoka Sapfou coughed and brought him back to his senses: "Well, the wise Juheidan of the Toki family! Speaking of which, when Yu went to Luo, I heard that there was a talented Jubei in Meinong. , but I didn’t expect to see each other here after more than ten years.”

"It's a great fortune to be remembered by His Majesty the Duke of Zhenfu when I was young." Mitsuhide Akechi secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He probably understood that Kirayoshi's trance just now must have been recalling the past events during the Tianwen Years. I vaguely remember that I heard about it by chance at that time, but there was such a thing as Kira's family Shangluo.It's just that at that moment he was standing in Saito Dosan's camp and was busy cleaning up his former master, Toki Raiyun, so he didn't take it to heart.

Akechi Mitsuhide has no front and rear eyes, and would never have imagined that the little highness of the Kira family could rise to fame and become a dragon in the blink of an eye more than ten years ago. With lofty ambitions and amazing talents, they are finally submerged in the vast crowd of Kyoto. How many people can thrive in Kyoto? [

Most of the samurai who went to Kyoto to try their luck were thrown into the raging sea like that stone.Splash a little water at the starting point and sink into the water without a trace. The few who rose to the top by virtue of their individual talents were either taken under a certain force and attached to others, or turned into a shooting star with the brightest light and disappeared with arrogance and arrogance. , the nature of this latter kind of person is the same as that of a stone thrown into the sea, but the results are not the same.

"Maybe I can barely count myself as a samurai!" Akechi Mitsuhide suddenly recalled the hard days for many years, he is not wrong that he is a member of the same family of the Toki clan.But his aunt, Mrs. Komi, is Saito Dozo's main wife, and Sun Shiro and Kiheiji, who were killed by Yoshitaka, are the sons of Mrs. Komi, the cousins ​​of Mitsuhide Akechi.

Because of this reason, Akechi Mitsuhide chose to help Saito Dozo to capture the Mino country at the beginning, and later became the powerful arm of the Mino Saito clan and made a lot of contributions. The Akechi family in the Tianwen period was very proud of the Mino country. Horseshoe disease, not to mention not having the time to take care of Kirayoshi who left home in Shangluo in a panic, even if he accepts his visit, he may not be able to look at him with his eyes.

A few years later, when Kirayoshi was in Kyoto, he became a famous shogunate.Akechi Mitsuhide also lamented that bad luck missed a good opportunity to make friends with a famous family, and then he heard that the famous shogunate was unable to think about it for a while and went to the remote Echigo. He also lamented that this famous Ashikaga family would completely fall.

But he never expected that all of this would come and go quickly, that Kira Yoshihime did not fall into the dust as he expected, but his proud uncle Saito Dozo was murdered by his rebellious son Saito Yoshiryu Killed in the Nagara River, the thief who killed his father turned around and led an army of tens of thousands to Akechi Castle, and Akechi Mitsuhide chose to retreat in front of the fearsome and powerful army.Looking around, the entire Mino is dominated by Yoshiryu Saito's party, and he has no chance to stand up if he doesn't surrender.

Kaesong surrendered and had to abandon his family and business, and fled Mino Kingdom with dozens of his wives and retainers. Of course, this can also be described as exile.Yoshiryu Saito did not allow Mitsuhide Akechi to return to Mino Country. This was a reward for his clever choice to surrender in Kaesong. Mitsuhide Akechi who managed to save his life could only wander the kingdoms, just like Kansuke Yamamoto did when he was young.

However, he still can't compare with Kansuke Yamamoto, who is tall and alone. Although Kansuke Yamamoto is lame, blind and full of problems, he has always regarded himself as an ordinary werewolf, and he has been busy for a meal when he is poor. Tian didn't think there was anything to be ashamed of. After all, he was only poor himself, and he was a typical example of one person eating enough and the whole family not hungry.

Akechi Mitsuhide is not like this, he took his retainers with his wife Mu Xizi and children, especially his wife Mu Xizi was originally a beautiful woman, but before getting married, she suddenly got a strange disease because the family had no money Faced with his wife Mu's voluntary resignation request, Akechi Mitsuhide still insisted on marrying his wife home to become a model couple.

I want to go to Luo to take a chance in Beijing, but the food and clothing expenses of the family are not a small number. How can Pu Dai's retainers even give up the territory to follow him, and he claims to be proficient in waka tea ceremony and horse bow Such an elegant man, even the latest Iron Artillery introduced to Japan has also developed a corresponding method of using military training. It is definitely not possible for such a person to let him face eating chaff and swallowing vegetables.

In fact, although Mitsuhide Akechi lived in poverty during the time he lived in Omi, in order to expand the poor reputation of Mino Junior High School to Kinai.He had to slap the fat man with a swollen face. He often held waka tea parties in Shonen Temple to attract nearby Chinese lords to attend the meeting, hoping to get the attention of the nearby big lords and accept him as a retainer.

However, there are a few samurai who are willing to rashly accept a large number of outsiders who have a large number of retainers. The small lord does not have so much territory to support the big lord, and a large number of retainers reject him. Because there is no income and repeated tea party singing will waste my little family property, and if there is no money, I can only sell clothes and jewelry to spend the day, and the longer the time, the poorer I become.The disappointed Pu Dai retainers left one by one, and those who remained were also hungry and full and suffered.

Once he was so poor that he couldn't even afford to eat, but in order to report a banquet, he still had to force the guests to hold it as scheduled. He quietly told his wife Mu Xizi about this and hoped that his wife could pawn some more jewelry. Xizi agreed with all her heart, but she didn't have any jewelry in her hand to pawn. After thinking about it, she cut off her shawl and long hair and pawned a sum of money for the banquet.

This incident was not discovered by Mingzhi Mitsuhide until after the banquet.He found that his wife had been wearing a turban during the banquet, so he asked what was going on while admiring his wife's virtuousness, until Tsumaki Xizi silently took off the turban covering her hair, Akechi Mitsuhide was surprised, it turned out that Xi Zi's ​​long and beautiful black hair has long since disappeared.

Akechi Mitsuhide hated and regretted his wife selling hair to support her husband. He hated himself for not letting his wife sell hair to satisfy his desire to be famous. grain.Akechi Mitsuhide apologized while crying, but his wife persuaded him not to worry, and his hair would grow back one day.

From that day on, Akechi Mitsuhide vowed to change his past, and left the sad place of Shonenji Temple with his wife and loyal family members, and went to Kyoto to seek the qualifications for employment in the shogunate. With his talent and good family background, he was very happy. Soon he got the position of Shen Cizhong in the shogunate.This time, he was sent to Kanto as an envoy of the shogunate.

Kira Yoshishi noticed that Akechi Mitsuhide was also a little distracted, so he said: "Akechi Ten Heiden is here to serve as the emissary of the shogunate! How is Odate Saemonzuo lately? I haven't seen you for many years. I really miss the days when we worked together in the shogunate! "

"Yes! Odate Mutsu Shouden is in good health. Last year, he resigned and transferred to the imperial concubine. It is also a great move for Mutsu Shouden to be able to go to Kanto this time." Akechi Mitsuhide told Odate Qingguang to Guanlu Oku, and the story of how he first entered the shogunate and was greatly appreciated by him.

"It turns out that Odate Mutsu has been promoted! It seems that Yu has been a little negligent in recent years, and he has not paid attention to the movements of Kyoto for a long time since he has been fighting every year." Yoshiki Kira found an excuse to cover up his negligence. I also remembered that I seemed to have seen related information.It's just that I didn't take it to heart and forgot about it.

When he found out that Mitsuhide Akechi was the diplomatic envoy of Haruki Odate, the following conversation was much more relaxed. Yoshihiro Kira also realized that Mitsuhide Akechi had a strong desire to make friends with him, and he forcibly followed the edict to defeat the shogunate. It's close.Eighty percent of them have some similar thoughts.

He guessed right, Akechi Mitsuhide didn’t want to be just an ordinary diplomatic envoy, he had suffered so much in Omi that he swore that he would make a name for himself, a strong-willed and ambitious warrior like him would not Change, when the strongest branch in the shogunate system was Yoshihide Kira, Akechi Mitsuhide believed that without him, there would be no revival of the shogunate for more than ten years, and it is not strange to cling to him as a member of the shogunate system.

Akechi Mitsuhide bowed and said: "I have done two things here. The first one is that the subjugation order requested by the shogunate has been issued. His Royal Highness is very indignant at the killing of the Mikawa Kira family and immediately ordered Sanhe is ordered by the public to attack Songping Tibetan Jiakang, and I believe that this villain will be punished in the near future.”

"Well! On behalf of me, I would like to thank His Highness Gongfang for his great love. I will remember every bit of His Highness Gongfang's kindness in Yishi, and my deceased brother can feel at ease in the underworld." Ji Liangyishi was not overjoyed by the crusade order, In fact, the shogunate has already been fully sure of the crusade order issued by the shogunate, but I don't know why the imperial court did not issue an order to rule the enemy.

Ji Liangyi asked a little unhappy: "Why didn't the imperial court issue a decree to rule the enemy against Lun? What did Yu's brother-in-law say?"

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled wryly and said: "The thing is like this, Jinwei Guanbaidian tried his best to promote the imperial court to issue a decree, but at the court meeting, Nijo Guanbaidian questioned that he wanted to use the court's public weapon to revenge his old enemy for his own selfishness and vetoed it. That. Today, the Emperor raised it again, but was still rejected by Ertiao Guanbai, so there is nothing the guard Guanbai can do."

"Ertiao Guanbai... Is Ertiao Guanbai Zuo Minister Qingliang Hall?"


Yoshishi Kira was so angry that he was speechless for a long time. He also knew Haruyoshi, the left minister of the Erjo Guanbai. In the Genpei era, at first the Konoe family was the direct stream and the Kujo family was the other stream.Unfortunately, Kujo Kaneji, who originally belonged to the Betsu-ryu, was raised as the descendant family because of his closeness to Minamoto Yoritomo, especially in the past few hundred years when the two descendant systems competed for the elders of the Fuji clan.

Because the Konoe family is originally a descendant of the main family, the Kujo family split into two branches in order to deal with the Konoe family. Family, thus forming a stable system in which the five masters dominated the imperial court since the Kamakura period.

Two against three is not fair.Counting the elders of Guanbai and Fuji clan in the past dynasties, we can know that the Konoe family has always been in a disadvantaged state, which forced the Konoe family to take a risk to join the Southern Dynasty. After the failure, although they returned to the Northern Dynasty and did not I am forgiven, but in the Muromachi shogunate system, it is far better than the Kujo first line.

Until the outbreak of the Onin Rebellion in recent decades, Konoe, the current governor of the Konoe family, saw a glimmer of hope for a comeback. The story of the Hino family's prosperity by relying on their closeness to General Ashikaga's family made the Konoe family heartbroken.Marrying a daughter to the Ashikaga General's family has become a top priority, but the Hino family's control over the marriage line of the General's family makes the Konoe family feel uncomfortable.

Due to the fact that the general was exiled in the Mingyu coup, the shogunate fell, and the Hino family lost the full support of the Ashikaga family, and their status in the court continued to decline. After the death of Ashikaga Yoshisumi, there was a new round of "turmoil" after the death of Ashikaga Yoshisumi. Hosokawa Takakuni once again deposed Ashikaga Yoshiharu and supported Ashikaga Yoshiharu. Afterwards, Ashikaga Yoshiharu and Ashikaga Yoshiki confronted each other and gave the Konoe family a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Opportunity to choose.

The Hino family can only act as a parasite of the shogunate. The family that can pretend to be powerful is no longer in the interests of General Ashikaga.Ashikaga Yoshihide has the Zhou Fang Ouchi family as his support, so Ashikaga Yoshiharu is very afraid of losing his power and being exiled, so he urgently needs to get support from the court. It is a good story about the two generations of the Konoe family marrying the shogunate.

The main reason why Ashikaga Yoshio was abandoned was that he married Ouchi Yoshiko's daughter-in-law. There is an important family rule of the Ashikaga General's family. The main family of the General's family must be the court minister.The prostitute must be the blood of the Gongqing family to effectively avoid the situation between the Hojo Masako and the Hojo family, but this one doesn't seem to be very effective. Hino Tomiko's ability to make troubles is not much worse than that of the Hojo Masako.

This Ashikaga Yoshio just married the daughter of the Ouchi family, which is tantamount to breaking the taboo of the Shogun's family.If this alone is not enough to make Hosokawa Harumoto abandon him, because Ashikaga Yoshio's mother is Shiba Yoshihiro's daughter, and she is also the son of a concubine with samurai blood, and Hosokawa Harumoto will not be a general. If there is no taboo at home, give up a pawn.

The bigger reason is that the relationship between the Ouchi family and the Hosokawa family has been very bad since the Ningbo tribute dispute. These two families are the overlords of the two regions, rather than soft persimmons that can be manipulated casually. Deposing Mrs. Ouchi is tantamount to Turning against Ouchi's family, if he does not depose, it means Ashikaga Yoshio will become a general, and his brother-in-law Ouchi Yoshitaka will gain power, and maybe another trip to Shangluo will make Kinai mess up.

This is something that Harumoto Hosokawa, who is preparing a puppet general, cannot allow, just as Masato Hosokawa cannot allow Yoshiki Ashikaga to get close to Masaga Hatakeyama, it is for this reason that Harumoto Hosokawa gradually distanced himself from Yoshiki Ashikaga , and took advantage of the death of Miyoshi Motocho to completely abandon this useless chess piece, so Ashikaga Yoshiharu, Ashikaga Yoshiharu's son-in-law, was re-established as a general, and the Konoe family, who were relatives, also took this opportunity to jump Become a big celebrity in front of Ashikaga Yoshiharu, and gradually find some opportunities in the imperial court to win back the Kujo line.

The Jiutiao family had a problem here. The current governor of the Jiutiao family, Jiutiao Zhitong, lost all the manor territory of the Jiutiao family because of his opposition to his retainers, and was forced to live in seclusion under the great loss of face. Concentrate on the troublesome matter of Tosa Ichijo's successive deaths of the governor.

Therefore, Nijo Haruyoshi became the actual pillar of the Kujo Line. It was because of the active performance of Konoe that he was unanimously praised by the court. Nijo Haruyoshi was taken down by the court because of his mediocrity. Guan Bai got better and better in the past few years, and the feeling in his heart was like ten thousand ants biting.

So he threatened private revenge, and took advantage of the opportunity of the Jiutiao family who had just adopted his son Jiutiao Jianxiao, and Yi Neiji, who was only a member of three low-level officials, to speak together on behalf of the three families of the Jiutiao family. His speech alone was equivalent to the three families of the Shiguan family Speaking, Konoe has been powerful for a long time, the last heir of the Takashi family, one person can't beat Erjo Haruyo against three people.

Kira Yoshitoki was very unhappy, wondering if Haruyo Erjo had been eyeing Mae Konoe long ago, and attacked him when he proposed a violation of the imperial court's law, so he entrusted this matter to Mae Konoe It's not good for a long time, but it's not appropriate not to entrust him. After all, the deceased Yoshiaki Kira was still his old father-in-law. This father-in-law returned to heaven before seeing him. If he didn't find a chance to take revenge, he would be too sorry for Sheng Ji.

If he's not happy, he can't do anything to Haruyo Nijo. After all, he's the former minister of Guan Bai Zuo. Forcing him to quit his job and blackmailing him into shutting up seemed like there was nothing better than sulking.

"Another matter is more important." Akechi Mitsuhide took out the brocade bag and took out the scroll framed in silk, and offered it respectfully with both hands: "This is the imperial teaching book issued by His Highness Gongfang to the Duke of the Zhenfu, please take a look at it !"

"Oh!" Yoshiki Kira unfolded the imperial teaching book that he had received from his surname, and he saw the familiar handwriting with iron strokes and silver hooks pouring down. Yoshiki Kira knew Ashikaga Yoshiki's handwriting very well , he can be sure that no one in the world can learn this calligraphy that is as sharp as a sword. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

ps: Bow again to thank Xiao Zimu for the reward, and congratulations to Xiao Zimu for becoming the third hall master of this book!Wu Mei is working hard to code and save manuscripts, and it is expected that there will be an explosion in a few days.

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